T1It NTMICIIII.A N DA ILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver Th Goods. Sam Burctifield & o. EAST HURON ST. Holiday Goods Now on sale al BROWN'S rug Store 120 E. Liberty St. i J . - ' I . VEREIN PRESENTS COMEDY TONIGHT Junior Members Have Perfected One-Act Farce - Seniors Re- hearse Minna von Barnhelm.' Fowr new membiers of the Detscher Verein xxiii present a one-act farce en- itil Fixxner Mss Heiraten,"ibefore the )ellt"ixe Verexin mxexibers ;iniiitheir riemi. inSarahCaswlliAgelltall Tlxcx cast will consiist of Misses Jamnes xii Maixr xitnd Msss.Drwnanxdtteti- :xx . fhoe fu toix iiiilr the coxichiiig if Ir. iiiexie'xiox ttic engineering facuity-, xi 'e eenipractiiing and rehxearsuing tie lxix fiiriai eily xviinmonthx',and soine- ''it ery 'oixi is e'xptxcediax a re-alt lifether Worxk. nl,- is thexirst fitfxseries if ilayx :pra xwiiilibe-gi ixes-cvry yeaxr ixy new exixixeix xf lie Vereiin soil will xerxve _Ae puxrposie of shlowinig the abxility exf '-%x mxexmbxexs-tionay lie tixeedin the iny iay, i. xix xxthe followinig year. -- Iie Mii iuss ilirexaci 'is liii-story fxa yxounxg ly xwhtinspoils the 5plins lxherfriendxs xinxe fails ini los-i with th-e =riiixtnxixx. Itis full xxi many- amusing iix-emi-fromxbiiniiuinnxg io coil Th- ciier m iiani faceultyix is rged ix-xx prseni xt the playx. Aftcr the 11} xI ac iii iibegixi-xen iitomeb-r f cxxx erin.Nio adiisioniilfeewiill 'hie cas of t"-tin mi-inn llxriiixilxxi >i b ix gien1by lix xcii ix neiniex iof 1'erin, as ben cosenanisxnoix lc-in scxeexral iiiiies a wick. ti ' ill xxi e ginitisxxi beforiesping I Siir. uixinxg-lie spinxg Vaatmion e trupesexpets t tak xairiti to tie- - lxxi T lxx. Sa Sxxiiiiaxixind'xxxiiiI Rap- CNi(t IVExii-'xs ixiNx-ED CxxS. patircxxinxixofxiCloradoxi college gnoes xx; xxix xxiii hotxierixxewh en cledxws it ixstitii onixxxxxiiihixonelixndredtpei- -ce cats.xi fluxsxxman, noiless. alie- :-An lxxiian tayorxenrtiiy ('. Hxall of xxixad sipixgsis nt- s iiiixitii-alix xii kx ocf ofx- Ca culturei.xc tiliexix clocks wiarrated for one year, 1.o0I 1-llir's jewe-lry Store, 216 S. \xiii street. -and itercol::e::g~i:::Notes. Christm as Suggesti~ns Harvrd sudens iae dminimo- prixvexexcsxix thxx lxxciuie xdorxmitoiis. -1 a Yilexxix crxiix ree-itlx- receiv-exia legnac- xf 450000 iroox tor' iloaxix az Neckwear Lounging Rouies Traxiclitiglei Exnglishmxaxn. Suspeniders House Coats Suit Cases- An ixnterclxixsrx-xLtxiita o ixci C am e- H-osiery Night Shirts ittlxreliis gic- w-axsxxi xlieda Prixixetnxrecently. AndrlewixCar rix-ixeeetediliceirophyx Shirts - Pajamxa s ats to the ti-a ixig ccxxx - Collars M~fufflers Glose" Baurnaxrdl 'niixiiati Bairnardil cxege lxxi beenx rx-xanxix-cis gearxi, afxter it - xxxi Scarf Pitt-s Fancv Vests Itixikerlii- xthouxgix ht iiixoi lxxxiavei lix xxabolixshexd -cuff Buttons Boy's Ove ricoats IBoy' ti Lxxi to nisve ixitor-cixx x e f clxaxspre-sixde-nti, and he thltic sctaic~nprcrd - t Will continue to give 20 per ceat off ott all xxxi' x andii xx i seats lihexixixixil. Sxxitsx, Overcoats atnd Rain Coats . Newi Yoxxixxxxiit- exsixi-lxxhaxxiadopxtin' - planx of axxiniig xxthexli sman las xxithxxutxe cixiliiii5s -xxx ix-xxx o Iold- xxf Nxxxi 'Voxki Foix yarsofxork xix-rxxciig xx i xiii -x andx one-halfIrlixix if wc xxx f x li 1 lxx xxxiii Sihl of x i - xxxiiind ~clxxiiiiiis-hroughx xthle iSouthl Amixcanixii ipiilixxx. xii I xilitv ofi Pliilixaii xasiirecoiii xxiaxi--cte xullg'ro l cnxxx lxx tihe'sxx 'xixx xii rc' than c c hcfre. Dr. o c silxx-l tie pii palixi i ti c; and xxxii - ixxx-x lx i ll-xx I lxxiiiS f S 11111 xxxxx'1ixxx xSx lx xef- ixxiiiiatii x I ix xxx°eatetxi iiiixxitx. Sinc iisreturn hei hasi beeni-xmadxe.xd- vxxi i to ii xixxituxents xxiiom xixwxix xand fCiet l t ixix i. lxixV A 'INN -i:'N'I 'oiii rcxiiire- 'lixxuc in. ILxxiii iii) LA'l2.1S'l N_.\ SICFOR Ilf ei mSC 65 Aii Arb or, Mich. WATER- PROOF COLLEGES03 XX'e tiaie thteti, andelind es rpecially iii x ' e x Hecavy (doubtle suole's toileel, tirxigly tiisculi,°dsi i iCx x milildle sole atbsolxtely swatetit Uxpit i xii nllrownxxi I Leatherx.- $1.00 $1.50 $1.7'5 ItIGFIxAN PINS ANID 1; 25C oip to $5.00) FINE WATCH REtPxAIIlNG A SPECIALTPY. Watcih Insxpecion for the Ann Artier Ril~roxad J. L.CHAPMAN 1 206 S. MtAIN ST. Brnch:i i04 S. Siaie Sit. A 15ag Io\ft i i K. E._ JOLLY I +MRS. J., l. TRO)ANOWSI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER i Niru Gioiids, Hlairdessingi, Sheapooing. Manicuring, lace xliuasit a Specialiy. V 322S. State St.iiiiSLixiix BlllPlliiflli9 i lTHE FARM[RS AND) MICHIANICS BANA MAIN AND laWSON STREEiTS Capital, $50,000, Surplus aoil Proits, 565,000i General Btaningi itusines-s 3i ixer cxx paidx ou 'rime axiS avin-,x Deits.xli