T1-Er MICHIGAN 'DAILY ALL Druggist's 8 up pies are best if secured -AT-.- QUARRYI'S,, Carnter Sttec St. ttdN\. Unit. Attc. Money Loaned On Waitebes mhind' La[Bo or'othterperal proety. "Watches and iJewil .ep (i(.. Bargain. in Watchesi&cDianioncti: Office at residence 331 E. Libelty St Ann Artior. Hoturs: Ston11:30a. Tn., It 1:30 and 7Ptn 9 p, . ALL OBUSINESS COtNFiIDENTIAL, JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHJER Price 25' cents AT DARLING & MALLEAUX 224=226S5. State 5t. HAIlLERI'S JEIWE LY STRE, 216 S. Main St. East UniversIty Pharmacy' '.111 s. itt'nivetpity. tite. Barber Shop aqd Path Roomfsj Evnerythnai iFiart-ttanao Lamlest Shopa i" e itIy J R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. BENNETT APPLAUDS CHAGE IN DRAMA Welcomes Progress From Bur- lesques "to Masterpieces-Ap- proves Present Situation. Ini theCh(icago it l dct -ttlI c'til iif Dec. Hell Ii tettilltt C, arto itthe dliItiai -. lai a t M ccigi . i ctRenttlgatve at c i lof ithe I 'ic'liii depat m nt. 1-I has lway taki a ke tnit ercst itt Miciga draat tli t tt131 ctics ndn t'ap asto coilsidr the it t i reatly ecorg- Itg t wi test>is follo1111 Good tid itgscoinc'fromntheit Untiver-. ti i i'pprtcofte stanardlditli l i cick tsn tkintg sapn tc itht 13 c en u h 1iIad it flill t ill a teaiclti , iii. uci a mputi s i i>liicictittca itn wtich liltrathureof IN liii fi cciii nty aItt i lato hei t enc ted.liii N valuabllt fetulil of th eias etiuteatiotri ialitbllt itisi.calyiitha n thepic r mantii ics lilciti- i o s A the-corseiA.tti nutNiitar lhtrticlt lot istt ii l lc_,t~ei- i itill blit i 'Sic rcvr ' lioneon ne il thec an 1 sti iiaeit lrlton t h If theiiComtildy thi gv-; i i 3!- litan iwiil ae i1 1 tof in the i sa ai ili- 13h 3 1eye sechd 1 h . 3ihet' foenoi nl A h pa fec writhttterikesonta c clii .n31rstYv }BRINKiSINi LIKE A CAMEL To lnad a Conklin Fouintctit Ptn, jest clphit i 0niny ink, press lte Cresce tilitrcandtisee it liilaitswit Tine College. tank like. a came l staing itsltist. T'Pi I islctherei ' r Stttndard in to it! Na drnotper-nnonmnss-no bother.iD. it . ~anywhere-any lime. ('ANTT 1TT 9 SELF- ~..&Fi1I1flI FILLING a r' "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCtNT-FILLE" d n anhbe flind1instantliywithothleatt ioittfenceili clI could fill itnwittht white, lid tgloves n 3witotitdanitgetrt n't pys oilitng. Besties its citveince is thte sletid tl rI ; quialities of lte Conkltin----tepefcti d .ni trynnLadini diear ith nile lt theln. 1I tt i-, loesa nt ,o 1l x a 5>R. direict.1Pices, 3.0 n uicn diat tsncetfor atiiimc eittcaiit 4 - The Conklin Pen Co.,?Z 0 Manhattan Bid ., Toledo, )(i Nom Thrifty Man will miss fis great Bargain Sale All Winter SUITS ant: OVERCOATS at a c' alla1 iiiiittt''x'igiavli itit1titi intutorit tiprlatttal asi toi tlt (ittto il111 fcll l iai 111 a itcitl tlts at llwtta Suchi ex- int tialeti o eI l l c ii iii ligave a littlteit'ai'cttfryal l ilti i lo rnito vuiliat'r'11111sty isasntc u. tiotthaiitaundhitt h sm n. ~i bas 1muicl i n:11311 ofa t he 1 co ain.o atiltl i < spiec ie f tatindlii 3111af ithi lt l atrtsia h:a ir n h nvr it silt Wisp)Niin ny(sie 1wy i.,atve ndwmetshadnocaustot i teIf ithe1eliii:O S lurecttilt tilt.tt t hi s l yeaitrii i l t I 4 : firtlitol: s'.1 pc a motilt i lici t iof a f i iia ilt ct etili j li( ill the I'll oreii tis lidi mind, farce;1"f hit 't il 11113 ii c li' titcc it t MN ,a il>1i' :till t 11111 1 c ' tutu I' ee lii Nto All Soft and Stiff Hats at Smoking Jackets - - - Staley Utnderw'ear - - - $i.50 Manhatten Shirts at $2.00 Manhattan Shirts - $2.50 Manhattan Shirts - $3.00O Manhattan Shirts - -20 per ccent lff' 25 pecc cint IIT - 15picenIItioff - . - . $1.20) --- $1.55 --.-$1.85 - - $2.50 nii 1 ~ t i1 I iit ic r C_ . { C . '(fcit'ic's 'Itit 3ti113 ilt ftatitli I r~ ii 'ii i work111 iI i dra atc iv I o Echml iii' li ttciRcruilili 1fit ' 1111111 an eo ii 1 i 'cciiiea~lr itiicc 0 0 ) T epee ted ei t h e ii i i Ie i tipm af;1 .lii>eI; -67) TO \ec1) . l itinain.blit f the t 'lza till s It iii li litcinsicternitc Pyorph(odsa ose ait till 'l' cube, Co 1i & IF At MA(47K'S $1.0 ftMONARCHII Nff$1.0 In the Advance Spring Sit aes, Attached anici De talaed Cuiffs-the Materials' and styles are as good as $1,50 will purclhase-see ' hemi. MACK E tt Co. aMante. NI 1 iit fui n Ii stilt l I till 111. t i (ttti 4,Hous a83 o11:,1 LotinI lia I p ur~hAveue ppnsteu r t lutat ewodoors onh f ityYM .A.W. J. LOURJM H yuevrnoieth difference between evening dress suits and evening dress suits? The difference lies in the cutting and making. We are well eqoipped to serve you. 'AGNER & CO. Importing "tailors. State Street. Rowe's Laundry The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs- TOMS OW, ia tdyL m 41445outh State Street 326 N. FihAnn SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Te hn 3 elIli._ ns~r sedsf 1w By G. P. COLER SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY9 l36sttatSiatrete SUNDAYS 1210o I P. M., BEUINNING JAN. 2, 1908.- Eayothees Cases Saat.rdaay 50 A. M. a..d ayonteys i. The Historical Settig of the Sermon. Jan. 12 7:30 P. M. l'oderate in price. 2. The Beatitud s. Jan. 19 AS ttuly o u I .. t Cheaper than oil or electricity. 3. ThseIFulfilig of the Law. Jan. 26 .. -- __ _ -- - - ..... 4. Turninthe thr hek. e.2w1KN 5. BeYeThserefore Perfect. Feb.' Chns Co-ne etarn 6. Giving Holy Things to Dogs. Feh. 16 ChnsCopSeetart Get the bet from the largest assortrmomt. _ ~~C cs1Jtiluu, Aieiuui t. cunaie f Thes leturs ar fre t Uniersty tudets nd ther wh ma aliids. iathtin.tui.clIs fnr TeelcuearfretUnvriy suet n teswomy 'ialics anEld entltut ne n .A bo " sC l care to0attend. - , Cineanci yeBiiatun n i c cVih e Up Stai, ntdoo S. ilslnr,, 314 S, Sate St..An Ar o Ga C . STUDIO-RENTSCULER, 39fast. Huron Street