The ichiga Vol. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, NMICHTIGAN, -,OENt;1}Y.JANsVX.iX' 8, tons. NO FATTED CALF ON CONFERENCE MENU Conference Dismisses Michigan's Proposals of Change - Prof. Denies Ill Usage Michiganttis tatid ilthei.t i'oferce. I The action of the meetig of the Con- ference delegte in LhicaI go, Jan. q, demonstrates ceatly tat sie wil e welcomte i ie til st13in01] a par titithtie oter coleges. ittt there is to disptsitnotn11)1]t prt of te oter eolleges tts peritMXcigatnettftrtiee to glntrette RigNie sattes. WXctheter west tepettds onthetitteottof teoatd of cotttro whitch il it t ti th11 arl part ofnettc'ctttc. Int regattito tite reatttttofMicit igattniwittt tttttt Pc t of teCotnfcr entce, Petit IP'ttesntol he deegate frott Miciigatsi s i i oic brh tstt ttindttthiat weoreit wetcome 0ittc L Co ferettce, ittt titosc it tiexpcatthtthetI ates al lt litbett k i le)for M itilln willlidthateatll'islnot11n thelmentil I.tforwa tte a i trtreall(i Ilhefavte s' tagis titu hatoi hyw~ h bodtt cite tl l tt t s I o tie.Toleethelll uonferc s tite resull t l t ofI f lell egs ii tit tepottiof icort ey to1 I'lMichfe' lottiersn "hctthelonfertncet till't ite ell te ll fce1 1asft ilati oc31, makeslltieaden) 01ttio peiosia is-ii sitingliffiict iciitsecertaintollegte etinitetucollinde1 ts no totlh1111 e'11 ~ir litiiit. "Wha itiieactMtotc plaeois tetl paingiltlyIftaeotief5to1111 011tilt' Illthe- lionst elfilicgoestcktosthcoeltleges ft r a inaltvite. i" o il)) tl tilll oe Th frne fstt r11C] ftlnscdt'ocons151ite theeitrotive11 tfea11ttur fththre I~cetlglli rutle sn e co 51 1ndcdIIttitli1111 heittprisetedtityt'i 111attersic ii 1 cliiofDrtito(I f innesta11 n iteing iitgwith h ishaeicg'tt. Tilhce lcombtine idcuie ci reuin wsit otedi tl 9 ati Paeticrwondoe itcnie h athenoftitheecticeencesiinsalteioftthsel tquititi ossttcsapt ci g'iifs iiinl free ofiith e uesleiitons i iideietatlc itauted s o hyshud oc trifo ttewhit nyConfeig nce toie' 'tt scniadih ti iis a toteirsttie ishtole retioreprtiaceiti d ue bepihlt asutof the Coitferenteerlyttit yteiairc agiieihagctheCneec ntinrdi Ceisecrd T. XXare, soti of the ftest tireuidettt and founder of Atlatita utni- versaity, sutcceededl to his fathter's weork- io Dec. 31 as ttte thirti presiet. PRE2S. ANLJ II HONORED BY AT-Jn(1Sr T1 Ql'-AI DVI ) t'siX Xi i ititt. Dl aeo fron t tenty-tnt) citaters TOWN MEET TONIGHT X 1(o da ,lher;17,ii h: ;i lletn o th ZeaPsi fraternily snerer enter-Jtcfrtw b ld anc. T sity ct MttchitganiT hte Zeta fs edff ! ncswl ly(, ,d ersxyscn nu l icovet siontot -W ill Petition Con. Con. for 1lt31 i'111 tic-ir elsie511111)4 tittoat eons'etiiott 101t1111= 11 111)1 jailltuaryl2, ,'iand 4,ttt Detrciit, and erie- Prohibition Clause. e-~~>g tirated tile fitfttit 'teniisersary of tie - - - - ic an e vil 11liis1i 'otndtttgofiiieiMic hihgaocitapter. iDoes'Xtint .ri'cteN-ant ite""gs , ll 111111) "1111wil srl bte Fridtay3'alfteoon a reception atd ititiii'i'iiwre glven itithe Micehigant 1111111 cltbhiois, to)tie facitty of the tnitleritcitresitett Atgeli antI i- I' Hodi,ticieititiitof the Ceeandt ''-'itit 'andtacarer nenhee f te rate-enityp were guests f honor. ',O\1?1,Y S'hUDLN'TS INtD ('IJC i'PiOUSE. XA iBLESSING TheX!ictiignion 1111cubhouse sered yecll'isi ametig' paeefr the sudets vhllremai11111ed i Anntitborutunitnctog the 'hritmsvaction lage itumes fe- 'leittiit statlos ud tdiing romtt. Prom111Chrlistmats 1113 tilt31estrdtytiliii liles wleec'a trom Icnillfeatre o1 acllionin AnnCuttAPtbor. Mlodayandi reastedi 113til e111turitg-stdtets Abont meiihundredlit weirillervcedcitMondiay13leti 'atelt furrLii stmas tidNetsYe'Xs.t 'ht ercewaesctmade althte tmore aii acitsIb13 theinewsthnall w55icheltrriedei lringtifvactiiXion.Atltedishes itre 