ITHE Mrt., AN AL' Souvenir Post Cards See the large display in our rear room opposite the stamp department. Local View Cards Birthday Cards College Pennant Cards "Num-Skull" Cards Folding. Cards E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 Soth State Street. AMUSEMENT S ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For Entire Week of January 13th Ale tetiiol ' Troupe inssians--winnsinganl) hir-- ed ireo ttelit ttodeeele C'ot'rtded to he the hest on Naudeille Stage 1+. (11400. osntet iolin ituoso"'and hiswondertul "Iloanclut i "-s - sosoily cpi mntiemidby the Pr inc s o tt t oyaiPalaceeBucharest Mo1btlir Berra, l'eimtoioDirtt ifromsIlipptoedrome Cleveland-Conies to uis wiit in rtecsommtedton. so . ts 4 5 " le, leto i tar'lBooker &iCothe Waik- inig Dlegateotand.JarvsTor Comei 0dyi "t -Get the habit" and see far yourselves the excellency-of our bills-Every night and Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. GRAND OPENING Ncw Whi'tncy lhcatrc Wednesday, January 15 SEATS NOW SELLING FOR A MUSICAL WINNER ""KNIGHT FOR A DAY" CHICAGO COMPANY AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA OF. 14 PIECES-Direct from Chicago PRICES-$2.50 and $2.00-Gallery $1.00-Boxes $23.00 Seats on Sale at Box Office hea rium AnnArbor's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre- NwShows each Tuesday, Thurs- dyand Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. CALENDAR. Jan,. 6-Us Lycee Fratcis," a talk by,\WilianA. battgllin,Tappati Hall teture roosm, 41p.131. Admissiot free. Jan.6--Faculty coiter, ligli School ,Jant,.16-Fresh lit party, 8 :15 o'clock. Jain. 17-Nest York otlto party at Bar- loose gymneasium. Jati. t7-Northtwesternl-Michigan dit- ate, S p. it.'sharp, Utiversity Halt: Jatn. 8-Setior lit tdattce, IBarboure gytmntaiuttm, 8 pt. i Jatn, ts-Orgatizatiott of Scatditaianit clubt, 2 p. il., RontG, ttniversity I-tll. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Te late for the girls' fatcy sress arty hto btestscantgedlto Fet. . Utnisersity Ciis cu ill mit et ttdy at ; o'clock at MihigatnUiot cl- houseto. Allomembster' arrtrged tt oe tt. Presidet. SIIORrAGE 01F TEACH-ERS IN NEW YORK CITY Scion hutnitredteatcahers are tneed toy th city f Net Yirk, adi the botard (f dctiontitt is findinsg it imtpotssile to fit cittotghi ihoticat s th~ ie severe examii- ntioos. Melanwh-tile 30iO stdettst the troclhers' training schools tare teitg draftfetdintuto rv ic atdl tre cottptletitg their courses oswit actual scool-roott experirtice. A cotiitte tf te ord silt itvestigte the resuuts-for the ick f ctlomptntittecers ELOCUTIION IDEPARTMENT' 01 SYRACUSE TRIES INNOVATION 'Te eloctttiioneartmtetiiof Syracuse unitersrity has matornewtssieaturre its whaIt is trretiteili"'lboirtory mtetodtt sit publlic spekitg" for uptrlstriiei. ftr futnctiotts tf all kitos its the tosti andtilrilaiges f the iciity. Tei'tobject f thes-works is tsgie prctical expei- eice tthoitse tking prt.t spptly ia needt(f stall townsi, sotit to stradt the isot'andinluttiec tf Srcitsettiiter- oitt. Alarsi clocks swarranted for one year, $.0. I-lller's Jeselry Store, 216 S. Maitt street. od iAQI:oTlt'0 t'titoti.5M5-M C ARS.t. Sec outr tntw le of Blrwnst, Eager & INtll frterrnity binqtuet programs adi 'antitt enusitctetordoe plcig yor or- der for Juntior I hp house parties. Nows is the tinetoi orier. Also best line of frotertilty andil-Micigtt