THE MlefflOAN D ILV - - Suits and Qvercoats to Measure $15.00 to, $40.00 W~E expect to gain many new and firm friends with our autumn and winter display of fashionably correct woolens. CLWe pledge you the finest fabrics, the most emphatic style, the most skilled tailoring, the widest choice and sat- isfaction absolute and complete or you needn 't take the garments. 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. AMU5EMENTS Thc Majcstic Thcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the,.state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. 19E. LIBIERTY ST. Theatoriuffi Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving NEW SEA SMELL FRONT Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. ADVERTISED IETTERS. Antn AroSept. 25, 1907. Aktcl Mr G F, Allen Mr I C, Bow- iniss Xl'.Anna Broks Niss Anna, Beard-Icy Mrr W X, Clark Mr C C, Diavidson Mr C R- Day Dr P L, Fran- cisco %Ir Chas 11, Gordon Mr G L, Dinces Ellen, Johnson Mrs Ia, Kinkade Ilois k R, Laddi & Collins, Larkin Mrs, Lindley Miss MIarha, Lonserry Mr Arthur Miller Miss Lizzi, Mails Mrs Annsa, Marston.s Mr C A, Perkins Al- fred E:, Reid Mr Reicert j H. Roer- sont .Air Geo, Setherdl XVB, Sarle Kenniethi S, Sirnmyer 1H V, Tremna Lyle. rotss-Blrowsn MAr 'led, Kenney Mrs XX slir. Swan-alAr Cysde E,XWilur Ars Edlwarsd. Fo reignt-Calerws-csssiAr etCoos Nlts Ileriel H enri F P. tic.ID. L. (.-Aliler Xw D. It. G. Prettymntt P. Al. l.OST AX sticasse. P1tne So. Re- sward. 6-7 See str osssileie lineof Michigais pits, foslts dnsousvseirs. Haler's Jesselr Store, ?16 S. Maiss street. ol is"osdollars insus e yut iagaisst all loss iby ire. co. J. Haler & Co.. ksal Estate andssil uiiranse 26 Soth Nliain, street. f .3ANastiwus Kodak nas taken from I iii At loathousse Ssnssay, Sept. 22. Returns tsbothoulsass r 7tS. Thaer street 57 3?RESHi "MN? Star right - hay "-Purirldits"sote,-tlen you will asays le it tle -stsdimonie aetsirtgS. lisi stres. I-ti Si-c str ssmsisete ie of Mihigan pist, ftils ands ouvieirs. Haler's- jeweliry Shre, 216 S. AMain street. ou FOR RENT-Desire fsi rnt sue witih tll sitodernt cotreiiescs. 53 E- l atistiti. sm- iblock fruitscamsps. 5-6 Pleastnt u-itis543 Clssrbstrte; tie lts ocitk est f egierig bsuilsiig. I,OST -Bnchtf keys, Satan's head si-allonitsrtgibeweeiXXest Hash ad N. liti-ersits. Retrns ts Dlrs'ioffice. 5-7 lPyrography fgoodslat Fosters, f P11k RENT-arge hose suitable forc aifrtesrnity sr sorority. See H. J. Buirke, Laswrense- Block, eonier Ats and Fourseshsstreets. -t FOKRENT- Si-room cottage ery chteaptit i nutssises frostscanpus..I- ur- itti4 Church sres-. 5-is Sotllsh isp iecialy t the stdtens' baunditry isisSuthllsUnisivesity, isiscor- ter f Chusrch. if (. II. Ltt, AMario Clocks, $.o0. 205 Fast Watsigtgon. tf Liltogy, hisisolgy lbacteriology-path- oloigicual atnsdissecting istrumseits at G;otis ciar's 3rug Sine. 1-2 LATEST OPERA SUCESSES- ThseAMerry Widow," The Girl Qes- hion,''Flower of the Ranch," "Girl Behisd the Conter," "Miss Hook of Holaind," "The Talk of New York,' ansd others, at Root's. f Younssg's hats (ione etter made) ot suse by Alen, the Clothier, Mai street. 1-l FRESHAIEN l Sant right - hy "Ptried's soes-thsens yoa will always he its style ansi noney ahead. 