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December 15, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-12-15

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GI .Wild (ouipauyi
TheLarest Sinc
ilthe 'ity
Exclusive Styiri
For Gentiemlen'Wear
Iveorything;r i 1 1
Ovot s, PC Iio "II. e
0. H. Wild Colipany
311 South State Street
Magmznes and Nek a
Low RatesandttPm5,

! 1ftzagiig i Cditore-PAeo, SCOTT MowR-
Zti .neiri' Manarger--C. E. WIoNTAD.
Neta ........ .. ..... A. F. Ritchie
h'hi'etien ........ ,.. Davidl F. Stevenson
t;<hai' ge... .....H -.John Wambold
"1 tic anid Drama.... Roy H. 'Welch
Vi %omn' Ii ditor...Louise VaiVoorlhis
J.. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
Jatt F. Wourz
lram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chtauncey Botucher . B. G. R. Williams
Ray monid Visseher
t,. C. Reid Lee A White
1l ,. N hTllgli J.I-I.Prescott
A. U-. ITainline Robert Mountsier
I nit ill J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Waiii IK Toters Louis Kraft
Iis T I. XTliskerit Robert Moreland
to;l C-er Sanitel IH .Morris
Ono n~tl'cl Fred E. Gootdinig
John F. Wore Carl H. Adam
Htarotd F. Guld
Nddrent:e MtCHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Msaynard Street.
'Iatiger's Ilours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. Mn.
dil iy,.eept Sunday. Both phones

thi, -And lthe electionti ecieseait nece
gamll.4 It is possible, bossever, iii point
oit -certaiti itetitits if citmpitigiing
whlichlt oght not to be approved hr the
eiliglhtenietd conscience of the college
-mai. It ought to tie. recognized that
tying tip a icon's- vote by a pledge before
tie has hatt a chanee to wveighi the merits
of other possible candidates, is boil pot-
iey ont the part of the campaigner whlo
praetici's it, aniti an exhtittitioti of tweah-
tiess oniliiheart of the voter weho is
irattpedt into it. 'fherec tre core itisidli-
ouis ciis uchelias traditig totes, mitt
blat'kttailiitg fur votes, tirtctie's wichtil
are Ibyino ieiats thinigsif thte fttr pant.
Theseitigs tire, as tesay, eept-rcioted
atititteachlerius. If they ire to be ertadi-
eatetd it mtutst he liy the etuatedl con-
scence if the itter whlo is determnieid
to statnit his isiapproval upont them.
''The trotblem isnoiieasty otie. It is
parteif tt big tirobllemt whie iichentonlythe
Uiiversity tif-Michigatn, bitt tie ishole
Aiterietanipeople,* in iryintoiisolve. It
(in t'e prolemrt if effeetive aitilcleati
self-governiimeint. 'I'h'e people eant not
iut their trttst in systemis, they tmtst ptt
it illth letmselves. It is. trtttr, eventini
these days of matchtina~tions antIitrigiten
iitnitieer wstin.iiResoluttioinary ttien.
that 'eternial vigilantce is the tirie ef
liberty.'" Xii.toe cititot pate-it any the-
iice for keepitig our houise clean freti
ItOtton foretvermottr e ;ittwie cait clettt
sup iiiie, anit do oiir bent to kett cletti
thiereafter. It is a big jiib,-tworthty of
itnstpiring ligi' tieit itd deivoted efforts.


Me~~lei r o.-itna iii,- s l~te n '1 i
Witii Ameicn 's1ti$265
Hteiome icone pai-i0n2
WittiAmeicnts a.1,. $3.n0
Our .'Prce, .$Z3 t
5tNcoas (New)o $100
Woman' i i ti 'ti ,i~r
Sheehan Co.
320 Si tt t


