I HrN MICIG INDAILY THE NEW ROMANCE By RS.C \What are we reading? A friind -of mine once Wrote an essay on this sb- ject, in which le traced otr inubitale fondne.ss for Hardy, Ibseni and Co. to a few deep-lying tendecis in Our tnder-, graduate life. I am sorry tatI ca- tilt reproduce tis aialyss, here it touecied so ceteery on or tessimisi, our iconoctasmi, our tire-occpatot switt uinpleasait socialttrolems;tbtittes-ry- one wilt recogizie the exist eice of tte thing hi-hatwini mind. It is tided, quile obvious aid lihas et muc neted. It is oie of le fit tit5 s Ihihi sti critis seie poitwhlenitertre ii a partiularly irtioo o odtui. Te cii it, severely, ittr te f idisrspeteifr all tings,"iad they dwiell onthelii iisa- trous influenes it mutieitaibtleihavie uipon the defeieless isouth uhotomrsie yearly ititor hfol. Itm tot cuts- coetiinottw with that; I aminteresedl rather itt oseriig the typs if sttdets it as ev-lverei- -h iwomanti, fr eam-t tie, cwith ti tiorbidstte for"Tis f thedUrbterv ies. ir the tmait ihoiilikes t qutete leepigrmits in ibt tittd wvheter after tll these folk tie aispi- ctit as they sen. Ask tecliu tstitinis of lhat ricetile toletion of bokthetslRedCiiStir es, whtau athoritemosttu i refict siitb thins. andtersill tllt ounutetite II ardv ior tlbseitntineven liiireout- attic L. 13. S., bit--RCebert Li-tstevceit- so. itre is sa fact t-suggesti i lti oit ti aequttay f itsfriedt iag pessimists tor scilitis, ftr ll;ta, hatppiyorinottheiiriethtllert -it ces at wotrk aitlttig iitstint ii ie tihi finditheirt literary}-ii triheltinthei greati qestionieritutu deier f odr Eutrope anditsit see tre foredto l iri coctltusinsirspIec t-i ieal, "ril( stdent biody,'or tt st f tatuplie readinitg. Oblseive fir atmimet om favorite tautto. 1 laveinit cr tii youtito miyierhaetsittis s toit ityiffy le isletletttsat iitttet iti: tHc sas ati it nr f citer-i-estdottles- say-s, the possesor fia stye f Steen- siniatifiishit adute.l eritsnittinttgitt-I a cainoe. Ilet-ri-ilteittgtintstsuitcthltst pid ttosito flimttuIas dtning end crds ;anidiif lhe liid it-i-tt-calitsi upttn t staireisity le-itas ittre, tes ocn chiefy for the stie rf I eritg Lie Ft is trie tat the- botks atpite-stnt iabit- uatlyreaidstre ai pretty faiithful itde t iisideals;tutu surely ciecintitner stattit better the seretroc mn iki tis if one calls i totatdlwht sii symboilizedri ini the ame St-ivenisot. Ni tthtttr ideed, ialt chaitmtits ilt ludoes ht it u-ier st-cdid";t tutuif Steetsotandtheii writers wtto satr his srtnttie wi rt of the New tRomtance, tas I likit ll uiti s Ibeettt-se ind utui t tit t estressiot, irite rlesiatqtett, is our owniifeelings andtidets.'they huh s It weec lii-tmirrortapil t utoeet- minds;ie aitsee iitetmtmlire cleal thiatneseee iwhat te oe trtlesstittit hi. Ausnd i i- tselitve ts, elitll the 'figure of the- iirr ee rir in toiti whlat the News-Romtaniet-relyisi-t iecitliar qulity wichteltaffor;is isc sttch pleasure itt the hook iii Steien seat and his fiellows. Like titlst literary- tqtalities it is ott( wshich pertaiits party to the selteit of material, partly- tlitheimstitte spirit of the treatutet. Thai spirit