_WI! OA _A L G. I Wild Comlpally tlie Larest '8totk il the C ity of Excinsie Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Everything required tor Suits, Sit litloats, Faney Ve.stings, and' Trousaerings, and ofl high class fabric. and spaec 1 Stylus. Fu11 Dress Suits al Specialty G. H. Wild Company 311 South State Street The Newest Popular Novels as they come out from tineto 'time cati be hail here. Our stock is be- ing coitstatlty addetd to anti is the most complete one in town. Our line of Gift Books is also oxcept- ionallsy fine ont and we'll lie glad to show thimntoIt YOU. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. i i Managing E.dito-PAUL SCT Mowtws. Busines Manager-C. E. WNSTrEA. EiDTOR News... ...:......A. F. Ritchie \thleics.t... )asid F. Stevenson Exchange. 11... I. Jolio Wamoli liisic aiti Dram) .. .Rpy D. Welci V\onien' s Filior....Lotise XVaii Vooris EtItTOtAL STAt' J. XW. MCandless Elmer C. Adams J oiiiF. \Vire NtGHTtEDITOS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chaoncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams Raymotd Visseler REO~RsTERS L. C. Reid Lee A White A. S. Mhigl J. tH. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Montsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney \Valer K'owr Lout.Kraft Lewis TI. Kiskerit Robert Morelatid Paiti freer Samiuel H. Morris Otio Etigel Fred R. Gooditg BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Hlarold P. Gould Address: MCttGAN DALY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hons: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Snday. Both phones 96. PRIIIAY. l)ECE.\lR R 3, 1907. TiElt C50tS itWOK.. In preentiitg a program so varied atii comptesitiha t wici the Cerclr1 rat'- cis is itog the, sar, its enterprise i wor ty ofte. titmosicttttenataioo No onl its it 0 iiotili wh lethatte. lasys Iiitlile given antd by stdet talentalditat thyeselectres should ix dlis-cel tor their owni sake, bt alit ili tha of ihelI.nisrsty as a whel It .itisly isuch iwassa these thai iiiliie etusasmis trivcait le arouse( forts Ilineoftilsy whichelwsill tak Nichitgaii a gts4al place fse the prutantce ofi ihat paricular lite. A setitent Io te langiage of te diplonas ha'. bee areaidy arousedl that Wold ace bee demitiimitposible sittme ears ago an te auienice which attds toight the effeciveniess of schi itirgaosta in.Tis .comtipar atiel trw Cerlei blaritig the way t protintetiecitt a toot ter that ma well serve as anojttc~ icsnto older anditsonwhlat more Iat C'U'TT~ING CXI". Ctutting Cafe i the popular place ii Id laies atti gettletmen. Private rotm. iui-toitateirt-class service. Susciat ,n ofi( ist'etn, ilt, freglegs.cots, steak tsciestr andotherdelicacies. ICcci iv i, 'tftr te ithti Nets'tuatagetter a 6,6,6 l ? 1euaMr icitgauttCalctidars, oe to 5c. i~, Miss I nyc's 33 S. Stair St. col MIusic W) l~rama tig'\%' t li. itNs 5t.5t PLAING.. A reeatittn iii. eseotliheptlayigties shiowtn the aittietce at last night's Choral LCootsconcert. TheFlilottale quiartette played with a perectiont which was almost tnbelieveable. Eaci of tie four tmouscas is a superior artist, yet to cue ofi tememopaszedtthimsef i te work itt the qiarteite as a whlie; it %kas. as preiotstcriticismitisIid, "fitutr stus huttue spirit ltrttugoti te recital. 