VMS ~Ve~t ~ _ I .. .l THE MICHIGAN DAILY. IG. H. Wild Comipally Maerrgz ig Iifdatn -PAUL SOT 1WRR IBusiness Manager-C. .WI 'STAI) ... -s,. , - .._. Thi- Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles ill WOOLENS For Gentlem~en's Wear I,\ey 44 requi irted tor t sn ()v (1i anscy Vestings, and Is t~isc inka nd of highclass- iii lmi'41iseial style Full Dress Suits a' Specialty G. H. Wild Colipally 311 South State Street EDIToRS \eN .............A. F. Ritcie Athleics.......Daid F. Stcvcnson Extchangec........1. John Vsaenhlil Msic anidDcsam-...Roy D.NWelch \VootcnSt rIiitoc. ...LouslcVan Voorhis EDIORItAL STM'T TW. McCandlens Elmer C. Adams J01iii V. AVIstIc? NIGHT CEDITORS itram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chattncey Boucher B. CG. R. Williatms Rayoxnid Visschci REPORsTES L. C. Reid Lee A White M.B. IMct-tngls J.3 I. 'ccs Cott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Car lDonald L. Kinney \Valtcc Bi. 'toneis s L.ouis. Krafi lxisT I. Kniserus Riobirt iAlorelawsl Paul Grerccs. lunel U . Morris Otu ttoit.lchl FredE. Goding BUSINESS STAFF John P. Wore Carl Ht Adam Iarould P. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Preos Bldg. Maynard Street. Manerieo's Hors: I-2r. m .. i7-8 t). m. int Sit liil ii ag NN daily, except Sunday. Both phonesl> Theti Newest WM P o p t la rlltlli-h).\Y, DIl;IG4ittER fi,.1iTiio ' N o v els iniili, riecenttiessage to Co'sui~s PireisiidtRoseves~lt tousicic uipiin at as li... cuiils ot frut leat oi sibjcct sw-hichtsahoulidirovoke c no diis~cti'ion eenamt nong teicronii tnti c t tnit s-stsbtehad Ibiinii party plsiains. Thescubdjecti list see .)lii stock is be- c " ts untsiiifti ri oli iisy a istaully addedl to lbeiig siriicdlyds.cussesd thiriiig loutniheic 'snulis te itost coutplete ihllccounttry.'Antl ievin in tisls cchiidl oillovvun. Our lite of cii noosk, wshire. knowledlge alonic is. air.- s itu as where all that pcrtaiso theliii Gift looks is also except. sticlici wa-crlil,-- the unenlightenedl s-srldt sottallh, fltic iotiattd XVe'll its nlimiem of tter hlls.,-tttc sSuject seo(Iledtio show thsemstoa spist fit a testrial liir a thesis. heir You . j itas to doliwith aso. anoilworks. ofiait,I al( ith a p'oss ibileiimeans Iby wshilchsthis liIntN mybcomec.with thle 1Estrotscsn sainj int so ad beneficiaryiif thte gra isers. l'rcsident Roosevealt AT reone is t it'e tariff duyotnis w~r~ fatie removeu.c"Si far fromt S eha l & Co. ter ei oa ai dty I rcrso tanwil c libfore. Congress: i the ii liiirinofs"ilec Free Art Billl. upinIi A.GSpeasker Cantnoni, asitu hel says andsi A.G.strAO iras tcns~tttcc especially. siVints'w S PAL DING de~~tco. rsi ssisa iictlriii i K& BROS.1 reccisc(st-epresiiient's wishl. .niu b~ ° Tthcre is certaisnly oily. one say for The Largest Manufacturers in the World thec avsic tscutst if it isto reflrct a of Official Athletic Supoplies ratioinal andi opetn-mtitnded as. wel.1 as. a Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey patriotic citizeishlipl. Tlte spirit ofa Otticial tomplemients tor Teach and Fietd Spors last itsca et illumtsinated Ity eceptintg Unifomstor alt Sports. Spatdine's Hadsomaety frssnt its rusletse thins to sw-hichi it idos. Illstrsated Catalogeofo alt sportesueotains nu- meros sugsstions. Send tor it.--Its free. ijury. 