mEMlCHut& DILY Slook to your Looks If you would be looked up to, not down on. Our tailoring is essentially and pre-enminently for the young man of the period, who likes a bit of 'swagger" in his dress. For Autumn let us lend YOU that ease and t4 *" poise that will put you among "Who's Who." Premier tailoring-emphatic style-n-oderate prices. Merchant Tailors 118 E. ILl.brty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. CAL TDA.IxI F4-. 1_}cc ?(--- S5'it)ifl clx'se. Jan. ;-Session ope'. TAILORS /3 jP3Hig Mrhass Jan. i3-Varsity handl len ftIittane. FURNISHERS III IMe oua ric se AD)VERTISED LE.TR ~ HTTERSS osSe 5B o -~ Latest Styles--Regal hos-SeOur$53 o Aikon Miss Laura, Ashford Mr A H. Purley Mr Arthur, Bradford Mrs. Directly North of Law B3ul1di*ng Beauchamp Miss Florence, BrowenEa,7 -1 NO T V I E STY A N E DJalilen Mrs M ary D7, Pillins Mr Tick,7971 N R H UNV R IY A E V Fslher Mr Hlarry, llawley 3Air Chass _____________________________________________ Huner Mr 11 J, IHitchcoek LerosyAVer- HE P K IC non, King MNr John C jr (3),ILuigane H IC W C Mrs P ir,.:Mires -Mr Dr, M'xiriotte AMr l. XW, McPhlllMr John, bMoore.J '1', Billiard and B w ig P ro Plead Ried, Owens Mr F'KXT1 Richird- son1Mr J K, Roll !Mr Ailliin, Rgers I x thiu ,of xh bestv and the laest for son PFine.linze :'tic Grove C. Rothschildl'Mr Ale, Riep oaf Plips, Cix at-'nhTbal's and C andie s. (Get the habit. Mr C, Rivard Mr Ifheixy, SnithriiFtcx I'xxrt'"ix howts tug I tikets for $1.00,i I-Sabions Mrs Roy, Stilson 1li A X, Thomas FX F Tck Mr A AtXfetlev S. Kottet~stei Xlv 'Ernest, XXilson Mr Haity. Bell Phone 176. 707 N.UnvriyAe D~rops : lnelison XWix, Cooper Miss. Blanehe, Dudley Miss IHelen,oode Mr Geo E, Kniffen Miss Bereviha Al Moore 1)D, Pfifer Ede, IPorter J H, alsl Mrs Sarah. A 4illianis Miss 1 D,1)1 ecli w K S Mrs N. Foreign :IBriexting :Miss LoisIIHagie Mr Fred, Itrundeexon 1AL Iassrvsnce Miss Adella, Wagner Mrs A TI The Home of Suits, Overcoats, Taekage : Fvench Mrs II . Raincoat Ret. D. L. 0.: Frost Guy, Duigan -Al Good Clothes LU li u Ranot A. Goraoon'Iellie T;. C O HIand Trousers 14. G. Pvettymna, P. Al1 _.. _...._____._. .._ Liberty Sit., Cora~a. Fourth> Ave. Anna Arbor XXAN_ T(D.-Stulexits to seecire suob- scriliers for the Michigan Alunmnus in ______________________________________________ thyly lonetonso'dsuing vaatison. 'T'lie se"vk wxill consist in calling onilililganx alumnx.isixca honia e01111)1ei, list Can 0For .High Grade lie furnished for every toswisanodlCity In 13 Forib'siitil e jRfCa A thlivt'xiexdStaies. Liberaleomnmxissioan.w uu .w For further ixfornxatioi aell as the Alumnni Roonis, Uiviersixy flail, in to 1t t r t i l s I' iris Sheriex ts, I ien l quid 2 a. M.; and 4 to 6 p. xn., 'T'huxrsday, 1tax ox"; ftrallttOccasions.n. s sa pkxss and Doilies Sxiltedl anxlS toxioa.m.Priday. 70-71i attCais, The Cuttixig Cafe wilt gisve ie Iteut lDiner iii the ciyt3 tli. eesinit.g(}txxs Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. main. St. evenitags ftev the play. Sexrsices a la earle. 70 _________________________________________ AMUSEMENT-S BEGINNING MONDAY NEXT, DECEMBER 23, The MajecsticThar Will Present the Following Artists in Vaudeville 1. 2. 3. 4. a. OVERTURE. FONTAINE & FONTAINE, Jumpers and Acrobats. CAMILLE PERSONI, Prima-donna Soprano. CASEY AND LeCLAIR, Refined Irish Comedy Sketch. YOUNG & BROOKS, Novelty Musical Act. BROWN & WILMOT, Novelty Dancing Act. BYLICK'S SEALS. MOTION PICTURES. I FINALEj ffflAnn Arboir's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre- New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- dyand Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. PROMIPT COLLECTIONS ANID Gct ,Sat~sf ctio QUCK RET6NS.. Gct StisfationEUGENE SMITH T KI' 8STUVDEISNTS' L AVND RYMA N Adopt WITTE.S' LAVNDKT. Saoginaw, Mi).. OFFICE 61it East William Street. Home Phone. 