THE MIC141CA14 DAYL~r fl TITI71JTHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Ii. t WlQ U~ll~ll~ Managing editor-PAUL SCOTT MOWRERs. I Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. The Largest Stock illthse City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suits, (Overcoats, t ascy\ e stinse and Trioisserings, ad ot high etas fabrics anatlotpecial stytes.. Full Dress Suits al Specialty G. H. Wild Comupanly 311I South State Street A Few 50Ci Miochigan Calendars F-or 25c Each whiltle they last. These are the Origtital Micltigan Calenidars c ost t ai o i n g aboutt5o vtews of Antn Arlbor. We save butia fewleft outtof ass editions of 2100 S heeh an & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. a NSPALDIiNG(PADN q K &IBROS. qA 1The Largest Manutacturers in the World at Otficial Athletic Suplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gsolt, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OfftciatlImplemneanta r Track cud Fietd Storts Unitaremn tar att Sparts. Spatdiue's Handsuonety Ittustrated Catacueofatl oteprts contains u merous suegestions. Sendaor it.--tt's frre. A. C3. SPALOING & BROS. New Fork,.olileaugo.St. Louis, San "ranehis, Minneapolts, Denver,'. Buftalo. Syracuse, Pitts- burg, Philadelphia, tBoston, Cinetnati, Balti- more, Wllntonss, iansas City, Ctevetand, New Orleans, trotiteotreat, Canada. gasTass News'............A. F. Ritchtie Athletics ........... David F. Stevenson l xcttalge...I... John tWasmbtotd iftssic attd Drasna...Roy D. Welcs \Vfottett'a Editor. ... tLoaisr Vats Voorthis EDITORIAL STAVV J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adorns lttsssrlt tcliartsstsu NIGHT EDITORS HiTram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chassncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymsondt Visscther REPORTERS L. C. Reid Lee A White AT. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L.. Mainline Robert Mountsier Lowetl J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Fatter K. Tlowers Lottis Kraft tewvis T. Ksniskeris Robert Mereland l'ail Grecr Sasmssetlti. Morris Otto Entgel tFred Ei. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam lHarold P. Gould Addressa: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. TTVI SI)AY, JANUARY 2s, s1^oS I itI:;i'IONS tNt) ADVICE. Th-ideas ciflPresidenst Scthurniant of C orsellt sithirefereste tosspeciatizationt duicng the iiidergradtute couse, mtay be wsortthrev'ieistsgusthss tssse, whets heistethod of etectinsg stitdies is beisng cagdso radically. tie susggests thtat hrec sthouitltie aitefinite aism insviesw roi thili legiinuig of the juniior year, ithlit to ightenis te tasktof cttoosiag thcretholdbe ltautdtiefore ttte stisdent itlvo-ncar couitrses ptanisedt hyedutcationtal experts anid teadlisngtil to stedicisne, law, jounais, 1nd they other professions. For ticiispectice irofessiossatstiudetits suchcurses ace- alreaidy pretty definitely laout at ;Michigan. The mast who fundieiris unidied ansd unadlvisedin s the elesie-silclt'ie sis tie osn ethose speiciiltly is to bic amosig those to which teacts antI hitmanities trait tirectly. Tc'aching, in atny stiecial iranchl, ioturnal- ism. easthe tmiiiistry, the consuslar seccvicc,-fcswif aniy if these occuctuios ire us lcrstooaibytihle astpiranits to he iest iattainsabiclie criaiin well sacked mute. Cuiuiciltaion wsitt a professor is, ticb sure, a .cure for all ills;ht- cot t osomit ourselvs5to the diai- ciiiii coparisiiniofiithe cure asdtihs~e dtiaec-iners'eCV are tar sosnic reasons little used. _1s i coliseqcitese sonic of iour iutiire minlisiers ace tdeficiesit ini btilisociology andilethics; and asubassa- dorsthat-hope-tuo-bie, thiosgh ignorat alikecfIu istuoastatiese, G~ermsassatid F~rechliinthie mIiselves triumsphanstly cescent if tiey tave reaid a feis soluames on intcrnioillll relaitions. If stitienits aceIci sipecialize after their illiilicyeair, they shtiuidlnot tie allowsed toi falitimas iti lie itdea that sipecializa- 'tiosi masirigii l shiiceess-asait of themr ilo--r lie t iilol sbjlecs lare' eqealilyspertientu..Ahanisdboik, itr a age in te Cateldar to griiiup corses suttier heads f the idifferet cmmoni~s enitlcius hhs siwolid "e'a alliialtil - LMusic Aat3 Urara OnitWednhiesiay ferioioiiat 4:30, the osllwing trograme sill le gienliati the schollitof \Music by piiiils iii Albet LoickwiiiiilaisilWilliamitIHowslaiiid. 'fle pubilic is invtisied to lesrecitals. 