Look to your Looks If yiiou ould be looked upi to, nt ow(IoXC n. t)ur tailorig is essentially and pre-emuinently for the young ran of the period1, who likes albit of 'swagger"' in his dress. j ~For Autumn let us lend YOU that ease soid ' porse that will pot you amiong "Who's Who. Premier tailoring--emphatic style --moderate prices Merchantcc _ _ _ _ _ _TAILORS High Class UNIVERSITY NOTICES HATTERS ) To M c opular Prices _____________Latest Styles--Regal Shoes-See +Ousr $5 Boot (tlt ic stdt tltili i it ;et Directly North of Lraw Bullding Womn'sLc-ia~tcc group todayfroth 4 709-711 NORTH UNIVEK.SITY AVEONUE to ( 1) . I tt Itat ir~o -I ttttti-g t-ttii ;iiii li Al is) atl cttil)'stite iill lhe taken THE PICKWICK iii Miarit Billiard and Bowling Parlor .\Jin ;al h ntfttet 'lidi nit iain o It itt.. i St t dt t 8 p.ii - I la- I' i thin " if the best and the best for ion. rice tine ]olt it ls it Itiit oIfPipes, Cigars, Tobaecec and C andies. IGit thehi iabit. \ti-ttitg of sno it sci l o miteeoutree boelin,,tickets for $1.00. l >Iii- t it5 ItttI S. Kotten~steinx t),1l ~ tldn.11ici ti resil Bel Phne 76.707 N.Univeraity Ave. iI tdnsintereted' ii l i ii tli tu1m t u ~dyeeinitietro i7 0 'lD . G R S 1i1 tutu Ii t iiof ti~e N lsi t utu),11d irk r !lii e el ec i t ia ut itl1,i1tt ii 1- -'tt at 7:30 snart)t It u-io itiiiiis. The lionme of U Suits, Overcoats, 1111po art. hs1!le11leade1 1 fii ie" fiall Dtro i it (itit ithigh Good Clothes 110OTHNINGI. i'h d an t witi tey-hlil iR oomutand Trousers Liberty St., Cor. Foturth Ave. Annr Arbor Tailors Its E. Liberty St. J. KARL. MALCOL.M. Prop. AMUSEMENTS, ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT 11AJE5TIC THEA'TRE For Entire Week of January 6th /. Oerture, 2. '"SlntTait.-E roeo t eiticc t tuiy 'cintiir -. 3. FrandetMy Duo. itc-EiieoN - i t~iĀ°tIAut 4' Do You Believe in Bargis? 7. SMap o s. Ili c o 'sioy ti t. ittutlS t i 'it ttit(.d . ld o.odIa in At. S. Mjetscop. tepititee IBail 794,. Homer 44. Roy Oiffitiet t'i n ii-ti -t slt tii t I Intto i 1':1, Prices 15c 25c. 35c, 50. GRAND OPEN1a~ING New W hitney Theatre Wedn~esday, Janu~ary 15 SEATS NOW SELLING FOR A MUSICAL WINNER "KNIGHT FOR .A DAY" CHICAGO COMPANY. 60 PEOPLE 60-12 SONG HITS 12-D)IRECT FROM ICICAiO PRICES-$2,50 and $2.00-Gallery $1.00--Boxes $2500 Seats on Sale at Box Office Theaoriffi119 E. LIBERTY ST. NwShows each Tuesday, Thur- dyan t Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 P. nm. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Carriage and Baggage NOTICE Fore actiCiip t r omilliiiiparti's, beoe1oi'i'clci. $1.50. ater ito'cloitci $200. All unpaid subscriptions to Fr each Trnrito fcifrm. doortteile price wriiilie 25 Cents. I crrieii ti Daily are now die ad shold or freat up-tars te price wilt iii 1h@ pad at once. Send cheek. 50 Cent.. Dr-ers arc required 'tioleteiaii draft or no-ey order to Bis- for carriage anid baggage servic'e. incss Manager. RtOINSON &Co. Room 8 Press Bldg., City W. RH STARTi: WATTLES' LIVERY. PROOIPT COLLECTIONS AND QICK E ETURNS. ' Get Satisfaction EUGEN MT THE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Allezt WITTERS' LAUNDR-Y Sagiaw, Mich. OFFICE 611 East William Street.1H0om1 Phone. 72 Bak ALWAYS AH-EAD IN M L A STYLESMIW 'lit ittsoit ioiofIClleitt liii' ii-it will hlditsrtulariii i ttittiitwith i'i itddr and hii c iis -ii t ii iiat thei Si- iiin iii ofA is titt - i it ii ii31 itus-s tiedc it1 ith arein tii testi mattrScn Iiviii-tt iiiti-( ti; Ict itti1 43J it I ilii IDot thu t itthtwil itelresent TWebb's For High GradeCade hi-i i'canmtFruit tees, cutches, Sherbets,1'Fcozen Liquid I itors for ittlhi cosuonsiFacy 5.apkirtcand lDctie4 sSaltedi Not (11 L7is Web's Choc'tates are unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. ci. 'ti er. ut (ip ti 7.1 SJASLNA ; A cr tutu tut line of 1litiul 'tutueu3, iaer pci i tirttrit i t et protsi i l t ii- ttuand X'iluc ',tutu i'i i to-uttis litii iiit l i Stlluritor-ARCADE ~ , tIitti r-- ekrti tm itItotusepitti o iiiirCO.r BI~.u tte .Odolor,'ahm~ l l, nuuo uouaro~ ut'or Efi siy I''JuscR BRe Ole itO4R ti iceilto rdel ru.tiAlsforhet iie oea 'ill iEAODt8Co, AKRSOfCLET1'ill i1 OS HEtillOT R :>~o -als Jtiltrit SoreSu pledtoCole eeS.n _______--Women mfor All Purposesww ('erted cl MartiuuNlanidolinus and G~utttrstire blst ofur iusical stubs Si-aolit e &