The Micia-Daily Vo.. XvIII. ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN\, FRIIDAY, JANtVUA IY io, l9off. No. 74. MICHIGAN'S PLACE NOT IN CONFERENCE -Rooter' Says Price of Michi- gan's Relation with West is Dwindling Athletic Strength. Atnti-Conference opiniot legin- to int deiite -expresin. The wcriter of tin fllotwitg cotmmtncicatini extlaitts hi riaonst'ftrueiritg severattec'fcth-tl etic relatiotstwitli tctwet " To the Editor: I titk tie follwitg retark tccertt ing the Cnfereceepereetithle atti Conference setitmietitutpoth le campusic A ChIicago profesor rtae the retiarl' tat tie kCfeetce catttt recede frau it cns ertative statd by.evitg see, gatte, a taining table, ad the withi=t dractal'of te retroactie claise, wititait attarett tly"troit owtlact to N filieb gai,''twhicht wotld be at te sacriic of Ciferentee digitit. 'lhere foe ii iganc t tttkie.L loec it ncicit cihilc gettletttciclntt after aitg loydtrui n anta yeat Micigaticatntot gc cad- atithouti thee coilcee-icttexcept' Is prodigal--ii lhe gntileian'c tfirt eaN~rc by btuhrig ccsiptte Ctnferetce? Cnferencee cupiportes say thatctit, feldlf licigat isI wetwarid , conl lic teeanntitccplay ii tlie ccit. 'lrul cwi ciireent it ttmuch loe of tue ce-, atic the reaonisct itndo. I a icacr ctie t lieigati hie cittplayii ne cllg' ginitecte firt year cnd bIConii fc rcee rletIe ciii tlylit fci- cc aear thereafter. rticking cattal cf fifeei g~nsi ,acoli leg- carer. XEcu tiocEt caitnto ti i lies(,gcter ly ear re it cii cais-Vcnderbilt cicind eiiiiy. 'It theiasi-c- 0taleti gaitto Ietict lhei tietmitedicoila tctwevegcimiscc dc freh' trmaittye aaaittithe frehitmcn of oteiir clleg-, aitilagainctfhelii'lgicams o citaller ittittions. - lcreafter te icc cicore gctescii at Ie pycl ach}er makciniig a tocl f uearly liftgciiie Ie. fire gradionci.'T'le let ccahliniitlic cworlid, itpiorteilbylithebesctciatleti- cniti coucnttleactticcdicdatage it lack:iof c-pertecte. )h, li~CcchliYcci ciii, iis aitaincita-ue'of MIicigii'c itfericcrit-'to Peuiiesyitic. ' Certaily te uCnnot :lay eat cd ec indile Ie anme rle wtitoutt beitg uhi riit, aid icc'face ili' cpoblemn ofloct eredh stadiingif ite trtir citesicecrc hi-principe ie hate- Ccitecde it rifht. Soteutc- ay te cat mtill nocitplcyitic Penticdo(c. arimuctiand.iclAinatolics act acccifr gattie. - It icri' citi)-rca ,ccti cc-lithctler cllegec: ecalil ot tirtl- nately take ia- ccifthirscheilile? I the stiatetiti i ce - dla-hecceat i toi far, it iot ,linueaplo~ fiuttoapoahtan uatii cotice ifi Clamupaigi, inc, cnd MIilwiuke (ri cotmpa~rtitiv-ly disitantt Uter Ie retroacieefeature of (oi ferencierurile, if we Icicciliute ciurelee by- reuring iteclciefocrteec-Ic tiettci athlees, iclutciig(Catait Scl of le fotball eami;ic'Rowec, Ce, fDiull icti fleath,cf -the rcck, andTia 'cf, Kelle. Giddig acd.Wi-del, f tilic'sealll tcamc. Cat cie cffcrf'to o til totpcl if the oiler idisadcantcags' The iLittle Eight'ltat Mihigant i ia ire. ITe eternert ae slpititiricit face and Iclilucitoinscalaamn or Ie kickei outi. 