THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______________ ________ Take Home Some Candy We shall have lets of fresh candy this week and wil deliver free anywhere in this city, New York City, Boston or Chicago. Wl4e also pack for ship- nient without extra (char ge Huyler's, Lowney's and Allegretti's 13.13. CAL K INS, Druggist. 324 Soutth State Str-et. AMU5EMENT S lhc Maj cstic Thcatrc FRED T. McoOMBER,-_..__ ---MANAGER Gx RAND OPENING Thuirsday Everning, Decemnber 19th~ David Belasco Presents His Great Play The Gi"rloth Goldell West \ tivo a touaiiti°c . fi9, asp1 t fo w c~ois~ctic y-as t heitll. o'iie I ene. fort. A Perfect Belasco Cast. All the Details of a Belasco Production PRICES: -Box Seats, $3.00. Enie Lowe -lor, $2.0). Family Circle, $2.00: Balcny, $t.50. Gallery, 75 Cents and $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE, MAYNARD STREET CALEINDAR. De. t- Opening of 'Maesti theatsr, "The Girl of the Golden West~.. Dec. 20-Session closes. janl. 7-Session opens. Jan. 13--Varsity hand benefit ance. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Soph lit baskettall tprtice tonight at 7 o'clock. Junior I-op rereseltativssmteet at Thleta l eta Chi 5 etlock to- day. All en fro Pensylvnia adtltOhio twto wsh osl take te special ctair car ail seeper sstiht leasete Il'AttttArtor depot t l7 :27, Friday eeig, shto'tlt commntttnicate withithtte Ksa 11111cttb, '53 Souttth Fifth aenute. WiXAN'TED-Stuttto l sesurs sttbi scritters foethe l\icligatt Atttn tttin teirhmtot111510cdtritg vacaio. Ttte tworks ssill cosis inesling onta!itchtigant alttmtni, of 51hoom a cottptlet list can1 Ie furnished foreleesera t'iwn atsd city is te toiled States. Literal cistttissio. tFer ftrther informtsionll st at te and1111oftoIl1aI. m. Friday. 7071 ttlIDIt)'VS T' GANGERS. Rieglar assttttlies "\Ve'ltlsiay 'ant ceting Ctris tas Iit- NV 10extras; eerythitng as tta. Ntclsss meetigs untit Jn. 7, t1904.-P'esate lessnts call h te arrataged fc or yaititttrt. Ttte Cttin~g Cafe switt gisethett1[lest D iu r tits Iittte citetis eening. Optei evi'nin1gsaftrthey e rlt v11 01cr a.l llF 17 11'-Sledtitt ste of rooms1 ont grouindtltfltore.Mays 15- istt foieligtt hou1sekepig 111111alt sitgie tsxtreltlty ttottetae riesif taken dur-tt ingle 11iay3s. 'Toa btisks frmtam111- Il'. 117 1.. lttrttt. 7-71 LIOST1-tGoldlraselt twith ltttttigt510 '1 M' Findler rtrn 111 t111. 'Tayer Rewsard. It WH'IY 'sAS'l'E YUR 7ittNI7 is itctap trasht? IlBu y ttt11ots esw- Viws ioosk -and11gel something strttt whil. Livst of llctsina call sit 524lPakartt treil for .lomlethingtts- tsear 111-est 1111111 will keep tflre1e1r 5111115s lots cras 111 ulc -sicks us.saucer11st-a111 )ate'. a111 sleted1'last Yea15fr1m111 tletbrat'5 fntotteyat NI isselt. tar I Its- slt.,tGtrmat y. No prett-ier'-giftcol :1-211. Prces raoualebs tl-us'afetw \sltiistt Ilrntine and Nattpsltan ttt trsforSalle 6770 A.cmesalt- le oIfschafitg dis attd iv, t'cltck teast51lttelig & Shtistls lsrttwart-. 2115 . -si. 7071 ,,t Mictigas fosils attsisols. 113 t~astslIi'cr13 5t. si '1 Twttdollars insres you against all loss by fire. Go. J. H-lller & Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, at16 Sotth Main street. tf It late ooks for cret at Fsters t The- Best Store i n Town Por Young Men's Clothing Vht's what tour matty well satisfied younger set sttstonters tell tts. Thte Lest stoie, for the reasont that tere con be seen thte greatest variety of snappy altylesanatd attractive patternls. The best store, bes-aseIthe values whe offer itt Stein-.Bloch Fine Clothing For Young Men htav-ent goat their equial in this city. By t het way, do your Chtristmtas shopping now' «ltile ottt stock is at its heat aind retnetnher that >-ot1r Chriattutta money wsill go farthtest htete. Everything First Class LINDENSCILMITT, APFEL & CO. 110 G'S home Supply Store _, _- - RO G'S 5 ndl1c Stores " _ '- i Suit Cases from $1i.00 op - - Trunks " $200 up ThIe larg stIlittt of cleatn fresh Itoliday goods even palacedl on stle 111ll ts city -.E. 0. HOAG ebsFor High GradeCade Ice11 1110 1Fvoit Ic.t5 'ttnt Iic5s t s letblts,5Frozen Liqtuid 1' t o e ior ll O caIt St 11 s. l ' 511k1is antd Dotlies '- 11 1.1 Nttl ;ts Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 a. Main St. .-- BRIGHTONI .. _.' - Flat Clasp Garters -, .-~,for solid comfort. The newest shades snd designs of one pies?, pure silkI FL~ ~ ALL web. All metal parts heavy nickel= Splated hrass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLUSP SI all dealers or hy mail. r; ? PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia .,e clases io. Pioneerre nowspen t I i G R ANGtER'S Join any 'T'uesday or 'Thursday lEvening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res- idence and Academy on Maynard Street. Scene from David Belasco's Great Play "The Girl of the Golden West." Thursday, Dec. 19, 1907. 119 E. LIBERTY ST. Theat.010, ffl Ann Arbr's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre- The torllSayodsachTursday,.hus New Show satuesday,.hus Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 P. M. JOE GILLARD, Prop. \csc-ll 'lakaroff. lPh. Moiees, Nesttsr tttt Rstysl Nestorrcigaretes ittbontsss -f,o' adtoo';1at1reducetd prices. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBmACCO.1 'i2 S. Siate . 311 Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Nerth University Ave. 0. A. MOE. The WM. BOLLIBS "STANDARD" Sell-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to S write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. U. of M. Co-op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE off,1j .I i . ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES~ MIL WARD, TUHE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING