THE MTCHIOA5 15ALV _ .,. y--"--- - --- _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. . , Wild C ollip ally i Managzgitng -AL ctrMw~t I Business Manager-C. E. WISTIAI. Te iLarget :tock in the tCity of Exclusive Styles in For Gentlemn's Wear Everything required for Suits, Trouserin(-, ando1 it hgtclats faberies andsial t l is. Full Dress t Sits al Specialty G.H id3 South State Street Feww 50C Michigan FV or 25c, whtile they last. These are thte origittal Miclhigatt Calendars c otnt ao iti neg abcout go views tof Antt Arlttr. We Bte tia fewleftouct of att edititon of sctoo. Shieehan &Co. Student Bookstores EDITRSs Nes............. A. F. Ritctie Atthtetics-....David F. Stevensonc tssrttnettg. tt....I. Johni Watmbtotd It lsie 5andt Dratas... ovD. Wselcti \ omen's t'.titor. .. .Lotoar Van Voorhtis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. MeCandless Elmer C. Adams tulsellytct'arland( NtIGHT EDITOnS ttirtm S. Cody George H. Hobart Citauncey Boueher B. G. R. Wiltiams dovimntd Visistter REORTERS L. C. Reid Lee A White Alt. I. Mittn-t1 J. IT.Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier towelil J. Carr Dotnald L. Kinney Walter K. 'tooweers Lottis Kraft l xt is'1'. tdttt brntt Robert Moreland t"1111Grcere Saimuel It. Morris .tiit'.ttngel1 Fretd. Gootditng BUSINESS STAFF Jobo F. Wore Cart H. Adam Hiaroltd P. Gould 'ItICttlG.'N WITHtDRAWS FidO'st Tiid CONFEREKNCE uC'otinued frotm Sage Ot-et ou c'sstnge. or lcare. Undoubtedly the scotittt'tt here, ontil the reent Con- ferettce meetinlg, itas tbeetnitn favor of Conferece relations, and facttlty, alumni an1 ttider-ratduates tad hoped to see -iiai i 'wthctere stte gettgrapicially tie- luns. i1 terist ..But tcotnsitderitng the Irend11f11e thr ntitttitnsth'esea t1e iote isasi'Iratp ittthse dark'"stitt noi ite Iknitow s etlywhteret'hle UPi-I iesrie still tutd itself. The twithtdrawalt from 1teIWeserntiCotftrree tmeanes a cmlete' reotrganiztioofitiiItte ittire itleItic system n d 5111 'is generralty felt thtte ttttivriderd''ipp tltfithe tu- 51 ilitt boiiy is asltly esse'ttialt. S:,,I?.MAN tHASettOICE, tOF ITdttd 1,Iltdt:ttdFS, SAYS SPtdlR tI~leif satttcoieinte inichtaracer is ts moiist wthole sottmeltharacteristiecttt tiuIr i da.'said Robtert F. Speer Sutiday alighut inihis sadidres ot thte Methoisit chrhits sn titwa ess oitt''"Godt atts "Chassracter," lt-e sid, "is ttail's ttest Asddress: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., f l \sset. When tttsttt tasitis iprinceiple's Msaynard Street. it 1015 1mortiseditou tis Itieitenthie Mianager's Hours : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. M. liniplet's ciitttheimiatn. Titesatte daily, exeept Sunday. Both phone' timnuOitouriimttte 5and1cottttry tasthtet 96o. slitsce ofltti threes'failts:Agtttsticistt. t jUiltar11111nim,1and Christiatiity. Agntos- chasltrwic it s iwoirthiyttf tworshie. Unitrtaismit s tttterresftsrglowrit 'I'lSDItY'st. 3.1NIAtir14, 1101. Chi sti11111ty,.tascondthand treligitten ut- sisrtu:1W;T1TCPOLICsY. mst, tsenit tm111to Chtristisanity.'' N itt Igiiat Michiiiiga hs tskenia ielitt ( SI'stIi.tArNS RATsIFYs it tn n i thdrtawntit fromtheI \'sAIION'AtCONS'I''TTION '~se i Inttietiollseisits Co'fiitns e.i it rmin s ti h theIlsciist iet bodyut'. m ke t metisI'ing tof te Cotsmoptotlitant this OV ne wih will res'lsct cei lbs tStrdalevitItit vltei to rat- Is st ithe ,iiei 1111 Tl e esits lith selt il)'tlit ntiolrgt co111111ituti1on tia s draw ih t orer s tigs,.anst his it5 eigh t io li, lea ittg UnitedstStates uni1- fir wiill1111doutdlty gtol s .. this tay svesitiescc tius iecomtingt a chaptter of IYit ti liith ima ur 1ys. "I wat s tilt Ii. SoCsi i 11111 fetCoes o ltatnttClebs. 