CA C o.R,,ay i Lo k t-or L o s~ J VtWd~~l TAILORS 1High Class ________roomat___p._in._dmisionfre._FVRNISHEmSMerchandise ev 3Apha No banqutct p. tn.ATT'ER~S To M Popular Prices 11 you would be looked up to, not down on Dec. 13 "Soiree Dramamttque t Mui cale. given to Cere Dramiue r it Late1st Styles-Re al Shoes-See Ol lr $3 iBoot Our tailoring is essentially and pre-etninently c-us, il S-u-at (Catwell Angell 1),111 it u for the young moan of the period, who likes a bit ,P p ii Directly North of Law Buildinig of "swagger" in his dress. Dee. 13-rf 11 lar iec fi Alitr of the C.iuee-tyt of Ilinotispecaks on 709"711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENVE JFor Autumn let us lend YOU that ease and Goees of t i xlatio of111 1 11__________________________________________ " ptose that will pitt you among "Who's Who.'" 1 io lawo buiing 73(0 p. in. De 1 1 eat Fnftrltu. ee-THE PICKWICK Premier tailoring -emiphatic style-moderate prices. iittof the Oniitrio lisioricol ciety wil helw tdih2 tin,< Billiard and Bowling Parlor high ~ ~ ~ ~ i sho auioimI cr1111n of thetl t- ii and tt -ei for. iu. ine line Dec. 17-- -Jititior lit iance t it B eltoie of Pipe1u I ic.1 1>1 l o t~o atndt ai es e t ,c the habiit. gymiumci~ . 'ooitoo owi- r i rr for Merchant -'Tailors__ _________ 11~UNIVERSITY NOTICES Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL-MALCOL~I, Prop. _______________________ Juio tlw takeitail practice Pittc--' lie atd tid nighits front 8:15 toi 8:30ti. AM LOuSeiM E TS oit. Beeict Chjirr The Horne of O V Su~ats The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tl 0acsi 4h r Seio fngit iatba'lttt cddt mee lt t iyatm v ccttc sla and Liberty ;ft., Cor. Foso°crth A-ve. Annr Arbor SEAT SALE FOR o'lits. Ifch tit htenetiral (litin u-7 AlmniNhha'gvn thiname ofi id l th oeycu n :nt b Belasco's Hs it t part,aci iet: atl bFarsihtrdeC nd e iitc lisis lfti track uttt wili ftc ket 1 I,, 0 ,-m Iri~t leatc i'il s l eb t c 1,idutf 11111n oe int Director Fifefiatick' ofic i fi o r tctr o l r dor= l an f N pi. an iti li s it atltI "Girl of th Golden W(J to datys, atit all tak men e cctcci tt signt uder teatt cl deat mehtofi iwoertit. Webb's ChocoItes are UInstrpassed, 109 5. Main. St. Will open Monday morning December 9th at li-ft tillt li f~tit dan icite at fiarbout kim nt uc ItaI McOmber & Miner's Office 209 E. Huron Street ut- ler i- tsi ticiag ttd Baggagte it ntittitciictiettIIt Carriage adBaggage PEFRFORMANCE, tDee. 19 1907:'ic 8$w aemd ,,, - ac Copl t and frit parties, Wac Rinc t0 we havee mod Waif i-l gi-so. aitom-1 'tei- oatri Oto ot our strotigest features.$20 Ha1 tler s jewielry Sloret, 216 S. Maio 1 r - ~ci sie to u ttitudoo, te ______________________________________ 25 Cents. If carredot it . -ret o --";t_ -±,N f i leti fh ice illei Thaoi 119 E. LIBERTY ST. -- N 0cns An rorsPonejovnjicueThar New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- cci COLLAR t7fi Specil a tttot lec i to ftat V 1 A day and Saturday. it{ ate T ti et ilts (2ioi ott lo i tAlth pate\tteClfo Von.W itmtiore nsun aoo v g oo i'T~i ti tf LIE Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. fLake, Vic easit t dacig, ii itiitg:. ,,skatig, ice-boaltttig, tand slippert itttics._____________ Ispritig chicken aliii s - ser cc itt r - o Y P S I L A N T 1 OP ERKA H 0 V S E dcreti of regatle 01rs or f cpciii" IC I Thuxrsda..y Even~lIn, Dec. 12, 1907 parties. 