THlE MICH-IGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpaly Tle Largst Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemlen's ear Every thing rquired o Suts, Overtoat.,, 'an etin ctto and 'lrosein I Oandof ihigh c as fahrics and speial styles Full Dress Sits a Specialty 0. H. Wild Colpally 31t South State Street A Few 50C Michigan Calendars For 25c Each wshil tey lastI lies are the oiginat Michigan Caiendars ontaning about go avcewa of Ani Arbor We htavc bitt a foswlft tiut (f ian elito of 'titto Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores _A. G. Spo S PAL D I N G pn & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Bal, Gjolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OfficiatloIpeentns o Track and Field Sport Uniormsi ot al Sport. Spudin'i Hdomely Ittustrated Ctou of allttsporti cotinui i- tnerosiiggteions. Sendor it. It re. A. G. SPALDING A BROS. Ni-s Vol.. t)ilican.S. lots. Sanui cisco, Miuuaonia. leene. If~tlui. Syracuse. Pits- burg, tPhiladelptia, Rot.Cincinnati. Bati- monec. Iaskioin, Kansas City Coveland, New Orleans.tDetroit, Motrea, Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-PAUL Scorn~ Mowata- Business Manager-C. E. WNSEcrA. News----------------....A. F. Ritchie Athletics ... David F. Stevenson Exchanige......-- . John Wambold Vunie and Draina...'Roy D. Welch Wotcen's Editor. an.Loise Van Voorhis EITORIAL STA"F J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Rttssell McFarland NIGHT EDITORS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobar Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Rayintd Viscer L C. Reid Lee A White M. I. McHugh J. lH. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mounsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. 'lowers Loisi Kraft Lews T~ . Kniskern Robert Morelaid P'ahl(Greer Samuel H. Morris Ots Enge Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I- p. i., -8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Boh phones 96" SAURDl AY JANUARY i8, iofi. NIlCilTilAN AiNlCiAPIrON. .51 ciigmn's secontitmllttniOs ictory in tile triaglar Central Decating leagii is itittcl icause fcr the Most hearty cni- gratuiinito tic mcii ott the toc tinto teiveiiirsity for swhoe sc tess tey htse saored ong aiitlfaith- fulyianditorofessrs'rteblood ad itslslisirttohmmtcl of their effect- tvlles is ue. It is a reiarkable cc- otd tit Jliciiigmiitlits ent utle to set up in te lue of puilic speakiig atti ontfwicties-ry Mihigan an cat hei jutstytproud.Tht'lere is ni school in the landtasithicsthse has had con- tssths imea.sirsie has not taken ior tihaitni a mjoitiy of contests, and ini soeticacts i tilmost e-ry one. bst tigtut'sresila tsake ter swiner over \lor tter i fiv ie out iofieight tde- ht anidtio11111Chicagos in eight out of elevtntittei spetkitg is perhaps the mottiiettly racticl 'lie of iter- clgitneirialry; and it it plaigts nte thatithe iii chliagn style of poblitc spakingc isioifte most practical situ itafltN le. (Outr iethave talways e- ce-li.di, lnoi ii the strea-eagle style of soi old-hte ticators but iii the direct ittsittss-ike say of sltting facts which is equl~tly aliuable in eery salk of lift int w-hictinfiiinciieitr orne's fel- liws-is sutgt. ''here is prap o lilt cause tat whlichi this success cciiaor het atribuited. I puiiilic aieaking as ii ottter le, .licligatm has liiig ticen for- tuttateinithtie caier of the ran' materil sh altts to sork siwit;sie has een dotublyafortnmate iliit ossession of such 1 yi tmaser