'Thirtv-tiwo Variatiuons....ffelhou-u't 'Miss Viian Lyiii. hia Niite I tlle.... .fGgii't 111 M\iss Mart\Whlit. fCarice. lcesl.Ch. Guf, Sintl-,'iiioil WVilloiughbly Boughtotn. Lanmor............. uodad Mitss tranices Joyce. Sitl . . . . Otscs M\iss Lura Sherffius. Qulandoli a ito(Fasst)......... .Gul -Miss Ie ITrubl. Pasorale............ Scrlili Romanuice ........... Sefisliliu Julie Wsager "Stagela tier lbrigt adilfair',. .H. fodc -Miss HlenestWright. Scherzo, H fattitinisr...... ii hpiii MfirssIHeleia B.-Muss. IWitli the rdcltionin illrices te .51: esic has nolticeab~ly inproeit s bil. Thisiweeki a ew,hiswer scdleio f laices ges intel effect at this hous. Regular patros of te theater foitnid last night the best lll yet preseteci here. The heailiner lake's circus f traistedaniiimals, wsas a remsarkale aii "Thle XWillardh temple of .usic" is ani etertaiinsg spectacular smutsical act'. The oiler acts lre satisfactor. 'eats; WAste "rA'T sisH E IT'N'E. 'T' perfosaince of "Tei Rials" lst night astte Witsey theatier aby luh Jefersionibrithers tas iell receisci. Siiiientis uaiihppblic swelcimet their op - prunlity t see a real hpla i aireit play'houlse lby large parcoage and11 en- tusiacs. The splayitg f the Jeffersutti sas a1 deciidedhtreat. The spportci ias adiqutae asti acceptable. siBETeos s ANessDi i ioTYM is 'i. ss "Cla'ssmiates" whihi iill lbe playe ii the Nest WhitnteaIiute c 'desdac' ight.Iiwit Roet rEdesotiniithe led-' ing ole, is a stry' of life at West Poit. -Mr. Etdesait plays the hillel if a seiiii caidet frtiim South Caroliia. IHIc silt he. Slporedt by' Fraink J lstece.a firsiser Anns Aror tian. Three yelrs ago Mr. Meslnye sas leadisgstasn withs Mlrs. Fiske ii "tek' Sharp.' Thue net year he spportel Nat Goaodswin in "A Gileil Fool" isti later its "The Anmerican Geteas." Ia these two plays le aadei rnscoti- nental tour. This is -Mr. Mchsntyre'i secondillseasn withi Rbert Fdesos.His .... I _ j1 I i I I I I I r r 3 i i 7 i ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S Centennial OUR LINCOLN OFFER~ 'We ItuVe a limaiteitnusnbser 'It sets of thee comcplete xsiritings at AhrahaestLincolns. The hooksalee attractively' bossnid15511pht up inl enine volsuemes. Otirptice for tile entire set (iencldineg thse stibserip- hioes to Currenst Literatuire fore1' sear, vauued at $3.a0) is 5s3.90 tfot thse cloth hindling, ad .$3.o for tile leathsr bineinieg. Thiese sets art'oti exhtibuitiossat either if isiir store. WAHR'S .Bookstores .StaeSteet Stil st 'tO G. C. [.ARII[[.Li .. -4 af.lI/IIthu'c'asiiHfe .p/'uuil "i Clhaiiatea. plaig etileib''lasuugriati's''y1hes copul- ing. andtif t bcoesalosi equal iof ithe 1stella 11rlle. 10 \ 1111 te illsi' ale sut Ii ofi tle Makile circus ecispany usthchis t'elead- i , atrcin at lthe' illiestic tt ''ate'r and1 kickiigta 'ae t eetcsticihuu thaicl tar. IIi lii' Ho l'Iign,"cia 111111,.rodiiti it oii1pui Ii ticou'ghtihti ste-i et.I ssl id that 111 ikthecircus is a s hiitte leu lii Iin t her. ii Ii' rt s .app Ie lisreiiiidlok it the.pillous an 1stinnutnts at Mrlr I ihi'siuis3514 Suuti Silate streit, bfie h tiusuigitoidecorati- forthe"J"H. lrea sot. fy51an 55.5 NiTI H-Roiom-mtiatse. Nice friiit sui hieioie-half 11111romCampults. C-ut at 2107 Siiitslittugult's. 82-83~ Ticket Sale The Recruiting Officer Wahr's find Box Oticre NEW WHITNEY THEATRE Prices 25c to $1.00, Law and Medical Books Treves Antotsny, NLss Editions,(jstkreceivedl. Stimsoms Fract tsresasnd i:locations, New Petit- ion. Morris Anotornty. 3rd Ed. lialf eather, $2.50, h a lf iotioccot $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca hs or exclsansge yotur Law-. Medical andh Denutal Books. i t 1 C. E. BARTHELL [Tel 761. 326 S. Shale St. Largest collection of ordisnary and thse osthy collecticts of fisse Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS {fuality Hest - Prices Rlight Michsigatsattd Feat. Stisl s. W'AM. ARNOLD, Jewler. 220 Vii, Stain St. ~lI Di v i d e n.dsl V d 1 e n d s Get Yours AT THE CO=Oyp lmusic Every day one hears people say "If I were in colege again, I would do more in the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing about music so as to appreciate good m u si c when I hear it." Students of today. cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for sucs study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University Schboi of Music Maynard Street 'Ce tubents' 9lecture association Season of 1907-8 -John Teusple Graves Dr. Brasnder Matthews Lehand T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Ntimber The open number will probably be filled by Hon. Win.Ii. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays I Ill _ 12! Washnngton . The Randall Studio, Randall &Pack, Props. Phone 598