THE 'MICId ALY . .........wV. w+r ____. __ e G. H. Wild Company The Largest Stock in the City of Eclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything requied for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy estings, and rouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styles Full Dress Soits al Specialty G. gWild Coumpany 311 South State Street SHEEHAN & C.s Michigan Cftlendar Is by far the finest of the kind ever published for the price It contains nearly '5o sepia engrav- inigs of anps views, fra ternity houses, and Ann Arbor vtews and nakes an ideal Christmas gift for a friend Strongly boxed, ready for mailing for 50 Cents AT ,Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores S PAL n G sp__~s & BROS .K The Largest Masufactirers in the World of Official Athletic Suplies Base -BlI Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Bt8kt Ball, Hockey Official Inplmet fo Tac ad Field Sports Uifomss for all Sports. Spadic's Hiandoosey Illustrated C~atoee of alt sports contains n- useos sggesions. Sed fo it-I's free. I A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Sn Nranilco. 'Mnne pols, Heaver, Buffalo, Syracuse. Pitt- j" burg. Phladelpha Bse, Cncinati, Bal- more,wshig ton, Kansas City, Cevelanud, Now Orlauetest, Motrea. Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managig Editor-PAUt. Score Mowur. Business Manager-C. E WtINSTsA. $DTORS Nesss..A,....... .F. Ritchie Athletics.,... David F. Sevcnson Exchange........ . John Wambold Miusic and Drama.....Roy D. Welch Women's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis EsiTOIAt. STAFF --- . W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams John F. Wir Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chatuncey Bouher B.. R. Williams Raymond Vissher sRPORERS L. C. Reid Lee A White g M. B. McHugh J. II. Prscott A. L. Hailine Robert Mountsier Lowell J. ar Donald L. Kinney Walter K. 'lowers Loiis Kat Lcsis 'T. Kniskerts Rbert Moreland Paul Greet Samuil1-. Morris Otto Eogel Frd E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DALY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street Manager's Hours: I-2 p. II. 7-8p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones THURCSDJAY, iDECEMBER te9, t19o7 'cii; NitI~TY ANn ,OCRoIACY. It appears from the cotetts of a cr cuar ditsr-ituteul y the "committee oil s-isscarrait cfor students';n Clumtbia. r -'-cits, ht Michigan is not tic only Schotcs, eeenti of snallimaii-butn biFainc and high ainhilses are is the soi Owiig to the location of cu-isstaiin the indtstrial :st :i )1, there ie numbiterecss enings for the, energetic student who brings onto its mtakt a specialty of aiy' kitd. Durirng the year 1906-7, sonic 79 stuiets ala' plied icc te comittetie for woe'.Ti. total cotioinearieid oils iniependently anstsscwithte aidl of the comutiitce. ws'c $I1,161.28. 'Ilese statistics are iniresing o it, ticeaulse they stoss, ill the frst place, othsse are ot, as swe have often inag ith e ony democratic isititutiin in thte conitry. It also ilstrates, itt, a mtost forcefully instructive fashion, .a tettdency sshtict has always beets strongly arkedin iiosic history since the early regiime of the miei of family adi edca tiont i ct sshicht according to the de ciantrs a'intst wselt and monopoly, has of iate years been competely suh- ciii ii ITlai is the tendency of the pebiani respectisely but decisively to quit his mean stiton in life and, whether tfor greater happiness or only greater seworieui sietisr for confort and poser, 'c iuionts fs harder work, to set out for a btcisi positinitt the social scale. T eatest sand trei means of egresi fromthle ot cofinemiten is coining more , ad orescc ibeciie , to be the uier- ity. Thtat is stfichienty proved oth~e ottne lisitic by the greatinumttbters who every' year coinsicfron the slts'andithue workhoito tlt es scoos ; intc, o thte oiler, by the audsant reports of men in all the higher prsits who have climbed from tie bottom, through col- lege, to their present positions of in- flucuce snd power. If this is true, ic uniter itiet have good grounds for their claims to be the "hope of democracy.' They ao the instruments of ilitoracs' in its best form; they' provise the opor tity for every man In make as muco of himseslf s he twill, or is capasle of. It is doubtful if so tmstcl cats le said of te'schootls in oher cotitries, d spte their supeioity it sonic otir respects. 'The roakiess osass Coachs Yost "down ansdiout" adsissestrnifootial tacked to thse-wall are non' lously jubi' lantit estCoachs Mtrpisy'emplhasies iis admtiirations for Micigsn. Just as if the gods cnm'Mount Olytmpus wouldn't le honored isi play' "ourtcteat." Wonde of the Chitk cxswasins esi the Syractuse itilies Iis iigails feic guiidecroptes and steers by'saking Iis head. A ommonsoustldi Ie delightftl. \W'hy not iase it in te ness'.Menorial bild- ing? 'fTat cones of aving a ew ean. iiNLISiI SCIIOI,AKSIIIPS ARF OFFERED 'T() i'OM EN Thec'Mintesta Daily has te focllo-' tog swhicht swil be of interest o Mici-i 'T'wo sholarships for American awomnt at English univerities hae just een annountedc. 'lhey Iac beetsissitsted by' ue Society of Amueicait Wcctttctin tonsdoi, ansi the holders ofttilsce scl-si arships arc to Ie appoiteiundesthse s autspices. of tie General Feerain f Womnu's Clubis. 