is ititoiler etritte frti the aiaytica, scietiifie sirit thitie Realisnalhas fasteiteid, as a kinti of isuper stitlonttpoti the tmoderin tiesel.It i essentially- the spirit of potiery-, rhiythtmic itnaginative, isuggestive. Alt ifils writero indeed are cottspicutottsly gifie4 ivithi the thitngice call style- hirnten is persotialtoi idiegree; thltoottk utit their tirt tnt as a mietdiumtiof expressiti only but in stotie sort as atnutndii itself, a paritof the itig to lie ix ptressed. Speaking weitha -sronigly in dividual accent, they break tlse coliss c Lions it style as jauntily at they doit life, atnd they go through their preril 7 D(7\'N ' IVII TiltAUTOCRATS!I Ain Aplea to Labor. littili I ut hitte the httitgry fest-ret lash That Cheops wieildedt from iii pra- tid, Andtlld the hate ishict front his liv- tng-dead Flashstedi tp in fre to citier to cmii- Could I ht Ittve cthe sinw aidthte Ott ithihthtt urtte itsatiate lash tess fei, -endtl tllthe hotpettos tlotediitartiies Thtut onictigti sauntit-leutVgyps mtighti itret-gout;- coiltIti lt haveite i ll st iithes, - ahtilhenit. Mli' fellottsivittldiiI fa thet tultires recd XIIiii gut moit tist fe -Mtoodthatte'err Clittilstdit.- iii tlhtill their guntittatts sierr thosesiof tintl Conte! DI rivete dtiamnuuedu stts fitotm Andtta t- - - -eiact-t i bon uog ,cs titilt hi- itgaietgi slf-cnstcios- issitfticrs Alisorthelitiai iiit i istat wihit - -stistitilleey g as itlighted lo of Atl i-itt tisiihidtietf esspe. Itts tt ittis toest yetth-etviiontoef alflien ithluht ithe tftitltInnitt- imuesofcturtie,-i-on-iter, sioence, i01 Ct irut aniti le gorie. Itcitas ihsr f tscapetat ut tXgistiiuait is th la ut- ivliit aitu ututy iietenth cintuturisi sugt illithur tales of 'Ms. Rlfui-iffe- -tut I lip-limi of (Coleridge tul hatiive Seekicnutu-ii the- sories tf -dienvo andttittuuMr. Jose pit Cnra, i t " t-PteterPa,"nte verlisitli-of Mr. Nill- i:n 1 Cle th Buti t- ets IRsottance ilfe, in itlileat-uwo trestecsfitotmtthur 5ihet-tlointg, u it-utuieu rtmatce iii iihe CtRomanticiiIfReis-al.Itttitsihat sitit cullrata realuiti edonsiiee;ha i, it -ds-sssu s l sut t lt- is-ur it iiiits lirca . ibe til otwlii sittimubilanee-at t sI, flite titlisthuewosrl f aii reai- t-i:;andit lookI -susfirst- ae"hi nt i s som ivot nnhuhha is nt uteu, iinia se-e-- tionusfronts tnsh i trsansformtationu of thur useorildihat . Thur supeurtuural fist-its - t i stkieI-ra,smuatll cattmsfist-it; it its u--lit - fr iusat in itatlife- ofadve-ntutute tha is ttunrughly miudtuie, ii tipha- d ray tat orll is extravc-agatce i is 5 ulshruughs tudt hrught iitite stuff n o 1fsssuie-y rai-ty. Itsi s-neilit is itn ht"sae rotutulifthe-ysagay- andthres- litut, ibesstngitusit -lift- itt teor s ae buisg sie siuhoe cmnptlexe of mora Iunt oil tprssblemst, cnenttios, dtites Wih eit-gi uoti thurmoerntta, itt li fe othersure, tactiontu-of whauteer or, s ittitiavetaisuchtsof frehnies, of hi- siin t ltiit fit- Torusrt aivetures, n i tsi danutger, ttthisbsbudtath risky vthinigs t gnu i-u-ry-tihere tzinc] itoiall d uumasutre ftttes,h totkltich taetfrolic itg wecliii te thuttiteit ttuthth unusine, o toi ga-tt iof lift- all