S iDAtY, D1lIECMIIE.ISi, 007.- 1Lion if iiitttlitvwts tiriomised illTthtle
- - - - - 1Dtilty.sotietdays ago, atitiars Nit iitoi-
i nine ti tinii iiiTlieisuttptlemtenit lhts ieeti ecomposetd
it isperhlips too earlyttoiiprophesy titder lie suptervisioni of Frisf.Scott's
,,1i any de ieeeof acuracy is to ft Aassi newsspaper'stritintgthe Imemtbers
v in Iili e presieit ptic at 'efortitof iwihl ith ae as folloits :Messrs. It.
-1 ailt -v will lie -ble tio accompolishli-owtdiii II.'IW. -Crante . ). i.Flliott.
Al iise,,lbly expttedl toiaecottiR.I,. i ltzgeraldl. J I. T en-ney. -A. J.
1) I 11 eamipus is, ite ltelieve,'tearly 1Litbte, I. -L tiner, C. IP. Staley, I).
LII 1 n.the sope thali-tsidliblleratioins J.SterlintgII. . Wambilolt.L . A 'iXite,
ilrcu 'ii , reformsii'of ai hermanettanilMisses I. I,. Cassidy, (O. iM. Hall,
-.I-li-i haBt it is impitossiblet shttt 1.1B. lills, . Rabinoivitz anielC. Wil-
1 mbuden ioft-e rifoirtitto the shiottl-seint I e A Vhiite ti-s. lecedinanaiteg-
,_1 ofiitli th ('iisnc litiftit-. It ititst lie ii edittor.
mat(.- e. ntii-idie ; tandriconcltusionts ITie-elais.stwishes, ini the coltumntis if
ii iiiin ony lie arriced it by the The D~aily, to express its gratituto t
,)g- hi iee''.. sof the entire stutdentthis- cttitribtutors for tire tart ini lit
nlls ins-~x~, iin'iead of by thotse if hut trodutitnt of the taper.
Tic Da1ily in teeptil tif aty cut-atti- T'initsture putrity of poilitics, ill asstir-
frii plant. -hoe over, it catn not at aits shiottldlle forced to sitbmtit t recortd
ire tii loo t. vifili fatvotrupont any plati of ttedigreits full, tpass theit'aitte instsee-
iJ11ria? seleetiotns farther from tun laws, nd it sc~lairni ill tenidencies
sii-i oyistelad of mnaking them toswarid.'IMtrintismi, Nihilisti, or Free
lotec.I i ute probiable that lose!
:I oii ititnsl elthttgee in the mode
ituitn my lie' nade wsihIf one pitge Ofisivertisntgswill .supptort
Ill ?}: im ro etints Di-ti the real and three pages iii stupplemnt literature.
i'rl cia~geemutite shout through insw ttutehtof a husiiness imanager wotuld
'~tg .,sv hae in the political no- it shke to rtuniait eighteeit-page Inilaiider?
itts fti elelho !tote, It it, it-
,t~na tous fatatic in hope that elec- Stiowboitti for Chiristitts toliedasv
ititlcn e el adthienmtst capable Well. ntito.0lonsg ts there's sleddinitg!
ti( plaed 1ii iiffcei:twithiot the exist- -- ---- - ---_
";c fo~nzdcamnpaigns anid solici- See ouir complete line of Mbichigan
111i~n o \ o 'I' itiiit these, as tiae pins, lobs and soutveniirs. Hller's
'ii Iei ini stirit iitittes itnutterable, Jewielry Store, 216 S. Mai street. eod
isiaimost.imiipiissible to arouse fiterest-
u~ ~ n arntiber of electors otit. FOR SAlE-Intesw Spaltdittg $6.00
'hreciinlie n isctuissiott of the ierits Iterctllegiate stecater test, for $4.10.
_flullirtsito camtpaign of edutca- ('all it City' Y. MI. ('. . 65-8

