ANN ARBOR, AM\IICTII11GA\N, S '1)AY'R , 12.8 Von;. XVIJT. MICHIGAN SHOULD NOT REMAIN Rooter Shows That it is Unfair for Smal Schools to Dictate- Plenty of Rivals Outside. , In a communication, the "Rooter' ci- icize, the "Senior" andi gives reasos for leaing the 't~csiirn Cofeece. Edtor IDay: Ther coiserativee seniriho nisw 555er "Roote's" comininic'tion has cles-ric perferteit the argtncts which the anti Conference atvocates tons'eeeotet In otining the' seessinist pricipe tIgo''"istates a' foloios: ( T swant niteotpen atleicson() ise ean lig eastern gaies; 3) wn ntcertrino promnent' athietesto enisy antier sea '00 of comnpetiion; () it w itt hrt on' trite to for ens tese things, since is trumpects,s ts-t sic' wser'going Ct10 isi tPermiiit isis>t, sc sithe c(Y i t anti-Cociferen c sisentiimeit. (t) 'Te ipesitscilCnferences a ii equtaleboy is wornst.s domi nauc siofsiitse i itsmal c vrissils iin it sis i cilitSi s lile ornoiisciii connessciissnis atinsibysits ch no i el sf repcinivrsiu ty ciii sr soulisiaiice 2)_W0wntahlticaw ieirl 1 e aci to perit ofhonoiabisath lets-ic irisi-i (Ii) We wantssichedulec tiss ticsnits ma is-i-sithtic fel 'Ibefi'sy rovs (I)i W c' n toll doti i t ici i cise i -s cc-s want 'ofstndili i lin use- inin i cc miteit-cit-lit incsipssi whsicr moviec is before andun iiwh-ici wesic ieres Is- iii'ss-isowi lFacultyt-ai'idsitinsili cet-ailycccc silt sial i is asicmansifeslyunfair fos Puirdues, lia, n-c d uin.and sitNrtwes ei rs toscsstrilisi'rcathleic dc a sciat ci - sholatlctemptitoli iicaie tie sc':csiisi f Hasrard or Yaie. ''sqo'' entites thefsiociig: "tics icasitto sesonis sicer sehe iisereic salsy sri-restousr c'nneciini h hest wsdtint-c seec thue sdesin itsflriigi' aithletic hisisory. Soi fcr s oeccian cisee si-chad5no1smssr' silen ahleicltas i si-chadsta isycdithue Coference" A. senior asosrnt s hissioste tre tendss tsle osgt ts hnowesalti te fcc' icacdue o atemps thntupon the ii ic-ce, ipayingte eist hamp~ered citcii Contfertnce cr. Ve acia shoet scie lile,inraisisg table, 550 all-frsht easm citnd fiancicil affairs goserediby liii Coniference casessassee stis. 'Fhat fulls1 ctlietics iserrso sore citesawas cdui in ourattespio itsve al sihisissthe law. "1908' speks of te at anslos: "We can never hr.sore tas a tai c> the kite oi state cueorirmsore of the' estnernsivsserstsr,ahle here ii tc ws entsrhas-c tess an astie agains tis central figrr of the atsletic cdrana." tgnoring te fsct that te tai ofa kitir is quite tesmosipsrat eescesi its its aerial success, iisi plais tat or easternstnicnsg is mitydetermiedt iy our ahetic prowess. Te track ton inforin an that their receptionsisscnmot entiusiastic, that tynee treated in prisscely fasions at Cmssbrig iy all hsui cocky Cornel. Assaisuailsitrimminisg wouid convinsce ees a larvardite tisat the wset is ass entity ia the athletic ream. And "90" ned sot hr oh- esed with t1cr idea of all eatersi sche- sisses. S. Loas asniversiy defeated osr aciein asd iosoraleadaversary, Ne- braska, by a good nmajoriy and tn took everything else ithie Missori galley, ad Oregon to oot, it catnp Nehraska is still availablie for considera- tion as a rival. Ohio, Cane, and Vander- ilt are always wiih as-the last nso easy snit to crack. Asci as for central ;1 loii lio be -stair ii c iond-rate HTSANDIU ITQ oif -o si h'sprpriytaes,te C'ocsferensce. -MAKE