'T'hecnettri t was tote ofirtre heutitic flIt titifermtitan d ueiatlclsstcs'.of lotte ath l stinc treibile accuracy of their .shatting att attack tmaie ii deighi t ther all that wa.playtd. Ii tnehetcrle to sigle tiut aty artofithit protgramtit chiel emttetd mor scessuil tanthei rest, the couice swotuli, witi difflicuty.b li e eotcitevethe "targi" ka" f te tDvorautlartete CIIARLiCS HULRREY FCHEERS t Y.-M.C..X WYORK IN S'AMERICA Chalres I. I it rey, oo. .whoiiwas'.re- centily appoiintiedintternatiohnal secreiary of te Y. 3. CX . in SuthttiAmierita. slet Suday iitis city. 3r. Iurrey begat iIsisassociationti sork as secetary _at tic' Univtrsits' of Indianit,coning fromilthter' io take'te state stdetiliisec rtarysttiltof ieigat. IH'e xpects Ic gilabrtati in a few -weks terfence hitmself itt the lattgtages nieeidfor hit ScotuhtiAmueriatt swork. At the asscia tiott aiquet Saturdaty Mr. lsrrey gas'. ant iteresitig talk tponits lireceti Orien tat trip. Seniors at Tritity college have brn Iassessedt X25 pe rtan for eir week ItWiliatnti.freshmtietare n(10-scaritl 0 "rlislicaps." tblak witigreett utttots e. lhr eiimbers of the Chitrse Stdetsl a assotciatiotnai te C'nilt'ersity of Cai I iornia re ridititig ut Cinese anntutua :e swhichiaimsttisetsriforttheItt.'tiirlts "eitut ucititieciof Iie('inese itulti itIt ttttssi uist-Tll?'STORE CRONN\'mt1. ,es Nevecrteor ae such large crttd ,f o hytheitrntdiit ltoiiiatited ltt _gtglnttcle scwhticht cpeteuyesera thuAlens 'clottingtitgvcre o itt strevel'' Promtlyts q Iia. i. whenithitis'oi etwcetrowntss opt~et fir Ittsites. the rs. began and Icitttirnd adilatpeaed a itfliste'e wouldtdbte itslet tp. Thle s was coedtsanidtiita larg.'tulttud ptartis iwere agery waiting for ad tiissitit astyfin aiicontty fair. all ag for ut frott seat. Eery ay a Iargi Or day all drinig this sae. 0y Sirtigati Cia thatndtdecrared. '.. siL..tsells. 332 S5 State Si. 6g-c '. Alarmi clocks warrante for one ya $1 00o. Haler's Jewelry Store, 26 Main street. od Portrait frames at Foster's. I , A.lBrigs Mrs Amuandca IL,, lhiwsrtt Xir;. I' islic .Miss 111, Doumglass 3Mr I- B, Dhloti Mrs 'Ltry' I), Dy SMr Ar thurtu 'tersitliills S ID. Eeteler N. F Co.. (raItattiAber, IHalaay Mr lir itKR~. ow hr S r T'liburn 2). IHope XII hrantkIHitchcock iMr Roy. Hoe Nirs Ofit Iltl H11enF, Johnsotn Hans AI. Johntisn lr I4.D,.Ktecik r Se- i, itt.. Ste A J lyttus Mr Walter. Morrti silt Miss hDelit. Say' G 1, Miller lis lcilt Place Srs H arvey leters ,1-GA aymondti3r Ray, erliell VrG1,W igt Miss Ia, Wilulr Mr J , Whtic.lIr X\ V W lker3Mr Lesis hitutit: Beadce IC, [iltIDor \', ShrtIctis alit .1c.. hcCarterry' Miss Eidna \hlorgan is I tter R, X'iukoau31h.. Foireignti Athoy etcrher. et . . I.: Pole.Xnita i, IGree- man1 hRtx. ThutmsonlilElsie MXl I. G. Pettytani. II.SI St .STKR MA.SONS! AllI\iaster Mastst'tu oCautpuusare retiquetdto metiuc. MsS1iatiHal, see- an oir 1.1'Satrday, I6:45 p,. m., hI per 'fet te' organituio'iiiUtitttviersity' Ma- s._ Esecutivet'Comnmtittee. .LOSt-huhtrdIay ateroon, bueteet the Tea Cupl tutuand hthetibirar,. amintik Stuff. )indiertlase return to Gtanma tuthiBet houtis. 