FITE MIC IIftAN )AILY No Better Present than a .Gillette, Razor S~EE THE WINDOW AT QUARRY'S C.oner tate"0St:. ol'SN. ntv.Ave. Money Loaned tOn Watches,lDiamoonds. Otto Boots. or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E0. Liberty St Ann Arbor. flournt: $to 11:30 a. at., 1to 4:30 tand 7Ito 9 p. at. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHER Watch Fobr with Foot Bll oloactoss itt 'rice 25 cents AT DARLIN6i & MALLEAIIX 224-226 5. State St. T College Steins OALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Maun St. CHIRISIMAS ,illiso I on e ee"at o u r lot...fosoltttn 00Iial tortaIttesettt. tvecooryt in lin et ofEbon3oyand ConoBlna Wand '(ir, Clothes and 11H tary Itrushes, 'ineje Ranis anti Leather and Sitverr Navel. ties. Call andexanmineour stock and pricer. East University Pharmacy 1219 tottlvroty Aseos-. V. 0f M. Barber Shop and Bath Roomfs Evnn-ytliag Lamesat Sho1 s irs Ala.City J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop, Intel-collegiate Notes. 'Fle euniversities of inhnesoto, Iowa, Illitnois, Nebraska anod Wisconsin have fornmed ant intercotlegiate debate league. Biroown university freshmen most stalk wio a certaitn side of the street. Failure ti"cotopir means a duockitoguntderrthoc I tttttp. 'Fot asteroids discovered by D~r. R. '. tDtgattof Pritneetonlooter hero named, i.ioor ofthe ouniversity,."Pritncetonia" nd ot"Nassoosa.' 'Fle Pittsbuorg Architectutral cloth sitl Iold an exhiboit in Carnegie tnstitutiono, whoicho 0man0y of theochtools of archi- t rooter ito toe tUnitedet Sates swill rom- l'reicrtocotelrdual croscs couontry 1 toI fom etYale last steeks by Ithescore of -;too 33.Carlo teamot sas comtposeod of i n toen to n th e first six of eoch Oratm c stnteol. Amhtert ofcollege is ltorecceve $tol,ooo 1,-thtetrill of D. Willis Janoes, the ploil- . tholtopist, wo twsas tell $t,ooo,soo to be o itlied aontg colleges, chuorchoes and o toritolole organizations. Smthlocollege has 1,450comnth lis -itoe larltgestoerollmteont in its his- o* rs. Thec treshmotatoclass wats limited t" 450 thoi syet', otond toororewstdents ti-.rc acceeltedl after tote. t. AStetrsultoof tebrnintotog of theo'Chti l' outse att Cornoell last sprinog, thoe city (rIthoaca hlas erecitod a $20,000 five sOa- t: )tt oetr thte studtetts' roomoiong houtses let tdomtories 0)00 tast fill. Sctordint0 to offidcitolfigures give ott 1)Ithe re,'cgistrarc. Hatrv-ardlhas fester Stt- d:tts etnoroldthis yeacth0 lano1ito1c906. '1oe1total last year waos 3,774. agtairnst ;.5t ~th isy e, to fallintg off of 32. Acotmmtoemoraoctive tmedal of Ptresidenot Etot of Hatorvard hlas joost beoen comoplet- e( FloTe idleaolothat-ing thismoedaol stuck %v0i too ceobinte in toself a portrait of t1 residettattd, a moemoenoto to thocacol- 'Fle studtetouonotcil att Barntorodrol- 4, to;le t ha smadete oregooltontthat too too 'otloer of the focally shotll be requtesteolI to tt ytieketsfeeortyetrtainmnoet, oe to -osibscr'iboetot ttytperiodical, oe to) p; roo ize toot)funcotiontwhaotevrso. Pledtge 1:.- ha l bt eet postponoedl to-it till otoe so lore000.0ear0. [lll HIall, te te 'Yale libraorv hit ilolitog. Ihtsnoeo'bettnpractically coon- p tt'oia'toolaolott tre boeing otade 1to rows it opleo. T'Ilo linlog. is otoe gift of theo 'et killiaoto Baldwsito Rots, of Ne Theo'senoior claoss at llintois unoives~oity ace' tto otwertotitotetothlc. hatls seillo oottone lndoneo-hatlft:c eel co t tt anodts. Y ork, to grate:orof otoe class of '0a, woho gave Yale toboout $230,000 too establ- lit to otocoorial fete tolifolongfi enot fared findly. Trenocho-stooietos ato tttt H Iolyoke eollege recenotly' tlayetd Racieo's "ltha- li." 'T'eorcast tatod schorus itocluoted oltry- three loersonos. Sotoleet'Coroogit' lot js'00tgie 'to,- tto o thelHatereoiatot Ilobeavtoo't t Unoiveresity ot Chico.Tt ilts is tOloc 'tost dotionlothe greaot steel moagna'to' hais c't 0' t madoe too tte'Chloot '0.00 - tioto. Yab'le hasreceisvedtI eusto 000 frootoA.