MICHIGEN DA cutlt isesleesi, isC ecasternsi siess. lTvesits Hits That Hit, Misses' That Hit- Iss it ctet foss csinsirniiss ~ Comibinations of Wvisdom and cc tsr1' cus C'onsfere orcc cc ccllegiaste'- P f rcival withintuse11cc atc;r27.)5tier cesst if Wit-YOUrit . teremacsid'r if lice'studiens itdycoessie feots Ite ealst, etnlisteipropcortion is ins "Wh at constituses cc good'com sit' 'reaingc"'ntsarly-five icc-ccesnt freisstice' oiera south:lte-iccest sissiOhsii(ic neciet- ''ii aif cc ciszcitiits and in easimaclt 'd ithii tics Confiterence) furnsishes 31.4msss." 'c's ccit.ThIte sremaindercc' o ises frosts Tue dialogue ccf lliciigecs iihis its 'ssoncreu'ce isirts.Nisctsigani isis ccaiss-corporated at least scsifiaccoen hsiil its o: ith e .: sAiesi tcnunversiyltoo typiucca' iarsiosces.-Xc sio' use smissec, lice''ci sir "georphitc lite'sscsidrsicder' ifiisi cuitivatisiglt-eirt'rs suitgrace's stl its s w i i uslp hser ts1bis'mises .sui irc stilt--i' es'e"sicis d at ion is woni(is Cc a inatillundscer5 icrsac-i, "''jutisti ciick theyesipectedi sooncsaswrittenucii sistyfooish ingluts" Iclit cc tnts's ccr'isisthese subijecs,Tics'nissciil lii stuivs i tityspie istdinthe wacy of notdotoc i, cand i i 'tcs'prty ctin' thact lontics'ight thin,,s" all(',isrraightwnaystetufts sw-n'tulmcss. tc-ic susitspurn5iii1thue picipletu fciieots 't he moc stsntrtasincincg part,'ois ich i-l cundi, for jstI ustice. W\itthoctutdemuand-i igrusics ciiwint bice'nibiy lt'epublice li nyccccAn esys go icki. T'elsedl iisuits if lice- rehlccr-snssut the Wolvinemustssandts;lherecabouets, an 55in mcusstingis s morss artingand ii cttiic'th cioflthe' cosursageuscthe 'g suite,''entetinci ngtits han can5 pohssilyhe hsinscud sn ittis'ycoljic-Itttescrry figure ec'in the listiiis iituturfistnce.cisc A te 'f yisi tuiswithiiIs, aihis -Icbetess slic eeacl srsslsir he chous bega 'tlegscscaii c cin heCoerenfc'se'u'yeste'rda y. It a he stts o h 'I i i Si-ls1) senior ousghtto Is lsinuss' lityftshs hosr-isusuctd re'ssli 'si& cut iccuMfilet's pidinsprfincipl l vc ryt nstsifacitosr iytoth tirtI.t lie Isi s'c re-s t'h'i nlg iccl 1cth e 'rldl. I. iKtnycci ''ssmaieteC'snufernc'e ihccc listeIthAilte ialisguce washanda ,uotbigic-c've tht.iwecan by stillthysterdtyistiseveraci ltihocilttduhi- A-rscdt. osstsh sout, ittstitt-ccyitake tseiprhiciprles. i sti Calilsic- 'olliow I cslmuia- stles' tics cliii ici iats r1 e icc scsi iitelycisdelcided, is-c acls banu t e at- shlcs dear'i~lyibouglht. I tilt ti uct all tic ide t ai t prIsis t Th lpice ofiiitndeedt'nce.ucay'bt'c'list'ditalogueiithasben evse ad -ddr ocasonl cefat btit's accoissueocrs-toc- bic Dohi lucd11llsccQ. fasticlever' nan "Tioccccaut 1e1 a'go'odlosr nes'itco'msueeltingiislhave li-c-lit 5put itted gn s-tel w it runecedrsitsrengthi. ad 1 eln a instanies' sQuati-cis 'ic 't-F; if cie-'R. entd. 11 11 S 'll0 ll; SCCC'SS cutncdflesutitis-y-cicug at t-is'en chi lane i clh liir gytict siuil. If Aty listaki tc i sh st i lt clit555 cctui'tike thy iccfty-scets. and s i t i h ulm I'd ochicudsth ccventure it' aeti as mc h sht fI iiths e c i-ti' sitsdanceico- scull 1isd ispslety of e-ill tinmsucentciithe i Ar fear he purlse of liss shcies noti suders itod ibsallii s pehscchchu ci' to explinsi tichiit theprces Iwcillir.,cit in defring expen tsitlssatltecdy Its'urred such s cthe and'itc ctilts'' fcl