traiier as Profsor Triebloodii anti ier iteas has-caswaystemn actiatei iy le sirit of do or te for Micigin. All homr to the iiecn stlit again carrisd the :Matiz and Bloc to desraed ictory is tie contests of last ight!1 Jisiec demands that a word le sal for tie oppoineits who met Michigan in Uniiversty al. They fought a good fight. aitil u-ile going down in defeat, deserve note the lest a high credit for their acieementii. Ii akes io les praiseworiiy qaities to le a good loser on thecortiithlan i les on the fild, anilthetienit-tws-io retrsentei Nri- wresiern tposess tese dutlitis. The het of good feeling sas appreiite- tween the two teams, anti the mciifriiim FEatatn crry hack witithilen todtay thec highest regard of te Msichigan mnt wil tihto they catie itotcoitac. 'Te office "dvil" suggests :"Illhearu tihe judige satg Northwteseri's Sant- sonig?" 'Twoutldte a nice ote, wottulnit it ? It's "tswenty-thirec" fcr se-eity me- ters of the aseior lierry class, as shwit by le age statistics. I is iow te ILitle Eight" itesialof hr "Big Nine. Amdunly- yesteray na pui twos oter. Say! M. C. MAKES CHIANGES IN 'IME SCIIEDI'tlE tiiinearbyt owats art-to be affectei by ith nwMichigaim Cettral sceiule whichi goes into effec Sntday, Ja.t.i. 'Te so-calleil"paper trit," sahicl eases D~etroit at t :3 a. ii. tand arrives hee at 2 24. still e dilicoutilttucil Thelu Bay Sate Limited sall also le iiscioni ttiud. 'h'is traini iasses iritg AmAti .ror at 9:30 a.mi. mtt1 uas liii sit aoutitn-ao tnits ago ito relive te traitin whichn preceded i at 13:t8. Decrase iitraelitg is iic oly- ra- suit giaent by the local agett for the change ini schedusle. SENIOR tZITS HLD1tDA.~NCEf IN lBARBOURt' GYM TO)NIGIHTI 'fur senior li dntce at Barbour gym-' tasiumti this eetitg promises to pros-c a success. This is the first socil evantt the class has heli this year A large tactnher hare signified their ittenin tf ttendinig. Att attractive irogramt of atters a beenitarrutigediby Fischer's Gruanger orchestra.swhict sall furist itie nmusic. ACT As eisrono,?s aatiute 1; The fresh lit class edeaored toi gie ia dantce iniarbour gymnansiumroX'enes- iay es-ciing. to swict the tn of thet class swere Io escort Ie yuntg ladies. Tue result wsa a failirie. A committee of scpttotmires recidat i the foot of iletir'santd itaie sciciat imnprve- ttent itheol cietes of te tiale guests as circumtanaces setdtilo udetadi. Tlhe Uniersii- of Neraska uill hae a anitmlr school ii agrictltre to begn this year. '. i fI~usic ana Mrama rt- rr'"rROasnaYS. Richurd Brititley Sheridan's comedy, "The it-als," stittllie the sill at the Newa Whitnucy theater. Annm Arbor, ott Moniday,. Jana. 2o, andi still lie presentedj bty Joseph Jefferson attil Xiliam WV. J effersont. 'There is Itotieeid to go itou dletails as toi the capabtilities of the altos-c samra. Theycavmte sectvedl their apptrrn- ticeshiptitntder the tutelage of their fattier, the bieltivs-tl"dean of the pira- fessioit," the late -Mr. Joseph Jeffersaon, whuichtticails that itey are storthty andi legitimatce successort anidithe ctaable heirs if thle Jeffersoantmt fatte. Josephl will lie Sir Lucius O'rigger, Willianm NV. uill play Itoh Acres. 'h~e oilier artists in the casi of dlistiiigiiished cite- btrities arc Thieoidore 1Hatniltomn, Leoipoldi Lanue, Richatrid Lylc'.RogerEtirtihuatn, Blantchi'eteder, Robierta itrennuan tatu Loreitta XXells. Pruof. WXilliamn How-latntiasithit chorus chir twiill rendcer s itnumber's5 aitthur prite sc-vct itsniithicPresbuyteriantuchurch Sutmduay eveninig. 