tatui has o ofe inthue e %ts itfuxcitemsent, arety, the ittsatifactiosnitofi curiusity- sntitthe roing o it-itt, tabouci- tllnotstohi worry- sucs -_ abuits mentuig,---tis is to tokupon e~itetlcn tuilhutsplreof the- Nessw o A CHIARGEITO IiiEINtIR 11 Memo srs, fchatrge thte, ake lu Nt-f Arabeluia's grcens; SoIni shut - tiutus suitdplaces, e. tutilnthe kindltier yuars forsake it Xli,-,umy lotsuustmy ntlkntuw. ft os, ( 1leuniry. suit a silei, ii No gestuire nor a uwitt-, tuturomerfitne-ry- int a bosw. rutwhetsoime herselfteis-er, ;sus-bitoudiud sitilly use ote. in ' ho entitutes she diet refuse me, tyCrel hbeautys, I shalt has-e ter! I __ _ I f THE POSTMAN By Donal Haines the (that is, thtr ustly-our I kntowvauy- thing about) is a short, rotund ite chap nho makes igh of the burden on his ack ie seems In have been buiht for the position; he has a perfect ltter- carriers physique te has, to, exactly thur rig-ht teuperatui for the task If he ut-asntn uocw thin first nate oh erery- persontonuthiis route, he ue teis ulr sthmNita simie last ustesesmstack o-i teo great formuality- to suit Iis tate Nohusdy kuosws hsis sut name--i st neessary.Visit calhimtuCharleyu--shicht rutsenough. Whteni hidis t bock tff,visithear him uhfscussing thur us-tutlerwis-ilksomse are- hueadedutchap sandrin tutnutilthurfrott uochl waitinig lutehit tiail Charey- allusws tat its afue surof isoru- tg tis toneurcarries ottyitioi with i; hre seemussreaully tbeliee tat i is, anth to ittaleithIe sttemeuntiuthi a uea of-a intetrest, andteltsumuerey assmetitg ts pasiaassy tetitteuYou tuk troud andsu discusermthat te merciry-is Ching- ing howi-iniuthin glass utist, the custasre seududitgucrtss istel-gray bacgrounud, jes youuasre quite eilitgtsuccelut Csar- hey d nudctu u y 1sit114utstntstntof gususult abousthsesui ealthsrier Otretmttybhe, i thes tt.ohthat atmouus- slire t i tsobiusly- idetomteatd Chlueny-,'kenteurprpeatioin, he iniuirs tfter your healh. Nows there arccways tutu iways of doitg this Whereer thur ctsn s utom tayhats-e orgiated 1 in sure hiati haley is liiisuoly tututlscho hus cauugt the trie spirii of itIrtdes nt merelyhusty "}lIttsa-yu?" i;he cotk: heit hitditt l y ocionesuitte, tut, wis is lit iftlegrit tutstacher risling tutu hus peasatte ys humourousy sei- nusle'ass XX"ctltianuthuewusdii yuu fl-rh Ilet-seemulus haiutgtutuyourrply' w-thu au -re-t dtl o f antuity l thus you autin starutgituft his ivcaiabluy- cheer- flfiatieIu it-kipoussibleid t aswser in bsthute w an tuheinutyouutIac-c on- fesses h latusr ielttis alt that ats le expectedi, (Charey staightns ic headt withtass air f relief, vicfes ift tcongrauselatiuons,suadmistshifs suitneuhoust conitioniuu(wshiht ueernetueus dmissini, bsy thec n-sy) tutu tiutsite mail ag frsmi his shotsulers Xiii it aoudiitseittthat lhandigciii htters es-ry thtay,- citlusutiknoitnitgihu seuti them o sr whatud uas iiiuth ,iould gettprelty ituntoniusuinsutime.hurNot to Chutney Wilie Ytuuusttndlexpectant thus-chitt, le ttu svrr fle pcage nf ieteres slowybeitg etremuely- care- fislt tin soserlouok anuy If youu are uniky, he pulls out your enelohe ad handtus i to yoimplu~iy baiurniug with