THE M1CA'tWAN D ATfL THEJVMICHIGAN DAILY. get togethterhtsa-chii( ie nepiece 'it . m.naterial work, andi it woill naturally get j' tlotn to achieve snotre--to) express it self Go H" il U lltll Ma aging ditur-PAcIL SCOTTMOWRER. int every svav. to seek satisfaction i Business Manage-C. E. WINSTEAD. procedutres of thte cost tovel]. perltaps mtost revoltionary, sort. The Largest Stock ..TRS FRic i tecause the desire for a comont eat-1 in the City Nesvs. . . .A. F.' Ritehie : ing place does lie in thte course of a of Athtletics.... ..David F. Stevenson Exchtange.... I. John ,Wamhold general, poswerful movement in thte Uni- \luian Drama...Roy D. Welch versily, wce helieve it is boutnd in good EcuieSyein otsienFditr..itera or itie to hflftlled. Noscis tte time omens ditor .. Lotise ta o onhi delethier sone lt aceris itn A EDITORIAL STAFF- all wtays preferabtle to thte separate, 5.1 li1J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams scattered hoardlittg ltouses, attt swhether" 0,LJohnttV. tive ice wantit itstrotnahy etottghtto contri- W O WL-E N NIGHT EDITORS hitte lie necessary effort. When these H-iram S. Cody George H. Hobart thitngs. are known en shitay go to Work F or Gretllee'sWear Chauncey Boucher B..R. Williams at.-once.. REPORTERS Ipt)-ote of thoese cttriouts paradoxes si Everything required for Suits, L. C. Reid Lee A White life, the ttttdergraiditte catintoiv pttr- Dvercoats, Faney Vestings, and Atl. ItMclight J. If. l'rescott elhase three shares i)f a eertaitt Ness Trouserings, and of high class A. I. Hainline Robert Motmtsier York Exchange stork for lie same price fabrics and special styles. Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney whlichi a ChiristttaspeseaitiorfteItis girl WValter K. Towers ots'af ct sfeitOtStater street.j Full Dress Suits al testis T.-'ttiskerti Rohert Moreland --l- SpecaltyPatI Frer Sttitel -I. orrs 'Die aftermath iii'lie foostbatll seaseite Specilty Pul eer Sme I.Mri tt gel Fred E. Goolitng te pickinig of an All-Anmericanti eatt - isfthe cause of muthsierfecer conficit, BUSINESS STAFF titan lie gridliront revwttnessed. G.H Wild Compally John F. Wnrz Carl H. Adam U.Harold P. Goutld The leans art- a] a loiss to explaintshle 311 South State Street Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., sadden epitlemiti of sickitess wh-lichi ias- Maynard Street. Irohen out amngn the relatives of the SHEEHAN & CO.'S Michiin Cealendap&r Is lay far the finest of' thse kind ever putlished for the price. It contains ntearly 5o sepia engrav- ings of campus views, fra- ternity houses, and Ann Arbor views, antd makes an ideal Christmas gift for a friend. Strongly boxed, ready for mailing for 50 cents AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores ZP 4 A. G. _ Lf aS PAL D I nG C L MAK6 & BROS. q A.6 The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, GJolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implements for Track aod Field Sports Uniforms for all Sports. Spalding's Handsomely Illostrated Catalogue ot all sports conains so- ameroossugestions. Seed toe it.