THdE !ttthtfAlel DATLY___________ G. g. Wild Comfpaly The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS1 For Gentlemfen's Wear Everyting required for Sits, Overcoats, Fancy estings, and Trouserings, and of high clas fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits at Specialty 0. IH. Wild Compally 311 Soth State Street A New Desk Calendar aild Memorandum will help yoti start the New Year right. These are made with a tmetal base atd removable cal- endar pgads which can bec retnewed yearly. Makes the hattdiest kind of a memorandumi. 2 styles at 25c and 50c AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores S A. G. n~ 00, LDI & BROS. -' The Largest Manufacturers in the World at Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Bal, (oi, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Oficial Implements o Trak and Field Sports Uniforms for att Sports. Spaldio's Handsomely Illustrated Catatoge ofo alt sports cotain no- nerossuggestions. Sedori.-Itsre. A. a. SPALONO & BROS. New York, chcao. St. Loois. San Fr',tco Mlnneseis, lene, Batfalo.Syrase. its burg, Phltdephia, Bosn, Cinint,tali- more, twashlttt, Kansas City, Ceeand, Now Orleans, Deritl Montreal, Canada. THIE MICHMGAN DAI LY. 'entr of a ist year.- sould srng bollh - -~ ti pa g of reget that le timeic liforc -it s tilt s) sotand a elig of MAnagsfingEdsfoc g gePot Scon V.Mitwoen o'itt'rlre- pioioltititsbtecasc there is JdiicnMngr-C.C. XtWINS'itno.sotmuci vt tido. It jis hard trealzec hto tine ysar 1 07 s th C ot s ' oneal Ne snicen.. t .t....FS ... ,V.Rtci hl toe, an ud ot to'te seorts, ic Nes. .. . .ktti Athlietics. lDavid F. Stvensonsrien swtio hate nsil 1ha(1their shtl- ..'l. oh 1V mbod iternoto teie sttt ot Univirrsiy affairs Evl'.tange . t o iV ttt he( ~i'tunesofrobattttitinis to. fly short. Music and lDrans,.... ii'y 1. AXX e T ..'ii trt 'ii ssho sltl s) l onen hiitor- .ouise Van Vohs hbdo ln hsbtaltl e> tot ttter, and th id i oithe sing" EDIOILSTAoI5Thet montnt tatyone smaenonor grant J.W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams ofi cii cn ido i tiest osmall. lihe. Joh iiii. \X're lRusell -Xlrtratnd on-stt i Igiof t.'nisesil ,geara- NIcHTrDIORtS iso, witthitivaryingetirtcer of their Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart toeadce'. ttreateo mak un aviattOilig~ Chaunnecy Boucher BG. R. Williamthe1io (iis't rnet omit trmisig iffort Ratviiondl Vissehr 0of too-er it tpe otutr hoe trmaonent resltt. Bu ttltogt ittsent frotti1meto REPORTERS tit tootre sipig tck iottthe rtso L C. Reid fee A White 3 frotto twhich iwe'htoilhoe ottiihae liftet M. B. Met ngli J. W. Presotti 0 ro. t, w otuuust teror' blivett A. L. Hainline Robert Mounsie a r ,teugae ht(eei tosell J. Carr Donald L., Kinneyto ' i-res oft ittorode Iththere is a WalerK. owrs Lous raf tr owitooesndtitit hour(tieamotis of Lew it TI. Kiikrt, Roblert iMtoreland sevienthe oUnivestsy aieaftirll Paul Greer Samuiel I. Moreis toro tt ithilt. m11 ' re fain to blievtst Otto figit tFrted. Goodsig drt tthinlpr oess witlttc'ntie 0a(n(1thau BUSINESS STAFF eoch teto te torh-rh adthieli'self- tot it sillt toolhss aitileIts,antit the John F. XWcne Carl H. Adam Uoerit in its to" titr oasect sill te H arold P. CGust ((oetit ore.otoLet it- thetlae res- Address: MCnIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., I"ruuo titopp~1ortnihitich tieness Maynard Street. 