HRE MleftfAff t)AILY 201 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. W ild Collpally jMngngEdir-PUe.ScoMrNowxEea The Largest Stock in the City of Excusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear I ry thing required for Suits, {Overcoats, Panics \ estunsi and Trouserings, ad iifligh class fabrics antispecial stylis Foil Dress Suits at Specialty G,.fH. Wild Colupally 311 Sooth State Street Few 50c Calendars F1or 25c Each while they last. These arc the original Michigan Calendars c o n t aini n itg abottS50viewsof Ann Arbor. We have hut a few left out of nit edition of 2000. Sheehan &Co. Student Bookstores -- A. G. t S PAL DIN t The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gjolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OfticialImpleiments tor Track and Field Spoit Uifotrms tor l Spoils. Spaldioe's Handdsieely Illustrated Catalogue of ailignitsecnotains eu- mneroos suoeestions. Seed tor it.-Its feee. A. 0. SPALIOINO & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, SasnIFrncisco, Minneapolis, Denver, Butalo. Syracuse, Pitts- horg, Philiadeiiphia, Botni, Ciscinnati, Bal- rewre, Wasigon, Kansses City, Cieeland, New Orleans, Detroit, tMontreal.,Cnaa EDIORtS Nw .................A. F. Ritchie' Athletics.......David F. Stevenson ECachange. Ti..... . John Wamnhold PMusic aiid Drama...Roy D. Welch, Women's, Editor... Louise Van Voorhis tEDITORIAL STAFF' J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams Riussell Mc~arlanid NIGHT EDITORS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chancey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Visscher gRORTERS L. C. Reid Lee A White NI. B1. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Car lDonald L. Kinney Walter K. 'Toscers Louis Kraft Levssi T. Kniskerti Rohert Moreland Pool Greer Santuel H. Morris Otto E ngel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wore Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address : MICHIGANe DAnLY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96o. :,rCatzeuGSTUDIESi. It still priibablyoly lie ith the greatest (if difficulty thaitte aserage ind ergradnute swill he able to decide lre iiweeks ahead of time just whit tic desires iti study during the text semes- tir lie lint bet accutomieid to finishi ir-ttie labiors which sail beset himn in tice semeste just closinugtripe off his slate, tieaie a sigh if relief, atid take a (bun tsiesia eifoctre tiirntiigafin to "sc- iere e ttial exertioits, To the hatnd- ictiitla studettisho elects courses waithttiit itutch presios conisiederation, aiid ini the reciitttmendcationa of tis or that acituaintatnce, there still seemi to heshtatljutstificationt for the ness order ci tintgs. Somunythin ttgs tony hati- tie, yonkntowi, btweisen tossandI the seccini semtester, to rnder certainielec- tisns ittadvisabile.'To ttetiatt siho ins tinkgs arraniged itt a pretty well ordered tlant, attil shoi knows itt getteral what lie sauts forrseveral years to come per- hatis, the ten rtile, while nt seeminig enitire ly inecessary, still not etitail atty steirld haridshitt, and it uill pass off is iquite a matter of course. But-if swe coitlid only tear aside for a moment that veil thtat enshtrouds the future he- fore u-ctorts in that eleetiotn lank itext iweek! tOt 5CING RVOiRMiS. Nows that NLlleligair has won eight oi the nitte intercollegiate debates she ias piarticipanted ittsitceteieentrance if the olidest senior, see ,vonder if the \Vesternt Ittercollegiate Dehating con- feretice will not proceed tspass somse retroaictive measures? UNADVER'TISED SPORl - ATTRACTS STIIFN'S We admait that it lpays to avertise, hlli there is one sport, the attrttios( -of wihl do nthetia- to ie heraldedG with allring signs and ti brass and,1 -td that is coastitg. As a tonic for a cired mind or an exercie for unused muscles, this sport is fr ahad of any iter. Nor dues anyone seem to denyc it, for great nmiblers of coting parties 1 occiupy the varisth ills eer nigtiandI their sleitts atd laughter an to heardf itt the viciity of the hills lateiiito thei ight.i IlTree hills iwitinitthe litits of An Arbocr afford the pcper facilities for goodilcoasting. The depot slide and tc lu-ishospital ills, usnerleding doss-nutoI the rier. There are other hills upons uwiechristitg is dnte, but these three t tre the nst polatltr proutably beantise they are more datgeros. Fifth stret frome Packard to the AttitAbor rail- roatti tis just ettottgislpe to tmake possible a log ride ott a sled or bo. Seldomtsdoies a switer pass utoti stitie seterr accideits to coasters occr-t ritig ini the viciitiy of Doe Rose's ellt knotsnticorier antthferDattBenituri- itg unotttheholearilrau. ivrtsetits mEooseti StiS. 'Tle Wester literary society Of tert last department elected the followitg1 officers for tie comitg year, Friday nt :Peiet .B aln;vc: resitet,V. 0. Nicolson ;secretary. William Pterson;r treasurer, Mark Si- ter; sergeantt at res, MNI1. Brrogt. s. C. sas scRFitec-os sTfs. rh ita chiignitCetral has iecidei ti tite ill the 655 pIi. it.trait cast after today. This is it aditiioto the toe trailns iiseonitited a fet-sidays age husnt it strage ttat swtenyet, gsto taeheithot andticld water haih, yottgt ontly tn-o kitds of cild? ss t,aRs-t:-nstet- nt xow . h-. 