11e. tidt liits CISE Rtrc I JUE 'URYAlarm clocks twarrated for otto soar Sxxpplied to College Meten fnd PRESEN'TS $i.oo. Hailer's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Worr-ecni for All Pxurposes~~? The best of all College Plays Main s troet. cod____________________ 9f We r eqipdith Cttistinalc goodste WASHITENA'IV LIGHT & POWVER CO. '' T A L E; ti year of dwud en iae ou camiad iok over ouc'lii- 200 E ;-%,a# W'.sb1lirgton Street See the big boat race between the Yale and Harvard Crews. Carpet antd Dratpery Sttre, ti2, 114, 1t6f FOR DAILY ADVERTISIN RATUS KEEP YOUR DATES F.Liberty St. 62a-64 _____ Addt -c; iiuiiit" utauut..i \o Rc 1, cI tiiot a tip}" ofi te ]1ItClItOA\ Atoiios Scuis Ctl _ thees ('ti-tilt tA ittla O~ i n it uitt poctieito. par e rse Prices $1.00, 7$c. SOc a.d 25c tteticito atfic!mCtldea thefpoadcaedr ~pca ~et tiest _ln aealoka h ewo de -a~c cIr lti in 01115 ititpaige hiooik. thien away & tomb mu ii] m iiic-ett. Prices rc-subtscriptionsi t aken trcy i riii lit ecI di 'l, r to students at the university Y. M5. C. A. Me Atit -e Sali' loll A. t.W itfimotti o- at 5safohiir' Drug Store, ttone Ypsilamnti si ootc i2-3 loe mfmtmloil All,. late bokJo eta otr. I ... ( ' Tlr coF~ir . TCLASP GARTERS Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building -check muf r oe rdr ~d l have long - bueent ' t the tt 25 real gamter. The patented fat lasp Subsrclptiotls takenby mail chptrf rmnyodr lifretvent, cicuding, biningit and11 cachinug in te clothing. The Brightomi 1111i iir F ft s { alie isas flat at your handt. Wornt by men who oppre- COfOKFI) ts ciatie comtfort and mnette. Matie of puire silk elastic nebbing. Atl mtal iats oftitts-hitat ily ickefed. 25 rents a pair, all dealers or by mai ptepatd IFor me tthtu pefer a card garter, we have perfeted LAW BOOK /.~ ~ ~ LU - I ~ sos1s year. Ditlonirieeo soth wear BRIGHTON -GARTERS InQtal Book.. InLLARS -oL , CE While tbey re tquckly andu eastfy dettarfchd, yet ty ae the Ana b'Anna Arbor CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. fimest gmip of all curd 'gatters Nt flexible rubbter tdiamnd Ap Arbo Leg(al M1scellan1y SSaa . 1 anr grips sith. a boll dog toutacity. No iatr or tetic of, the socks. __________A2_____.__st___t__________3_____May____a__d Can't speti ;louse or h rooie acidentaltly dch fed. Mode of ________________________________ finest quaioy webbhtin i t t t tut fevly icke pfated AL A IA MOE'S BARBER SHOP 1 boast =25c atid 50c a f , ll )i cu ftp mttil, prefpai. b C ICAO PIONEER SUSPC, )!1s0 1 etS t ., PhllF deiphisi. AosesArbor Branoeb, State~tr~at. ldg. 7eaNewhUiveraftyAve. i1 u i c- ti' AL WAYS AHEAD -[N THEgv.rrl~r j THE BEST OF EVERY STYLES; ~ M ,LW TAIL 1/L"Rl. H~I NTIRN