1 yeartoot'- to ouroithor, 'iidosrie Mnagers Hours: -2 P. m, 78 P. .1(with 0(01e0tinotnst to the rsoltioni dily, exceptStnitay. Bloth phniirlutte e.1e lstmsothss h alttltmeni 9601. I s' in 'ithto'uplit 'tnd I totte i'nott. ot 4ltat witll thi ment e ll, a II ofew T1111 tSt)AY. JAeNUARY'i' it, m ( tittst oirtioti iandtics fail. to it il tse'th i t ttoio'etotitocpo fr man'.c~ -- - -' -' h wIill meailnS 0 0' '' c lea se toiticsto t he'. ristio sG tub'o t wor and es Iton,halit- 'errs to(oil me. ~t(It ilma ho>gti 5.1(lii ii 51111 I(i le level hueo tonoo o .s' cho u eti, its till (1(1( ii0 trttteend af fo r tutu in tt'atoolf thetontsfIernce. itt ll e aniis't I.lenstdole m ittit iioftt1plists; Wite t o.setoo fi ts'o t e t erpr.oiids e Siitu to u o rIand 'litsii cit at it ivr t adtat prom ads tight ilittnc'ttftn''tio1n 'lirthan o alloit wil. \eaenihrciden norto d ts it ii tooi an . t to'tfor te'croport' et- 'itln'stilSonoth flithelt'tt'ttlisl outolsooti ''00'(m1elgh too o t buli sateniotht on toot'n, o e soototot toeingt ie. hll too in sotmJe tslig tereeqfior Unvrit otttooanuti' i'obecoes' itaIt th futuresvluts tiotiiiiiainiise tiioIof ithim iand ot sta'l'i entotiv o n thattoi 'acot too' in- itd sopucli ork oor rte .iuli ii tol-l's-e-- i- t- a iee t. ti (is a th fougtithit C'i slot 00 11 O stlistit tlCO'o ti'o eTIO lss'lih to aeyt e t t eelit oot th tyar oi l thcteseittms oo ot oon cs r rei-it 'otlg ot o n tlyle r ote ploot 110toot o. v no tnco n o toeopat o'' is os ho ttghee 11ng1e tey can t til bin ertilt, ie ie s otheto', erence017'qiles- that o the oto hvest a'tool t t t iei st t ioni-ie ' t i t o o i ol lielctin titin Tht(fly n si cet ndiiilecivditti DitltyI to' -yterdayslo wasi shud e t'sleve'tt chyaratotl etrt iLry day 'o t attltit' betts ''than oh eyo o und ioss t, ntuI og o prssyiu trowinsg((05 to e It wligh~tO o to frons iat la srtot'eloog tts l iibost nn 1 1'thi o t iosron o ot hg lot' w iocs ito i tolls' it not t htoti t. hsi at ri toote otto utce s f 'ist(('(cesa of in s' althe h ithsttitoodto''hit sotnloose ts 1050to o . in c eif hoou l ose. tho lo' b iletosa toocti ll sttfac Otor o mtii luho is 01st illasscirstin thasogesneratl ooattiod s' msgniianinbrngnl ot' tliimprs oedsafit itos ttto o 'lbsthathije moto rsits th5 potniy0n ratr sili tt'invs ots, 15Othecneqcst'i ofti ii l n }co hesto ilsfao n, ili toot l ltssso hveben oe lue i boghiostcls. h of sevc toi1111 n( itnstittiotoli hIish 'O i nvh r hn ig hudm k hi Tothel an whoposeseO ,ot iit t (tb ot'urnsotes nouts tlter 1'1ime' calendart he Ii timphl Lan((sng1fot te'list ot o sleg' oitns Xe he onlsoiihut tat the petition is mosre liely' to liais the legislai'e buisti lit it s. Iftlose nlo-mitcmbers whtto frequetci tses clhoittsis'cooafe' iwoldltkeouliimeii- bes'ohipls,.they coiil ier lgin te ti- cusesd of sealintg esiieoioe else's Iserts. Xichigin-iii thin role of Proigl Soii - is cuting a somehait sorry figure TCFIIPFRI.'NCE ,MEETING l1EI l.S PFOR SFNTHIMIIN'I' ICoosied ram tag One) ito soithi you is onof real sorals. I ni liene to reprobate ite codiios as this')'cct t oday). I is a tas thiitg for tis: Couintry' to nllo its youti to te broucigtiusp outin cnoiions as tows sirrouniit is." Neati thin chirmniin inroduedolDr. Blate,,lte chairman of thin present ooe- mooent,swhoian sounceditwtoospeke slho sill appeao'or hlins'i te neanfuture. lb asootmiasemiore definite the work of thin org'nizaion auit exilaineit thin miscilost of eoting adtopeid