'' .,

(twsic W M ~rarna
N citticot evett of signal importance
nill occur in Detroit next Tesday night
shen Jamt Kelik, the great violinist,
said MlarlkIHamcbotrg, pianist, wililhap-
pear int t iot reeitl. The inprtace
oif this estnert mtaes it of iterest to
alt iteiresteid in tmuitic aistingititisshiii
an aecessible radus of Detroit.
Kubiki rst cane to America as a
prodigy atti as stcht madet' pheioieali
reputationfueitt eidenetce is plettiftl that
tifs seitoni he hs n oapprovalt for
mttre tatiextraordinary' preoity. le
s growinint aii maitiu redl rtist tithi
probiabliy te omost remarable techtiqte
sirce Pagiinii. M-ark hcaiuttrg is a
Rtusian, t sarong virile ptitnist, wtho fe
amoing thii fets great eonutempoterry
the arratntemttntothle tuamagers t
presenii thetse amrtists together is quitti
insua iitideeeof Nett- I'ir ndtitat-
tractsmnctt coietntt it te muitical
isorlid.Amnig ther ipprtitnities wsiciht
sitehtatt 'itraingetentt affors in te per-
formancee of ecompositius wiritteti fr
tioli atidliinowtihn reqtire a mater
withi each itstrutentt. Te "IsrutterO
Sotuata' of hBeethovens aithatGrieg soni
ata wiill theptiayetd by' the tto artists.
Etch will, i -iidditiom, atitiar in nolo
Seats tiay le 'eiredl by adtresitg
ButrtiotiCollie rititelBro., IDetroit.
Thuetrograti of the reialtflowits:
Idectier Sinata- - - Be.....p etbo-eu
li. EKubcl-ikhnditulhirI Iutitoug.
Nociturute E laor - - - ltii....ChPit
(tile FElplat........-...Ctopii
Nrr. 'I i ibn itarchJ-edsh-Li~'tfbibis~af
1'i. lastthotig.
.iceuseiz: are- - --..... ita hi
\r. Iduheik.
'litilill . hiftuor- - - -NDY CEEig
In liihbiunidreidantI iiti'Numeicaicel-
legetavie a holidaytlotilondahy itstttt
of Saturiiiay. 'Iheittpresietste ntusi-
stielhby tiprove oh the chanmg- tund le-
et e tiat iittalargely- done aiasiitt
iiins o theuntitiay fr studyh. The
NAierican SabbtattitUionut.of Net ork,
is trgitig le gemieral adotioin of a
Monduaetythoitay itt colleges ttttlpritts
i ai lsalet for free udistriuttiot thelet
lees f eiillge preidti-tts siho hiaie
See our conplete line of Michiga
pins fobs and soveirs. Haler'
Jewsery Store, 2t0 S. Main street. ed
Nidvatce sae for eaco's Girt
f le Goden Wies, Dee..14), is
tttiw eoi li 'hOumuhicx& tiue's
1 Oier. 209 lati I ItiecSt. Iries'
toxtteaittsfaiy- crcle srabptr-
Iqu ealnd familyoy rehuentr ala-j
cnty. yi.o; gallery, $.oo ad 7c.


If yott are in dout
about what to give yotr
friend for Christmsbty
a copy of our Michigan
Calendar. It contains
originals drawings ad
sepia printing. Its the
best nier published it
Ann Arbior.
Price only 25c
The Souvenir of Ann
Arbor and the Uiversit y
recently published It,- ts
is nowv on sale.
Price 50c
sat' stretiMaittitStreet
P VTir--
On Yor Christmas List
Comae in and see the most
complete line in the State of
Prices absolutely guar
anteed and as low as
can be had anywhere.
%2 porting Ooobs
Largest collection of ordinary
and the only collection of fine
Michigan Pins
Qnality Best - Prices Right
Michigan and Frat. Stiies.
2A ns . i

2.a & BROS. n.
The Largest Maisufoturers in thteWorld
of Offitial A hleife Supplies.
Base Will~, Ft halt, tiouf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket HAti, t. key
Official Impleientsifor TraanditFetd Sports
Untifot or all Sports. Saldiaii'isHandsometly
Ilutrtated Caaogeeofiail sports contains ito
A. 0. St i umtmt A tRtS.
New York. ltia-o.t t. Il, s a, 'riii ,co
Atitona)sutit, I'Pt-t-rvv. ;iliti- Ii'se,it 'l..s
et~re,iGVa~iaal<t~o i.bsat'C , siiilaiii
New Orleans,-Dtriti.iiMotit ,al, t nilda



- I


O~fW}U 7 ,+7:314 THE BETEST 2
1 fE Uoo 13Jn o (=0p v,

Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in tlae line of cul-
ture. I would learn some-
thing about music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given by the
best prepared instructors,_
at very reaaonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Maynard Street

Ube Ztubents' 9lecture 1ssociation
Season of 1907-8

John Tenmple Graves
Dr. Brander Matthews
Leland T. Powers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Open Number
The open number will probably be filled by
lHon. Wim. H. Taft

DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hlours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays



:2IWashington E. The Randall Studio, Ranal&PcProps.

P~hone 598

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