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January 19, 1908 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-01-19

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The Michigan Daily
Ann Arlbor, IX! ichigan, wn iidtiv, Jnnnia 19, 1908.

Vol-. XVIII.


Church, Bundschu, Row+
Whiting Are Chosen a
Sciation's New Heads.
flitly A. BIMtiseitti twasc
finuancial seretiri' of the X.thi(
cainat itheiannialtelection11
versity hfl i MauiceICCrCutiipa
was BIniiiit'sopponentt Ini t
lsou1 bueihenrorest if the canididates o )fic(
aitnlilsrt JohntiNihit ICtinguiterot
Te reporitsofii iti lte5th C
'cii secretary twhicerte lull
011eYl obluii aliiirsoftl(
wereiin attndac 'tiitiele tlecti
is argely cxplainedi byvtle
1tiereewis abut Clii 'Cn ilteast sil
Oif li{tlt caso finacitieal seel
Btleecu.te lllteettii
mug lepotfortltthpast year:
ittutitiRe:ptirt if tile 'ireaeit
t' if Ai. 'Athltice .ssitiati
il. iotth. ity --RiTecieti 01
ii. J. Coorse, Teast....
Totalreceiptsto durig yea...
scar as tiers ttlers \fi
11301 t ,; }illti iettoist'.
ratieso if dipoiti:.)'
tarsviof lithU (t. if htleti,

te eretprevientiediiy raint,inotably tite at
D grandi Rapidis 'intlthe gamie sceduiled
w ith IN rc Damte lttieclir utpon Ferry
deld. Notin.eTatte also cancelledi a
C 11111 fn ame.Chit ws slistedi, againi tlt-
ing he .asoiation lexchlequter.
ell and
Thi II~i''CS _ifIUST WA IT
s Asso- 'IVI 1, I XAMhS ARE OV/I"R
The ulinii ttathletic affais swil liiin-
litisei is titte utilf after tile sentiestial eaals
rtict assn-Cakc plice. lBasketba~ll schedules tire nt
fit nit CCct: arranged nor htitle thle baseball tie
cke'r, uwiiho ut' iii imtci. Onlthtilirack atiltes tire
tes. The 1Patersonlisljuming 5feet incets fit
ly elctednitaktitg' ftairiy good1 Iiftie.IHirnter andt
fotballt Chlil e Cr'getltig intoitfoarmni tfithe
rscholastit ;ho. l'i .iuift' sii ttf to
11 tlelfigl of tt'eCcondsemlester' anti
liltd lit - _____ __________
I s~ia tu ht"ittt' ii
it . i s i T h seo d o nb seb l ga e w l
fatt i tl tha t pavedi 1 it bid is Iuttilmie, i on-it'
it hislt Statewen th u io n
r (i lii' iRt7-#PA(y
]O2 oI hii n pracictie. if Seatiortami
he oll i.- i ill' h r t, Cliiili liiiia o
Mar 7 if ; itiic "lilt 'tetiis, ttigy. e aris.
lilt1 tit t i i --C n te rs.tl ingtt ,erfu ' la li for
'f anicibets, eti itHendXcrsotn,
;6,6 7o Iiiboutirty1 p111hi'plirifiSe tif lia Cr
)irthiof-tor icludrincg 111ember o

S TUDENThS WAJ.IM rk , titsltYlIuil ,~tjudging frontthe
flhI~1WQ i ~ selltreatments willt;
HOSPITAL UiiINIU)J hitireseCt te toisuiltlape'ratfiostire
-- liltproabily moisi polar u-fittile students.
State's Infirmary Becomes Pop-M'uny neetdlglasses. Largenumttbers
ulrwith Underclassmen-Alliloliiloitsatfnastiarsg-
Ia . , - Ietitesostr uieahrsigtene. Aiig
Kinds of Maladies Treated. tither coniionflls treatedi itltile eye det-
S ilrtmielil are cro~ssedi eyes andii mtllty
Tlihleistsato pro.: lit'ont,li'otf the'inflaaituionlis If thei'eyes commontiamonltlg
largest"i ti i'r'iiiti s C tfstdettts it lt olistudets:. Drs.iParker, Slocattnttd fGrt-
the>Jnverit hfspi~ilsen il ya lsitre late chtarge' of this ietpartmteti.
Dliseases Ilftt' skin alre pa~rifcllry
'rTe iciganil 111 lrgeaatilt' has omlibletol liaffect tir otuduet.t SlolcIt,
toi realize 11hislmeical advtasitges fin oeczemai, bilfs atid pifmplesidtice
hitti A'rihr so thol~rouigly thalt hisorep- himitto seekc te adifeoffir. iBreakey
resetlitif-ililftl t'etlisptal retcordil IrivlsOfti't'iosmietic reasonus ill'fiii'tiiisaike if
a itd ill o i d Cl tltt'lts een tet'l'lohif0 titer-ti healthi.
tlia i th pait tit ifilomlithte'disitne Studttititoart somtiesouiniiifthle
Ille daiysof coldshitate tcomll'riit . 1ctt'l'rtili'utsofil majotr surgery, nervuis
reg~imetstront l Barethe l!e akentCiiedionhavi Ihir stomiachts tutinieti, tittir
!)yte fircetsi(f iithethsts oif hlistr'nenaii tedlr coutless Iotherlti'c
lg iseaseoio. 1110io ns meied.
Tht tortridorst 0oftill' hosptital teetm _________
wit those oftil the tdentaitlt, sothti C I -f ND MAiShoER ti()I' h'i'i
dic1 seniorlttlimeidic e recognizedi XXIIINiti>X TO CR:A f'PSMhlU'
Iu'tnuii'iii T() theitt' iti ' \,NVIty Curte lth e iuCtudlents 'andufauti ity'if the
' uhr clcvryintg-anserC tontOIC 1. 1101rsut 1' will hlitis tirst recetiutn

