'H!Z- MIC"1AW DAILY Sam Burchfield's -Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield Q 10 &Co. EAST HURON ST. Hlo iiday Goods Now on sale at BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00) $1.50 $1.75 Al Itt 't ss inkcan fuls baru teks MICHWI~AN PINS AND FOBS& 25c up to $5.00 FINFE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inispector fr he. i.-Ann Ar'bor IRailroad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Bra-nch: 304 S. State St. PROD. tARCIt OBTAINS ARChIITICTURAl. CASTS Prof. Lorch. Iheatd of the. school of architectural engineering, has just re- ceivedl the first shipment of a large nuns- Iser of plaster casts of architectural sb- jccts uhichs were ordered last fall. Capronsi, of- Boston, a well known decaler its casts of this natture, is fur- nisinig these forms. Thtey arce narle frotnsiosulds takens directly frostte origisasaitscesntral assdlsosuthern tsis'pts isid arceIssll size. Thse isvory' tresstsent swhichs Is '5 tartereceivedlrelis si slse csld .site aofIshe plaster o a. .isind ,fivss iests issosss( segreet'11 sic.1 + ic i:"f iak',. ' l . airs ait'-is 1: 1Cosssltsls ss i 1% esestltslitssi sortk(if thse ' ii f's R sass sald Ressai'ssansce e p -. 'i msosdes of treatinsgsthe acansssl a.I 8in these perriodls arc, for insstansceOsgis b ive cselictedl franuestswss sitm htshisa -Ier"'i .i' lcaf. A large cat ire-i the essit 'NsIts' Apteros'it 'Atlsen.assia .tell-pirsertvitdsI ion stats ssa'i'rs-.otii fromsthelicParthenioni ire issltil itsisiis ihipmtss. lien. arc Isoto 5cC ii.- x- stniples of tMoors' 5sri . i'aiiiomte. !1- itislrti, anttaivtsy rilI . smlolt' a lte J lyzasstic sifluenct frt he CI' i. r if Mliiissit.siutslssest F'ranc:ie.. (Ofst'e ,!lore ntsslers'n uttspcimes t ii-ar tes crat piece;frostsvsios 1 sitlisiscste- (frialssindshe Fechclsctllt'tral ifSi )cii.ansI Notre Dasts' \. i tt111(aiidlrelirs ta i is 41 ci c1 oft suchicat-s .fiirs :t 5ip'if ft Iiiiiintti of teerytirchitel risifool ofsnote.is introple sssilAsserita Ftor it l as biei fitinid that onsal tfiat-.ha it' b- ire thesiscoiisiantlyp exasipis sifdi,,, lest fitriss of v^arious styles, scaian ift V)tlS I . 1?11P'71 N '' 1 K 1 I N SICCI-ll\I. NN AX' ii 17.1ii isitiatioss last tight at5 its roastii, 218 Soth" hTiaver strict. 'lie iseis tatest in swere C. iH. DIk, a r '.Pnl Criii iiR. LI. Fitzgerald, Raisers PXloisiier. If. ltter. W. Bosighitio, LI.fltarklt. andif IT. ('fark. Aftesrte issiissiisss 'citfreshmentsii swere serveti., Thfe \Vereins iasy.recenitiy- ri-inteilper- iantit quiarsi'teswhsichsi rciopslit al sties to membssiers. Christiu as Suggestions II lITuxedotsasitu lcis1 siress. sets.--d ftrit fIritisi it olsithavse e-i. t ag- -sl'e" & 'to., sai sic Si (li'vln;s i ordir tis .ecuretplae,-- inth e R. I., SPiolktu; Cois.tudtil itiirt-Y pfolt i0i7-8. all siudentssi aiiiaitii. wihhalists nst atlrteastl donit 'o ae requested atosendi fitsiiftifficers, attire"s, etc., is C. '1 ttss11gerfsinii.75.3 If its thysi l s.; DP= See our comspleeiin-3 of ichigans piss fois and soieietirs. Hl-aiir's Jewelry Stire.,asI6 S. Mainsstsreet. coil list i titiouse exeedsltgis god-il .trnil ither couihit, islesahes sissis _ cair. on-s caist . si iiy okes 'sr-isih -o fit ii it-i i sE iiip i ad ii'titaus 'iii'.Isis'its a i-it' lii'-iiiIt 5 o siote Atn' t.:est is scorresct'. MSi'-ts i1 ,1l-a liiiu its-e. C sips 5 sitl 1 icrilis ionits.1it, itilt 10 I. iihlsei t. 8 6s'-l Neckwear Louniging Robes traveling fa's Suspendlers House Coats 'Suti Cases Ilosfers Night Shirts Umbslrella1 Shairts Pajamas Hats Collars Mufflers clovs Scarf Pitis Fasses' Vsts ffandckers lis usf Bttoss oys Or. rcutats Baoy's itl W~ill contiute to give 20 per cent off on all sienss aattd litoy': Sssits, Overt-oats antdc Rafts Con's. Sta ebler ~We Annr Arb4 r, Mich. WATER-PROOF COLLEGESHE \VWe .5 1lthemasdthe lsckindtesptiaslly msaide lors:sict]s:at. Ifc'a'y sdousbltestilet".it hIeel, tlsri tsgtslp vist'l/ii ss iwith rssitsid l ost e asle aiasoluslt'1lv water' it stinT anltt- rosni iian Id h Leathsers.! Dress P'o ip. asil i (r!vt si Iic~ An. Ar.it Come tact t - otn anpairtha til titiyty heel".. C snispici lite .~Walking Ties, Prie$4.00 Walk-Over Shoe C. LARGiEST QUICK REPASIR SHOUP IN CITY. Ireciatfissit1f fosrmsscomupotsitsainasid iofj PlfI N liNt !' 