-It's free. A. 5. SPALDINGJ & BROS. New Yark, Chicao, St. Louas, Sonsraioete, Minneapolis,Denere,Buffalo, Syracsese.Pitts- biseg, Philadlphia, Bosstn, Ciseinnsati, Balti- more, Washiogto, Kansas City, Clevelanid, New Orleans, Detroit Motreal. Cansada. Manager's Hours : I-2 p. in.,' 7-8 p. M;. daily, except. Sunday. Both :phones NVEIPNSDAY, l)ECENBEk 19; ton7. Thr Alumnus, eve diligent,. iu, the amuitsemtenit atnd intrurtiosn sif its read- ers, has adsded atnother dilflicult part to its re-pertoire swhen, it untdertakes tio pie- ttrer in a favorahle light the piosibilities of a campilus comtmontis. Yet it is cerr- tautnsltittately to tear the plaudsits of viecry, fse thle circumststantces are all auspicious stnd the fitnal outcome easy toced iiict. The stutient mind is pe tact-ilfor list lie sort of tiings the AIitlunts suggests, andilbeyontd all dout a sorttimesr will see it Isegiti to dematnd tiemti. Ve cesice thtithe commnsity binto thiintk about the matter of ,a 'utnirsity loiariitg Itiotse, atoll fi th iat reaitntmake referenee ltit its-ere. QSuite otn the side of hbsiitess econtont' tutu thte gratification ofi the apopetite, a restautranti under co-operative manage- met.t littiteid lie cotstitution to a sitall lircenit for priofits, attd required to re- turnth le bulls of its inconse into -the pulici accommitodations of the house. swoauld at titte-dlast lightly on the stir, denit-.stiperse antd give him food of -high ijualit. Oit the otlier hand, it nay= be tirgited that such a place,, servinig ta-n or thireethousantd ssdeits,. wouldl'lie far tmoire that, a gigantic hoardinig house. Thie fart ta such a thitg-which would litter sttmediridlilottiIwo years ago.-~- lin e-seioaus l-acatedl today- shctws idioat its ether character swouldi he, -asid ii here tile choir scitetne lies in, the coareof utregetterail desvelopmstent.- A cottlitlil hoairdint outase is the .logical consi-euieceiof tihe crmotntiseetisig plice already p rtividled. The desire to -Just thtes- tays itocre ! \hiCIIIIAN S INSANITY SWARlD GI"I'S - 1 NCEL,,ENT RE StB'S Michliug-ats excperieitnt wsithi the lisy loopaitio rdl ohabeeintetly sat-- cessfl. hi stop isatne patients hits-cbkent cutred.Peresorts isho havcc outeto Itht hocspttal appairently hoplessly intsante hasve left wsitstiutndmintds, or ct.less -st is flitconsenusofioepiniutn cof sio- leading mieicol authlorities. liiie111a1 itcorpotratedlhtree.tttighinit niogu,",itsaiuts -Gemoantuttives-eits. itd untttil two yestarc agturemuiaineun triedI itt Amuerica.Miichoigatn westhle first slate lt proisteifor thte treatmtite of lie in- tsan l i etiftic eautres, atttd to gis-e lt- muetdical studlenutipractical instruiotn itt the- care ittdlcuttecof tli enrtlally tderatigied. 'I-(ctworh oif the institutliiin; thouttghofiibtonte pyuarstitiration, bhas attractedth Ie attetntionrof lthe coutrytic's leadig utetdicillutu a-stell astheit 't-gisative todties itIftmatuy -tales. IOf greatsignificoace i tee-etiactiontt of the New- erkanttIlilhinoeis stale legis- latures inttetalt opr~tiaptioofii larif attoutosf 1tttmoneyfoia miilar hosp-1itls. Tflu ncitttiti itof teetoedittarp cstt- aylum is thtat of a plhe of cotnfinetttet rallier than ott infirnoary-. Witht the so- called itopelessly insanue espiecially. hias the swort:of thetisychtopathicehositalj heeni suicesttl. Reasotihits coqueredl suplerstitioni andth hnentole a- s wellcus the- physiciantirecogntize itsanity itsca disease genoeralpytirablhe. A -large inubereof patiienis aretre-teed itt Atui:arbor. The psychuopatthic luospi- thl co-operates it tisscetk swiththIlecvurti- otts state asyltus.titers-beittg a ott titutouts exchanige of patitts. Howsever, ttanyup-aptietts are sent tdirectly to thoe; hospital. ittdeeditmatty count-voliuntarilyp. Thte le J~r. Williaumo lerdtaatt, pro- fhe .iotrt it cahturisofthseucatplc01 ttu itf elecricity intheutitretmtito f huit, da iese andistcmethotds arc- -ill uilied. iThe alprtuis cuitchltuota- toiein u sei-cniithepitcihoathic Iospi- tl itre amougt he fiest itt the cutnr. I IsguteeIplass au prominnt part in the teamntitoffered lapthe insttutiuoThe itses of ble paienctts are