TlIr 'ICII tIAN TN. I Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfield Q, ( 10 6 &JG CO* EAST HURON ST. Holiday Goods Now on sale at BROWN"S Drug Store 1201 i. Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00) $1.50 $1.75 X11 tie e- sto makoes-anoitt iai e MICIIAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.01) FINE WATCH IREPAIRINGi A SPECIAL'TY. Watch Inspectorftorthe An. Arbe oriliroadi J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. WE HAVE IT 1:11 2ofP ba i t 7.00 KE. JOLLY Smkrs rSSu.MtMRS-L IM DI1AN (MIW CAMP CONDEMNS FORWARD PASS American Collegian Wants Giame in Which Element of Chance Is Not Paramount. Special ottc-iii-i1i given 711prite . :hris in n parties at iho Cliflton Ill use Vitmoo IlUr UeV 0 1 1 Lolke. W c s-ite[to It 'lo-iou. vacltillg., skatig, iceboating tandl supper lparties. Spring chitcksitntit -. t soiedel roor-I (l~t1 t oc tioiss r oo5lotitI Neckwe~ar Loinging Robes Iraelt1B5 lireprilucr t 00d. Suspendiers House Coats Suit Casscs NValtor Comp, athletic hRdoil We Fl S11.51 1DF N I. pIt -a 1 s st ew ivirr-ity. says that the fortsardip1assNVioew. sVo il ouhmak initoot h Ity 111played(11uring, the:' pst seas(n,1is really theoly Norh hvig,.-u-.- _-st ilotutory. I Ic stampstits a s ltseOsrc-00 o; ath ine ootsor.Ncets nosilt _tt of theinlferior1te1111and says thatitstilticte Nanceiwhichis undelsirabhle.It is ex'. Int o'rder ttotcretO I n h t.1, Pboothe NItsts loOOfirtiorisilodlll.stdt orCit latiolis to itptave nf to-n ndsilol indorse-the pass for itt Icthid lred oneito,-itt'- I requested I1to-setnd -onaplyda yearto i. Mr.VCamop lts of tlics addeslto. ut-. 1to 1 * iys tati i-oe wsec Iith ts'e i-tles taves' II tttt os'ttttl. 753 l oos 1.1st e., -- - A tlil)oil Ite gameit. hieIt'writces iiilte tritcd OR Nolos is fRAW=o -- ' "Wh1sthelnet w io-isleswere- ist into-ti NIiscticawiClendiais, ocb)so- a ."acrd twooysar, agio, tere lotre iltity .1-. 1s,32 It Statei-mot. ('u -hosli tcontendedtt itwasttotouto s :.'qu i ltosanytteam ith '11107- shoottlid Seeor compiesteobling- ofNficihigtao tainsttniyard s iintreownioiiis, tiandIslothis. Clo-s aodl tovetus s. I laller's eit-i nots thttnoi-score gauzeis ssouldlTeitelry Stoiceo I20 .Masinislt-et. eodtl t i ind to iith t-arili-it'ru lei pot - - I siTe onrry- las prtontitrue, IN-catrryti-e Irgto -inetoof po1.1 I rstis itere are thossswhoiiwotiul cuilersy- ii-a mpth - liiR forVCist- lie ini set i i-i-thfoilrtipass imt o ils Nut lilic &o Schmidt. .2ot; South ri-s-fl, rolsi:uponi it sit ts ayertantPh7 lE5t1 10. >r e- t t)s inithoatioo it atotihot - -- - ii i utg I the tt Idc kid, andi tenl Potrrait frattes at htuaster s, tf :r til° 'I -inlittoi-l-Iesls va l it-of guist-ss~in sill tol Ii-. li- on s iii nih t 'o' cards n d allSiot'ot of priset k i f iith e al i dti is hut tl --atu rule I ts ill at i " t prVi e . -5) l n c^ t -fur .. th is itrod ii o li ih sre' f or ti t ioders.O -M ici n a fat er-gs pity itatIonercot-secialty. tiat tilt a} wh c w r- r o f r w o- h r e ter o t p w it n.lllf e & K t - { t t "j.. it{. i i I 1 S i I i l i H-osiery- Shirtls Collars Scarf Pitts Cuft If it-ol Night Shirts Pajanias Mufflers 1-aitesVests Bloy':tovs rosiit llTtilrell-Is hats Glovss IhuoohkercibfsI- lBtv's Stots \Vill continute to give 20 per ceit off otil all ment-.'st nit l--'s Suitsf Oericoats tool Raitn Sahebler (& Wuer h Atr..r Arbor. Mich. I I E i i WATER-PROOF COLLEGE -SITO. S, NX'e havte b-ot-aiidltheiskind tol-clill s'tmadi Os sit s- I list 5 dolnilli:soiles Vito e l,- Ilruiighlyi o 155 ui io th I -s iit imidlec'sole abisoltitely- wat-irot it-lit iii '~Tin,- hostsiiil II't Leathers. I l,, tisr i- tt. iiil't h is-oe,,intlciiie for- un I li ii tord ipss, twhichltc0n111 oii lot stered wl rys t In rstros. I\ - hetiel withtlt seviere10'penatlty on ________ ________ t s-i ofa weko iferiotetsti. ld :1;>1c is tlunsissictr-yIiinterI IA L tltl cesption oo theIlite I3 gec s .ll conihdhucIt adiuit ofithe s DOWN TIOWN 'p la 11"1 C r- i il0 i i 10 m ,\ , Dress nI~p issortment51 1 o\ o 1 s T nintArboritotnIe I; on1a pairth laltwill sa Walking 'isPicei.Ot ; ,t x a .f : Walk-Over Shoe o. LARGIEST QUICKf REPAIR SHIOP IN CI rvy. # +##+ i ,/ . ; t , 1, . ; 1) . ( .tttt FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER;S ItairtGoods, Htairdtressing, Shamspooing It ManicurigPaceMasage aSpecily. I!ll 322 S. State St. (1"p S1tirl Belt Phone 359Si t~ THEt FARMEIRS ANDI MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STTitlIS Capial, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000r Gonerai Banking Business. 3 perct-oi pati oo Time and Saeings Diepoits. Safty too- posit Boses to rentt $tt.00 ands upwards R. Kstre Sieas. W. 0I. STusES,. Vite-les 1.1H. BnLSEn. Cash. II. A. VILuaa~aao Asit The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Oapitat stock. $50000. Suiepltus. 800,000t Reosoureis, V,00,00010 A tGeneral Banking Busiess Trantiscled tric iCiOs Chas. E. Itiseoosh Pris. W. I), -Harriman. Vicie lees.: sl.1 Fur0Ptistz Cshi e STATE SAVINGS BANK W.2J Booth Jno. V. Siteehion W~m. Arnold Sir. V. 0. Vaughan las. 11. Wade E. P. Mtilts John Hlaarer Jno, tKoth rid. B. S. Carhasrt Hiniry W. Dtoiglas Christian Martis Dan P. .uimini iii FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN AR~os, Mien (. 1) KINNE, ItAthilSitS SOli ,. I'rtn Vicet-i'tts S. W. CL'ARNSsONI Cashieir. Capitali 100.o000 Siuitaus. and Profits.l150,000. - German American Savings Bank'0 CorzunercaI C Car. M>I.i aend L~berty streaets 1NhI O S NINI\' NVIENN BOO1K ()f i0 lark luri'coier.0Acceto ltstil- Ito)- i8 S soc hase nuatte 1-falohRe- 115t~ one1 osforotrongest features. Her's Joes-lry Store, 216 S. Main let. cod Fobs Spoons Locket: Drop in ad see our tOreatlXias Steins Hailer's Jewelry Store rIAIN STREETi Il' _. ec Y: 9°19: 't #@.°."~~ Hart, Schaffnler. & Marx Ftzll Dress serts properly tailored $37.50 to $45.00 I The lT ir Full D~ress Coats anti.Vests to Renta i i 1 . Christm-x~ sGoods NECK WEAR -ONE IN ABOX MUFFLE KS ONE IN A BOX S0C to $150 $1oto 300 -I House Coats and Bath Robes, Cuff Buttons and Stick, Pins lEverythingiup -to- d .e WADHAMS (Q Co. Fashiors Store 121-123 S. Malim St. PalaisRoa 209 Ed. Liberty St. lPor Latest HOLIDAY NOVEL-TIES ott Russianit, Pe-rsiana rid i Damtoso-its Btrasses. Choice of Italian, Japa- ntese, tHolland latuob Lit gliss goods. IEverytloitog the N-cog latest to the tmoarket. M.MrilFUNERAL - 'J5Yt.samgase Dfic 20S.4t ve Poe 8.'rndc ithvi Hot Lunch )hbhe 219 . 4h Av. Pone118 Patent Leather Belts vuettek t I once :302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 3141amate.hyoureirt oebluse,-85c. lendi is to At Tuttla's, 338 S. State AMBULANCE ON CALL, piecotlte dessuutd hen.etdin-order________ ITEBELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. -I STUDIO RENTSCULER, '3z9 East Huron Street,