pleasurr-; if yout are mtuire tan icy, le warunsni esthat yontautuuy exect in he iegete ithieurfuture 1ud he ac- compuanuuies sll this ewiuthun irf pr- Isunit n iteres-t swhiht cnvincsees stou o the timethaItut yosu has-c a prisaus te sset- geriniu yoiuruemttpluy. I liii he is atistutbhest wshuc the huti ' ))tuchalss nothlig for you.u Peraps t ulutistbsentwteitg fur ntietueots ' addrtessedui it esusiciousy santig handst useyocuu thuikthast ustue siti aesi ' of blu r tsitnkspitter ifit iiis are tian dtu, tndtyosur lndidsy tits, you fee Icrtinfilusatlymitedfusfiu pply otfpItietce N Andsupp it doilviiitesit cutmue Ii the face-f lithe serger tis tmtuantyou wuld-tu rturut your uatek tutd sam thIe or as you htnitsurr ct youir romu, butultisi ' scoutldthe inaffrotttoetCharey- Iedittut comte ?youuineuireuumakig~ Its-aeffont to hde your udisapointimsent And Charley ootkse it, alt interest ant symtpaty, thenupltus sthrough his msi agafi just to be decent, thtugh he knrew ltso luocks ack tlbs hehudtinothing fo- youu n hidenucthe is fially- cotuvitced anth hatcensinced you, you uburai hfts fun tis tkougthtessness, santutlhe took solemn, shifts thebhamie onto the gov- ernmuenti,hpromises to htave ft by tmor- rr This is an old joke, this upbraidh tug, tut youu havne done it so many- time. thatt y-ouu tre alunost serious about it Then hue goes mway grinnting, and you <;-it your roomcitnintg, and his cheer futl spirits have made such an inroad or youur disappointmnent that you find you dount care so much after alh, and its Ins to ntie you whtistle cut youur wvay to chas! ifterwvards. To thur governmsent, Charley is onh; trieter carrier, butt to his route, hi, comntg is aut event, it thing fromn whichw toi reckoin the other hours of thin uay, b tutu anuntfaiitg source of good spiritsi When they put a subsitute out our street for any reason, letters become verye prosy and matter of fat again, and we s come eonnvinced that we might as ielh' anite nits anyhow, and that we idont h care much whether wr get auyletersc or not e TIIEf APOSTACY OF CL ti ( Continuue fromtapage t)- " tr lads side, anti bent his deep, ser-h ous eyes upon tit. Ceunhath swra-t ethliii feet around hie suhport of thev stoo, andu sat humped forwarti on hifs1I elows, solidhy- saring iitite salt el- t tins, sugar bowl, tand sicy bottle- of I catsuupitai iereegaiheredtdiretly- he- forehtur nis tsa n rayctarcel-y apeti- tg flssy ildetir-you ?" askdthe ut -ung , Ninteen."t "Where thusyouu lint" "ton."i hiuoslt? IWhat are you ditgter?t XWhy art-it yoeuuuwo-rking ? The- young I tuiantknit hilbrows svrely- (Cettfacedu his iteurogatoruu. Beesuse he' was tlling thin truthu senruse of 1 greater sef-rspec camuue uer imHe hadtulexpectetoie. in"eshtaut off St- utreday.Half theuclstshshuttidteiss." X"Wher tush youawotennis -- utrieauiCan Shops' -Wh'tat dii yout do" ,Xctauir (Clent outldtscenthiat hut' eas mtaking ia favoruble fusutression. flue young nan wae sientha me ntuuuuu t iben, takling thur aul sIf hitguaru, he' sai sudueny, "Dciyou udrink? "Nut" gasped Cem; but seeing the cth- r's skeptsiisnm, correctd himisterf hy adduitg'XWell, nodt tmuc." 'Ali, I unduestand," std the yssuug ini, lowe-riung hiiseyidks "Xouwuere paid off Saturday, ansi you tool-s youru mneiysuhudibteir it alt in Nw you are otut hesreetdoitg tftsunrtuf thiing. .Isntthiat so?" Withutut reuplying, Ceh ed t-ssi-c sl hurad. On of the slosvetny-wit-resses was moinpg at etamp rag ticer thu crms- terccwilingassay- that'crumbtndluspt lottcl- di f serf, preparaiorytsevntg slut 'Note look hce"' ontuinutudithur yosunug muan, wit a greatearcnestess rihicht Clemu at once resentted"Xouu is watito tkeite brace Nu'ire good for better tings than this Ihahus- to swok for mty-icist. Yout ought htoroorkfor Yous. Get busy and find ae job ot ivont regret i. I ionder iwhayourn folkssuould say' if they htee out is-rc truetttg atother nan pay for your di- in P"'fle young mats let tine enough elaise for tuftswords o take effect, teut t saldutor indlys "l'u gld]tlu tle his do shutits, thuough. I thoec coiil11haire, -enossughs trcat IGoodbhy iemembsern r ishuat I saidiabout ie jhts te' rse abtlrutly, and grutpig Clem's souldethr expreussivey asutlfurpassed, tispeuard. Cheta sighed it relief, nutwisthuit aset- ,isfieud expressionutof the tlipslitunthis attentiont oukhtngs more essnta thats rsermntus The wsituress hatt reiturd a ihiut eglass ousaer and ia stiffly sntcd uttinsu, fray-niheaoratey'ate lthin egs'Thtentshule Cmiiwcasiou- -derntg witstwas Inohfolows,-shin fetched- ea trtay full of steamntg dises, ath ti- gait to sidetemui off onto thin coutuer s ini frontcof lhima as if ter positiont de- tpueneduponuthlersped se utade When se hatteuptie ter tray' Cehett sleu ghimtsef for hilt retast Fit e poured r coffee into the sucer In cool, then ddumped the cdntents of several side iditties onto hit plate, taustbeganHe vale with a udignifid ack of hase,buti rewit a quiet certainty that odetduitt 1, fonthue eat. Thin Irishi stesw,iwithi its tidiry brownustnal and gravy, interspers- ;s it pletheifully wit pieces of potato, andu -orange-coloredcu arintn; thehalf-sdoten - uthfuths of bulet-like peas; the soggy- l- mtashedu potahoes; fun stilh soggier niashs- os ed turnips; een the fotur thick slices tof dried-out, coarse-grained bread-pah- a atable in Chinmucwhen spread ih th ie pal bh uttier, nr swistued aboit ini the a dish schickhthad contained the gravy- Sall disappeared in due order, disappear- -i rut cnopletely, so that one couhd tnt is hiave toldehalth those respty, shininag dishues had originatly hetd. Everything y bt thur giant of water and, the coffer is was now noisily cleared awaty by thin ,vaiirnss. Iiecesf apl-, isas set uefo imtt, tgainst liesidr ofshichu ucsied at little cubeu of cheese. Surmuisiung Ilad this wsmtie fial nurse of thec banquet, Cem ate mor omly than ever Several nighut work- rs, whauser toil swas in begins ad the uoliday's dlus, wiree eaing rslls antI roile erby, ut for them he hae neth er eyes unor earsHe eltrliuttirly' sais- fie mwia t utmsrl fie wsold usd pmo idetreivt ini t o-ru him, uniut('Is i ruts dtuly' grateful. As lhrsuckiedf=us' asti drotsof offrr through tufs hip e smudeuly- thosught of Iis youngstsis em, far tanlftttittPonshtn.Hehit- lsi- swtys rareth onturnmst.Helt'retinemu brerd it wassChruistumaslt-ee, utso utund woeed'w'hamtsuIthastilittle red-hecked'lnu, sir-hairedlgirl was coonimg ouerinosuts. W~ith tsfauctionuuhis' rletedthatlhutIis gfts t hurthd lwa uissys hente i mte- accrhtabise. T'tr liusit, tie ('tuft doll,-these'Iuhad lbeent he- u' i rts- art rdposessiosutthist-preventiltiti- earinmgitstd sughtl Ieruunuthtitlst' st:t mster. 