its ttC If I A~.A G. I Wild Colmpanly Ttie Lare st Stock ittllteCity of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemten's Wear E verything required for Suits,~ Overcoats, Fanc'y Vestings, and TI.roaserings, and of high class fabrics and special sty li',. Full Dress Suits al Specialty G. HI Wild Coimpally 311 South State Street A New Desk Calendar and Memorandum will help yott start the New Year right. These are made withitatmttal base and renmovairle cal- etidar pads which can Ire rettewed yearly. Makes the Itatiest kittdlofa ntemtorandttm. 2 styles at 25c and 50c AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores THE MICHIGAN DAILY. eml lo-fts dieiwrseii)I'in falvor of ai Inatsf1r of stch istiniats riniere. WXt fe"e i (1titoem nem society. Tiey, I Silo igEditor -PAUL Seor Hom er.ire in a condiitiontio work and think and Buosonesa Managei-C.IE. WtNS'eEAa. to fIrntilafir>pfis>ofaction. The is0- teincdii idual is not.'Andithere is . . . . . S. .A. F. Rilti erno imes'noteito ormci"lConfrence" oast Athieo ..fis ii IS Priness ti-ofrtie' nf c ce' societies. The mart> r~thetis...... - DvidF. Seve son i.alreadicrfitled 00(d sited most do Fxhrng.... ft- .1.jobhs Wamfsld .N li ani'iO taiiii.....dse l. XX cl re' 'Tr \Vcns'c's (lit or,.... toiiisc Vaits \ooris ic n itgs t its readers J. WV. McCandless Elmer C. Adonis 'iiBAND Jrh IrsF, X ir" tissefll I(arlan migh ts iledevote sa clumnri to NItGHTfEtITORSs t tsne(ostsitiiieband. 'paisge might Hiram S. Cody George H. lHobart offIa -iserr fir to deicriii its rnselfi Chsatmncey Bouchler B. G. R. Williams iii it ifor tii L ruse siry . .Ilsiits idaiice dRavrssorrst 'isieir o Il yeeinii5hitue'tieuc:sis'it L. C. Reid Lee A W~hite iliistrsfrcistsrgigeu- ll1.t Xli h J . 1.Pect 'Ialth oegIlagi~ n A. L. Itainline Robert Mountsiri tl st isvied upr ito societies. t,osvclt J.('arcr IDonald L.IKirnney yicslrill ie I n t ir x'f'srill-o clib l() act- X riftser K. 'tsc t,oinsies rft as iti-i'tii'i ii f1s iss 'I'.dKriskeirusn dRtier t XMosrelan tPits11'Greer 1 Samueltl1. Gorrisr'iIg? '11II' - - In- The sc nsf rtisen r ofii tire smoiinig BUSINESS STAFF iii i iii1 wh ichacti.b creceid ins thre irtti- John F. 'Wore Carl H. Adam " . , .fteeiccirie i IHtirolitP. (Gourldn1clattidio asbe elaiyed t i isiglt iiiastil it ft siect ir aecriail. Address: MtICrtGANr DAtt,', Press Bldg. h cnrc a c oJohn . Fischer Maynard Streetcnctnt. ; ir, i i s btrern ipossi- Manager's1-ours: 1-z p. in., 7-8 P. . iiiito(li h i reHas fwhirls daily, eacefit Sunday. Bothoplnesi ii rr r1''ti 96o"i ltl ac.ii v ieed rom Pitsbug, In(i't r' ii i-;lir t) c tei i -1(11 PtROF. SCOTT ADtDRE.SSES klOD ,RN LANGUAGE ASS'N 'lTe aruarsl mieting of ftie "Modeirn Larnguasge asoiationt was elt at Co- umburis, Ohio, sir Dec. a8. The attend- once sas larg, with western tmn pe- domisrating. Those present from Mlich- ganowtres Professors Scott, Effinger, Thierne, Winkler, Straus, Tilly, IHolan- dter, Eggert, Florer, Meger, and Bon. >Speecs sere ads by rpresentativees sof the iiffercirt olege, In ommoet- ig onr thecpresidertiat address, "Thec Genresis of Specrh," made lay'Prof. F5red N. Scott of Mithigan, ttei"Nation"irsit Jani. 2 says: "Tirespeethrdesrvedt anidtreciedin- usural attenrtionr. Whaeerviers iua lit aitoptted ebrnrsrrt this obscure mattr, suchsi sar, learnied, anridmetodiat di- cirssirn, alwiays distinctly separating heory fromrrfat sirrdtassigring us acti its stirs weighi, cannot fail to tic (f 55tcam.' The addres sas frllowredi ty sa ger- erl buisiriess mieing irswhfirroffiers were cliteilufor esirirg year. 'The seretary's retort regarding merhrti waic parirrlarly' gratifing. Surcer 1902 thei ircreaiss'has heerina tiper ent -cxNiOrZITiS ii. err's iiDA'CE: Thei serior social comrrnitemet a 5 ocuck yesterday aternoon in Uiver- sfi ty all. The ormittilesvtert to give a'nrrce.Saturdiay, janr. r, attBarbouiri gs'nniiii.ite tas slso deidedsito ae a clans ertig ext week,tre tore to Ie annoncr rredilater ins TthetDaiy IRe- inch sferm aitl te chiimeniositte senior ecammristtees sill teterd. Thte sbtjet ofiaclassimemorial wiut e discussed, anit a class pipe will hr selcted. A large attendcrrire is xpected becaseof rthlie impor rta'ncrrrofsthercmeeting. CAtLLS FACULTY "ASSS; EXPLttSItON CAUSES STtIKE1 Situdtents airNWashinigor uierissity ir St. Loiiisserandihel areirstaement s a stuident it Allen Sts'enrs, elitr ositheii unes itry'puiciationi. tHIi'calledrtheii faculty "ar hunch of asse" lbrcausrsri thrisr atituide tfirs nsthlrteis. Utiri heis reitstatedl tiecstudrents sill dis- coinuriire'all satleti contests ari d ra- maituical tand literary' soik, swit firs e'xceptioni itstuter aecr'itainst ra~ra.' a:-xitisc"NORKY" .SserAI. tredtNorcros, captain ifthti famouls is Micthigan trbrrall ei,sill cachel tir Oregon Agriculturarl college again this all vIrOinNutW AMOST SER-SPPORTIrNO JoistsI, Rockefeller has recently givers firs Uniersity of Ctiago $,tq,ooo stkig s total of $38,95.8 he tas given to it. Chicago's endowment is iriw next to tHarv'rdrr's, te atter tiing scorndritor L.elanid Stanford runiversiy. Toir educec sirk tefore ivoiinig, see 'rider str entire lite of Parlor, Bedtrot, fliring' sRm, Libraryard OttierFrii treatsirpteial tprie..'Matvinr Haller's tFnrnituireCa'eterandIDratpery' Store. 75-76u si i t irs'ts nlr is . sir. l starr' tenrirt sirs usstttt' N HE rt555555NCE have benpl cd sis n s ' sitofit'estair- tsirse i is i ttrap iy, 5an1 firs ~ v U ies-iray frill sarf tire first I(Il (m teC lf 'c qfuestion ii issitsber stlirs firs" rse inaret he siadredt Snrnr. made sorcrystaslizisasisooItsis isssibe la e p rven trsiig und sass' this eay c eih r h' inodc'sft r lear, oris tirslsirs' wi-tr'letril -sis'c soifihyste rial sstn'rc'sionr efre' t he. 'a' vd -orn ihein rutshshilt'ofsi s'first uit,: Ii. 5wallngrse toi taipet coit rage,5 wt l or -frte m sir sim nds asigeolorgy' sat- i iti5iiti. i's 5 rtiit ri-JGp A 0 flHWNCLNA REUA PR T0CWE35 Sp~dDKSHADADATCRTSAWR llusic Every day' one hears preopale say "If I were in college agaitn, I would do store intth~e lute of cul- tore, I xwould lsarinsouse- thngashut music soas to appreciate good m u a i c when I hear it." Students of today cer- taiiiiy have splendid facil- ities for such study. Contrses in all branches oat music are given hy the hest prepared instructors, at very reasonahle rates at theo University School of Music Mtaysard Street Z~be Ztubents' lecture Dassociation Season of 1907-8 Johsn Temsple Graves Dr. Branader Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Readt Oratorical Contest Open Nisinber The open number will probably be filled by lion. Win. 1. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE3- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hiours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays r SI ill _.I 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598