T149 MICHYCOAN DAILV THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. Wild Comlpany -. The Largest Stock EDITiORS inl the City News....... 1'~ t c ii of Athletics.... : a..Diid IF. S.flscs LExch~ange..... If. John\VWik)() Excluive tyle ! jj \ll nuic and Drama...Rot' 1). \Vcl Excluive tylesiu Womenc's Editor.....otii-e Van Noorli-- W O O L E N S Hirm F. ur OI~uAss FF C crn- NIGHT EDITORS IirmS. Cody GeorgeI1....lHohart F or Gentlemfen's Wear Channcey Boucher B. G. R. Williams tRsymiond Viischer Evenrything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Testings, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits al Specialty Gs I Wild Comlpany 311t South State Street A Few 50C Michigan Calendars For 25c meach wihile they last. These are the original Michigan Calendars containing about 50 views of Atn Arbor. We have hot a fewleft out of all edition of 2000. Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores (Sc y'. A.G" r.vv ____ «S PAL D INIG v____t~t MA & BROS. q A.01 The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Suplies Base Ball, Foot Boll,u Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Officiat Imsplemnets for Track and Field Sports Usifeomsfee all Sports. Spaldisg's Hansomsely Illlustrated Catatogue of alt sports cntainsssu- mnerous sueeeutions. Send for it-It's free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Sa Francisco, Minneapolis, Dever, Hoff ale, Syracuse, Pitts- burg, Philadlelphia, Hoston, Cincinnati, Balti- mosre, Washiiiscl,. Kansas City, Cleveland, New Orleanis, Detroit, Montreal, Canada. REOlRTERS L. C. Reid M. B. Mcl-ugh A. L. Hainline Rot Lowell J. Carr Dol, Walter K. Towers Lcwis T. Kniskern Ro Paul Greer Same Otto Engel Fr( Lee A Whi J. 1-1. Prcscc >bert Mountoi soald L. Kinn Louis Kra bvert Morelot wiel H. Mort red E. Goodit lief :Ott tir -aft nd iog i r i i t An =If yon are in llots about what to give yo frie~itl ftsr a gift hi) a copy of our M ichig; Calen dar. It COlltaf originaols dray illsoat sepia printing. Its, 1 brat ever ptiblisi edl Aloii A rbior. Price only 25C The Souvenir of Ai Arbor and thle Uuiversi recetntly published by is now on sale. Price 50c WAHRt: Bookstores State Street IMel, ISsart the Yel 1908 SCe-NeIllVROM '.A\:f«IGoT FO A HAY." BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H.. Adam Harold P. Gould . Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96m SLRNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1908. After all, there is only one considera- lion sshichi should earry weight withi us iii facing thlat fearful Coinference qiles- tioin. Weomeaisthcis onsidleratioinsit sohat course will,, inth ie lonig ruin, give no the best sort of athletics-athletics which are leatn, anid fair, aiid propor- liaosed to the other tphases oif our col- lege life. Two possihle fields of activity are he- fore us-the cast and the west. Cool- pule per cent a1111 gaze ilto geographies as long as we will, postuilate nhast we miay, after alt' is said aiid studieid over, thit west is ourltnatural stampinsg-groundli. The rocks of our social foiiisiatioiiare westerns ideals-ideals of broad toleraisce, of freedomt in actionl anid thought, free- diomiifriiomisobbiiitss, freeidomofrons custom eveni. It is ini the wsest that we save devoted our energies to establish- ig saiser athiletic coiiiitioiss. The cioi- sequnce is that higher standards pre- rail lhtre than in the east. To throsw ioir further fortiiies with list easterii organization would be to retrograde ethically, for we should lie countencancing staindarids which n-c know to he lower thain 0111owii. The stiniilus toward aictiiltdiegradationswoiilii ticstrong. Bet on the other hand, we hasvc stepped out of the procession of "reforns" in the Western Consferensce for which we our- selves had at first played the big drumi. We save slepped otit, complaining that it went too fast for us, and moreover, that it was taking the wrong directioii. We contenidedI that retroactive legisla- i s tioll 0as unijuist that lire-seasionliractice and a trainling tble n-cre at least legiti- mate, if not even neccssary to insurt our-fioottbt ail-iie against injimny, and thsat sevei gaimes iserc littler thsaiifire, tic- collie they iiieiitilietics more isiie- pl~endit finaiiciailly aiiileiabiled the sill- deists to wsitiiess ciintests at a' more moiierate adiissiiiiufee. 