'iT-ey idemnid that te scuictheii pricitleie pledceil fr aciccihittiey le lnoiw acd ct-iniiweit jut nt euitable. ITe cstdentsecitiet-o cfar at I at-- blab le in acertainifromcatre- ful iqiuiirt, it in aciiiotccvery case pe- cisely this'cho lctcg libetweit reigicing irbeinicg kicked out; reig, at at -all eens get oit-if lie jprice cf relaticci cithc the cwet is lhiuniliationc, subisonii ,ci and dwcicdlig athletic ctregt. A Roora. All ,Michigan Unoni ticket sellert re- port at cluibhousec today bietweeni a acid 6, to cetle tip accoints. l. LOUICS MADLIN TO SPEAK 1IIERr E 't i Thcc' (crel-Drinaticlce IFrncai ha- -aiciomc that licithe' secondi tiumbleronc tic a-sociate iemblerhip cire will bhi' act illustraedi lectre Ice Irff I isl blatelic, the official Alliance IPrattase lecturer, tic be giet inic Sarah Ccsell Anigell all cci Feb. r5. The subjet will Ie "L'ltnperctrica Joephine." 'Te free Thurtsdaty aftertioni faculty lec tres wcill Ie rectnecl octJan.if6,- cce liu trof. PMcLaughuli twill spckoni "lUn tee Iratcai." Acnusual, the tlks Witill he1cc'guuic TalpancoHacll le- tre roomicial.1p. m. LiNVERfSI'TY DELEGATES DISCUSS SfLTHl AMRIC Thl e iiricaici Lniverig-acsciationc deldito et s i'lot yeterday,.1'Thle tfter- nonc se-siocntiais aliot ctirlg giect aer colte later oat South Americcan iiceritic coiledccatictal coidiitns. Frt' cc-rcomcpctared iclt ur w ui- ercuiec icii foundicltic Ie cccia otewthat ow, liie. it wcc-t dscr ecof the ricncitoucntriesc ctiltaor itituiltiioastbt -ciciact ccwit tic acciticcgii- themi tlii ac-ieit cofocrciixterietce Procf. IBrecwter trho at receclt penc ix tint in ttSitch cAmerica, alo ad- Irecce e1c gathiering acd cspoke waritlt- if tie isitiitioits of Argeitine Repui- c, acidremciarked at the ame time oct ,he iccreaing ticimiere of South Amteri- :aciistudientsc acc licligtmt. -Next Dercembelcr, ct Satiago, le Pac- Ameriicaic Ccngietcs ccfHigher Iduca- icacaltticccill lii held'IThc expenae f clegaec frm meicai ui-ritie ,ill1litecdeittacid iutt of $,00o alilrc- Iicicc cc at Secrectarg- Roic'sugge-iccn, EyCangre-cc Tle assocition ihe ccc hcive'thae trptreccitties recogized a- c elegaitee ccithe Li-ited PStces. 'lICce etctg cc'ciSOii twastccucpid liy Deaiic uu'hinc paper, chicht exhatist- ivlytreateid cclthe enrancec rciuire- metsicfr techniical adied ttcical core- auh fr literary ccire, te two beig tcarcid. ADItEIPI lII\ILL. DEBAE ((OIFERENCE ftUESTI(N Fridauy ight thet'Aelphi literay si- cic-ig 0111l gie thic folowing logram:rti Paliameintarg Drill-Kelly, leader Lighter, majritheaer; Butterfel, mincicrit each. Crrent Cvets-c--Nctlr. Senattor ilattllette -Stunn citacw. S Imiprociapttltebate-:Affirmti-, Wit- tenbrink Gtkiceclcc; egaie, (ri-c, ('i~rnct. 'alk--Ccchrai. IDebatce, "Reselvei, tatci ticigaic -chculd conplehely ev eer it relatins cith 'Ii,. \etrn Cnefirutte." Affirnaie, Jons. 