forthitilc- tioo. Abouti seven liuiided mcii pege ihemseves ii sp~pot of thin iovceen at the minting. TIhe coitiitee planslt a housse io ousu canvas ii the ear fu- ture fuse lusre signers. lD. Stalker gave thin eonliidiig ispeech of the eeinig. AMhItfht'.N t'NhI fSt tY ASSOCI.AMOIN X;ME'ETS IHtER Thusannl toecting of Ihe hAsocia- tuon of Atoericanin1ivertsitestwill e helduttodayan'ud tFrida i the engiuer- hug lihrary. Tthioissooiation is ot- pinmst outhie lestng siiool of the contsr), naiielyt.Unietyou)of (Caior- sit, Uiverril)oftChiago, Cthuoiunit- tu-ustho mlar'nsit e Colthtui, Com- nlunsarvardohnis IHopkistLelaod Stamourde, Micigsio Pnnist-vatia, Vi- giia Pri ntoto. Wisonsi, aiid YXale. Th his tiet ofthtieiorgnuiation s to i conmisile sibjets ofnetucationl iter- st IThousgi the proganm has nolbeenl tmad uts bltic, it is inderstood thinstDe. S. h. Rowe of the IUniesity of Peni- slvaniawtit s litbeten tlaes-ling in SoutihiAmeicae,, wtll mae theininpa addsot s LAWOIETIES MuEs jA. 0. lt Ih tifollowing' is the pogami for tme Webselusocsietey for Jan. oo Ciiiremt Esennts--T. V. tirs. Reociaton-H. W. Goes. Addrle s-Pent.-IBtikr. Diehate. "Resotved, that the recet sctinouthe Board of Regents. regard- tg hie toliday acation, swill e bene- fetial hts the sdnlit hboy." Affimiattve, O.11i.Btobitt, . C. Feia;5 negatve, Ki .A, hMyes, I. C.Nadteoui Thie Jef,eooiiat pogani willhe a- folowi: Current Ietos-Emoctk. 'Dolt) Bees"-Cas. Shuot Stories -Bagby. Diebae."Resoe, .that Cuutgees shoualdtes'tatolisi posta savingshbanks." Affirmtativ's, Wooes, Sphie; egatie. tfit'emanus, Rhodess. 'l'ake mon a Micigaouvlsenisn toi froiiieninitg k& Koch's Jewelry fiore, t13 h~ Iast:Lbry St. oot An Exquisite Gift If1 yott artitndobthi about what to give your friend for a gift boXy a copy of omr Michigan Calendar. It contains originals drawings andu sepia printing. Its the best even pnhblishedin i Ann Arbor. Price only 25c The Souvemnir of Ann Arbor amd thee Uiversity recemntly published by is is nosy on sale. Price 50c WAHR' S Bookstores Stair Street ManoStiees G. E[ DARTIN[L Law and Medical Books Treves Anatonmy, New Edition, (jtust received) Stimso's ractnresamsi DilocationstsNew Edit- ion. Morris Anolotim'. 3rd Ee. half leather, $2.50, hl aft moocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-It or excbangc yotr Law, Medical and IDental ooks C. E. BARTHELL Tel 161. 326 S. State St. Largest collection of ordinary and the otnly collectien of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Quality Best - Prices Righth Michiganl and lrat. Stines. WM. ARNOLD,Jewler 121 ,,,Maln tS. ~dPliL L 0h~ G0 VKEGomu w 0 WWNCLNA Th E GUA 1IUW FCOMOM 35C flusic UEvery do)' one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do mnore itt the line of cul- tune. I woiuld learnt soume- -thing about msusic soasS to appreciate good m u si c whetn I hear it.'' Studenlts of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities ton such study. Courses in all branches of nmnsic are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Mnsic Mtaynard Striet. Che Students' 9lecture 1ssociation1 Season of 1907-8 Johin Teinple Graves Dr. Brander Matthmen's Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Ntnmber The open number will probably be filled by lion. Win. H'. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays I w l 121IWashingtonIE. The Randall Studio, Rlawda11 & Pack, Props. Phone 598