VOL XVII.ANN ARBOR, MICITIGAN, TUESDAiY, J \N \[iY 54, 51908 VOL. XVIII. oii. %%. MICHIGAN WITHDRAWS FROM THE CONFERENCE BOARD IN CONTROL OF ATHLETICS TAKES DEFINITE STAND S-STAR ATHLETES ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN FOOTBALL, BASEBALL AND TRACK-PATTERSON'S STATEMENT. Thes Board i Coto of Athltis TheFimopressioo that the Coference ha votesd last evening to withdrasv froos the beeo edseavorng to uiscipline Michigan Western Itcollgeiate Confereoce. by refusing to pass the seen-game reg- This action is final, as bothi the Uivr- latioo utsil after Micliga's stod had ity Senate and the Board of Regnt's een eiitey takeni sas prevalent at votetd fll power to thes oard at onet- hemeinsg, sd is said to ave had ings heldI last February. Fllwigisossidralle iseight iin sfensisgle te oard's official statceet: ssssr's dutal idecisisn. ''The tioard its Control sof Athletics No definsit lpla of prcedur wsi'st f le university f bichsiianvoteud ti- isei. Whie it was vaguely asssned ight tii witthdraws frosm the Cinleresice. Lbat milceligai cuittd arrange aeqaste This actiosn sas takess iy the Ioarsd as elevidslesirhtish os-Csnferesee csleges. shlte favorisg alt reasossable regulatiosnsthe statemsent f justi ihit gamies sassi sit athletics, it cossdist st ee its waey cosntests csossu l e Cuesss one iaisisnsut cear' ts imsplose restrictiosissdeemd nnis5 toedses. wvarranstedlftomtissiestnditotf po-i 'titlhigaumtutu hok tis tev ast fist rootinttg schoelarshipts sicisty isatletics. le msajosrity 5f lie aies, swits t" est ''The oard adoipedl as worinisg ruiles 11 sothturfiniisig asmisall (Ill (, of thoseiif te Conferen cesihichs it ail iiuisss. "According tis le asurnisofi ii otesed,intil such time st'co'- -hsi p osiin toi iknows, Miichig'n imittesesouldl retort othirs." ill ave little toublle i araigig a After is year saitisisreofindcisissoii slsfacory fooball schedule, adilit rcc sndaiste cuiiinastio of i hng iss" ersils fr Diectur Bairdl tiidisesove f stiiileit dissensiins andsit tssuoiteut vit i rsspects lie ii the oiler felis. le hissd ini Coitrol f Ahleics hasi'heacity of stletic schedules duineig deleiveredl its iitinisiatu aold"slituss iisiie sersiel i isislargely assignie-i is no lonsgere o(f the lig Nie 'i ts ': e 'isnite fence usttitiste of se actioniisiteasissithatforinlusthitiitsc viai sn esits' autuit is exiete tait swits ions5sithi suc iscoleges s tChiciagoh-lile eiie stansiltakes, saisfacsory c- li tits it. \iscoisi'ii. illittisut idth iler 'Lilts isy le atinse. srs severedluttsl such tme s i tsere- Speakiing fruitsthe personlsiss anssss- miisssssg siessbers 5f tuecoCntfeecet ouitst, lProf. Patister ssoaete efollows- chooisse oeni diissitcetiitruings's s iag satemtent; Acciteditig tssasresolustionssissssest hy' "of course selbosrd's stctionis ilasrgely lie reprsentativs of teBig Nise cii- 'ests inthuesdaerk As toi se right sr leges st a mietisig heldsIitsChiciasgos oii xrissg sitit, I myiself ismsott teessee. April 3 Isst sesi, sihess any Cnsferencec.1p'inout slie whether we are right sr collesge fhns itself unwsiling isoviitspsy sut Timei snly wilt tell. lit it is titshtile rles n tic hiler Consfeence n- isse isnsis,stnd I isisagise there is 150 stitustionshasisll schedlse gamsi thilit;tisesilsbyofthe soseswe savso i o ut stnd suit. isMichsigans sot sly fors i- ls s oresclsscse it self unillintigo compl~y iithishesucii tronsgs tick ansilth. igs lbt definitey swithdsrsaws frost the "itis pssihlesial witins a cope f Coniferensce, is is exiremsely impstrobuableltyears, fisinutgth ter resents