'cothetill ; inegtie, Rek, i Bechir CritcicslReport. \p~tha Nu iltcAivc'tehle folini-tg ti- gramt ciin Satrday ight : M\l ticcEv erybod. Ortt cin-lfed 'cillr. Ecac, "DtPAgell I it Life ndic r \'crk"-LewucsXWet 1 Talk-P1 K haer 'FlkI iThfhuloicck fir to"--S W. Sibl--D Ieani futau. Papiher--~Abecluouc Skerk. Debcat, iResolvecd, thatcit cw-oullbc uwiecfor theUn tiversity- cf icligcui to eu-cure the Cnuferece." Affirmastive, - ).Frybrge, A. 1L. Deo; inega- tve, Edwicarci tre, 11. L. IRotel. Nortwehrn uniersity- -will resume' at theopeniniig if flue seaison of tgofl icntercollegiate football, cwhichihat he-ci barred fur lien years. The aunnuual foot- Sball contestc, hoiwever, will heliuiedl toc 'thredintercollegiate games. SPLENDID ADVANCE MADE IN DRAMATICS Hackett Enthuses Over Selection of Comedy Club Play -Praises "Michigenda." N'ormaniiIlacket-u. t hit ctilllec-cureine- c cightli Scruch Ca('cclAgell hltcl, lpro- iuttitiuec himseclf nmaci tlceae ith celiilc adtvtance maude Icy iPh liganccii cilleg dramaiticsducricg thu hastchfewt teres. IHt kdepdcially entuiacicoccaercle ('dint edyclulib, at he cc-ti dcccof ic fcundues, al-i th1ccfirtlehacduig cccii. lHt'sccit "For c leong timec- Michigan wsic k- ioh wuted incdratmtatic. '11he-Comed-y cl'- fiirstcrodcteionwasct-tic tued icc earier tlucncumyt-cwnuudatys lure. I cc-c- "11c Scutpcf lPaitcr' ''hiisI acautdI plt for ctcle cmupancic-s, ut at thil time IHarvatec, 'k'ale'acid oulceternccuniesteleepouigpasotet hcicgch -es irec- ru- aticscit aithit ghif c] ih ec-erg gealt uiveityu- ho culd hepItm foster. hutncurthceur cctuy cill titiucu1li- tis adabci ulitie-cf acctudc'enti le i quicklyut hthto lu-c. ihig ci' dtutct this.ear cihi-cutben citpledl ci-. ('dnt e cuchl isrhoing cc ie tinucg i prce-enti tg 'Thu Recreuiig iOfficer.' Suhihitc! give byc1ugtle Uinveritccwill d o tcccn oangthing elec itoru reuewintg ii ieet acid studygoflthit clsicidrhe-mau It is cc loncg -stifri-ct such triviaitiesc as- ' Scram of Puter' or 'The Iicatc Secrietrg, cd I tuturtudccithemcitcc"- s peaknucAi'cc higenda-."cu rie Hack- ett ays °lantexceedinugl glach ci hea cthat i chdiccn is tchs tocridceie a layofc - its t ow ccrton.cSuchu wrticr as thitic theufinet-iOfcall forhgyiit11hc creativ e'geniustis buchtUc t i.c- gre-ct tpincuthIe oadvncu umacde byc Michc gaitcu i e upwardc Icoccie ta cciiti, -hriet'of Thes-pian."- \l.\NYt' (fallICIES ItXVlt SEVEN (fI P PlC 511FDEIhl Rfepoicom cintg fromcthUit'vceritt cOl Illinois- ctate that tilst-c-ci-cimt ccf ih stcuenc thdyis i favorce of cc eenigam fcobllhlsc-IhuleTheIidConferecce cdl rest'ccucticcwait-slatructei hi'voti- Cu chelueoncger slchule lag-the hccardulo) cocntrocl, bhitheli-faculg- cne-uc vcic erule(I the' bcoardl andchtccthe scieii-of clhi roaccere the vtedccwme-ticto thecOppotitmu iotinc 'Fle' Daicl oantatestthtus entimce-nt tt-eel-s ftrlicen--ctgamucet cudthucthlieu rechoedsentativectilliNt c e iotut. It i is lo einielhg statedchthac t . IHutcheuiuscf icm sittwentcctoiCh 'icgi instrcedctoc ote for thur loigesche- dulce, but h ilt intruticoc cc-rc- chiniged beforeethl ceetucing andciIe vceducur lieli. Icuriles tutimtcude acginstca ccavyce-ac-i concwastaot ccuecri-e-t o oticuualersie. DlireecorBird wasiccalled ccetdon cci cutuofmlthe' ieactho ift htie-lu u lw''hlerecwi ll ctuereforec he- nocmeeticg oi clue'Boiarud inContrlcof Atheic, util cccxt wece. Negotiationsc-flicethi n iutu - gamcues cavec cud beeccuphu-ler, asc statedh inc theaes-, acertiill tdug'e nii-cill Phi. holedrecltun. ItAPNl DAcNCE'TO BI Eh- fIt IN BA.RBOLUR GYitIN.SIIP- APnumbccher