3.Marshall, u-li spoke for Ci- cgo in the Ciago-Nrtwssestert de- bitti Friday nigt, is a grtduatte of tlt- N Michigatlass-sctooel. lehas wonitihtn- ars atredy for otiMihiganm antW- ciisitt either ii dehate or oratrs. TOt~t.A iOttt-HiONiRS AtOA. President David Starr Joratof 1Stanford ativersity has eeti decorateil' tith the Order of the Rising Sun y1 the emiperor of Japa, i recgititot tof the great service Dr. Jrdnt renerd , Japainitdtrig the recent ati-Jpantes agitatios. Becase the heidrach of the Prince- ton footall team was so excited in their YtalePritcettt game and forgt to send Henry Butckighamiitsii as a sistitut so he could get his "P" Bmckingam losY~t this, alsit Hone pronise ihm y lils father. ROOMS at 614 irst Ave., tire blocks ron, catips; first floor, parlor and li-1 rrary, swelI furnised, aln-ays war. In-' vsetigate at ary timie. 82-83. CICtAOS eern:tstl,ttic55iTS. 'lhe filiing shutws te receipts, aimoutintg to 3,0.01. iof the 150o7 footblal sesot the tnisersity of Cicagi: Carlisle, $t7p,2~5;SMitne- sta. 8t3,13942; hdianae, $1.r0.7; Purdue, $t,24437 Dr. W. . Hoswe, of the Utiversity of Indiana, is among those wotdo not eliee the hoitor system a sucess. While le cisiders it an ideal mtethiodi for the futre, hinelots its effictcy itt the examtinatiotns as held at trese ini the Univiersity of Indtiaa. Te quarrel etwseni Williamis adu D~artimouth, arisig frtitia asktisb-all gitmtess-hicth u-s plye at Willians last asiter.luts cbcii settlei, ndtil is likels thaut reresentatives ofi the 155 clleges uill metur ithe grieirti text fall. Pi- xrtDiiC. 'Choise studietts attenduinug the ith~er- sit5- of Cicgoteuswho proaose ito study mteuicine rise formetaclnutorganizationu termethe iilre-Aleeic club. Altoughi liarplatodtidiselPrncetoit itle qutads is btentabnudoniec, agita- tions for a reorganizatiotn of the social life still countinues. The exlusiveess of the clubhs has uaused the pricipal evils. rsruAFS'JOill xi, s POULcuRsu The eagriculthural schoolut iWisconsintu issues a mionitthly publtuicatiuon called the Stutue-tutHainmer. Tnoethusand h cpies ueri- issuedlin hDec-mbfer. Th n ua iuhAmterican tregautta -ill hit held Jue 27 tutute IHuo th Poutigh lkepsie. Coluumbiaii.Crell, S rcusie, Annapoitlits, W'iscons-in, Georugetotns- nd Pennsylvsarin .swi hi. retresented hbyi M1uic aO Mramna tt, 51MtJIS suTIS sri i. Thlis nes hill at the nitw.Maj-stic nill fenatre anut teperformuedllit- troupe ef ift5-nineitetmauls, notito mci- tin eatrainteth tutle koeswntas NMatd. T'loe perforners comre fromruthe Clee- launelhipoidromet. 'T'here is a musical atelbhy-it-cmutusi cais, a lariat throwiig act, antI a nutim- ber of other features ahichi tronise to p rove entertainig. W ANTD-Rooto-nmate. Nice fron. suite, ere-half block fromo camus. Ctl at 207 South Ingalls. 82-83 See our complete line of Michigan pins, fos and souvetnire. Hallera Jewelry Store, 216i S. Main street od FOR RENT ClHhEA-Fine suite of rous in neurmoedernt house, ore-hal hlck front Star stree. hExceptionally ost price. hnvestigae!I sueI,. Ctl- erine sreetSo-SS . -J.- - -- Pa." I -a ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S Centennial OUR LINCOLN OFFER~ We tae a litmifted tumtbher of sets of thin coemplete writintgs oif Arahiani Liicoln. The hbookt are atractively eubo unihndpulltp i nine volumies. Our price for thur etire set (includinhg thur subsrip- ion to Crrent Literaituire fooetl year, valued at $3.0) isS390 for the eloth itinheg, auth fs.u or the leathterbhindinig. Th ese sets tre onl eaxhiition ti teither uof oururstores. WAHR'S Bookstores State-tet MShutrsuet RLENT A KODAK 1 - v v P '-s n Ih -0 twuen youblilyou o to upt tpies or uiuuyou are str or gtugfrsitsup- pies, aidutresable iii pe. HYPO Sc Per Pouned. LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHER IBIAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporttng OooN 121 EAs r LIBERTY STREET Largest collection of ordinary and tie only collecticon of fne Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Qiuliy Best - Prices Right Michaigaun and Prat. Stiri s. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler 89-0 S, SMantSt. Dividends V d i e n d s Get Yours. AT THE CO=Oyp lnusic Every day one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do snore in the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing shout nmusicso as to appreciate good mu s i c when I hear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches. of music are given hy the best-prepared instructors, at; very reasonable rates at the , University Schooloaf Music Maynard Street *Cbe !tuaents' ltecture Association Season of 1907-8 John Tetmple Graves Dr. Brander Mattliews Lreland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by lion. Wmn. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays i { ... 12c, 1 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Ran dall&Pak Props. Phone 598