-THE{M CffIf 6A9 (DAILY. Samn Burclifield's kFineTAilorng C an Deliver Goods Sam Burclifiekl &C.EAST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 120 >. Liberty St. CO7MML NI CATION URGES, To the I' ditor of The, Daily: The request The Daily has made th7rough 'its ediitor'ial colunihs to have the svsrtous,targatiations- of the catmpus (liscus* theqtiestionit}of Michigan's re- ta ii xths the' Conference has been :osvs..d ot iu a fewe instances, but tthe tinit of- the request. has heeni entirely tisreg'trded. The ioaly purpose, ini the opiiiono f the svriter, the paper has hail 'this matter wassts geesoinic orgaiied t scsissieii andtiiuoii of the faets. As is, the matter eao he disctissed onty lygroups of. two or three as they iieet ,the eampus sirtsy isotated ecoitnii- i.itiotts ptublishtedhini the columns sof Thie I aily. Coosidlerisng these cooditions sits 'te general mnanoer in whlich we are amperest in disecissiotis of this sort, it i otnly iii fairiiess toin ~dividlual stadensi lis do sot save the opportunity of an sea discussioni or whos even do tnt live the facts of the ease, that the rganization make ani open exspressioni c.s~ its decisioss. It is for the beneit of I Aese miess that sucts a request was mnatde ,-s:d ini atl fairnest to themn it does not 'ens proper that after threshinig out the ;atter sit organization should act as a stiseti corpsoration and forhid its actiosi 'ons heinig tutishtedl. MARUcSs. !iARVARI) PROF ADVOCATES ICITCtIAR ATHLEITIC REFORM aaPi; THINGS IEDUCATIONAt, _ IS BASIS O F IEW CUTB 'Anew society, she Edutcationtat Club of -theu.University of -Miettigasi, is iseing orgaid iacid althotugh no regular teel- inig has bseess helst, a conistituitions is bseisng prepared asid a tints fotiting trill sooni libe estahlishsed. Ass organsization mseel- inig will 1w seld at 5 p. in:. Tuesday, its Roomis 6, TapansHail. The putrpotse osf the cais is sto deveslp interest itsethica- tiontal usatters stirouighs papers an disslsi- esission's'its leadisng eduscatisosal subijecs of ste slay. It is prosbablte that thsis first iseetinig will btesal estpecialsiniterest sto uptper'classmten asit gradusates. All its- terestedh itseducatiuoial isasters, shss- ev'er. still esnjoysste swurk. Robiert Stieer, of Nest York, is site if sthe greatest pulpit orators intshie coast- try, and Ants Arhor peoiple will hauvc the opportunity to sins hint tonsight at ste Methodist chusrchisnt the Wesleyant Guild couarse. hlis subiject is "God and Character," allitnispirig theme stiicit will afford M.Spoor a lottie for is test eloquience. Whlen hie spoke here te years ags'ste chusrcis sas packed. I fe is a Presbyterians laymns, ass author oif toastyhbooks,rmsidsteretarysif lite isoard of foreigns missionis. 'T'he Presbsy- seriasn people swili joistintshsis'congirega- tin to hear Isist. GREAT NVENTOR SA LE Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Trousers, Hose and Hats 20 per cent off. Shits, Over= coats, and Raincoats at 25 per cent off. Some old Suits at one half off A Money Saving Opportunity v toa.ebler (% Wueril Amr nArbc r. Mich. WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SHOES XWe hatre thiset, andt the kindti capeIsully tirssdi for sisels i ear. Heavy dotible soles to herl, tlsrosg lsly visolseed withi rawhiide middle sole abssolutesly weater tlit its Tats, BrotwnsandstBlIck heathers. ALARI'ICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Alt thse best asakes and fatty guaranteeds. MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ,Watch InspectortIor'thse Anns Arbor Rairoa Si L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branchs 304 S. Stain St. 1SECOND'S ONLY R. E. JOLLY Prof. Dl~dey A. Sargesnt if Harvard 'isMak sslWgcsisfsh Ci- ruskes a ussiquie plea for the uplifting of versty of Pennssyvansia trill psresesst, c Jlege athletics aisd physical culture ini Easter wveek, "Uitch' Sams D litch, or article, "Comnptlstoi'y Physical Edus Painaats Date," a play choisens frost u ction," pubtlishied ini the Janusary nuns- six preseinted bsy graduate miembiers. is- ofr t the Schosol Reviesw issued froit Performsances will lie giveeoits Philatdel- i.e Usnitversity of Chicago press. phsia, Atlantic C'it',itsbusrg, llseliester ife advises that no student should he ands Buffalo. r.it'esi honsors its his stusdies uisless lie has rs.aissesta certains grasde ini his gyre- Northwesterns is seeking ass opponsenst r stilestsr athletics,.lHe draws this cots- for her big gamie. 