119 S. '"laii s ts eel. I- Pl'o is a pospiular gamei with ii, Fivetabs~les of test itsakes, ill on. otis.floor, sod esvsty aconmmsodaiions to HitonisBros, J 12uS. Stain St. MOEVS BARBER SHOP 7455 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. Webb's Chocolates are Upsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. ELECTRICITY' Supplied to College Men eind Wormer for All PurposesN.W WASUTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 20x E st Washsington Street IsUITS and OVER ICOATS HENRY (Q CO. TAILORS C High Class FURNISHERS I ~ l Merchandise HATTEIRS i I 1v1 Popular Prices Directly North of Law Bu"Ilding 709-W711 NORTH VNIVERSITY AVENUED Pick wick Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley Nwona n up-otsit-ates. Cigars, Tobacco, Candies and Pipes. Baseball Scores Received by Innings. Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. Webb's For High Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. o u N' F < 3 , t t ^ '. y.:: t 0 s MADE TO ORDER $18.00 to $35.00 FRED Wo GROSS Liberty St.. Cor. Fou~rth Ave. ExcsivsecrpresntsaisveaoFI V.tPicr-C . ,ehant Tilostrs, Chica5go. B RIGHTON ® FLAT-CLASP GARTERS hare long been the standard 25 cent garter. The patented fiat clasp Regstered prerents chafing, bindintg and catching iti the clothing. The Brighton Tade ar Flat Clasp Garter is as fat as your hand. Warn by men who appre- ciate comfort and neatness. Made of pore silk elastic webbing. All metal parts of brass-isearily nickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dealers or by mail prepaid. For mets who prefer a cord garter, we hare perfected LOCK-GRIP While they are quickly and easily detached, yet they have the firmest grip of all cord garters. The flesihle rubher diamond grips with a boll dog tenacity. No wear or tear of the sacks. Can't spring loose or become accidentally dkached. Made of finest quality webbing,; all metal parts heavily nickel plated r brass. 25c and 50c a pair, all dealers or by mail, prepaid. +,.. PIONEER SUSPERtPER C0.. 718 Market St., Philadelphia. Maesof Pioeeraspenros. R~I' FIELDERS' Will do wonoders towards making yua Varsity player.Getaone and sehowseasy. r i~ttis to pulldosestheighnonea sa 5cto$3.0 THE ThesReacTmdearnassaport , ~ ~ -tneoansisf~acton1 osagaranteet, quality B L l artiie o ou sr miney sack tex- BAL steptan all ni t sunder $1.00). isusned i llthebig ntercollegiateeams. t ]~Endoserdby all Leagues and adsptesfassthr Official Sall of the American teague. 1 ~REACH OFF'ICIAL AM]ERICAN L]EAGUE BALL $i.a5. 0th ensfromn 5cto $i.5o. -Buya opy of the REACH OFtFICIAL SASU SALL GUIDE for 90 and get ponted an the game. Alt the new rulrs-schedulen, ete. Also history and Psotosnof 6Wiorld's Serieu.ise at dealers or by snail. Ask your deater for Reach Sporting Goods. lfhe "( ~doeanohave themi, we willspplyyou direct on 'I reeipt of price s~o7 Base Sal Catalogue FRE$--write for it. A. J. REACH CO.. 172T TUts ST.. PHILADELPHIA. LAW BOOKS 36th year Dictlotiaries 36th year tea QusiznBooks tes Anen Arbor Legal Miscellany Ames Arbor CALL1AGIJAN ft CO. "' CBiCAGO Assas Arbor Basah State Street. Opposite La- s d . I MICHIGAN P"ENNANT PHOTO NETS Dlecorate your roam withs aie. Int it center at es-cry net tiuere is a Michtgsaes Peeseaesrt(8x6in.). The nettingsis mide af useHighelsettGrsade-of Sea-Island Twine. Sizer Ositft., $1t00; h5x3 it., 75c.Osher ets withoaut pennants, :tie. tie aind 75e. All nets sent postpaid. Penisats of all colleges oade inosirdee. 1. S. LINDQUIST, OBERLIN, OHIs. BOX 14. I I I I ST UDIO-RENTSCHLIZIR, 319 East Huron Street