iof tickeis hit-calietdy ccii cole1 foecle batt-cd ace 10oIe Iheld x Mondeay eenincgi Barbuehur gmnitaiumc. Mcore ccit-cbIeedisposceu of, hweer, ii teter tio tincure' the succecstotathic'Ipary. ktectc iRecid ate1wilean e anI icutJordanc cwil1 chaperon uIcthehaty Thud range ucetccccomcmite itdoincg cll witIhincitt potter ha coke the eentcua soccial atccl at fnacial succeses. :Bohc partis act1 galleywill b hueownuccucopen,. Ticketslice the cdancecanc le obtlained at Skinnertsacid thin Universty Y. Ph. C. A. haiildiuog. I,OIL'I)IRIIACK INS ('ONTTFRA1C CN 1151 Sr hC Df MTEE USll Walthere . Ioucueelccck, ' i t, i hiccue' mcicce'ecocialtiticiuifolicecicbet "PMich- igenh" hpite, Ile 011li'cul b wredcheca teni cdollarsc offereduychehg mcci. 'fle Ioe design, wcichlirueeucic twoicfigrest cc clue Daisg-baltici, cit isItscait, mauck cm ctriklig effect hcmleunpricecd icocuric Thec'six judges umde iditidual wlc-e it-cc, tttitiin lit lce poinutsiotheir it-t c-lucenthreetosicondc-tilteh tcc-u hiril-c ccid,,nit facrt. 'Twocclfltem. Pttuf. Alert Iocukcic'ch ucund ty It.,\Wehh judgedchsolcegy ci hic "cettinig,'' ice cii plicabhilitygtintcopeaiele'hi. hc i huie tild Ilhe diedtit1Kandi ccl teuci liii li oathitarchecur iie acculdeig brach ofl i te Iencineeringcc, linc pase iuonth atistitteduliites ftilhit hidra tt-cwings. cMr. ccland hutheal f thu tic-c ciit-c printery, mndcl.PAPh Smuitht cubihlere ocithe I thu I Kiytonci, gae(h ,o cruithngc'andculrchuccuuccu Tiche eadigc designireceve c ty oc ointsiii Thatii of FrankA.h P Ii was cmc ruth ifuetnintslii,, and oneccb% h J. Ia culuchi-cr, 'to, rc-eccivd teci Sevciallohicsincamutt icfircu- tteruc( Cclitt-ildtc h - my ceI ti co-rc-- signeti ic lthe icci.nuucutjuduge-- cd teartnIcc-c their di-gn-s ecankedh ic le- uiffee cut cesi chio ccocdcire, tug cllig o Harold tf' , di5i1?acc-jeffersiu ti-chct. t\I lAlFNS A'cIlSlth'S hPP-i lR Del entdIta(hr f woPhmenSP5hof tilc-tiolt ccistteuiveifsitielat fif dieirthirduc cfeceei Chicgo, c e i8,to andcci ti. IDegatecfof ecuic eciu -c usiie ttendued. Ni st p-ce-sitcoi adresses.c cweecgiten, utchchc ce cideg tick hitfrm f ant cc iormal dicuu-cicu. cuggece-uch hyug-iscctionsc ariing fromuthic cnduilcu ion f theliicc insiisiution,,u (tut-ccf ibme--cessis ucucsheld uil ht ocers of t thiecii-Nationalcitt luer-sorit kCnfierence. Thine risultccltheltccitnfe ce--cccuaucuuiu-ccwa immnageem-uentuponi cithit flltct tg dreso lui : 1. Thatutherecu holduhille-cml sergto liodgigtu s iiie, residcenceuhalmt-fori tiend fcrd women anithat inuttics- hallhs-ther-e csho ut ccl chtec-ucc. 3.Th hat t tiheIc-lf-guccrccguluut of ustu- wctlui cicithi inalergoiupsu. -t hts ctlifec amongcstudnsi ccc heicn nanuceuof cl ihightandardcouc ccsl intleetsc f tetnlt duic csiluc -ciinI of he studentsc. pThat ti 11c s~hihoul Iecnointr clle-giatcc-athleic c cte-ic lfor ucwomen;u andthaucut dramatuic- a uthsiicacl orgnizca- iccns mt-tile-h iwttet ake d pa hrt shucl notclgive ccluct-hf-towiipeftormandc. i. 'Thatmithicri shouul beachoar shuip scultandard cci igibiltg foptci-e ptionhincuc int ueclssc atletics'; andthactc chr hitic ld-itch hetulbcateil chcolr chipi acid phygsicahlfinecs licr cuccnucicu- imit in dramauittic anumuccicaiul events. 