THE MIC-MA AI THE MICH~IG.AN DAILY, lttsintcsn and eciiieatiisnat, insure their1 reputation abroadi by mseans of a pub- WilT ompahiit}- hoard. We helisete the tiute has Bus w i o~ a y iansgs Mange-P . E. IS TEAD. fsromi teUniverity sof Michigan shouldI he suhject to some kist of censorshtip. The Largest Stock .D.. ..ORS F Ritchie A measure reso-n d iiels itself at this1 in the City ~ ~ . . . tiume, which will iuvolve little effort of Athlietics.l....avid F. Stevens(o re than iputblic swatchtfulness, and F achange...... sv1 Jh abodm hich ought to be effective. The names Exclusive Styles in1 :MscadDaa . .o . lc of alt student correspondents, ansi thea omns clitor. ...Louise Vran Voorissptaper,;foer which they mwrte, should he EDITuRIAL STAFF matte puhtic. They shsould tie puitlishecd J.V. McCandless Elmer C. Adams at tract once ini Time Daily, andi he given JctiniF.Wisr Russell McFarlandsto tuietirpublsic noticer in any other practi- W O L E S Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart would travetireswriters open to ceitlo F or Gentlemuens Wear Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams cism for every article, ansi wossld ets REPORTERS oft care in reptoerial swork-nout to say Everything required for Suits, L. C. Reid Lee A White reasons andm decency. It woulds msake a Overcoats, Fancy Vestiegs, and UI. B. Mcughs 5. i-i. Prescott dseiraile secrease in tseeioutpuit of some fab i s and pecialhstles A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier of tieme ipeirolific writers. fasbricasssracureacdiipeisiae styterror Lowell J. Care Donald L. Kinney Sc esr a aen err Waiter K. Tuoser-, Louis Keafts for sa csnscienstiss reposrter. Istswoulds Full Dress Suits al Lessis T. Knssis~erss Rotbert Moreland rutier betoiihIis siassanage, for it would Specialty Pasit Gucer ;Samuel I. Morris reliess-him of tireblamee shichs in some Otto Enget Preril . Goosdiingsmeasssre falsupons tse vholue guild tsr- cause of the umistakse,,sit a fete. Thus BUSINESS STAFF Fvis-se it, woulsis certauilysdisatble soics, I idC m a y John F. Ware Carl H. Adam ts'greast moisssety, mu we sire surtse il arold P. Could miajoiety needsinoiscorrection,-wo ull 311Sotuth Slate Street Address :MICHIGAN DALY, Press Bldg., ublesihatiessssieportyesihe, theisme- Maynard Street. susperv isisois tir writers for Tue Daily. - v ~Manager's Hours: i-2 p. in., 7-8 P. M. The camus pap iser, swiose articiessire daily, except Sunday. Both phones perhsaps tess ismpsortant in. she long run SHEENTA N _ xC0 ' 5 90>tianthoise if citeyipapers, prnts a list Sn r~s of its- viseter eery uiay. Aindesvery sari m~ian u is responstibsle fosr iis deets, andi MVOW h i! i " erceisvs tseir jstssrewarsd, whethler they I SNF SDA'Y, JANUARY 8, IqoS. tie gossdi sr basd. 'rie istuer reporsters ssoldt te- madsie-sisatsllwed-to dasnce C aftle d aiii oithesame isue. TLi. sai'Ts 55AND THEsicowtEesIese Is lay far the finest of T he squestion cit whethser free-lance athisetic se Western Coitference sts- Vise"Ki;igt fur a llssy" ensumes isis the kind ever publisse ei is il, in the l n rnproesithue fose sntght. 'e sre sorry itfthr feels for the price. It cointati ii yii-ricwt50sngri iiisto is siemienit, sit wish ihe might ntearly 50 sepia etngrav- stindure postponeenit. It mstibe set- isyissiee lieu ic-fre tme umonii is suit -_m,55:, OEDIC FACULTY MAY TAKE H-ONORf SYSTEM FROM JLNIORS Wuitl te hisnor systems e takens from tie junior medis? Although a fital ecisiont regarding the matter has not en givein, he faculty is opposed to th systems existing at preset in that lass. The honor system has never workec site so smoothly with te juniors ass in some of the other classes, perhaps swing o the fact that it has been un- opulasr wsith many- of the jumirs. The sspensioin f tw-n metn in accordance vith the ites for a teriod of two yras inot likely to be retracted. Many in the cass still favore the system, and the hreatensed decision of the faculty comis s si buloiwto those wis-ihing o establish a systeitratsiditional iii the department. PRES. ANGELL, ADVOCATES NATIONAL HEALTH BOARD P'reasient Angel is one of te active -isdsocates of a iational bureau of health situ is ai memsblersfhe commitec of ice-residints of the Atmerican Asso- -istieo fr the Asdvaincement of Scietce xhicis hackesd the rject at the recent -neetitg of the associationi at the Ui- versity of Chicago. Dr. Atgell hsatbhens onr of he pronminent figures in the siov~leet, sihich is of national im- porace. Associated with him on the commusittee are suchtmin as President Eliot of IHarsard, Joseph Choate, Arch- hishoIrleanidJane Asdais, judge tieu Linidsey oftDenver, Andrew Car- negie, buttler Burhsimk adi Thomsas rdisou. 'FTie Chicago Tribunie in reoring the mieetinig of the association says: "A instional bureami of health foete regmition of te pople's physical iwe- fsare, plauneid by the leading spealiss of tir United Sates and endorsed by tresideint Roosevet, na take its place ini tefeieralt deparitments of te gov- ereinment witiin the yr through the efforc of tirAitmeicatn Association for tir Advancemen of Scince. Plasimsfoe the htreai strem'aittoincid y- lProf. Irs-ing Fisher, the econoimist, it Yaletutu chairmaim of tie committee iii onetuindrecd distinutishedl scientists sthtinhae hail charge sit the tinisertk- iing. 'fhreimebershipi of the committee includes taders in the various braches of tiemedisical anti social scietces from tir imposirtant iniersities an other 'Tur edticators have been assured tta tirterst steps in the organiation of the healsth brea will tbr takenm at the pres- rt sessioin of Cogress. A nunmer f Michigant professorusnatenidemithe cot- vettion of tie association. Hand hammered jewelry at Foster's. FUSHUDFAIL o get Lyndon's new Vire Book, you'd make a mistake. It's realy tieonity one worth having. Price $.oo; dark hbse covr. Accept no sub- Alarm clocks warranted for one year, $i.oo. Haler's Jewelry Store, 26 S. Main street. sod Pyrography goods at Foster's. tf An Exquisite Gift If you are in dotbt about what to give your friend for a gtft b uy a copy of our Miigant Calendar. It contains originals drawings anth sepia printintg. Its the best ever published in Ann Arbor. Price only 25c The Souvenir of Ann Arbor and tie University' recently published by us is now on sale. Price 50c WAHR' S Bookstores statetiLe" Mainmsreeti Stm.rt the Year 1908 RIGHT Keep a Scrap Book of College Life ::. The New Book is Ideal $1.75 with a Special Picture Rate Some bargains in 2nd hand Cameras and Kodaks ..: LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHEIR 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporttno (5006 121 EAs r LIBERTY STREET Largest collection of ordinary and the only collectio of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Quality Best - Prices Right Michigans and Fat. Stines. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler 220 S. Matn S. ings of campus views, fra- ternity' houses, and Ann Arbor views, and msakes an ideal gift for a friend. Strongly boxed, ready f or mailing for 5 0 cents AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores ... is toslur Michiganundmisergradciuate as anm indiidual, unsre misaim mumanyonue rise, thtus ses umttority are hosking fume advslice and guiudaunce. It is rercognisedi titstime studentissre timemosst vitally' cincerned, anti that whiatever stand is- oifficisllyty akens shuildiagree uithtihiliu cit time studuentm sajority. Thmose st-io favoir leaving time vesternm iossu htosuldi state publliclytyhuetropinionms sni protposediprosgramm. 'Thouse svhomse- siretusreturnmstoiithe ftlshoud simoim nit- lalmaske muesjustificationusof their pousitionu. Each indivsidual n-ill thus susve oppts unuity ito ehoosse svhatseems us huimm thme proehrecourmse of peocerme. 'fle iDaily- osiens its cosiummus to sucs coummmunicatiions as serums to present slum variouus phsases of tir situations moss fairly. I f y-uh ace positive siewsso05 te subject, it is you uitsiiy his maskes thsem uictuieat this critical humus. ULIsi cisCPUBLSHEiiRS. Misreport and exaggerationu of Usi- versity ihappeninigs in outsidie papers still conutinute unmiterrupediansI,pe ~pr-sumisilyic. ighlyremunuerative. Ihas alwsays iseen sosn, simmertime Unisersity tie- camse famus enorcuughs to dieserse a re- served gums r mmnmie papers ; amid no effuses, so tar as we know, has tress mader so check it. DOtser instiustionss, hothm Spcntinmihmg 1asvacation sis hasrdi s-trk. 'suhnmwe ge-I use nosecsbackito time fsictiy's grindstoneissue c iiiseitsee stime shirks sly. OiRATOR DI IWNEY LEAVES FOR CHtICAGO) FRIDAY Stepmhen IDowvney, u-ho issuiteprmesentr Miichiganmmisn time IinHmio cuchisnutest iii ChicaigosStuurday esensing of this st-e-i,tiill hue acceommpamnieud tmmthur city 1)v R. ID. T.Hollemister.,sassistant to Prof. 'freblhsoodi. 'heun nill lease here Fri- dasy afteonemuumantd Mr. Doswney will luaur easltSaurdaisy uo rest ini Chicago sfter Iis ride. 'hhecolluieges u-hint are to be reprr- senut mm inte contest ibis year are North- wcestern,. Wisonusinm,Runx and Mints- igan.u After te conmtest it is usual for thiss-lai iusudoum clui um o ntemrtain time speakers st si banuet. Last year tsc speakinug took tlameris Music H-ail and it q~uie likly stillbehuelrd usthurcaine placee this year. :Michigan Bummers, our-thirst off, as M4iss tLoveth's. 72-76 Celehrated Martin Mandolins and Guitars are best for musical chubs.. Schaberle & Son, iio S. Main St. end t A. G. yQ"av~c. ( Q Lcl 6'aS PALDIII NG Ei Ic MARK W 6 BROS. MR The Largest Manufiactusrers in she World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Glf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Imapemcens for Track and Field Sports Uniformcs for all Sparts. Spaladiges Handsomcely Illustrated Catalogeerof oalspurts actfaiso- merous sgestions. Send icr i.-It's lace. A. G. SPALDiING A BROS. Now York, Cicago, 5t.iLouis, Sacn Fr-ncisco, Minoneapouitstiesver,.Bufalom.Syracuse, Pitts- targ, Philadtelpshia, Bouston, Cincnnati,.Btii- more, i'Wahigtoc, Kansas City, Cleelnad, New Orlees, Datroit, Mctreat, Cacada. t S e i Ii11 00 VO VHE 00=OP G"a 908 fflCHWAN CALENDAR REGULAR PRWE 50C NOW 85C SPEMQd s0KES HAND AND AUTOCRAT STATWNERY WSCOUNT 50 PER CENT exi-I SVEA ,Efl WES73 00', SWEATER WESTS COMPLETE ASSORTMENT D SCONIaT as 1 -8 PERCENT 7HE I OF [No 00=OP 370HE flusic Every day one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do more ins the line of cul. tmire. I would learn some- thing about music so as Io appreciate good m u s i c when I hear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rtes at the University School of Music Maynard Street ui Che !5tubents' lecture 1ssociation Season of 1907-8 i John Temple Graves Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by Hon. Wmn. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED-TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays _ _._. -- 121 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598