'Tbh-followainig prc- gratmt silllie gisvei: i. firgani. Allegrot itoderato (troni So- ata Pontificale-)-... .Zemnisaeums 2. Chotens. ( Ciotte Redeeriter ofi Maui- kindit . .. ... .. .. ... .. . est 3~. Anthem.m Jserusulsemi(tromithis Gal- hia) .- ... .. ... .. ... .. Gomu utu .hiss Chmcistoiphuer iautiChortis. .I Biass Sole. Glomy to IHeaven'a Eter- mmiiiKingi..........Meer-ltutii WXilliamilIlowlamiids, w itahioli ititigatoiby Saimuel Locikwo-odit. 5. Chutruis. aviotuurXXWhenu Nigiit In- voset Skes .....:l'emiuelssolun 6i. Offertory. 1' stt tie......- Guilmianit i. Xiiliu Stilts.I -iguhti - - -Rousseati S. Athiamit -Nazarsethu-a....iGtuuuc Silt. IHouwlamudtasmithorlens. o). O~rgani. Finmale (ftium 5th Sonatai) 1-.5 tiN'rta.s 1,0xi SIts- s-ts. Owuthiouaum tsudetnmts tat-c signedi te putitiumi tor prothibitiiun. As theconim- stitutionaml cutmestiintasill nmtac Ot oli tlhi'bilt far several dhay-s, mm itcrease ini time mtiummer ittminamurs is expected. OsMct.Auitt stctc '1uilODA. The tOmmega Phi literary aoitcyn-ill tue eimtertainced iodamy at 3 p. Itt. at time hmte ott DeuaiJoranitm. Prof. Scott nill give thi sotcietiyanminiformual alta. I' L hET'-'-o fihe-roommns ;tot anit coil ster, sieani heati; for ine a. tatoi. 320 S. Divisions St.. 8o-86a Four boys caim get titl nie' roomms aery cheap at 615~ Chutrch Si. 79-82 ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S Centennial ' OUR LINCOLN OFFER We hiaie a-iitedl numhber of nets of thn comlpete writings of _ Abraham Liacoln. Thn hooks tire attractisely bound anid pottip ini nine solumes. Our price for the entire set (incliuding the subscrip- tioni to Current titeratuire for omne year. caued at $3t.00) is $3.0tar the cloth biunding, and $3.0o for the leather bihndihg. These sehs are on Sexhiition at either mtofsir sittes. WAHR'S Bookstores Stad- Stret' StreSlt-r tICo [toIARJ[[LL Law and Medical Books Treves Atnatonmy, N\ess Edition, (just rtceisved.)I Stimason's IFractures anhd Dislocations, Nesw Edit- ion. Morris Anotomy, 3rd Ed. half leather, $2.50, h a It itmoroccit $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Carla or exchuaitge yonr Lasy, Medical aind Dental Books. C. E. B ARTUELL6 Tel 761. 326 S. Shale St. Lags collection of ordiniary adteottly collectic n of fine Mihigan Pins FS AND SPOONS BeltyMst- Prices Right Mihianard rat. Stitues. WMARNOLD, Jewler '4 1IS, maht.S Portrait frames at Foster's. t i . ] Fill-!REN'T CII l 'A--ttiusestubitof rooms uuin n denthuseiat, ot-hialf tumik frosm State streei. Exephtiunally- ltse price. Invtesigatt-. ;5i0 . Cathi- critic stuneet. 80_82 ..__ - uiG1MnCAEDR~ UN J Ff. NoLCO=OlP U1RPE flusic Every day one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do more irs the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing about music so0as So appreciate good is u s i c when I hsear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courstes in all branches of music are given by the heat prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music lilamlard Street i Che !5tuaehntsr lecture 1ssociatioll Season of 1907-8 Joli n Temple Graves Dr. Brander Msattbiew's Leland TI. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest - Open Number The open number will probably be filled by lion. Win. i. Taft 0 TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hiours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays ii a i 121 Washington C~. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598