TI-it MICHMAN bAII.Y IHow is Your Rekzor? On Friday, October 4, Mr. Thos. A. La Motte of New York will demon- strate Carbo-Magurtie Razors in our store. If you would like to try one for 30 -days without cost come in and talk to. him. i El.V-[4® CALKINS, Druggist. 324 Suth State Street. is UNIVERSITY NOTICES The directors of the Michigan Union twill meet at lunch this noon at Oyster Tray. LDeutscher Verein meeting, 5 p. in. todlay, Room C, U. tH. Altlmenihers urged to attend. 'trustees of Students' Lecture asso- ciation meet at S. tL. A. ofice at 4 p. in. ;htarptodtitay. Grove. Prof. Lucius H. Mitler, of Pritnceton university, wilt stpeak to the young men at lVtN eittan 1Matl, Sundher evening, 6:30 o'clocrk. Sopsh lit election Wsedlnesdtay, Oct. 2. } to 5:30, Rotom C, U. Ft. All candi- (ltes must register with election com- utittee totdaty before 6 p. int. All camnlidlates for (Girl's Glee club' still tplease meet Mliss IHint, Wednesday it 4. in the moiddle parlor, Barhour gymi- niasium. Fertt Flemiitg, Secy-Treas. Studeit canivassers for S. L. A. tickets please repo~rt at treaisitrer's office, U. H, \Vedntesdtty etween 4 antI 6. 'T'ickets will lieott sale. Hobsart,'T'reas. 7-8 TInd ttiiania clib will meet in Room I?Late buildling, ott Thursday, Oct. 2, ait4 p. Ill. Planis will lie fo rmutlatedt for the recetionsof Govi. Haitly ott Oct. 5. All II iuisiers are urged tattetnd. ThelierSst regultirnmeetitng of the 'oun Wtti \omne's Christian associationt irill lieIteh1 this afterntoon at 5 o'clock, at Nesiherry tall. Miss (;ertrude Smitth, getteral secretary, will least the nectitig. All girls are coridially itnvited. 'lTtursday tifte riitit 4 to 6, the Yoting Womietnt 's Christiain assosciation swill he it homite at N'ewblerry H all iti ll girls of lie Utnivr sity. A shtort musical proigeamtittill lie gires aiti light refresh- ienstwill lie sered.'T'his will he the frit of the usuaitl informald receptiitns tivet byil theassosciationi. 'tim Sitmt it'ol. ti playero te ever victoriouts' tetitofiii'99, is the reputilicatni nottintee forattlorney in, brottwn cotit, Ktansas. Oturewitsfttll Spintx $2.00 hats are in anttt asailteyourecoinig. Utirrect styles. Frest W. fGross, co rite r Libertyatnds Itutitltisveuie, rod t-6 'Tle ssait itho ktnowst buys cloilies of G~ross corseter tLiberty'tntitFosthilsave- Istir. eodl i-6 7 '. S d f [cf Ft Our Blest Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what .mi % Stein-Bloch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO.4 The Great Neckwear House. LIKE CUT,- FOR '5 Good enough for anybody. Over fitve thousaxid useful articles at cut prices. Why pay more thau thiugs are worth? Corner Main and 74 14j.I c and 10c Store. Washington. L. ~ - Home Supply Store. Webb's For High Grade Candies. Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. Favors for all. Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. .. . 1 AMUSEMENTS The Majestic Theatre Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to 'Kiaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted -for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. i I Webb's Chocolates are UJnsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. v LO(STI-A suitcase. P'hone So. Re-- wardl. 6-7 __________________________ fliti'119 1E. LIBERTY ST. 'infA IU111n Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving I 111 113 111 Picture Theatre. ~~ NEW SEA .SHELL FRONT Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. mn. JOE GILLARD, Prop. i LAW BOOKS 36th year Diti~torsarles 36th year In Qosia Books irn Auns Arbor Logal Micellarny Anstn Arbor CALLAGH.AN ft CO. CHICAGO Anna Arbor Bmrancoh. State Street. Oppoeite Law Bl1d#. .i 'l'tto dosllairsitisitres you againist all lists bsyire. Geo. J. Halter & Co., Rieal Etaies tea Irtitte, 2t6 South \ it street. tf A 3A ILastitait Koidak teas taken from L?. if 1.t.bosatotise Sunitay, Sept. 22. Ritetrntsolothoseor 719 S. Thasye stireet. 5-7 LOST'-unchi of keys, Satan's head seail sit ritig, bietweeti West Hall stud N. Univiersity. IReltrn to DAtILv office. 5-7 P'yrographty goods at Foster's. tf Sotltwassh a specialty at the Studensts' Laitnidry ott South University, itn cor- tier if Church. tf 0. 1-I. Lute, Alarnm Clocks, $t.oo. 205 list Wsashington. tf H3iolisgy, histology, hacteriology-paths- otogiesit and dissectitng itnstruments at Goosdyear's Drag Store. 1-t2 I ML- ROCKLY ................................... f fi CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR see axost. 2 from age CL CTil'. PCAYODY i CO. AMen of Clnett- and Monarch Shims Carriage and Baggage Fur eaceb(loupte to anid fritm parties. the price wtll be $2.00. For eaeh Trutik titer tram door, the prier wilt he 25 Cents. If carrted to ' o- f Jrtu-statrs. the price wilt be soc* asn Drivers are required to collect casth for carriage atid baggage serice. 5 WALKEtR'S LIVERtY tIOtINSON & 0O, iW. t. STARIK WVAtTLE{S & CO. LATEST OPERA SUCESSES- "'The Merry Widowe," "The Girl Qttes- tiots," "Floweer of the Ranch," "Girl Behtitti the Coutnter," "Miss Honk of Hlolland," "The Talk of New York," tittd stters, at Root's. tf 'Goodt candiies, always frishi.' It eottlidsurprise puttu to kntoswtote our candy buiescs us inicreasing. Look our line over next tinme you buy. Hutton Bros., 5 3t2 S. State St. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Norths University Ave. 0. A. MOE. i I. The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" SelfFilling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Absolutely qtoaoteed "foe htwo years ogoisttdefects. U. of M. Co-Op. BDAWSON BROS.'DRUG STORE 0# F, GRANGER'S Classes in dancing begin lessons October 8 and to. Ladies and gentletmen, Tuesday and Thtnrsday even- SCHOOL OF ings, 7 to 8 o'clock. Childrern's class begins lessons in Novenmber. D A N CING BRADLEY GRANGER, Instructor. I "PUHRAN PENNANT PHiOTO NETS Decorate your room with ate. in thin center ot every net there is a Miohigars peast les6 tn..'rhe netting is etude of the ttighest Orade of Sa-tl and Twine. Slur it ft, $1.00;,53ft., 75a. Other sets without tprnnanfts, 'lie, 50cand tic. All nets sent pnstpahd._ Pesnants of all ciolteges made to tirder. i. a. LINDQUIST, OsBELIN, OHIO. BOX 14. i fI. - 0 t v TIlE BEST OF EVERY ALWAYS- AhfEAD .IN ySTYLERS MIL WARD, TUE TAIL0R THING IN TAILORI;