THE 'NffCIG.AN3DAILY vTI I LFTD $ TATU'S Phiippies ))tt to try to solet the Ant- A LL AGA IN REm fENII xx ii coo problemin ithos is!lans by bring~ ong their inabitaits uoe tto influence L Yrii6 i t' Itotitud from Page One) of the highest ideals of lie. Tkig D u gist' clann, ill evenually gothroug] if tle this roait a1n(1statesnotlike rviewi-of H{i gpn ouicdigilciaflsiwr.adnsxnhehsbeabeothr oh. tPertiatps ttese stories are not teiiist te syinaptth iid toop rtioni TeColg all trite. ti nttlst not ttere b ti e o men ieof tvery-creedit ill([ ectlsiastialitheSt otege S tip plie S iliiiiitiiiiitoiihave siictiaistiemie or i-flitatinadit te is tuiecraittregar-it gnt'Atdtiein it is foremedt is ter cot as the eade of the tpiit-it foees ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON muhi ossiility of them iesiriniig to whtiiet are see ig to lift th t iabittots are best lower their iiiwn self-esteem to 1lat-il('if hetilititics ioiighter ciiia- k TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS if secured ichiigan whten each oie gets tw o first-to. cls esternigaiiiesouti iii te otract hBistop tBrent is a teeietutotinsty earn- Sold in Ann Arbor by -AT-iii il ii- atter caiice to ia te otter c-st eaker. ie coes eeet aiiress GINO. WAHR' ITWO TW BOOK STORES ttt ra ot shat 1131 bihigan may tourersity stuent; andit i is trutly < ;alai be case tiere i a shade of tee- lillttit ti oippotitytioiihleri ti...A .. F R S t ionltrettaci atachtei to their gants, - SHEEHAI/N & COMPANY C rnI 5 irid .tniAe. a dth ~ere is 1noneicto titls. N rC -nideerig these facts, that fromt n.___ _________________ ls i s ietri-iI is iatempllorary re- Intetcollegiate Notes. i e vwcgainthIteprincitples for swhiei Mlon ey L.oan ed n ar toaell~ g(vry l ti~n utttis 1111Ste oiie tree Rot'e-intupcig is a tart of te cugyro- Bfar ahit in Watehsb am d -tasw ti e stroatgest oieer cet et Cofrne]eetBrant Shaw "ouNtilNer _________________________________________________ - c -iti a d at the saietit ittle lase the Ca 'felt.' Offic tt sidec t 21 I t cte~rt ist ~ltpn itu it fpaying aiy eastern o o Ajri-sen eiitl101 Wt i tshtttts t,. i i No Thrifty Man will miss this great Bargain Sale t h oinference. ught ne consider - nstion that11tle Casr echttwuatits ait Ai-i-ariirAOch 3i foetirNat petten-tt- to ian-wer ini its rilittms. All Winter SITS and OVERCOATS at a h0F~C WTS I en are se rythitig to gan ad - Illy__ ______________ tilhis tpride to lhue?Feticinig plas atrominiietplt iiintheBIG RKEDUCTION A.N \hcivr Roritt i.titlicecontests hteeeo lases iitmay THE .A [1(81 LI A'l'tJ -'f the eastirn unitvtersiies atd colleges. '011. 1t1NG1-,IY ADD)RESSES _--- ® INtttNt'V'RINO to Ct i' I t'i-etrSagg f ChIicagot is seintig VVa C . t-~it(iin htri loida. lie itedsito i Prf.J."" langley cittsiltig en-(Laire)otll-or respontdente wiitilthet~ rek All Soft andelStif ats at ---20 per cr-lt off I'tfi.; :tm n ier ilspeak b efore the Engieer- tlletes iniordetir ep i i ithminigooil Smoking jackets---------25 itt ClittOtff t ii con Alowr tels dteaiing fact. Price 25 cents rit'1t lIhttiiltth igS hipeedtiolsteels. - Staley Underwear - -r - 5 ieciii itf A~~f i1 Fritlay een--intg at x8. ti.or Reirmx 300. Thirty -fie-ttm-mbetrs f Itigishi lC 311;ftg0M rh te S itsa - - - - - - $12. l)ARLN~i tz IYAI~lEAIIX 'Prof. ligle-eis a seaker of widei-liicago enditd their three tmon~thsoh5 adatnSit a---------12 24=22 -,. Sate w sieitce intee-lwhtirk, taviig dnthieltme ssigitettis by gisitg a bniqiet, $2. 00)Manhattai Shirts -- $1 .55 iniatriite est-archlwitrkltfor hrotitmo )-fiwthichi feih ciit spalelches iere S.50 Manhattan Shirts - $1.85 _______ _________ ti n3st ee l ttcttlmpa ies 'fhe ht- 1ri are-tlitiici s. ic rt is-sliiticlut ut he a$3.0f-05 MnatataniShts- ----------$2.50 r fi1-. it-it-ib-ntif tei onemof-ithills-st-of 0s __________i_____________ I iii seui it i f li l r ia ut iv m il ushc S \ It IR~dN~' \VI 11, u leconoftuaciter ii hil iisl 310hooc Ro eC. I10 t)C[ tUII um.iitcw cs lir t ill hintii 2,50mu0t0m ilA SlJIIl te tiin st It II 9 - I e it Ciesmt. 11).I tue umthtbes wilbe Iusonlinn Fiogo - u)-hi tie' hotitasfroitmiitts~thelesto ReuIe Con in & F e --- it I i lc- the iPhi i ies still teiser _-- - n st iSocumcitm -utter-mtiter tie ais- Hereafter anyth anil lc t e-hr- o tt-ll i-s ,iii theHoItil (wildttini iiSt. Ait-cptaiti oh Chicagoswilhe comeltouAtMAt it °v cii--ihurchl, Suimdayts.Ja. 1,it 07 :30 s-gn1 a11agreemmint tht Its illmi nt cittieA MS Eat Univers ity Pharmacy bces.oonfii riii 1i tic eeyers h thues rit e t ign. " I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $1 tni I ,irsl iiis - s iit"-_e gdin ipartiishi wo-rhk iniBoson,. - - ntis; ngceli utusogtugliheloor, first mull'Pesidlenti Sdnit ot f Cb null ItutimInithe Advance Spring Styles, Attache andh Dt. --ch iur c ofSt Johnthe ticImgeist, I -il) hinkstus hituall sindnss(tl ached Cuffs-the Materialstmiulstyles arc s god t:.' af riatdin StS. Stiee 's chuttcli. I tia e fiite i m inu $i50will purchase-see thetm " la sen ishis ftil t' his ilippuies Ibe in tg f theii yar esg ir t, andiistuu workiiiIthelei-tuuhiseei oin-g~tsit rferetceteialztin MACK(0.Co. Miri St. riisch -ata actsei a1, to tin for hnt tieringthe ulus umituts-ngmtuditaat _____________________ __________ stonifidenc f tile- Filhpimnosamd iii-thete- sthulu iitlbeforethe thudetiil V. of M i lust sit admirailtiniiofIthe 'Americami n tutu]imt cliii -o hutwo-y111r1coses Ba b rii ilnt he islandus-'pannued ii -buctuctione xpmusudl ead-h n wai i ~ii tches. Oijlins .jewilelryt i d :iit B rbr ihop and Bath R II(s athei, asticutsirian s iwtlhias aiprophleltiig ttttuedicinelw, ii iurnaist itlI MONIEY.V LOANED (>t 1s~t-sisjei an td nii1