pstfii-~ tha gaeswil bescedued viliany tos'-werc esrogly fisssdec,.Michigiant f te Big Nine teams,sisy' goiscisto 555te Cnsfernce. hist The actioss of ue bacisseasiesns further haists, tisink, smsire proalae is tuat sial sucshsmess s Scutl, Rheisschiditihle Coference sill wear itself to pieces. andsti asgoffiu, of the footbal teasms, RoweCUsiser presents rulisgs its the Cosferencee Coe, Duslltasd Hessat, of te tach teamt, twhis masssjitiy' is required for any andTat, iding, eley ndWene ssaesnenti toig'osthrough. Wiiti osly stiti aft Gicitig, Klte aisiWestieieight csslleges ithie orgasizatios, I dost f the baseal easm, wihl e eligiblse to- sisy siuring secominig sesons. blievice sisy f he pointsott which Mic-- There seems little donhi that the sction igan lists hed lie ojections will le of he oad o Cntrl illmet wth rectifed, fr it is atmosst isconceivabsle ste geBolar of osheolstudles ivi.thttsix sf the eight colleges cats sst is-etise ott any hriionst. slthuisghsis is certsainstuataustronssg faec slots of consersatives wished Michigni Michigans is sithdtrwiving, I ake it, to stay iith the west stoay cos. iHow- ecause she fees that it us aeess to ever, those most opimsisi hope thouty to get te Coferencee o cocede sithiis u fewo years Conference colleges ny (f te poionts she hocslien trying sind ruses iill e us shaowoso(f the vito d ustaie, tside frmithue seven-gamie past andh that Michigan's ias sol in- schedhule. I dlsinot eieve la the Ci- clude teamns of those uniersiies now 051 sreuce withl particuary regret losing te "black slist." s, suserlthatour hactions wilt come as a All he miembulers osithebuoari iseec srrise ' ts the other uiersiies. Thee presenth at lsut sight's metseing. Oainug uitusuha sssects thot they woudtikue us sheililness of Dudey R. Kenniedy, isse us ihs'e tMichigon ack if sie woud r- sit this studtent representatuives, te bovardi ou sthrti lirse;si ia lue sadjourned to ue Zeta Psi frsternitysyvsue they culdic get salong i-ry';uwel holusue its order tututAl. Kennuedy muight iwithiutothter." piipatte. For sore thostsn ills tisseshiv iichigasusvitaltroviitlues wills tsc carouss argumuuents fuorsand agains the siller' Conference colleges toots defnite Conferenice acre gone over. It was thec'isuae us Jauaruuy of tass year, whlia preva'ilinsg sentimsent of se mseeting thsat .a meeting f this Big Nine deeges all the tinie hod coiie ts mae ausnlsd ve- this ciauges to ths u6liftruligs testis seu ciou.The vote as tsakens cannuot le oh- t a Thasniksgistg sessioni were ssuusus- tainedl for publiication. It wsoil tli, ow- diioaolly rejected, iwith ut oe excel- eser, uanmous. Prof. Pattersonu, uas titu. This wis the reommndsvation th chairmoansof te oard, costsdeegsatedh fol fotballi practice egini ess says ar- to prepare a letter ts ho sent histhin ie. 'hscichasnges his thin rforedv Conference colleges anounosucing tihi- i ruses swere s followss' gai's wthdrsawal. It wsilsosit resolvedlI PPsaying scheuvsle extenduedl frirslue thait the chsairmnuauble ceiposweredh ho ap- to seens gasmes. Poinst a committee to report ons such Retroactive features (if tse three's-ycsar rulings as nay he thought advisabile ho rule eliinastedi. aphply to Michigan's future athletic teas. All stsuvdenitsenterinig college liedsre Sheit. I, sot6shastl he eligileh ut to ply or yesrs. Footbialilrtcesitsthetsaii satustar sot earlier thianu Seit. o. No intercolegisate freshmansssguies shahl e pemitted. tiichiigan shattects playi'ngivfuss' 'lmotis ayear uider thie'rigid "eformsruing ansd these plieu' d uchagelst vseemed'u slight enouugh.there f((e tsnteCisstut fcrensce Iset a-iishrefused tohutotu levsev these, te riestme'thlesex saauitound-u vii Fle 1. i'sseisihy w(sis tlos'Ca'sltai Garrusd Ramyun d Sui a, ata's ss ~ intt tush., 'Wenellhsantuh hisu thsusantuhbu sonthentitouhit fiv-aslits' ule. tStSut petitionssciruatsi luhe - us'lfeli semingto indsicteithitMs isthigshousit lessve hiv. Consfernc.I si tetu Counsihadopsitsd a resolutius'sius'fuavsu oh withidriwisvait st ii tiv same(t55the Uss'vesty' Sinte dth ar o Regenss tsi smeting Jan.s its v cusse a mausjrity' op~inionil fvo its- drawaol, sindi st t ei u' ussssonre feredthivqujsestiontoths Bar usCn trot of Ahisteis forsetieme i, s foist'''csusiuisusu ~ t, hiag Wi~seucsn ndtutu an ws aitt lusts siest 'itsignusmiiutis deatutu Athleitis tutu 'lis 'sitaichitusandsut i tIhis listythi ss si ci vtntshosvwithit an hat ingaigs w 'iit liii' Con'ferences' collegesthitsUnsi'.esity sosutldihe gm erruedh by Ciuudeuc u lsveus's whithis 'x- cep~tion o f the uts eis'thtsreadts's' five gamsu ansdututhus'rexeusstv e als'i ts'r' uote thiree-y'avsu es. Th~iis action warsitnts edtulftnusv itutcs l- igsan's sts- athlee iitack atututfootsballt tush also titsprovshdeeforsgamstuvsw it Quits fe reside colleges. Blistivestsnfeene colleges provueduniin to p uemitufthe movve tash its'thirsiacstitus tutuprl ti 1 effectuaslly p reet I ay 're wihu oilier lug Ninestu uiutions ls. h ums ts serious loss sisstht o f theIslinoiusasnus Chicagos lusselusll "'(is'nd thes J utis intercollegiate' -ts-hac ts c5.Howe((verthe Univeersity stosodhy isicols and is sorest tiletwo itnutgtts ment sitned.AtI nio tisse, sthoughs. ;ician iu f the Counference asdui l st hessacsions si ash ights this uiverit ti fll Rledgedlsmeumbher. Natsurally enuosgh~so eivillatits ps(i- tionicouusslushothis'maintshnedsisdesuit e tly't oustd i its been'u pistty welti udertssitoo sialtMihicgansmluticl5thus sioneth(in or the uther lbeforeethus Fsebrouarset tg of tie Conufsrsnsse isIstsitdsben hotedsthausthelse ueing of Conferssiesc velegautesildtuesits4hi f tis mson t woouldshresuit si smoseitueral st tf rules. This mesetus-uttun tu slushdush resists inu any- osucacto uibsuts fuse msuuledh such condtioun ss t i Diueigsu couldlonly saccept ste rigid iteims wit- (Conined o Page Two. m I 4tI?\'hh()i l S \'*1 ] 'lIl FIRST 'hItItll ut uj' vh Itlus'ts "r, r') rl< o l st ilt 5.5p( c de t,55i.M Tickts 5. iv' ,ris andtush ii'' pill c ttit'tusisates' 5! - han k I issie . \ 1mc l NORTHWESTERN TO IVFET VARSITY TELV t ~" ;Ul 'iler, Winner and Kneller Conm- -, puss' Affirmative Side -Judge 3 i ill tus ti'ipainii t\,.() us ' - xi' 1ili~ ld l t tcmpt to' 1, ' ' li'). sls I) '' tts s i k' I 'Is' ( '.1tt)i l c'5 ii. l. Itlc s silijr tush r' lx i ll 1> i iss gt si ts~ lx sets-].' ]I scsi > t sut~i ,\it1s e t ch k' cla ictca, ' l ; r{ ,i. , , . , C't:ti'f 1111X~l N I. S Vc s IN' xvi tt.'''ui. 'x 1> 'C(O tltlc tic~ i,: "kc ( suil.test l l ma.5 1 gi ll . i t uacsh on tlc Ei.tiS is 's : i 'lt t tuiiuis - lilt~ 'suits ih ~i 'dS tsa Itic 'sIr. I) xxi \'s('sI sl co p s i s ' itt li's's d isis h' r shni iing sa i A f ol ise .- \ ri ) shutcX c~ti) te t c' 1"' nd A i-, ]il ' c it i 15eit 't5he 'ilt s i Scn~iu ,I ON tsi Ist istig ;.ii11v '' .ii n{xt ' f thed priz 1 1 ilr% >ii 1 r lfii 5' Ixn _ilivc-1 (5 1i.It ati 1 i1 .d us I I' ixj lc a 1' I lii )t 11'jl'i~~~i t< r 1 t ii'. ~ it i+< t il ~ c '1: 5 5 '1c t -' 1ca J f c tis t~' x Sl loo(' '''it'M {>txxI's. 'lt- It}. a E l(c Itsl l t uxii'-. (Ccixt I> j 's'IIt-l o tirtus kui)t. gi' (7t la THE Xisi HI GAi DEBATIG (.5.5 5 'I xs'Ir 5 tl' 1i~iC;\ 111,