'This .is triiigly truein etthe A. ti. SPALDING & BROS. ows Nitact.5 o, t51. Lois, ai n rsesa, lircsetcas. To las-Ilclathte ao is u ,-. Ii '55cr. lotialis. .yri'use, Pitts- RIfisillthItosameicssay' as stgar and lir. i suilii, Isistsis. Cinsitnoti. it i- tics. Ihal iss..tss, iiansas ('ity, t'leveland, cosffeeandI lcntap ptst aieasttre io our Ni'uOrt sic etoissnt, aMisntreal. Canada. tllgecetiwhichsuithow-ssiits ilills a-. 'I"an ' spoprttssttcdIt shiwsThat tI.tcnnt t iiigui li biteenutwio o51515 ctii osssf taclwsiasslansilitanidithat1 earc tranigu.ltlridIbitfsll imsnion 55- 'Ilair importatiosho ldsbe Itenicor- ,edisn every iway." Tes American c- risrilfrotm iro salasgldt t fuot ashore.-ithese "i'glriss itthave briii it th woleof lilo ithlst him.rAmiscaatlt i uheiisI ittsill re t pa ln .hli-itis Isis -s - -il it ites as iin iit iitl.i I The tisgthat lksit aptear sos is thecuslure assi wifld, ecu sisnita ii sit itcihil 'feti soitil degree- -ll -l'ses of tilts. Andti1 ievilytuhis isositiilit Iilcisnisi th at -iracles 5 in i slt- Ire, paining5 ints1acitetureist ichisili Ii clssess of the5peopliaecccs. titt-sicitiis painfl to adm sist lnirl rississit isa i tss t(, i ll sito its Its bu ry' uit i s histusIsso'51155 othi'rw5is 151 fstiliar tNtt orth i liiak o ttiin its irent:;5worIshsout osirtvit e-tl rite-. We k s-tis 't t -eUivrill Its hittwtasrs] iiihe ssubctotre irs i 'it urigenti i t ttanmlit po els s5ize~. f itila a sutIto 11tis drsma-siaIsi -cit forily11Llltienl-- thast itsinly a art- Ill it s dusy 1sllilaritiui t clii ir l idisal, 'if-e ho lls till fi-e a t-il lllgrct. 'll 1thtilld1alithe aitatioi ise ' Iitt tits isill not he15-lo1st cnergy. 'ra itt5Voiceci'inot555hell heardls far -'otges pehaphs iit sltstils- ireper ls. i a flilt senior15casstts ptstsfs ifteni or oetomi'tteshisnststill"w11 cll1thi der ocaticsisstiuin rf rk Af 1.1111(1 il tonisors.ImpsesriI"esist- 5a rug til llys situke s arsaccept tilie eoe ah1ess lilii5555lsteisis tslsiii flu sl metw its ,ou1appovalini v',ry espec. Al Itsits -ia 's u i - 1.4. sis6 h.1 c. t- St I-ti T Ill]Z(0. G, N LB IS 1IN '\.W sigu.sFillPIcSuitv115 kissihs Iltistth lav, 'i idnsdiisat adlThurssdaysa IItc. t, . 12, with iii 55 5151511ti listos.amspstls If tsappy coillegy sholls fsrthiss-leg as. 'oissir petuction iited.sl 62- I-and hammered jewelry at oster's. Liltvance sssei-for l.-Iicsa Girl' of thie-Gldenft-tVtect, 1 Isc. T, i nou its it itt Otittcs.& Mists-ca 'tfice, 2issyBast I lsusosssSt. Prices:s tuoa sts. $.0:orcessstas, iis. quet.saitdifamily- circe, $.sobl ly,$.50;s gller-s.y $1Wmansiich75. If I/~S fOFFI-iR~fit IN t1(ISTiR CITSI ff-islsls s fthit' draig soecit sits urgeitos get usy T'heputtblicity -coi- stitcsfors." uicligensl" is offering al rizeai of 1t1llsdols for a poser to be useisns advert~isinag tho comic opera. The contsti is -opest to all members of thec U'nives~sity.Thr condtilons of hilt po rcusstest arc at fislosi Prics. ''heicnilner(f te-cotist iill receiu sa utis-i dollarc ill. Juds. 'hs.-judig illn Ibhe.-six-ini numberlu's, -sid isill his-asinsuncd ltetr. 'h'eesnscs-ssary qiualitistwtill cuints -isllE stoicilthisaassr,t-cs of te' judgesttpassistg statsthis meirits of act firs. rtitic sffect. '~T- gneral Sit- ic of the deigns ahs t rtisti ,- Itct asuiun iuti slut ii ill cunttose thlir. Secut-it. Settinig. Thi setisg sr ue deinsol efiomsthis soteri"Miichi- whuisi'alichlafstrs someati ltasingst umassesial.In isorderto sasidsholse wn-Io havunosherud hi- pladst crite. ot- of th ullsrecussNlfr. Kn.t s w. sill ex- lin ltheslugs.'g-adichotus; tstctts. ins Rousus (( , ~it sit Ial, ts iotuclock ii t r,u-s. Nous set'tinsgssoths.r-thalnt hwdec idlby intuat ltsattistussill Iird. Adaptsilityuu t sstercrIist- isg Thi s iiigntshoaul i be iin iundia or uiaylack snl ouilats.papesr or cactI I) is. ihulsausglosyfiishl. fTeasword "I isligi usi a''ssy' uscmay sot formta usr55of thus drawing ush all othr wsordst wil be u ins typlus' a ihisied to prist intwo itolrsuia cotilorscthemesusithit'co- is- thecou-tttthidseshtti suitdI us o rthiis-l s Ihes-rusiss'. 'Thi ayOi I,, tsathlr thasn thuslat-Isntush iits' drahi'.uui . s. it is to hut' usd-l oy asa ntrl.Fi,.lne iI lt recprduic wes-ll. 'll dl;,'suiuugs shousildllev'signeduhsuitthus hackkitha tititiusunm tlnd asaldl emesp cntininugheut-sita'si.relt name shand saddrss,' sills this' sssmsse saeo ileIocsidei, hiasnded i in t ts- sam llsime. 'hess're-sl nameiiiof thusc- s tcsstlis sill1 lot us'e.'noswnsae-tin t ths co ii's-Isil safcsrte jugesaveat cho .n s is'..-r, ushosessnateusils' sap- plar us.nushe in ussstishe p t-, Ihsowever. HaIld'. Gouil, for the ubulsiciy con is's, asill rc-eiveaw. sisnitgs sp isa ands includsisng Victltctihiy jas. Slos, at60 usa lsst 3effersn sret, or 5i2 Sotth sttstrest.s 'iWshaswill uprsetheticgratstl orcra- iuntakc~sstii-a-sceriattstptedl by- any' merchantsu, stue gratest sale wshlichi will slin ts A len-Lhcu' lohing soe today' Dcc. ta, at o a.5in., wshcnthelienir stock of fuss clothiing, hatasduu ~rishigs will us' lthrownsuout the tuarkeit tobe dishi- posedstof st amiaigly loss prices. Au uextri fircestf hlpttsis. esgagd to mark' luau-uhelsioca nd ouptropate fr the stlt. 'ia'it fr hus geat saingei-tt.i-id liugins tsusosning st o oclck. Valleys Wistctast-athlticshae- lonsg uswsistd-dif'ferentufronti shlit youus hsvecseetiesew'hereutc---Jusut is. Wiager & Cu, Suls S. 3-6 An Exquisite Gift if you are in doubt about what to give your friened for Christmas buy a copy of our Michigan Calendar. It contains origiisals drawings asse sepia printing. Its the best ever published in Ann Arbor. Price only 25c Thte Souvesnir of Anns Arbor and the Iliversiiy' receintly publised by tss isonw on sale. Price 50C WAHR'S Bookstores State Street AglateSSeet Law and Medical Books Tresves Anatomy, New Edition,(just received.) Stimson'soracturesand Dislocatoins, New Edit- ion. Morris Anotosy. 3rd Etd. half leather, $2.50, ha lf mooocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Cacti or exchange your Law, Medical asd Dental Books. C. E. BARTHLL Tel 76. 326 S. state S. Largest collection of ordinary and the only collection of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Quality Best - Prices Righ Michigais antd rat. Stines. W M. ARNOLD, Jewler i2.. Melee S. eA r SM 'EAtlFUL AN PROMU EWRPOUCDOL 50GEU ORE O 6YU ATTEBS flusic1 Every day one hears people say "If I were us college again, I would do more in the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing about music so as to appreciate good us u s i c when I hear if.' Students of today cer- tainly hsave splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of msusic are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Maynardt Street rr I Ube !5tubents' Lecture association Seaaon of 1907-8 Jtshi Teimple Gras-es Dr. Brander Mattltevss Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number The open number will probably be filled by lHon. Win. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's flours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays ______________________11i 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. 1Pbout 598