'fhesceoiitcei- tionis te still suptport, ivitli sentinent of ivirviii iigor.iWe has-c askei, that ini the i-are of justice tile Westerns Coii fernc reiiscogiiizeiiir claiim, at least ini pti Thliiianssweilas not lieeii flatter- Oiiidilemmai thus apitarent, has as- plects remiiinfl cii a lit-rat devil anf a ltrldse.itt iiiq ri hler ivay cleats arc it s tke.Thepriitiemiiresiolves itselfj initoi liihidiieaits anetie mlost worthy- ofing hi'stetr intact. 'Wicmust iiiwer o rslis isy pltayiiig witti sctiois whose stanudurdtsaretieieaths iiirlown, or woct iiiist subtmuit to regiultions wich ws- feelto iibteiiinjlst. Crack the slitswhii can'sThe Btiardin ~iConutrisl cf Athletics nwitt try it Msonidasyiiighit.hMeaintimue, let no tray! Insps~ite if the 'uncertainty of iiir atis- ltsi- rlatfions, atl good iooteis sioiitd findt somie little coiioliati o ini tie fact thit iAticiuiganu los just lieeii highly hmn orednilswisht-e presidential poisitin in thie Amiserican A5ssociaitionsi iifttiissiersities and11 Colleges. 'Tle laity's siiggesticoi that the coil- mosbelihelinithe ntw iMaussiiuinsdiii notiseet with aiiy greait fax-or. The msemsorial cmiinttee seisso tishiik shut stiidecits s-iiiiuldibe tooiui ub. Unicle Jiummyi, thse focal sweathier pro- phst, attribmutes tpresettcliatic imsidera- tious tolteiscitedi iisciissiosorver tem- perasice aisi Coisfereiice wraisglcs. Exais just three weeks asway-aind you can't gimsue tDadduyLimie for dust. DISH(.i1 CHTAS. D. \VII JJAMS ATi' M\IttAN T AL 6 :30 Tonight. ADDRE',SSE S UNIVERSITY MEN. Subtject: "A PROFITABLE RELIGION." f husic ana Thama A KNIGHT COO A DAY." tLovers -of good mitsic will be wxell re- wcarsded nsext Wiedlnesday when I3. C. Wh'litney will present "A Knight for a tDay" at the granid opening of thte- New Wiuitiucy theater, as he has decided to birinhisli complete orchestra fronmtte Whsitney opera house, Chicago, to give the patrons of itis beaittiful theater a first-class protductiois in every detail. The cotipsiiy will lie a large otte, con- sistinig of over fifty people, wiht a tom- let proiutitonin i the way of costumies, scensery aini- electrical effects, as it re- ltuirco two sixty-foot baggage: cars to ranisport the necessary equiptoent for Touby Claude, the well-knowti come- dtiine swho hisbein ise vs'ral of the lug Niew York proiductiuots for the past; ftew years, wsill lieoe of the prinicipal. fiii-iiakers, assisted bsy Edward Reed- slay, wtto is also well-bnos-i among the city- ticater-giacrs as oiie of the funniest little coniedianis in the theatrical worlid. \[ir. Whiitisey has engaged a toast coin- tietent cast inicliidiing the famous Amer- icais Beauty chorus. Seats are sowon'iu sal,' at the' theater loin iiffice arid all iindicatiotis point, to afull house 0n this es'etful evenintg. Prices are : Boxes, .$2 .oo (six seats) entire lower floor, $2.50; balcoiiy, $2.50 ansd $2.00o; gallery, $1.oo. The bill that opened the monster Hip- podroime at Cleveland swill lie here at the Majestic theater all next wteek. See Majestic aid on last past. 'lo reduce stock before insvoicing, we offer our entire lint of Parlor, Bedroom, tDsinig Rooms, Library ansd Office Furisi- tore at special prices. Martin Hfaller's Furnsiture, Carpet unit trapery Siore. 75-76 Since 1858 we have made Watchs Re- pairing onse of our strongest features. Huller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. end Portrait frames at F'oster's. tf RIGHO Keep a Scrap Bool of College Life :: The New Booki Ideal $1.75 with Special Picture Rai Some -bargains r 2nd hand Cames and Kodaks PIIOTOO6LAPXEI 719 NORTH .UNWVERSM1YAl IBAILEY x& EDXWU1 0porttng GOONe 121 EAST LIBERTY STRI L~argest collection of ordil and the only collection of Michigan P1i FOBS AND SPOON! Quality Best - Ptices R' Michigan antd Frat. Stinse. WM. ARNOLD, Jewi 115 9, Main ft. WU=UY Ei0fF 00 70 Y EE0'IF A 98 fCWA ALNA 1 . _ i llsic Every day one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do more in the line of cul. turn. I would learn some- thsing about music so as to appreciate good m u s i c when I hear it." Students of today ey- tainly hsave splendid facil- ities for suds study. Courses in all branches- of music are given by the heat prepared instructors, at very reasonsable rates at the University School of Music Ube !5tubents' 9lecture Iesocati( Season of 1907-8 Johtn Temuple Grave Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by: lion. Wmn. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION l DUCED TO - $2.00- Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays,,and 'Thursday '" - ..+. ... r r..r - i.. i - it . ..+r. ......+, . -+.... :I Washington F. The Randall Studio, Rcandall &Pack, Pirops. Pool9