'eoat I 'wit-ith' -~iferitictleorsc'gine if tillZida1Ps ffraterit, aconscit 'out itetmters f te faciit we)re sred 'Ti' deiegati's attetintg te ofer- :nce of te Asocatonottfi Aetittn Univtesiics litomorrowt'adtidaeity, iil Te ftolling nL tesw rules wstfreitttt- r.XAny atitttitts or ainyonte at peenrut conctd ittltheCUivii tcty who liiiltm scet tie'M1 Xirttiganion, upon1 tttilte u ii o his stibicrittinan the 'aymet is made itoiin'tor titoe Oct I loo8; mitiembtrsehip tiket tibe issttriiai lTtl ue t coiti mmtitttee1)111 a ull power iIallmttters reattthe li mnage"tito f thecttbihotse-utitishal ciidresdentibe Pfor th'saisfactor ill ill iii f)he ititam eC d it a.Te 'anageroshaelsitrkiuntersltt ictiin'ntcotol the hcite5 1 nitttitndshaleltibtte drcl epnil oitN I N8CXIXO rinth clu ouseiiasghalli te stt ted It fpr'ss fre eusliatione trwitout the pritsstiotheir te 111113 Tomtt 70 at itteti ioe, 11rgasizaiotttrthitviehet sll- 'eare tert iltie tihed eiitlu isnuse - thepolbus ite in.aThentietutmertotrt Alilcpurise withoutlisotutdatnitgte th 111111en eisiofte cifreanttisit uce thouseComiost ee.ititt etes Maittyit afe w wettstignteafth e-Iotr tersitCoftthnenthi nenionr.sit h presentt gtthteeaeregisterborto hots bt illcesomwa nresda h tile little "roupliflso-alleditti I 'es 111 'itc '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cf ti utsnn 1X 1-1111tti'nof th "'1city 11srt11 li tte mp po e cide thti il tI t itl itil hel 'neative to wil bt dea actt amiss' etig"' ;b51n heto ihtaitt; :3o ittUticersty1al he questltion ]is aousedii ii 01)111)V coeo n it nd u;sttinit ertit' c t he stat costtt utiall' convenlition began 1111 s sesionu'sl etot oradagis t~ p r 13o itt Xv ee t t o ll 111111 in ti paed11 to wati ts e btn w ii Il U16 qestin isto be reoened ill l zeso CAnA;trath idn ntlaefott 'c' roii'tin ci- it chutewstate'cosituto. ihtsot. ~ ulowinc aeth it nin stessI titeLansig 'totlincsue rIt stittion citritu W oftitit I : Tiecu ant aci1 iiiltu l at iiisale1111f1 t. ucibntii,tsacalit1 l ad mcancl ,1 set othel stateI i versiltya dic te lf tsiate noIrmactollegeXs;t'and "sttcepit-ill hI te ll xXct3e'toe'cl1territ'yIim- At its cft saidJ tis Pind (,t nd fc ur miles1> 1111111Ir - e 1r c r . 4 tt !' f I (iC't' l till Tllh, itill'i'the'it lii 111I th th1 tae wth plkl'l ill ta( () tilt' ill th < m h c t thell Iii 11ellit lii-shtlll the utie 111 i 1 iic 'WO ift C'XXi R"OMf ANP'CE'S CV i,.II Ns Pi'1.Ii I'II,X ltc'ei'dtughit'r iiMisJostepie o f.X' is a sellor rutic tuen. ncis ia tmimteititfiProtf.i hteslsctat3,Itiid blontgs toitheiii 'sllitChi11and1 till Cii frteriinities. I Ic ia-rdteoth mieay depar tuen tc h 'ingrcivedt'iihis :Miss 'Xar''eet'itaI r nt;,iis note- iecu Neus Yer'iis ida'to I' iliti bri i'e Benscinl of \Nicit 111 inCtutu ilit for- tier oi uIunic.,11111 I c cp ied by1the Xiatpta PIisorrity. Hssi r n'lsvl grauat ueidlast I lutesuWts 't itttiet' I o te tortarboardi itsoity aid teultXiphta Pi sororiits 'I t eisn etlt KsappaIEIitlonut it' ticiciuto theli''tai lterar itsl Til e tant ofi titi Coliubiailiiisuchool sute sit all iad ititottaut etldifitult l 11 sllf- plelietingttttthe ibucachloriot-iristdegree'. in colltege tile tpossiessiollfth iie qualtieus reuiste fur stuccess itlte51-itrk iof a professionualschool"lie adititeit ure- afterto hulte lass'schtool. .c e t., c t il 1her 111a1' C. i liti ' ill ii11111 e 11111lc 1111 Iiii i tifi i ght'Ii iiar ii -)l lit ~ ~ l: wh A11)1 iti ll ~ li~lt)lc Is' 1Mr 1111. icwithiitwo Ii tl l r' h Ito he 1will1 > tc il l isutt() l iif n. }5t1famou i lnein ()f ill eI I rath' er lit ttitt t- lii' wl 'sill's III' bc 11111 ar rnti o 1 1 1il lil t1i ll itiltl filitIsnihn t - l ili l lie t nii it joe hilt sip, o t'. iit p I ieitoe ttit ii'h(i' c1 11 i t' tt 1c ti' i 1; n [ r