'T'he comititee of se' leclion scoisists sftLaui Drake Gil, least of somnsiof Batrnard college Prof. Francs Sutre Poster, of the Uni-i versity of'linnsoa; Ages Irwin deati of women of Radleiffe college; Maion Tabott, of te University' of Chicago; .ICarey 'Thomas f Bryn Masr cl lege. Qie graduate scholarship sof £oo per anini., teinable for twon years. to e held in the Universities of Oxford,.Canmbrige ccc Londoniwialitbe givei" (trefeece iing given to a catdidate fros thie Dis trict of C'oluimbia) to the caicdate who shtall le adtidgesd mos wsc'cty'of such academic honor. Also one scholarship of 300 per an- mism, tenable for three years. to e held at an English university aptroved by' ue committee of selecioit of the Geieral 'Federatioti of Woimen's Clsbs iwill e >granted to ati Amtericans catdidate alo has reached at least the edl of te sopit' omore year's work at sotme recgizes college wshichi grantts degree. The cadidates for these scolarsips insst take the regular exmitinaios givets ini January, taoS, by' the Rhodes Scholar- ship: Trust, in Lat, Greek smddnate * mattes. These examnatios arc qalify isgiist, d int cmetitiescexaminiations. Thie schtolrsilstit be selected fromithCli A n ictanit es oehe sticestitlly passed n this examtiniationi. Tsese scholarships correspond to the E x q i ilte Cecil Rhodes scholarship for men and sill afford atiutparaleled opportutity Gift Inc highser education to the successful c'andsidaes andi a great hoor-swill also If you are in doubt flal upois ihe first American wonan aoa htt ieyu elected to thils scholarship. Alt uho sdesire to enter this compels friend for Christmas buy loss itsst apiply to the chairman of the' a copy of our Michigan coitisittee cit s'tction hefoe Jan. i Calendar. It contains ionS origitnals drawings and sepia printing. Its the best ever published in M1usik anO' ratna Aln Arbor. Price only 25c u: tFt55 cOilENS o rtiNiC. The Souvenir of Ants 'fTselajestics theater opens tcnight Arbor and the Uuiversily' iti a tesfoticsesisof Belasco's "The G~siro cthec Goclden West." 'This occa- recently published by is Sio cisi'osi. swhichs as eess anticipated isow osnsale. sit interstifocsstouc f this fall 'andlPrice 50c cinter.T h thleater, justslcomptletedi, a sier ac ttrcticcsstIcc ccosssiscid ito the pubshluit. Is tih s pe stage sipacity 'atnd A H R 'S equist ndthss sslue apearncea ntl 's- ssgsissc'tot i hic assitccissis is attsr's-Bookstores tv.- Statst"inet MinctoSteiet Th Itlsay offeresdisisight is itesltkiacisn sait isl likesd. It is perhapis Beascos 'r: st piec It has beett chosen by Psc- ul}, s th etfra mrcnoea:nte composer of "Macame Bustter- G AR H L Parscecsf utthe _prfocmance sswifind a [ B R 'ciccilyt is uaesgoosd playhouse. "ifiNh:i.TLMUSSItEiKAlEN"La an PIiiESEpNTiTh l 1AST NIGHT L w a d M edical "isec tMoss iicatem," the juntior Books ly' gisvenssy heCl'Deittscr iereirs at tlslicicis' gy'ssisiscmnlast ight, proed Treves Anatomy, New cc great success. Thie cast was nurde p Edition,(tst received.) of hcnii nhcrusnttsitdici sisfall, "T Stimsoin's ractures aned lice dciJamses, \Miss Wilmaita 'rci, (art Dilocatiots, New dit- sGsssa ssuan S. J. I icble. ion. Morris Anotomy, ThecstorcyocithIis cone-acu play is of 3rd Ed. half leather, siAut Gectcuseewalo ieesliouse focr $2.50, h a 1 f miorocco twod laehelioc iepliews. JacobhiasuitWi- $30 heslms. 'lTe'assit hecccuiug tiredh cf ke-etinsg Ihouse' for these mci, proioses ele lanttses luymtary ter usice These are new books and only t~osiseceu. , TIhe brotescanntot sdecide a few left. whiehs usnle shllsho the cuting, ciii ctalize that c-usc of them musut take te fatal stet; soo-rsr citIser, since their Cali or exchatge yor Law, faiherhsatso icllted it before sying. Medical and Dental Books. Wilhlcltifinally' offers to shots his broterhows'le' shoulcd court Lcuiisi-eus __________________________ Hie tsaches so withtsthere istig leit' fcc Jaciob to Iearu, saitle fially C. E. BARTHELL wivs n. P 5 t,_ ale fecesha fits- Is-possibiities it his muarryuig le fair neice rcccnil. Tel 761. 326 S. State St. Afterc the pay- there stas usiue rg cs' ___________n______________ singitng of Germtan songs. Refsh- hilt; aso swsere sersesd. Largest collection of orditary I TAKE 10I OMEA BO00K OF VIEWX'S and the only colectcnt of fine --Lyndcon's esw bosk is the est eser. Special sle of safety razors at.\set M ichigan Pins h lg & Schisnidt's, 2o5 S. Mait. 70-7i ! FOBS AND SPOONS 'raesh r ticceisaiMic lehigeassliseatinsfoir Qualiy Best - Prces Rgtt 'I Eistliiess rot H ennsimg & Koch's Michigan atd rat Sies Jecec yStore, it;E.hLisert. eoidt W 'M. ARNOLD, Je'wler - Pyrography goods at Foster's. i ti e -M'susmS ... " 51IFN T ARnSuo BEA~~DUJJL 0 A L B E 'I'IIEAE11 T~EUaj50~ DE78DJIP~~J ........ f'lusic Every day one hears people say "If I were its college again, I would do more its the lite of cul- ture. I would learn sonme, thing shout music sonas ho appreciate good im us i c when I hear it.' Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of music Ma1ynard Street i k1b1e Stubents' Lecture Rsocation Season of 1907-8 Johnu Tenmple Graves Dr. Bransder Matthews Leland T. Powvers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by Hion. Win.Ii. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hlours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays 121IW.shl~n F . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, props. Phone 598