statioery ii lie city. Typesriting cheaply idoe. Jotlliffe & itniller, above Co-op. cod Pistatitis for the est liic of Petiniants t iles lowest rices. If yo dototble- fiee t inv testigte for orsel. Stme with btanniers atdl tillows tops--st Ly- tdon't. 77-i Golf caps-ntewshapttes-ew ptters. iWagner & Ci., State St. Sigt of the lugswhite so. 77-80 Two dollars insures you against al loss by fire. Geo. J. Hller "& Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, 26 South Main street. tf Hand hammered jewelry at Poster's. Stein-B loch Pine Clothing Young Men ltav'en't got thteir eqtual in thtis city. Everything First Class LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. A G ,Home Sxpply Store H O A Sc arnd lOc Stores The Best Store in Town For Young Men's Clothing That's what otir many well satisfied younger set cutstomers tell tis. The best store, for the reason that here can he seemt the greatest variety of sinappy styles aind attractive patterns. The, heat store, because the valuies we offer in mufti For 'Tis "'Ad"' if preseinted will be accepted as . payment for antythintgbotigltt in our Home Supply Departments. This does not include Merchanise that may he ont sale at special prices. E. G. HOAG Webb's For High Grade ~do Ice CreaiiuI ilt e, Punicies, Shecrbhts, trozen Ltiuid "avors for sll Oceasionus. F4aust Napinrs antI Doiies Salted N it ('ases. Webb's Chocolates are unsurpassed. 109 8- Main% St. r ..- BRIGHTON' ' flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure'ssik AL web. All metal parts heavy nickel- FSILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASP se all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., f718 Mlarket Steetl Philadelphia Makeru of i (oeeSuspendiers f I LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY. JOIN THE CLASSES IN D A NC IN G - at OoantoersAcatdemy. gruntd tiesrMaynarid Street.sitebltkteiknsti Statet'Stoeet :tores. Tuitioutipayablein tadsvinto $3 00 sent it twslot lessonts. Niotttb.'totst'toitvisititrs irentitadmsitted duingclssoseurs. I if Caraeand Baggag ar age NOTICE - Feereh Couipte to otid fiotit parttes. btetorne iolok $f1.50. atter 12 ocltoik $2.00.Alunadsbcitoso ForecactiTrunkttooe romideor, the Alupi ubcitost price wil On 2$ Cents. It carrted t Daily are now due and should 00 teem up-stairs the prtee wiltltbe h ada ne edcek $0 Cents. b ateedne Sn cek Driv'es are reqiredso 'oltect easht draft or money order to Buis- ter carriage and baggage sacee. nasMngr WA RIFtS'S LIVERY iesMngr ttOBtNSON & CO). Room 8 Press Bldg., City. W. H. STARR WATTLES' LtYERY.1 All late ooks ot rent 'it oter.t EV IRYIl)'t IEAT'S. ILLIADS. SOW-LINO. LUNCHE@S, OGARS, CANDIES. TO0BACCO. 12 S. State - 311, Meard IOE'S BARBER- $IOP 705 North nimversity Ave. 0. A. MOE. The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen. No ink under cap when you are ready to write.. Nio buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Atisolitel i a r t e jo rl tu Ite ars ga n st fetilroi's. U. of Mn C0-op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE , r PROrIPT COLLECTIONS AND G~ 'nSti~fct'i1lf QUCK RETURNS. EUGENE SMITH THE STUDENTS' LAUND-RYMAN Agent WITTERS' L.AVNDKY Saginaw, Mfohn OPFICE 6tit East William Street. Hume Phone, 72 Black 51 CI iU1 M : I t _" .__ - l ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAIWD, THE TAJLOR THE BEST OF EVERY TNO IN TAILORING