its' eyes are titit'eitilnli. Ituucalt:Mondauy' vseninug at 8't'cltock. 'tuft
illy utilul ;<a tactsseo fititd." tuteetfug 11111 tar of partifcular intuerest
"Ihitve itde Iito worlryli thtuthese to'stiletietio iare' Matster Mhasonis, as
tol;ino lol v.ii I 1(1gioiig lt haveit' they wal1 have' the rarue uprivfiegetoflifs-
litn iiitllm ed.Ciiteinfug itoeethers if the grtandiitloge,
ittltn~sae luerluu tle.'ltI'y . & tA. hi., tif the stale 'of lMicigtan,
ir i'' u ytie h ey' t' be' 'uftlitst o il iuinfug lie grtantmatoer, grtand lee.
ill ' -Nit Colltsil tiinlu fi ."i ii lrrrandlgrund tylir, antu 11100seueral
I lial hitvig ty thuroat treted," ' tIrtmembers'if liii'falculity if tt'elUnive-
"1 h11vehtltttO. oilnahnd. ciy'.
I'lutehIy.tuststomachtat' Iroubtlues,Iheart Conesierablinuuttrest is biniigturi-~l
disenses', Cr otenl: otinculopertationuio fesltd by'thure :m Masonts ill the tUni-
uurcesotry C tor~tfici their toiity . Virsity III thie success if tiso rganiett
Friuialiiliithet' ahiirtilshut' tite. ttun andilgreallcrn'hastbeentitakeninfi
Thut yaret' rCtedt th weentttlassduos tlurs, tilt'prepiatrtion of till' program iforu'this
011 Satutidatys. tu- reit stutle - instantces'; trsu umeet'ing. Itisi hopecd that all Stu-
fotrcedthlit ssvo5 urk inlordeir to receive 1' units alht art' haster hMasonstis i i tirn
muedhical attentiu 'io tothen atitidett t' :)ut.
comiues i. 'he t' sicer t hant ant' trinaitry-] 'Tihe'fullowinulg-programtihits hutut 1pre-
,vrsn' d'kowiuutibt s enotuught ill ge'nral Iutaed
taboutiutist'selitrealtze'atuth apptre'ciate' I hhtsie.
earefult trial tment o f h is condt ionfi. 'liii' "hiy'Expriruicts'hW. J. Mller, NV.
Cteilfutludenlto; ailnd inurstes 'speilly 3if., IldusiiRiule' uloge, tuntAhrboir.
11at1ruiz e etilt' inics, tutitg mtohtiac- "Tlown uatudlGow.nuInii;hasonry," XW.
ufItch:ili su ith ihiii r tadsvautages-1. L iAaui'c. X'M'hI Fratrrnity loge,.1Ann

Withdrawal of Michigan Leaves
Varied Opinions as to Probable
Fate of Western Conference.
Thesilver linig t tilt' ('iiiferl~'i''i
loa sem ,ish ' olyi it' C i cagto:l
\Iit'higan wuit ri fo h od
hlereotttuat Nebrtskai toak
tlichigtil's osea t n he'Cnfernef~'ins
u-tutaivor it theuwst.TheIOmha
ice, ua paper if hrututucnluCr>Eit in-.i
- uuu'u'pr in s tihe' siateihtu t h t ;
noeiberaltul m thit ofiiihIda;fe
'rth'l tateto, andtithen 'tint 01 ii' Ii uoo.
ckyilg t the oppreive pioit
f tihe'tnrutl'adiers.
It t t1 t iis wellknown itt uhhtnt 5s'hiic~
viiturtl. tuet I Culs I tiferc cli c wai t'
1001 hat'h nOnl c re Ini ,l i : ii
Ti'l'tI.Itafly Stu tiiitfromt he li.v' r-t
ity' ofi Iniana'il publihs i i I t Cc 'it
'o iii' lue fllownsomewhl t it ter
iiw f h~C'''Coneec i fatit' - utuehithe
hato 1i ightI Cointlill Ila
,It t' e futureu admiti t at in o fhl t he1 i
paiin'lg m i e ft ie u'''uaiuatrc i
,I ii "he r ou-et ii th oft h 1 ,111e at C
\Iiluuoa o wu' iii i thtI icii hf511 ah,
"tulltuhhing wt ahihhd Te
ma'r m m eofttheusliihi uh wilih
cheni propositio iMuch ha i suhu
thuc ciihyc IllfI"s15111 sItt Ilt s air
rc;togyin fav11111 thi inc tn
If I'iis fo r theii vccu ;;.o s, m
th ie e...-tt tt tui h t hit ii
'l' I IDaiy iui li itsthe infr ai
luatll i'u''sii-uhJamesuuoh11,1call1edi auiii
nciph g, peritling tug Ihi" t' silu to u ilt
'kgaiflsht'hwllgamuto 'he paperis
Jootutu Ki th umuuutuuiuui'tilonuuau- 1 .
iihe longt ouchciuli'
MI ('I iIINCSi 0DIREC-T( huI 1<
Intl. en'uyonu, alit)hispenatg
ats dirctor'f Miiihifgi'uuiasitenee
itis resignationitohit eii lauagu-Ciiifi
Stess 'if wt,prevntsCI Profi . KIso
frotilc-tiniufig his Iwotltk itith thliloperaC'.
Neo'tiaftins lhtate- alr'adyIt-htcn opened~
to setCti ne tti idire'lc'tor, Candist ittit uill
poedas uouthuusulurf IDtemiosu'-
'cso~r 01il hut'anioliciett C ne st wiik
FPhE EIt;NI"RS ilihi ANI
.X X ARMth uhf Ihh\'IS'i S
t;- tlduatc'' tf t' dentaludptiC nut
tr very tuu citin deuaiutuT Pitt'has
ben taniniug offer futu'Cmoiyears'. for
I denttist frui t hit'Uliutrithitoittu
agood oi ioin iiSoiuthAicalt.Such
offers omeuouuftcu. 'Ihur fo a get
dema d tutu' rtut dentti stsuio . ''ert are
inge, all f whoticouldithuteiutplacdii
goodpi tionuso itint tishottimehlt.
at-st ott-n is fromt tiunotedh ft-t tut
leutit lithoi it'sies ai woman iit istartt.

Relacelontut n
'Pacha ....
itxe e'ouiuui.ui. c..

btt C '11"7.
" '; f>> 1a



Ioothithi ..,, ;. 57,714.40
llasehl .,.,.. 1,,74(.11;;
iurttu'scliiu-tic ;i'..- 1'6~.94~
Grerue rttl. . .441.44I
Office-------331.60 .
'lrauiof'r'il to IFerry
FieldtI1t11). Fundet. i3oottit

tui sh iftrue Cbittereeies----hait is, Ct
cainui iFIliuopc--it tets hopedeihe saul.
;hat theitswtudti 111c-tiry thteirgrudges
;11111 .- Ii iicI I at tis nreasonti ht' ishedl
it noi pol~itiIcs 51 uinteChinttualiy if
It 111011ecidedC tl hotldl iheetifuk'oev-ery
tit-nr IItutu suay Cuvcetitg. AX commtuitte
CC;s apintedu to I d rawupu ttua cCutlitt-
tutontutdItoylawsutibe preseintedut Ct hit
iets ui-et'iihTh"Iursda'y eovenitng it 7
'htrigi theii-Regets,tDn. Hllandter
uti alet teciure tbuttotieihuindtred
htooks otutuScandanviatn'ituiftertfuue, sehichi
will hue useful fur thec nee.. organizeation.
It is expeteditut this library still hue
tuteretuseulto outihouusand b oouks ini a
shunttifmte. At thuetext uteeting' ttpeo-
'rtuuuu uf topifortethue etester uilbe



Silthy idolthe Studencuts choutos, itttuhs-hlu
vittal S''Itu tilts (i it' , it ilei. 'T'het Moaiuu tyandls Etty, Iyian I i. I3.
average coohhigiituntis alwahy s tu a greaut lI utciufuuo.