7'ITcheuceencec cc ursc ccthuther Intue-sceroritg cuncdrccnicc incommucuend- ,lug sop~homore pu lgig. lTce cll paintig ofi Prof. RI-Itch tI. Bhunuker presentenidothelaw iepultartmcent hut- hit-aciii-classt tat107 twasc hung icc the' latwclibrarcygdulring lte('hritmnsuc-tut- cationc. Thcpiturce ithcle wourk f Plercg hves,o01Dctroecit, mitchitcc ie likeness fc thelaht-tpoeorc. T1EMPER{ANCE WOR'K Several Urge That Prohibition Will Increase Attendance at the University. Ite iccucjuuuce- efom ccaumpaiccgci nowcsnietfult tic-iliucSnci h:mc mueetinag f P\u-luuc-uhccnight, the worcit ha.:-been proge-lg euapilyc.- Pacc cmciit"haveiibeen it-cti iluctiitchdoCcallc tVtct tie ct, eachccli u u itte Ii' cicgisc carge itfcc bodtuof cit cizen=.. . Severi i tttlitt c -onithic- icc-c ccc cc c c -. curedci geheuuhu CturltStucl, c ccictt iof1they P.t . . -uidh: "lthugh ctcI amnotI rcii Versant of i te mcccthoual to bIect-t ,I tutu r chic rc :Anglt cc I cci iii icthinki f i thecu cuccucc ediimePc alPuliihe Icr taliiedi cci ku-ht clclnth ti lciing ofic g -if (li cil reucult igiihd-ii i c~f h ic iser ofth ic ctici his t u cglutto h ie- a Vital drii-citi tio dc itciudent whtherli leisuicc favore ioftthe rpu rl tauo moeii tapeas t ei twoticac,.u t. It eccuclhpru-untc-i eshli n -itccIfinmicon-i ithe ut; hrtnkingg hic- ccci htwe tilnacl uth ig, and Iwo cul chic-utthlirii u to cle cittitihceiumcci nnu ctuued' w i ci . hIt oudchutc uitus iptncdccuu t-u na ionl chl ge cgensli t 't cpi- tch cict occivcci ndccit 'ggiric-c l iiir lt ilak ot i hic saloon Coll cIcit icc a Ni Ph- igumuc. icuuherucuuccc . I clii° th t ; pitbditnculcucuc-c dlii- i d insli c-ce tet ndac c e ftet cci- -icy el hi ich i citiWhii 160not uih idii " '-cccnme ticeofli-i, titicwol ucivtucdinkig -etirlyit woul d c-cit (11'c c rc ciicc culese n dccii ati I t iih tuinkc iuuci l:n cii ly tu ithelreme n.cAcccrl mho ha dcii it ciii,,I dr inkng 'abtsp ior t ic entanc into clk etwtulbehry lily to formc-hth chuc undrtu ecuoi- Ctrl iara it tu'hikthtte Ina-ii c i t i whtheuc hu prtiula ordnoc.cutihttherec i ci dub this etiiltelcc d agree P tt Pu.l restic c- tion ofltli t ure, wo culd h(.uuuc .1cl,- 1 chve Pu ltte yPle, cwithth woulcdu cdfa i in cithe erircctutu-the ii dccl iceud itat o ciiIchttiathei law- fls ruit cchI consid lu eetuttlec disgIte thin tht lte ivtee- tbut citic Itt-cexpected lccc Icuul i tu hic- ~ lc andi ISundaclos cucing ccte 11cc' cucicu cccgu cr.uet c titheil c-cu hi afticn'dieto i i-el- Randa~ll theilciIntrc lice theuclsictli ure- iting-tup h1w dirld atdiIocll ed-dciiolclra i- cc: Thei- ci- tle,, ctihiilcecdiat,l molle to tlace the tictnc oicth11ccclints iflcu-in, elnircoiittiies, ccciiih i uhlcic dtea ii Ill thue Plcigacn ic-umc. Th1cc sophomtoure cigiumict hlcd a clanc ucti- cl-p t-e-uhmg cl uuc aftrno n., tiiC dol-i tltu-cwcr-c- d o a' itcccu i ba~d~e lce stu 1ill che it, cthe ccaps li te hfootbauull tdtccii- cce ice-aliepropreccuiat in cci 11ec.PAthlic sscccciiationccuwasehauted.,uhe Pue dti cclfecresenai oncuc il ti h ic hiigcuu- ccnia itt cl tec li-uc ccuh cca it,,, next nciicg