reutueul as to e xeseette d In d rst::M eyonms are010 di I istit ecelleutfacilitis foe- itch 1btts ausseitdihitt moert bipro- blct i ii hi sschopapthic 1hspital is te itIin tllseontrytip as are, talso.itht clitca fiulites gl~uic anb trainr fle Scend.ielurefermanctoti f te 'Mci sih attu ight ith ie bight School -udtiuimiite is t ituruedtui s l te satet pertformantcte. - ltitics c-ip eurchesra uthici cp- itat-cur-l iiles iefrantches. gretlp turirisd liii tiltinebre le*elet c- of iits ri. its precision ofaittck itt th ibi iltlpiertionsr.such tic the fugue it tie etr iesatuutul itS Ptathe Na- lie- "\iisssiah mtkitita iff siicutcta-lt tioe aun ametur -u orcesra, ut te liltheus- and a ci-cvlisphs-tichitile i ci ~ules iueti-atts e li lsttplaesum curbs. S-mueluusI . b~chsisiiii.who-hus le- organ- izd uuaid diretedlbt thercsra, buas o- - stplishut ia worscfer wue shiehi Its hus riecei-il hel iiiiis .uoiauigccuiilciiuus li ii PS NfYtU hits ,snotetti tes Ioosofsit N -o uitgel -omethbing uort Pyrngraphyp goods at Fosters. t Nhisluigan sChuimt. handsudusi tlo-toiicatu Tics hiusllS. 32 S Stie .5ii. li-ed hinoudeli-toIiiuelicesitsthu R f.L.. ol &-C. aluduleuu diecet vfur 107-8, tll -stctiu itt r55111/tiittinswhishuvetse10 tilescip dciuctsi, tier reiusedi busseds list-isi iuteee-. stddress. ct., t C. T. troitu, edu Sitcs 858 oe have nade IWatch sRe- paiintg cite Oi our strongest features. Hialics Jeiwelry Sore.ou16 S.: Main streec. od NI iciigeiti (.ls-uiiie sis-oc ts sn, _tuf PMcc li-. 332 S. Stats Si retc \l11~t1(aN S VtN l~sit 110K-- - Cottliig lt- so-essantutic of tt~ l ti-lleowteand htBtiusIndilusrate-diblKp42 ie", ofii te hlidittyp itc Ph-,atAls siebh-s. 32 S. Satue S. ip u-milb.ipospai.)I -ldii Celehratedh Mrtiut Matdoins tand Guitars re best foenousictul cluts. Schaebere & Sopu, 110 S. Main St. oil Freto Isacll--t ichluiiganttpennat. at te (is-op S ie(S-fl68ii An ]Exquisite Gsift Ifyoun.are in doubt about what to gmve your friend for Chistmas buy a- copy of Our Mcigani Calendar. It cotains origimals drawings and sepia printintg. Its the best ever ptubished itt, -Attn Arbor. Price only 25c fTe Sotveiir of Annm Arbor and the n iversityp recently ptuhlised by tis 1isinow on sale. Price 50c WAHW'S Bookstores state Eleut HMasrett PVT KODAK On Your Christmas List Come in and see the mot complete line in the State of Michigan. Prices absolutely guar- anteed and as ow as can be ad anywhere LYNDON PHOTOOKAPHOR 79 NORTB UNIVERSITY AVE. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS wporting 30009 121 EAS r LIBERTY STREET Largest collection of ordinary and the only colectin of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Quality Best - Prices Right Michigan aiid Fat.Stimes. WM. ARNOLD,Jewleff "200 0,toals S. ; 0HIE [NosyEtJJ1 /A1i HJ 9 UD/AMfE AN PRP V THrojE U1J0 OF No00p).W SDliPE flusic Every day one hears people say "If I were iin college again, I would do more in the line of cul.- ture. I would learn some - thing about msusic soasS to appreciate good m itis i c when I hear it." Students of today cer. tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Mayoardl Sreet Che !Btuaeuts' ~lecturce Association I Season of 1907-8 Johnm Temple Graves Dre. Bransder Matthsews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Constest Openi Numiber The-open number will probably be filled by Hion. Wmi. H.Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION' RE- UCE D TO - $2.00 Treasurer's Hlours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays } .., . _ r.. f 121 Wash~ngton E. The Ran dall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598