~TtffSMICtfAAl DAILY SpeilCut..Prices See Window Display Sale CLOSES Feb. 1st Merchantc c Tailors 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM. Prop. AMU5EMENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For Entire Week of January 13th AlxndoloOTroupe itssis -iging aol Dan ig--Drect fross 1he Hippodroso' C, rre-sl,-dtofbe11h -1, t oo Vudevile stage lmndRs-~nnes-I ilin \5 i -le' od Iis Wosdeflal osaqus' phone-per- smetly 01505551000 lvi by ta 57- los '--if 5ion a ofatltsRoyal Ilacs IBuharet Malells- ISera, riao 0511 i-ire Is from II ppodroe tCleelassd-Comses to us log Delegae andlJbrvi, KsTudorlomedy(ISkelth. "Get the habit" and see for yourselves the excellency of our bills-Every night and Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. GRANID OPENING New Whitney Theatre Wednesday, Janulary 15 SEATS NOW SELLING FOP A MUSICAL WINNER "KNIGHT FOR A DAY" CHICAGO COMPANY AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA OF 14 PIECES-Direct from Chicago PRICES-$2.50 and $2.00-Gailery $i.00-Boxes $25.00 Seats on Sale at Box Office Thea opiu AnnArbor's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre. NwShows each Tuesday, Thurs- dyand Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to iO p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. WE OPERATE FINE XEQUIPMENT EXCLVSIVELY WATTLES" LIVERY' Ca.bs a.n~d Ca.rria.ges Ba~gage Tranasfer CALENDAR. Jan. 7-'Ne'55York c1l111prtly at lBar- boor gymnaoisiumt. Jan. 17--Norttwesterl-Michigan d11- ate, 8 p. 1nt. sharp, university Hall Jan. ,8--Seaior lit dance, Baror gymna10sium1, 8 p, 1. Jan 18-Orgalnizatioln of Scadinavian C1111, 2 p. m., Roo G, University Hall. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Jun~ior egineer track men report to- day, :30 p. m., at Roons 309. All oti. Ills. iiportant seeing Saurday at r p. I1. inl 1o0o1n1I, lass boildisg. All memnb~ers 11001(d br present. Iran Vauglhanl is to asdress tho Y. W. C A.1.1net estay at 71. ts., 051 "Pe1rso1al ad I olselolfI IHygitne.' -opls ensgnesm ke105r at Micigal Union1 clubhslouse Sasrda ight. All out. Nost-1m5etbeorshfips i utnion wsill C OURSES' IN PHILOtSO3PHY -SECONt) ESIl7STE. '-5f.Contemtporary isetaplysics. Ti Is- consssof 5atalysisi of the systm~s of sveral present-fay tiskers. Freo dscssonl01 111001intsill solbe en- couraged] snd an effort 11001 to preparo thle sudlents to readl undserstndfigly ff10 flfvllsell so ssinlis Ibrnch of151scicse. Fial sa 5costructive possiionsl will e alntsm ssed 1i1regard to so1110 fefiite prols. Pl tleaseeosl s son a-i pollssbleITsoilother corses swill hr a prrrequisitle. florsIfsbe arranged. 13 A titotle's Ethiscs. Esglishs trans 111111n1 '111iscorse swill tprsntliten issly thseGreek Ipointl (f viesw illregarl Ifo hsumaasscosdsct istelargest 501150 of tha ter. (Cotsparisons and con- lrastis willIe istrodcesscswsihs medisval ,1111moorideas101. hIors Ifs e ar- rassgesd.1R. W. Sellars. FOlR SALE- At a bosrgain. A prac- ically 1new dresssuit.1Alossa tuxseof cot. ''Tis is woirthsivsesigating. If intereted, oaddress . tIC.. Micigat )aily ofce. Four Ioys ass gil lwoai11e1rools very cheap a 6s5 Cufrcl St. 7-f2 Pyrography goods at oster's. tf See IHennsing & Ksc's newvfsll lite of Micigan fobs, pins ats sposs. 11,3 Past Libserty S. cod Celebrated Martin Mandolits ansI Guitars are best for smusical clubs. Schaeberlr & Son, t1o S. Mails St. eol P statsds for the best litse of Pennatts is lbs lowset prices. If yss dot't lbe- liesve it, issvesigae for yosrself. Sane silth lsbanners ansI illosw tops-at tys- dos's. 77-fl Golf cas-sneswshapes-sts' patterns. Wiagner & Co., State St. Sign of the big swhie shoe. 77-O Two dollars insures you against all loss by fire. eo...J. Haler & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 26 South Main street. tf Since 188 we have made Watch Re- pairintg one of our strotgest features. Haler's Jewelry Store, 21f S. Mail' street. od PICKWICK BOWLING ALLEY 707 N. University Ave. ]Full Dress Suits MADE TO ORDER $35.00 to $50.00 MAC. HURDLE FULL DRESS SUITS FREKID W. GROSS Liberty St., Cor. Fouzrth Ave. Aimmm Arbor Webb's FrHghGaeCandies loeft-eans, tFssit coo, 1-unches, Sherhets, Frozen LiqlsOl larors for sall flesasissno. Fussy Napskins and Doilies Salteil INot ('ases. Webb's Chocolates are unsurpassed. 109 s. Main% St. HENY (& Co. TAILOR.S8 TnM R High Class FURNISHERS tfl Merchandlise HATTERS I VI ELPopular Prices Latest Styles--Regal Shoes-See Onsr-$5 Boot directly North of Law Bullding 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENVE GET THE HABIT Bowling reduced to 5c a man AT THE On. _f F q ; SUSPENDERS threepairasof ordinasry suspensdersul J WXebblisg ,isimstale. Qualtysunvarying. sti AN 4;} Eas. ly tuoolocta ltdc old fast Eveygenuinsepairhaslname Made of Clsslseso Srank Fabrics or of tusERbyRs oaRS ,1uc each; 2 for 25caeEIE ROHR C s0050 asOY 6CO, MAKES 1001osxo T sTnAsET. Anononsens . r-- ELECTRICITY' Supplied to Collegie Men s n d Wormer for All Puzrposes7SU WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 Es.st Wasbigtom Street All lute hooks fot rent at Foster's. tf f Ltght-y ostc-in get more lbhtn enosugh lsayor nsghs, isnostr bowling room. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNC-IBs, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBiACCO. '1a S. State 311 Maynard MOE'S rBARBER =SHOP 70ยข Noth Un~iversiy, Ave. 0. A. MOB. For faily Advertisingi Rates Address 0Buslinss M Sanauger Ns. Press Builsding Subseriptios loaesnPsy ssal, chest, draftsor money ords'r. KEEP YOVR DATES By carryilsg s espy of the ICHIGAN HANDIBOOK ill your pocket. Space for msem- orandaO, calendar, speeill eens, Uiversity Calendsr to tis tao page booh. ,Given away -to students at the University Y. M. C. A. Mc. MllannHalI. CHANGE IN T I ME EFFECTIVE JANUARY 19, 1908 For Particulars Consult Agent YMichigan Central 1 14 N. State St Both Phones ,..., T I _._.::. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WAR D, THE TAILOR THlE..WEST OF EVERY THIINGI IN TAIL ORINO