ftutuotuthandiJait. uS, ttyaS. .. 5 7,816.26
tPhuelthtal reeeits for tile. year etulig
Jan. uS, taoS, .exceedthotuseiaf. huepree-
dfotus'year ity $5,046.23. l'Te italance
uon htandtisfosiiiewt-lausmaltler,, tite its

expense;, Clniiis consequuuently etenally j i"The 'raftsmn"ent,
'haupt- ttt." liii' ftct tutlie.'umay hut-Ito1uuiiieiu Comadertu t,IK. '1., :utnnhArboir.
treahct ted tlt'e out11ry'so hitst med'iicalI'tyOrdler i'n chit'cturet," Dyetan M . P
experts Ct ucuuuiuuuouuu uitepe als i to itCooley'.
ufli. 'Phe wse ltiraihatislerutes his l tn-1 Xdureso -Chtarles F.Skeet-, i. WX.
oils Intshliiit-fy if his almauh mtter nditl GI.'":41. iof'lic'higttui
jues-i- g lasse-s titihut hylichtigtan's otutu hin1tsit.
thalnsluuoisto. ii- has :hiatdIthat dSt' ustonesuuueusus.
fornIVIAoWichlhso httherneil iim mttihis____ ___
years csuredtbys tturatfutu, tndutidshu farC- ROtIII S' )S(R SCOTT l'SPEAC~KS
iets o ii nnii hr llassiuredl sf freeultn ON 'I "lIE AMJiCRiChN IPOF''
ifromu tubetutttlois or oilier disetase wieW
Migt uit shthits COst-ceiis'fe li- I'Jtongfllowitafromtiant Amtericani Poinut
rtur I f his trully readuy- fun-life'. - of View" sow's the subiject of tuuasia-
I Iii st~un t eonugs hutthat caleguury tress givent lyv'Prof. Freed N. Sdott ite-
heu~ia oututhliiihoustpitaltasCittle tout- otile itOrnegtu. Philituertury sociteey
piui' Ier e-uinus. inithug tnuiliugo s wichti u y'nsterday, .uut. mu., at Deant
itilir uluurnuu atuaisitreatutet. ti-e can Jorn'uns rt'sitdenee. Prof. Scott's lptter
comute onuly at covenifenut uuuuuets. Ie IuhadlIieenireaid itefore. l th eruth i Itilo-
mtuust attendlhifstclasses. laor this, eau- loguecal soetety if 'suicheandtshususedt
stout tueis unuse'enu ini iuustyofthimporutittit'Ithe tesluot of whlethe ILonugfellowss
aut clinics. could, ICCcontsidteed a rephrcsentativ-e
Of ltiost' depautmenuts muiot popular Amterueitnupetrtotrayitug tltheAmericant
itflit hue idfissedl student, the troat typte as Chaucer hs tu t heEgiushi and
andu etr chutec probuably sttnds first. ShutsIDantte teItaia~n.IProf.- Sottt-hues hull
clinuid is ii clitte,,tuf Is.Ctunieleiant ieirirthudtlhe ha's givent iian aequuate
Cuishmuant, Intl everything ini the way pucture of the Aceriean, but uteverulue-
'of diseases oftthlese parts of thue body lCss lie considers tint valuabilefr three
uis treatedi, fur xtamuplestore thurotat, titu -reasonts :first, that hei.ntrouducedlt'e
sillitis, topedull nose, ear trouthlcspoeiehc spirit itnto tis eounutry; sectond,
atnd-:diseasesotifthts' larynxo..'1Thenose thatiuhe has umude chimself thitpoet oil
'operationus fusecatarhis hatve becomie uueruc'iuu hcldtre 'intl thirdl thathhe
emore a fad io-lt thuesuduents thant the hbroaught intuo ltecounutryvthlilluenuce
sty-lisht appehndtiiisopeornaiionuu tf New if Getrman'iuu teratuire isphists ranusations.


a lunge punt to thue ex nduiturues uponti.uFridaty afternoon the senior lasse'aue
leery fieldl, shichfil ol he.notedl hirer.ht itelnecessaury tapropriationu for the
tate iteeni $Aooo. 'fle largest expenudi-\Wasingtoun birthday nobservancee. It
terwaus foerte test grnduustandfor tile aceordantce n-fitthe usual custom, thse
basebtall fieldi. class swlltt the celehrtiton in 'a
Abouti $6oeo is yet tou-come froet the body.i
EastentIntercolegiteetreceeipts, a lucy' decidledl toisecure six pages o1
diisionu of wehichi swill bte maduue at thur tile Micluigauteusfatt, ausd. the invsitations
anuial muetitug' it Febranutry-. fur tile graduaion exercises swene select-
Thle intclteency of thur seathuer tue-cii. Apprnopriate resolutioutsswene passed
tug thue basebtall seasont is accunutabolesfoar JoisiphtFitselI antd Joseph tGriffith,
hoe thue extraordiinatrily susatll returno seto members of thur class a-io sdiedl last
fromu sprntgatuhleics. Sesveral gulles year.

I V University°
comedy "The Recru iing Officer" FRIDAY
.l ClInb JANUARY 24
II Presents New Whitney Theatre 8 P. M.

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