e' lullas Hal i 5 prciceew55 lii - :11!i s's-sse itsustlf.i litickets I 55le a f iividui nem ss-i Sics -ofithe handi li he1-i' arliii- M Yiis oc sal at' Sinc'h iIClliS il l'S" r ' NY SI' CX IC ' SCM11)1- iu r ts a rt eu c no its t~ -a da i ntil i th c >>l i ii sitc Da d ' K ll itlf(r t nu 51 h cr. my - r t Ccc i''5' - 'cc ofi- raidly i i-cii lls asrcc 'ciii)Y ccci 5c cci tsllt, ticc r su"it ci ii itc ,1 5 \ciii l ii 'ftc Of 1Alie Alces ci Cues st-sc forii cc-i ldcii f tch i eltwshi1 1t 1c-l~ r{ h't'5 ct CHICAGO OUSTS SEVEN GAMES Midway School Puts Las~tBock in Path of Michigan's Return tom Conference. Ccci riic ofChci scgo acciti c 'ii si sicci- 1 c c-it si hi rrn t- cud i u I '-cclw ulls IAccclr slngI') iii I - nc Y~c, c'c'cccs'u of- t he ii suit' s ch ol the i vri tysaat;wilsI irm l for I 01111 sstvs ;attdcptieth - t ; h vol, rtci ed ty t~c em; i-ne ,u i The n I c m cli sIi i, t at ' : lii 5stt a;C ctro4 aiirn~ till-' o- I hc i c, . t 'ta s- surp ch ciati ccc l i i nentht tue s ntics ''hei 5 '- ciit( w ill i n- ut) siture ard to Ihe it+ c ccrl IY II, 'r I ' bic--ctf p csc i 1. r ic-it-ucc ee gtn s nocci of h it n 1 ch tll I", tort ~ t - -i -.i t"ii~i i ; ' t t--s -he I' icct ' Il'I slt eut tttec - Lt 'iiit i ti p''isis I I del ii il "Iy a o w eh r t n t ih- icgcm -. 11cc s-ol isinsthec - I usnct I tics-> uhi i tussle I - cc a Atii t t s cuisic Ibuis mI susie' tccrI is listst'~ 'sis ci li i ciiisii'''iw I cdn i cita ioofv t ws5 ad fo ihrs ilCide, t : 1)1 1 cI CC i I) IN~t1 Id CuN' tIfflI I NS -ltiltti Cdlii)rItceh ere1 ssntc among c's'- Isis andii tuhrosughlt-c irculaunh ofsspctei- cunss scs-esuigittotahclhinsa c euselss .timo 071.ii ci tics' 'll-fisptantcsccqusestions. Thu isaic these' petitioscussilica strnisg mjleu)r iits'efit fav cr ofleavcsing tglie WiesterniC'csuferenccc ho its cccii devices scstlicl tilg asi 'ci titlistl tue u-asi. Is shims sluit ieli cii ar'sefuli avseagimng -if stateetscii-fromsthes acknowledIccgedi Athe's ofithUnCuivermsity,. uincuding usc tem cptainucs, acsrusghct thast cninety- sc-rcetiilloIsisumumeiate 'it' hdruucuaweal fcio ticuesue st. Its fairnsestothlienat C shldus bhe 'hstd hatsl its oexceps- it hsi t hlsrecs-isis sre ismucceinie- ly affectced is) ally'acliocussre fit-eudts coa- :nji tllicuscncics. MCi IG CI tCC 11IN INTI't'ciN lhu-'hIFIRI'S I N 7FlXHIII ON \I iclsi ;ansfigiured puroimsinently usncire- ccci athlticfexhsiitfionuat use' Nocrth IC'od scs nds-sr AveCns-usse 'thodcist Susndasy nisusicigc-mnau'siumsincDetrltoit. Coaschi Cudt 'Ic-iscer 1Fiz'patrhick, anoel:hiss Bertha Stusart if Hrbour gysmnsiumm ill spoker scd Dli eoerge C. 'icy gave cci rxiiicuss of cil us vitgisu, susnd Joe l-ct-hee, 'o~cut if basg punschinsg. 'rise exiitions swas a demsstssration of time sivrk if Dans McGgim, gusardl on Mich- igan's '02 scud'03 footbuall teasmsivwso ccci mithls icsactivity ill athletic. lie hiss succeedcedt us arocusing isnterest its atleicse in thue NoarthsCloodward Ace- isue ctitigrcgaiiiu, usnswhichslise himseif us interesedc. 'Tle resumlt of the isnteresi msusediwus utle gisving sof time exibitiosn it wchich Coammch intostud Clue others ap- lurarci---"tle great onses of the earth," as mim eroit pusuircpst it. SOCcIcL Curls u1usTiss-eosIN UNsON The Bta Episilon gauve aiiuhusmeon at lice UnionssFridasy snightl.'This is Iaccfra- terncal clubicfur thse stusdy of social ansd politicaul problemss, whiichs has heen in exisiecec mu time Univercity for about a year. C i-acit g-ttuills at i de sis- a555)fcc itinhg tse 'pos ute ih wdccclt Unions' 'costil c. 