'This yearsuuhuneihse-huhelitnosts- ing. Him-felluutuus-gus-ht, uththe' itsea ltmt he iwouuld lketohisee-- ilseize flu' sHe wuldshgnu hunBhs-sosum IXWhy smth?''lucre tits nthinlftg t hll i hut-t; amdthIere' sre- siss -for te I ei' fss hum traels, eu-sui iter.u- l iehisfIis uusutuh wsthll his sev, mush quittedt hi~ssatI.lut itosthur clds andthe ike lthgTight dhun stuolit-s, uswits thur ir ofcmealacrss221dsieref is' XXabasshu asvcnue.ITheislouh waIsstgneu frustmIhis gi.k e 'sth tuasto titus n i sue tmuhe il l Isft h hi t s ad adther frmutarIwith u stwshit-t I r turner)thtie-muasiul'glauces-iof-ihIosuie- us te het tasriludeotedclearlsithits f-sut iisfacionu witchi posss sd im.suuu Freutong he crowdesltosClithe sret hrughtu ootst'sflomutouts tnsh'gashunisls-utisle hi saced teuemits, trussnutwesnitulte rtowcuf tveryouvous bhi shioputs u tiltts thue i esii stts camutt"Bnks sPic"sAass t ts' trtde avitsemIIutu f 1 h Laresfte Glass f XXhismkeyu il I its usfuss lueu Centis-asn I gg (sue nute tr uti Esey Drinik'a is htmla itidatmutitslening hle grertetushemfruithatiltineti I" Hulo, pal. I 'got. 5 a q utr-u he itt mnusmted wittu'aIe-,stsusiriisit heis-if trifntuof i thdoortutunsuits i-is ts tg saths o a agsier sin- scap if ssot''.,tuturn tutustroutg, enti- tg wavues uf thu mellt uf siis tatud teen. "foon 'sui 5ott muss "mopes," irettuneId(Chumswsthi n lite-i iTe sats drouppedl his ittw-hissd archtei thet huruss over his ticatntecis.- It t thumtterii' 'tyu"(husped.si -lift 'it)diner'" -Y'ep' l hu'hdid XX\csyginsits" Th mimin leaned heailiy aginstfieIs it'nof tcime' utoirostone "Bohsston.' 'Tell y' tue! XX cut Cemi nedahsithur oters icresuliuty "Pullu mntes tnight. ' liii mhmal rlsmigrinneu, utsobut khalf- hertindly. '-liicoessutuc its al: fyin I ummulashiu' yos u tulivie 5 shuti saidiCIemm unncrncudly. eaitusintosmh thitute of peh st Sue I'm gn' tBotonit' Cfirt conu ed, dmue leigtedm tthsum etlirel-ri wss proucnmg '"Didn't think I tes gnu' o humus-n'roundmusher altmy lifeid yo Yhut Ilu-wiuted a miniuteufor his l wscirl t simk into thur other's thi pete. Ihetuehe iplayedthif- iruumum iCarr]. hu'm ut-itu to gt a diiihtts.Fiteenut week itsSundasy tff'' Xii hel,''l the'anmitsu snt ieshddisgust- ''fOl, yeusu udonutuhftuoiibtc-insee1usc," Clemmsaidhpfusilnticimughy. 'Xelh Set01 Hefty!I" Aimithlrmustinug lie handus into Isis posckuetv, hueisttolnldjauutuily ttp ths street, Ieuvingigsftersthle"paul"'luit fouondedulini fronti of"Ihstnk f'suPlce' 'r it tifimish tusndtpessiist 'lhe differnceirin suted-roill: 'thn optitmist thur utstuluct sits, 'Thuepessimism, thurtusle, c Matudut----Wat did that Chicuges ffellosa of yomu uursmnvhe hue satictheiuock- felleedlir lisi exasm Eihch -Ihy, dotusmiyouuumows? tln meatlhe burtruhthurminiught eoil.