TH i1 G W-tkL Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcltfieki &C*EAST HURON ST. P' nr iii ic +t ,1 ., :,- i i 1' } ;t t Holiday Goods Now on s ale at/ BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. ALARnI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.5 1. 75 MICIG~AN PINS AND) FOIWS 25c up to $5.t0t FINE WATCH' REPAIRINti A SPECIALTY. Watch Inpector for the Ann Arbhor Rilroado J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch. 304 S. State St. Golden Scepture THE SMOKE 0' COMFORT COOL AND- MILD S Packaijes for- - 25c W, ,. JOLLY :W01soutls tallio te MRS. JI R. IROJ&NOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER flair Goods, Hirjdressing, Shamepooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty.f; 322 S. State St. (Up stairs) Bell Phone 359 I URESRECEIVEIt(lCL' zlict C Ohc h 01111);; prog;ram ot r SKIILED TRAIING l);_ 7SIS .fo~ho-o: 1. 1 ractical and Theoretical Instruc-2.1lt1101''t tc(ILct0I1c 1At.01 t(e tiara Offered to young Women liii. tbroort v2o. 3. lI11tt '~l1t lecttlllo \I I Co01* at Untiversity Hospital. sca. iM 21). .'ribtt Pt\!, \v ire, fIe oincele O seven deparI)iIOIItt~tllitme t b tTite1tC'rlC oiflert'- htlo'('ntttt'Q :C1"t)C I 111 11 thee1ae c (11, te ;t totttd'tts. j0 Co'itI:itC 1COIOC I 8 (,ill, the, tra111111 chool fo1r11 nurses. \.rese'rv sc at II 1t o p I t o i Clt 11CilacV an1d1s11 nce10 the1 i111010111111111111 itI attlC'II1 CU CC'vill rC i 100 t1-ticket Icc') .11svsteCl) isa m to o ec tto ' 1111)1 11 .11 011i11n1101 tI C II' Centir trC 0 I' 01)101- 111111 C IllotttiCCCI '001111-11now 11o111salICCat1) CCCI 1111 'I 11 11 Cm i Cse ComiC s I lIorted Ill ' tI s0C 1at11100111.. iC 111CC 1111 eveCiii,'10C 'i11 l i nd111)0 Pa 1lmer iIwan . In 111Cthe -. C'C '1I ll I( )1 1C) CC'11C f C the 0111 CCCer I IInd n, theCI 1parl11ors tndl aundry,11 bt' nII other c i npet nsatio'll. ''(T IC))) Il'))C it 11 111he 'C CIba IOck o 1uis ce11 ive0 10fi 111dol 01111heC i stil ear 00115 1n d rm t 1res 1tit, wh le10 m i rd0 years.11111CC' viCC s11111) 1o 1111ie r IIC't1I ek n th e S o ie . Tre 01are 1rio 10pe- for unif 'loorms, 1 tt a o thrCCII' i c la . r o s i uldi g as the sar11 CI 1110 111 011C) 1011C 100 Cur entlipin"C C g etar-c1111 r111 .iCY hospital 1 CIIC ) 01 11 ol is u eCo u s ' i Id by CCthe cI' .Ito or 1111' o Ot f p