\rs. JamtesFI. Olitvortof I tis- bureglos eroectiolg ato otoooo l bloinogtoo too lae oon, D.)bt O litor0 'otisWto was killedolltt) tito000000oile, acotlenta t .1 ttoc. loiotoestota, .'oleroslo'oantool ontosinoo tort itolot'ianogularoe tlclot on000DSe.t,;t'Ito subljetodebtedo was:' ItRs soIe] ltha t' Utooedo tote s oooeoooootsold havelts eXCltoSise o' o'oooo ot 1 to 00010.00tato 00 ctom~pantie's OtotiotO itrtertte th tcs gr'aontedlota t tisos lottonoo 'Fle atholoritioes of Leo'higit oitooet are 00000'conosider'inge th'lerot'e tuiver- sity caotloshouolod toetseortoesites ott frternity-lhotuses. T'elot'bjectio00000s ograde bhot thteystill Ibe omtt ooototts tt oteiaol classo's of suets ando n tot reoe'so'ota- ite. W;'' cerryt' heOlar Iogest lineo'fsipocket cutlery---anactetabtlle gifit fore Christ- tmas. Slot olig tY Selototiolt. 20 iotott Malitn. 70-70 .......:.'v !Z i i 'a y' -., °a , : _; - , f J LIKE A CAMEL 'To load a Coonklin Founotaino ten,100sf 01010itOinttn0 tool, press thocCrescent-Fillerenstool ite fill i rotn The Cotne a toankllike 'a camoel slotlog ;its tis.I I lo ill1ter Standard is to it!0 No dropper-to tess--n ostel 10tii anyshrle-ooo totoot CONKLIN:SFILN 11 can 'he filled lonstanotly ttotsthIto'leost incnvenienoco. tout reold 1i1l it switho shite' lotdgloves tot stou00 t ad 'e' o0 soiling. IBesiodes its c ee..c'ee, is thoe splo' ol i t to qu~alities of thec Coooklio---the pfcet ferod, Leanogdeatoters tatdlette to'ooooti.tto.I# ouro.0 s ot, too dilroct. teicos, 35t0100 'otootut. tS' 't t 0 seo'fote Ott~to 0.00000c The Conklin Pen Co., Z 10 Manhattan Bldi)., iledo), }o Portrait framecs at Fselr's. tf Roulo, Conlin & Fiogy, rTe largest distribotors of oheno's cetring apsparel intth~e County. We special ccetoo College- styles andol cater to the tastes of Colc ge 00000whto tote alwa~ys on the alert for thte latest productonst. Thif.useo have mtatde a floorselchtoOf Suits, Overcoats and Craivencttc'e it is only necessary-for ies(.)10tell ooo tliatlSt o tO sole Agents for L. Adler Bros. & Co's foote lito ()f tailor tmade clotting. If You00kow 'lclotitqt 0o00 kow she are rig-tt ito plot i-OF It isle ol'iseoot-Ilot at toe front. We carry everything you need for a complete outfit At MACK'S $1.00 IflE MONAIRCIISIIIRIT$1 . In the Advance Spring Styles, Attoolcltol It.e tached Cuiffs--fhe Materials aiad styles .rc as ttool as $i .,5o will pturchtase--see toento MACK(fACo. rMainS't:a CO0NEY [OAN[D t th.Dit od. Ott it Toodoosoth c of CtS '.M. .A. W. J.10 LURIz 'l'akeot' ttt a' o lich-O ti o rri - t to't01'.000 freom 1Icl-ttooto1g o os-l's ,flc'to S toroe' 01 3 PosI t U e re- to l.'oO- Hand hammnered jewelry at Fosters. HALL.ER' S DOWN TOWN 'Steims Michi jimn Picts Fobs Spoor~s Lockets DroplInanoda seeor ireat Xmsao Steins Hailer's Jewelry Store nAIN STRf~EET t _______________________________________________ WVAISTCOATS a new line just received==-cut for college trade--athletic shape==long waisted==entirely WAGNER. 181.Co. different from what you have seen==sof white materials for Tuxedo and Full Dress wear=-' of fancy materials for semi-dress and business wear--snew shades for the coming spring State Street well worth your inspection. OPEN EVENINGS The nn rbo Bile hais eRowe's Laundry TheAnnAror ibl Ca~r (THOMAS ROW, Prop. Gas Stuidy LampsC 444 South State Street 326 N. Fith Ae Now Pheo45.0 -el P1h0110007..L Unu~re a steady, soft glow. SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT _________ By G. P. COLER SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 76SoothloState Steet SUNDAYS 12 to 1 P. M, BEUINNING IAN. (, 1908 ayo hlys Grasses Satusrday. t0 A. N.enad Eayo h~y t. Th Historical settitng of tie Sermon. Jan. 12 730 P. M.. floderat. in price. 2. The Beatitudes. Jan. 19 oAtsemoblyty 0o'oto' Cheaper than oil or electricity 3. The Fulfilling of the Law. Jan. 26 - _ __...._..__ . _._.._ 4. Turning the other Check.- Feb. 2 WA ING150L00 5. Be Ye Thlerefore Perfect. Feb. 9 ChnsCo 6. Giving Holy Things to Dogs. Feb. 60 hiee hp-Sney Restaurant Get.theet from the largst asortrmont. Chinese Fancy tDishes, AnericaonLuncheo,' 0 These lectures are free to University students and others who may al d rj et'' o e Ie n care to attend. tCtise ad Japonese tric-'-hrc ~A A £ A 5 F o Op9 Statns, one doer S. Huston rot, 3141S. Stat St STUDI-ENTSCU-LER, 319 East. Huron .Street