'tiltso am , a csitelst twitht Ilitois, {iIhe 55155 sli ut waus h lct it istont, di e ev teflit and11hessg'tdtuli tssill met iiAi'siuArbtor ingtiittie text cl5 i onghscllg freo hitmsrcss.iThe Michittg'ntdt'e- Irii' lii eIlsrse titust tee noituttti a.g atlustsre A. S. irtsiti insdIA. C. \tiae u urhnsrtu t ie s lo asui s s it s ut ut ttit s11^dt oteUivrity mkscon scTilsvitntic et ers1011entwhih ________________chageli of tthle 'sAreianttgroup.i A. S. ICIIGNINSI1NUR I S ~t~kii si andsIK. irantgste rdisctussionic 'sI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o lbhtet ssNIcial's b aSnd politialeontioncts of 1 :1 's '1CTt."'b'ttbSI'I."I'INGSitisir citintirv. GIRLS OPE'N BASKETBALL SEASON IN BARBOUR GYM The gils' basketbaii season was opened in Barbour gymnaium yester- toy afternoon with a game ibetoeeno the teams of the sopiomore and frehmat classes. The 'to girls. athough heavier than their oppoents, were otliged to iisplay ohl their skill before te end of tie conlest md tenc wotoutbythlie stmaiilcargiti of two potts, tte score stanittg 14 to 2 wethte bsinlwiste tlew. totht teamcs shcwedt markedtiaiit' for sit eary inthle seasotiatd played wit atdash whiceh kept tte spectators it a state tf excitemntt. 'te first half ettded witt a tie scre, btht teams tavitg gaited fotr oits. After the itertmissionthte tbtsket trow- i111 was tmo~re acerate. ttc tierlst fe' tmintes of play tier sohtotores sit- ceetdeiditt execititig a difficult goal frmn theis'et, tbrestting satie antdtwitinttiihe1c MACKAYE TO GIVE SECONiD tLECTIURE IN ANN A lOR Ptercy'Mciaye, teetnttedt dramattist wholeIcttredi hecra sshort itte sago has 'just niete tsEitglisih depasrtmcue tst hc wittlte titabletie flliia retrn etgage- miett at the presetnt time. However, te p'romtises tt e ihere itt abttit mothti. 'sir. sMsackaye tas jutt fiisied a westerti lecture tineatiCicaigio. te etectedt to cminto iAtti Aror this wek, ut trgenttbitsitess tiatters cail im ttst-i t New Verk. 'sr.Mtckaye listsbieeni accordetgret receietns whereverte a aitieretini le west aitnt is eerywhere gaiintga reputttiotncas a leaditg authoctrity on the ubect of the cdrmoa. te hits itt tres'. t ess'pay cated "The Scarecrows," tulantedi tii atstory tf tawthorne's tid iii character mucthi resemblitg the fa- imtitsc"Wizardt of tO." Mr. Mckaye is alsoieprcingi a Vluimtetfesstys fr publtictiont, incudiing tiose swhictieis liss givenl here antd otir which tic use'. for is tpttlitc ectures. Anotttrr wosrk, si collectiont of his ipoemts, is i irsicess sit coimpetitniadstwilttetil- liissedin iiaot aiiyear. (IIusic ana Drama Msabel tBerra itt siqittkt costumtee chagitg stinte tmade liehit of tee Majestic's ilt for this week. Sie comt- pletedi ler scess when te galery whiisteti the ecors with her. The rest itt the bitt does ot vary romuthte average of the ilt presentedeeinb this houes. I is, as a swhoe, amcusitg. Spritig shapes ithetvy saterproof Oxfordss. Wagter & Co., State St. Sigt of lie big white shoe. 77-So Sittitigs for groitp pictures foe Mic- ganeniantttcmasy te hatdttigtsr say a Celebrated Martine Mandolins and Guitars are bet for nmusical clubs. Sehoeberle & Soun, ito S. Main St. ed An Exquisite Gift If you are in doubt shout what to give your friened for a gift buy a copy of our Michigan Calendar. It cotntains originals drawings atnd 'sepia printitng. Its the beat ever published in Attn Arbor. Price only 25c The Souvenir of Ante Arbor atnd thce Universit y recetttly publtshced by us 1s now on sale. Price 50c WAHR'S Bookstores State Street Mtint Stret 1 C. . DAR Nw i Law and Medical Books 'Treves Atnatomy, New Edition, (just received.) Stimnct's Fracturesattd Dielucatiotts, New Edit- ion. Morris Anotormy, 3rd Ed. half leather1 $2.50, h al1f ttorocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-b or excltange youtr Law, Medical and Dental Books, C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State SI. Largest collection of ordittary and the otnty collection of fite Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Qttality Best - Prices Right Michigattatnd Frat. Stities. W.ARNOLD, Jewler 220 S, Maiti St. e asG. SPALDING it> , ".gA 4 & BROS V. The Largest Manutactuers in the Wold ot Official Athtetic Suppltes Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gsolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OfftctaltItnleentt toeTeach and Field Spoils Ujnitornms tot alt Spoit.Spalding's Handsomelyr IltiateutCatstiogue ot allisirts containstu nteoussuggestioms. Send fornit. -t's tee. A. 0. SPALIOING & BRtOS. New 'Ynets, ttieauo. -,t. Louis, wn lscsi ie Mitnne.'apolis. envtrutt, Bufflo. Syracsetitts- tiurgt'hiude'lphuia, itsstun, Cininnat.1Bli lustre, xWail)tttattst. ianusa.s it'u'leveaind, eels OrleassDtrotuit. MotrtealCanda Th Ii'N iIt i iis usu uusi ustmangemuet usl t eha isqutest fur altlitr- 11111 Icsndtams swhu ssircs rerseu- sii i suits Itoinotify theist siostte, stid toi 1ae ic Itusit taeinst theelests oporunity.i ITic last datsfr fsen'tior' iittn's hias I llfixesh st Feb. t. ii i.ucontact ifsr thi scsilir lists hias bengvIitsoIRentschlter, suitfuse thut site rhits, citgii'e s anust itedice s t ssue-' (ftllt N&iPack ''ihuc photogresruts ture ihts evryn who~lti 1 cani d1(1so, hluatvs'hit- 5511'.lre itakenlnowisteadii osifswiaitig cl aiitionsstmile ws lthr e tuir Sill dostwill his'oisrcrowduedt. BAtDssNXVusc ROEuSASU. CCESS. I 'I i' han'ill is suh of debet. A surly uof csvnty-lfr couleeslhelpedtimske the affasiesof lsthnight, whlicht sas hein u Barburusuug'suuastuut, it success. 'fle miusi fir sethe lto-estesdharen cdances ws. fushicdibyu the enetire tesies, coil- stug ofthirty Ipircees, ile Graneger's orcetrpayts i~ed thue sNvaltzes. Before thus dasntcigaireceptioin sas lieldt, tith Mies. Reedh atnd IDrsaniJoridane headineg thme recs'nsi g lite. DOitug to thee success of thus party, it is inurtededto gist' stuother cdstice tier tile sameii atuspices ic thee near future. - H HU9 HAVEA Io e Fusic Every day one bears people say "If I were in college again, I would do more itt the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing about music tosas to appreciate good m u s i c when I hear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in alt branches of nmusic are given by the best prepared instructors1 at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Muaynard Street I Ube !Btubeuts' ~lecture Association Season of 1907--8 Joint Temple Graves. Dr. Bratnder Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by lion. Win. 1. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays ______________________________________ 121 WashIngton E~. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone~ 598