12 Otukid .XsA'., atut > ccrecweila. fet PINE (, 'HtCKEN SUPPERS. e Sphecal ttetioin igivet o plviitte priles atthur CiitonHotse, X'i'tdmor talc. Xie ater to dactitg, yachtig. sktig. icc-boaiing, adl sapper parties. uSprng chicen tialtways served iwheni or- ireciat.1reguarrsteals or oe special itaittic'. lr. tanl Srs.Jo...C.Burke, g P'ioprietorsoil Initord ertoIi secure hlaes in thl' R. L. itolk.&Coi.tutentt directry for1917-S. t allstidetih ourgnizteiiontstwhichethae ot l' al cliachitiue so, 're requuese ilo sutd listsof.oliucru. addrecis, e.,Is. C. 'f. Iluuitg i il , lruuilyu Avei., It- S ccWaialeitti-athitletic shpte'-- Hand h atni ere jewerym wat Fors hacsceenturcciluth iofMicgn tle osan ovuir. Hie' at Co.,clv . St., u S 6Mi 3-re66ct !t yrangrapmmergodsjwer at Foster's.f ie orcestletefinIetao'Mifhiga pies, lilts andsouveitir s Hiler's ihfuJeelrtytuStorei26y'.cistre$2.0;eoat yogriaphyoodsgatr'F$us0tisitf AXruuirthrI, K II;t lrgS r ~ A I ,H.x-A 1 I Exquisite Gift abont what to give your friend for Christmas boy a copy of 'our Michigan Calesndar. It coittains originals drawings and sepia printing. Its the best ever published ina Ann Arbor. Price only 25c The Souvenir of Ann Arbor atid te Uuiversii N recenatly puablislhed lay us is nowy on sale. Price 50c WAHRtS Bookstores State Streert Male Street A New Michigan Scrap Book Larger and better, 40 leaves guaranteed not to come loose $1.75. IAT SIheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. __ I ~N.SPALDJING ~lhNCĀ° S& BROS. u The Largest Manufacturers in the Woet at Offhcial Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, H'ockey Oficial tompementts oe Teack aned Field Spot Uonoi onfrall Sportn. Spaldin's Handsonn] Illutnated Catalogue oh all sportn contains n merusnuggention. Sod for it.-.-t',free. A. It. SPALDISO & BROS. Nuuet or., Ilicuis, St. Lotuis, Sani1 Fruorisi'4 ileutile uits. 1usurer. Btfalot.Syraeuse, Pitt bur.-, t~li' itluia. Btonsc, CincinunatiBati mai re. lWauhiniti, Kiiansas City, Clerelan, New Ortleanus, Iltesit. )tootreal, Canada. )p rL vi wl el nc cc It nc k 2 3 i f of Pres. Anagell, also a Special Picture rate with Book It yotu fail to keep a Scrap Book of College Das s, you will regret it all your life. College Pictures, Kodaks and Photo Supplies. Amateur Einishing etc. LYN DON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS1 0porting 0oot'G 121 EASI' LIBERTY STREETJ Largest collection of ordinary and the only collecticn of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Qualty Best - Prices Right Michiugait and Brat. Stinues. WM. ARNOLD,Jewler 220SS Main Si. I s TFl m o E AEE m~0tr AND _EFFOPMF7 a Ia EWRPOUCDOL Flusic Every day one hears people say "hf I were in college again, I would do more iii the line of cul- tore. I would learn some- thing about nmusic 50so h o appreciate good sm u si c when I hear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Maynard Street Che !5tubcuts' lecture 1ssociationI Season of 1907-8J John Teimple Graves aeau1 'wr D~r. Branlder Matthews Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by lHon. Win. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays _h ne,9 121 Washngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone598