'('PIE MICI-IIt7AN DAILY Souveftir Post Cards See the large display its our rear room opposite the stamp department, Local View Cards Birthday Cards College Pennant Cards sNum-Skull" Cards Folding Cards E. LCAL_.KINSDruggist. 324 South State Street. . aal Ii--mp- PI~ tenryscit hanquoand til t 'ai lit araboarsilcit na i l . p. Il ikn t _I-DanJordan apeaks ato lai- ih olli:Newberry(tal at u'cltac3o Tat tainthrtiant iya. jan i (11101 bakeaithll ganie he- t C eelliunior an rehmangirls. Jan. 6- " 1. 1 ccc Irancais," a talk ho illiam A, Ma Liagiiii, 'l'ipap'Hall lectre cxm 4P. iti. 'oisisioni free. Ja) ii i-i Iaus aiconcert. Hi gh Schooli Jan. 17 isaNMclub harts at Itarbour Jiii I17_\iiitlio atcirii ~lciaiigan de- iii, S 1?iii shi ai, UniiiersitysHllt. LINIVL'RSITY NOTICSI tiiiNitac~1iii'arearsicail todtay at I'llI (iILiAi.ilail (cia Fvkeih lt_ bsketaliiacicaet'eay : rom t( ; t il(. Y M CAi i chanrd-l W1,ii i A]ii r.i Al2laescalJ1 ii.lit ~t Nacatearc ililaillI a iieying buiading. iii i atIz p III. sharpi, Riniili's stuidio. \11 nln who ave iii rehera singwth The Best Store in Tdown ForYoung Men's Clothing Trhat's what our many well satisfietd younger set cnstomiers tell ns. The hest stole, for the reason that here can} he seen the greatest variety of snappy styles and attractive patterns. The btest store, b~ecatuse the values we offer in Stein-Bloch Pine Clothing For Young Men haven't got their equal in this city. Everything First Class LINDIBNSCIIMITT, APPEL & Co. HO0A G ,S Ho me S" ppiy Stores This "Ad" if presented will he accepted as 1 payment for anything hought in our Home Supply Departments. This does not include Merchandise that may he on sale at special prices. E. +G. HOAG AMU5EMENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For Entire Week of January 6th 1 . Overture. 2. "Silent" Tait. c-i1urjw 'o cl tiy 'aw-imii ii -i 3. Fernande Mayi Dui. 11 ulc nNo\ali Ati iai A t 4. Do Yoee Believ e in Bargains? 5. Doric Quartet..i.. 'l-l-c ii llff. Ia mrc.i I-inei tt i -.al, I. rlr 6i. Milet&Richards. ii- ily ii ( i. -,iiiia5 7. Shap tBros., hua it:B y, a. i I i ii I I - ll-ia iil i i it=i .10 a i- c' nli e B Il 791, a lnnen c ora ny., -r1-81 (his iiitii I a ill-li weekib prices 15c, 25c, 55c, 50. GRANDOPNG New Whitnety Theatre Wednesday, January 15 SEATS NOW SELLING FOR A MUSICAL WINNER '"KNIGHT " "~wFOR A DAYK" CHICAGO COMPANY 60 PEOP0LE 60--12 SONG HITS 12 IIRECT I'RO.VI CHICAGO PRICES-$2.50 and $2.00-Gallery $1.00--Boxes $25.00 Seats on Sale at Box Office rs- op, r' i . l The i ai i a no- iii le Niur .\i iiNaieli. rie h upices o(lihe (iarii. a-uP be 1 iin I' ii 7. itt e~rla ii iii (iii 1 10s , iikc ndr .isno- i ' 1 1" ' ii ia ll i as i I 111111' ii n aorderato ili tifiive.iof makin;spcilalriccs.Pia- Webb's For High GradeCade a Leafn,, Fruiit Ies,'ainities, Stterbets, Frozen I _ii I-acorn (or alt Occasiins, Fa ncyNapkins andl Doilias S-iitci Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Mait% St. SBRIGHwTON t Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk14 web. All metal parts heavy nickels. FLAT LASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, ClASPall dealers or by mail. i PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., rl 718 Market Street Philadelphia M/ali,-'of iorSsiipenders ' -z; i 1 cclia-. 1tvvO Ii I2,5 cents- a 11 i foclila,, li.u a 111d hi-;only 7117 Theatoriuff 119 E. LIBERTY S7 Ace Abor'sPiner Moviing PiueTheau New Shows each Tuesday, Thut day and Saturday. s Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. nm. JOE GILLARD, Pro -I I Carriage and Baggage INOTICE ihir eac(' optilaand111fr1111 patlies. --- befoire 1ti)cliockl$$.50, after l.' ci o' $2.00. All unpaid stuscriptions to Far each Trunil to or (ream dear, itie price mill beu 25 Cents. If carrd to Daily are now due anid should iir from lap-stairs, the pricer will bne be paid at once. Sentd check, 50 Cents.. Diesarc requiridutoancallect cash draft or nmorecy order to Bus- fr carriageaaii baggage service. esMngr itOBINSON & CO. Room 8 Press Bldg., City NV. i1. SrARKt WATTLES' LIVERtY. St- Clla ilui'i &s Is. li'S iew fill] hie ift dil Pil .I fb ,JHa 1 <11 1d 4]s()iiiiiii 113 Seecourcompultetrling' oftiigan pins', fobsa atd scueciict. taller's car l-a Store, attn S. Main street. end Tll 1,1" 1 l'%ine I rooCm,,;al liit al ol ii 'K lliteai-ii ;ifo on72o NIdiii Miiiliasal isslvica Placingt 16 T C'1, Iili a- bithi lls .128. sal-i' ''wo idoilars inures you against atl' loss lip fire. Geo. J. Plter & Co.. ReantEstate anid Pisiiranee. 216 South Mai steet.tf C 1,C'.tC11sl11 CIGARtS, CANDIES. TOBACCO. xiz S. Staite 311 Mynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North UniversityAve. 0. A. MOE. V r i r . t S i l; I The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Sell-Filling Pen . i J i LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY, JOIN THE CLASSES IN D A N CI N G at Glran er'sAeadieey, unind floorMaynatrd Stretiote bloikiwhstofii Sit Stre-liaStares.Tuitiion payable i inldaneii $3 00 term oitwlvei lessns. No eribllsrnlnsit, v. isitoi r ntitadmitteid du ringcaseous No ink under eap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. llhntti y iu p iiioo iir t r e arii cii' i~ti ah c cet.. U. of M. Coo4p. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE *}t run - G~t 10f QUCKI RETURNS. Get S tisfationEUGENE SMITH THE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agjent WITTERS' LAVMDK.Y Skg1n aw, Mich. OFFIICE 611 East William Street. doeme Phone, 72 Bink f I ~% Y -_ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIWRTHE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY MIIN( IN TAILORING