'ice'poster n-cw isb madce fussumszists'ts uandmiicloinc'iilist' colocrs n e )d.'iit' nell'of tedisc si n subumittedt itsthis-stch-c testir ililhi sciil051fst'pis slsoeing com-ii cie n 1 eni ansno s'cc u nced ails icco51 a; ipossible. 'lie' ticket'stwill lie-sldl or State sinned. PHYutS ICINfhlN-]) Si'CifhiGlON hue. tFrank hSmuihis, nsrusec it intsn irnsaltsmedicice. hswin cche clii' feature-of ths>'Jasuciey sutslie of tic PhsicinsandelSureon-s, lice stiijec lie- mug 'Tsuberucutinu its Diacgnsis andii'11cc-i apy-." 'lhe rcect iecsts camongu'rnceics stuucirts is h .til s suber'sculhinu urepara- lices hase ceciluIlid isinuchinctelisti theu nvriytathsiseothper itill tice siseccmsedt iy' all. Iii' Smithiss isrecoredccnosuchli'hIis suits stork ocuss subulject, btChan colliecitd all facts avaciiale conscrninug linssnric lisa, cusin fete use, clascificanco f pre- psarationsn andilts>chuccatsu. 'l eatics e i < illsusratdbis atssu ofciiacses. 'lucius- ctiumnissunot a mmccc'subishtancet, bt tush appicin toc5c dianusing cuulsciiscichilt Icy' drpn -it gIinto misc sye, us conussscuc- tSurly' recruit. Atfusc less interestcinuseslurslied umbuuser ofcu thur yearc sf AnnisArbosr's smedhical' perioduical suertrices iuy lien. 'T'eophuil KlRisugussandcuuuFh. tP. Rosuss. Thieclinical depasrtmenutcsre caedufuse intshsun luice- oughc statnnue sccharacteristic cciths D)ETRIT I''CE7C'Rl'C, HIGHI SCHIOOL S''CDIftNTiS OChhAiZE)i/' CAluumi of .Detroit Central high schosolc whosecare- attenduing college sre- considle- isle lmeasusiisaiitiy of dorgansizations. As a mseetinughlrd yestlerdacy cc commusittee icas appouintes odiciraft resolsusios tou le iresenteud at anothuler meetinug ferteccii- Thec'followsinsg in thur personsneli of sic' cosmnmittee :.Messrs. PhyrontshillsI I. iR. CarstencC). Blumbierg, stud ANise rn ru Flemsisng, Berthia Bird andushcabella Watt. 1 > 1 ,j t' hers m cwi e ctii li to thits' 5ldci- i le" ciii 7h tn e ie cc -ccts he fli ii th at the l fi tll- iw iit inisbe cig ui frc 'isic Il sebou . tlei Thetcucstesu of W ll I suite551.v resictlt at \ C~csle . T 'ti lt ffl aii flie tiltsofjs5)ldith lyer iii9 isici 111usd soiain of Collegiate \ppi huatits-frc ll of h s C fu lloy- ls i., frthecl year isnciu -c hi ci ii itbesii he hcanlice olit'hC' cs>-ny lfisciufon O c is oress' eb.i1s C'c ,)of . Icusu -'' ddus informtion Inai beltin ied issue c a ll cciii l wtgii- c iiseFeU ivei ty1usd fcii ic-il an to cwnass.t lu' sis-ic b or cihsiulcrinasscile anditts enta r usde5Cli rnict ce,hils th nsssushTasdcc s' u id'ihatou'. is i ft s lsti ws> d icu hs- iic''fused te aiousc ththc sosmany'Ncure ignrantcuc of Ithe lioCns a 5 l Its a~k :TeInc it eill,' i hhs ao sl its givso lfc a.c lc ial'1 ic-hi dil hrit tdcii i re 'li' i illici t hositu ihcsi-, t' ixc, f ithe moi Illsi'd ii;< iin it itch Iy t} isc I1 < r°fcs'ii Sc-stunt relaitin statca mcdiii- iediciii the lass ibuiinsg.'lhsc queston cW sis eerc untusi itetiiccnturieprs-eted icc Ihicig. cusc-ciiitg. lurisug tle' lahlsts yeo 'hue CLicesiuc suofN-emicn cc-will issuer 'lie- Sitauish iDramaicshecu a$jossotocsigisucsris ug'isiissug. h ell csillI isty, 1F'1N idic.= I) c