72 Black For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsrciptiolns takenby mal-check, draft or money order. F'OR RENT--Splendsixd suite xf roxxxs on grouxxd flosor. Maxytiexise'xl fxr light hoxusekeeping, antI also sixngle rxomx. Extrexnty umoderaxte price if takenx xdxr- iixg holidays. 'T'o'xxloxxks frsm ai m xx- pus~. 6Fa . Huxroxi. 70-71 LOtIST--Geoldl bracelet swith ixxnogrxam "Mx." Finider retxxrn to xiiq~ N. 'T'hxtyer. Reward. 7 A complete line of chiafxng dishxes axxx is-c o'clock teas a t ixeixtig & Sehxiid's fldardwn;re, 20p S. AlMaix 70-7x AIICI-IIGAN SOUVEN IR B1001K--- Containing thcessords aixn xsie of xtxe X'xllow axidIBlixe, and illustratext by 42 siews of thxe caxxpuxs. Special hxotidaxy price. 25c, at Hliss tIsxxel's. 332 S. Statxe St. ( By utail, xostpaidl.)i>-eoxd LATEST ;MUSIC FOR CIIRISTAIAS. All the late operax mxusic.lix'eAMerr%, Wixdow, 'l'he Girl Quxestioxn,'Tailk of 'Ness X'ork, andith xters, at Roots. Michxigaxn Chixta, handxd xeeorateed. ax Miss Los ell's, 3,32 S. State St. 6, -cod Two dollars insures you against all~ loss by fire. Geo. J. Holler & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 216 South Main. street. If All late hooks for rent at Foster's. if Carriage and Baggage Foxechiio t'toittrandsSfromixparties, b efoe 1. i'clotk$1.50. otter i'eieetxcl $2.00. Nor each Irun oxt ox rlfrxtedoorntie t ( pirti itobe25 Cents, it earietx o AD~sol orfrtext -s-tairs, the price wililhit 50 Cent. ANDriviersiare required en collecttcashi for curriaget'xndxbaegage sere ice. 'A nxzofclu coeShnkFaris. Ii.TtNO &cI.;2 2or 25c h~ lv IELIECTRICITY Suxpplied to College Men Worxet% for All Pzarposes5W WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 East Wahshin.zgtonm Street FOR DAILY ADVEIRTISING RAILS KEEP YOVR DATES Adtdrexsa'. iisxx Manag iertiN'xx C By earryingt a copy ot the itICtltt.A5 P'res.s Bilixngi11 ANDilBOOKtinyorpecket. Space farr ce- ors~andactiedur. special evetits. University -- ('atendar in this tao pace tooi.. Oiv'en away Sutbscrition t's ta oxtmit. cixexk. tdrxit or to students at the Utniversity Y. M. C. A. Mc- mxosey orxder. Miiillaiial. I LAW BOOKS 36tK year DiatioflarCss 36th year In. Quayn Books In. Ason. Arbor Leia l Mlsaellany Anon Arbor CALLA6 GHAN (Mt&D-O. CHICAGO Anon. Anber Branzoe, State Streat, Oppositta Law Blsdg. Ou trswl eoe nSdays tiis year. for sale FLAT-CLASP GARTERS ni igaseaxdie. tc. an Reitered preveixts chafing, bisdisg and catching inth~e clothing. 'The Brighton Sxxda apr. cTradexMa Flat Clasp Garter is as flat as your hand. Woes by men who appre- ciate comfort anxd neatness. Made of pure silk elastic webbing. All1 metal parts o brass-heavily nickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dealers or by mail prepaid. For meni who prefer a cord garter, we hove perfected /~k Non&an JLOCUK-GRI ' BRIGHTON GARTERS SiLLIARDS,.BiOM'LINO. LUNCHES, While they use quickly anxd easily detachxed, yet tey hare the ClO8At S., CANDIES, TOaACCO. firmestgipt of all cord gartersa The flexible rubber diamond grips witsr_ a buxll dug tenacitey. No swear or tear of the socks. slit S. Stt - iii Mayened Can't sprirg; loose or becomxe accidexnxally detached. Made of ___________________________________ fittest quality webbixng.;,all iiial paits ha i ickel plated OES BARER HOPbrass. 25c and 50cea par, 1litseaters or by mai, prepaid... a PIONEER'SUSPEN07R CO.. 713 Marhet St., Phiadnlphta. 7114Nolrl!t4, V0Vera1tlyAve. 5Mukverso iotv5 sendcxs. 0. A. iWOR.11111111 j0Nj;12 'no _ 't .te r r r r i i ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES ML WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THINGSIN TAILOIJNOl