'I 55 17 Ni. .he tfIectis.of fighlt sinu shads litcti- - Iteit. 'fiisae si-stcists stillIbeh-st 'isEetioardti- ssnd alltitndiaof print- us-e enguineertintgbiiiiliig asndstill pi-s -,1.u.itgtowest p rites. ~''sil pric se ct1 -iii teliest ealfctitiofinilai r list- itetorrais.t iisi-stst Id s ts~ is 'neal tiubjets.oitst-ecastn iia suptatitir- a .st tilt - I e dtlttr- Ihe puirchiase' if life-sizetil tiist'. 5 aferte pcitrtittt. Isllifi c &EI:is, srt. ss aotier stiepinisthe outittinsg (iflI iller, ester Co-op. earl t'e schl rrknsof ighsquitysp.IsThe - - s't-i-ai'st-uit liss alreatdy' gottentoethertiliti 55 l rt - tie nuclesitsof alass chlitetural itsbrr. lradn u~ rsnc 'm cai -diii inosis' muaingsteoll'cstinifis i - I'.(mwitofsthitsbistiboatrdtin t isin ltsisliigraiiis andii lstternssishut.of ill te ts i ts TV cheap iforliiiysits tilt itjvsstabl eiirchitrtural srucsturs ith .nr(IMn -rt ls tiiiii'' iiitptt iii wtotrl forurse- isinrhele'cturs. Alreadtsy 5 .tiI 5 stirs;tcapaciti ori-i tIts ttis th tlhtn rldelibsrar istqisteicortitAs s tttit iciinapiifo -s its sitsdotut s la.Apsly iito II' Oisis 'sit st i i I Gol den Scepture THEF SM-OKE Of COMFORT -- ----- COOL AND'MILED 1t. teita rot s'iurrs TO Bus; ir AItussuteu - 'Ithe tinge oil painstisng of Prof. Roblert 3 Packagies for - 23a. l:. littitter sif tslait' rt facutyr, stiichi R." i OL Y t'at presetedeiltle sistestier class. ef R "E. JOL Y sts scar, iliproaably lie huisn theli itS Souut55'tis' Street Iait lihrary diurinsg tehaliday-s. 'he Iitssss cs beenisishledl for sainete ii, -- hi~bt as ass entire rearransgeent of the MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI pists on t' ite libtrarytrail i.ssecessatry 1las. s te paistntig cussbhcpt inis lacet'. FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER its it.asicets kept inthescfactulty- roassinit I-air Goods.,lHair'dresing, Shampooing tis' Iss'.buildisng. T'elictufeire wsi i Manicuring, Pace Massage a Specialty. lptinstdliy aIDetroistartis t atu is all 322S. StateSt.i(1-1)Stast)tiBelliPhone 359 a eclltsliteisess. I1iron Two dollars insures yet litst bsy fire. Ge J. R Reat Estate ansI Instrasse Mlain street. F(ll 11NT -'i' isns I Ieat tilet t c. - lit:this W. It. lury vr{r savtiniga stilt.ilstli plaits- Portrait framses at Forte a against all slier. & Co. e. lsi Soist tf Hart, chaffnor & Marx lSlii i nets } Ftd11 Dress su~itsrUT Z ,;4 itosf' properly tailored $37.50 to $45.00'r.Coti . r't. tf f llTDress Coasa d ssVSests to Rt t. B _AN KS , THE FARMIERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND IIURON STREBETS Capital, $50000, Sarpuand Pr~ofita, $65,000- Genrral Booking Business. 3 perceest patidI sit Time ansd Savings Deposits. Safety Dr- posit Buxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards I.X prPe. WC.SEES. iePe . BaIRSass. Cash. R. A. WuILLIAS Asst j The Ann Arbor Savings' BankI Capital stuck. $50,00. Surpluss, $200,000 Resourees, V2.300,000 A General Banking Business Transacted O rerlCoossChas. E. IHiseoek, Prert; W.I Uarrioman, VicerPres.:s tl. J. Fritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK IREC~TORS: W. J. Bouth Jno. V. Sheehar. 00.0. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Ian. B. Wade E. P. Mitts John Haarerr Jno.Kount Prof. H. S. Carhart hertry W. Douglas Chrtstian Martin Dan F. Zimmnermans FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0r ANN ARBOR, MICH. E. D. KINNE. IAROSISON 500CR., res. Vice-r-es. 'kJ.'. 'tARtKSIIN, Cashier. { Capital, 4100,000.Surpus andtlProtfits,.3sips.f NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A Nice Overcoat a Spaulding Sweater a Pair of Gauntle"t Gloves A full line of Suit Cases WADIHAMS (a CO. Fsshion Store 121-125 S. Main St. r.' AT THlE Paas Royal' 209 E. Liberty St. For Latest HOLIDAY NOVELTIES its Rutssian, Persians a nid Dansascus Brasses. Choice of ftalianit Japta- uese, Hollansd ansd I t- hisisgoods. German American Savings Bank FUIMat NDIECTR.saannss Comn cros ..ad Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent Leather Belts mdWithvi o u c S.vnsResidence 302 5. 5th Ave. Phon 1 sstryisstsset ve Os. ttc' t at acttla's.5S tt Cor.*M& Im and L~berty Stras*ta AMBULANCE ON CALL j THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON. MASS. Eiverythhsg thsavarp latest 'is the msarkt. r ST UDORNTSCHFLEI?, 319 East Huron .Street