'Daritmousls th sbees ti.u si fter-criticiig the poitionti of menitiossesd,tint there are thsose whro favri eliege facuslies ulicits forbsid sutdesits gamses with Chsicago. Ililinsoit antiWit- totake htonors in tsihletics stlest thea' consuit. 1 s:e a crerditabsls' standing its their --____ _- __ stlj1des. FOR RYINT-Sinsge rooms, its newv "lTiis requsiremsent," writes Prof. Sat-hinsst' electric lights, steamsihests, tele- sit, "would insssre the coniscietioussj phonuei. Warm nsdisqsies. 9r5 6. 1Hturon,. dcii agaisnst sacrificinigIis health Itsj-- v i f raising his standing in sc~hoslar- I LSIT-A Sotro.s ispiss, befotre Christ- 'itt, whicts at te pretesttimhume is 1 'FsT'e "C" set u-ills diassstls. Re- 'eyto to sin accoutio(f te keens cois- t5rn15=195 Washstesiasst reswarsd. 76-7 h 'titisuti to wichise is subjected." D~r. Sargesit believes physical culttire Hand hammered jewelry at Foster's. a''-d athletics shsoulds be inclttdetditn the requsired csirriculuns. "tUnder te headh sWe offer a nice assortint of tDra- osf physical trainisig," lie continises, "I peries, Wbi'ltoni andSminyrna Ruigs attspe slotld hbe gladl so see incltudedl all formas citl prices before i'tvoicinsg. M-artitn of physical activity, includinig music, en- IHalter's Psirnituire, Csrpct anti Drapery I and instrumntsal, drawisng, paintinig, Stsore. 75-6 -A muodelisig, and all formss of mansial -- -' ___ t'rising, dasscisig, skatisng, swiititig, Slee our comsplete lhne of Miehigan 1'Wisng, iicycing-miltary drill-all pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler's fs rosf calisthenics, ganses, plays, and jewelry Store, Vs6 S. Main street. eod t"variosts forsms of athletic sports." Michsigans Banners, one-itsird off, at Fsor somsething strictly first-class'in the ,Xiss Lovell's. 72-76 I soe of vaudeville see Majestic ad ott-n________- i".pit page. Here all next week. Pyrography goods at Foster's, If r Dress Porn js 'Thes.'largest ast ist6 est assortmseist ever tstown in Assis Arbsor.('omntasettry ott a Fair that will fit yours heels.' C soulliute lise if Walking Ties, Price $4.00. Li I MRS. JI R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER lair Gfoods, Hairdressing, Shanmpooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St. hUp Statrs) Bell Phone 359 IWalk-vOver Shoe CO. LARUEST QUICK REPAIR SHtOP IN CITY. JANUARY REDUCTIONg Hart, Scliaffner & Marx I T Stilts arid Overcoats T1he Clothier, $14.50 to $20.00 ..if THE F'ARM[RS AND MECHNAICS BANK Capital. $5000,Surplus ad Profits, $6,00 e ti General Banking Busineos. a percent paid R.Ksimpe, Prets.. W. C. STEoVENS.Vice-Pies 0C P ... B LtSo. :Casts.., H. A. WsLLtAMS oAsst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank ONE IN Capittal stock, ,$5hi.0. Surplus, $200,000 Resources,$,0,0 tales, General Banking Business TransacM UFd Orira:Chs E isokPes;W. D. ONE IN Harrimtan, Ytce Preso.: M. J. Peit, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK House 4 DIRECTORS: W. J. Booth Jn. V. Sheehan C u ff $ , Was. Arnold tDe. Y. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade Et. . Mils John BaarereJn.Koch Prot. B. S. Carhart Heary W.Douglas Chrititan Martin Da F. Zmmsermnan FIRST NATINLB0 T ABAKO AN ARBOR, MtcH. W A D i4. 1). KINNE, HIARRISON SOULE, U A ~ r Pros. X'te-Pres. Fa'.SaaaO1 St'or S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capttal, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, §1ta,000. " ' FUNERA German American Savings Bank 0.8i. Martin DIETR i ]Furni hing's 2 :WEAR 4 A BOX 'LEKS 4 A BOX 50C to $150 $I°-°to 300 rTl WON W Wow -0 r..r Coats and Bath Robes, Lttonsa and Stick Pins Everything upnetowdek to HAMS (Q CO. 12113 S. Mai Ste Yo es.W nest ai - I ~ Q <~ ~ (.4 w H Commerci.a ansd !Offite 209.S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. PtnmethrBlssade witilt cet- ( ot ij nct Resdene 312 . 5h Ae. hon 31 PatehntsLeaherBlsvet at haek tn Sa m 'Rsdec 0 .6t v.Poe 1 ac ou kr rblue Send stus a At Tsttla'a. 338 S. Stata AMBULANCE ON CALL piece of the dross goodts when sendtn order. Cor.-Mals. aeamrd Liberty Streeta) ,IS ELTCRtAFT CO., BOSTON, ASS. 'STUDiO-RENT&CULLR, 319 East Huron Street