_,W.. a... 1 _., . SA__.:f
G. H. Wild Company
The Large st, ock
ii the City
Exclusive Stylesi
For Genleme's Wear
I Voly tiing r i'Ojxei i for Sits,
overcoats, Fancy \ oting, sanl
Trocoi ixgard iofhigh clas
fhios andi c i;Peiaxl stytes.
Full Dress Suits al
G. H. Wild Company
311t South State Street
as texvcoite out front
timttoxxtitme canttbe had
tote. lxix stok iclte-
ing constntly xddedl to
xn the liimoost comtplete
otteint town. Our lne of
(g11tBoxkc i also except-
iontalix fixt oe tand xwe'll1
ite geilad ttowthei to
Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
-, A. G. __
a & BROS. 'at
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
lBace Ball, Fot Ball, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Officia Inpeients tor Trak and Field Sprts
IUifomsoe alt Spois. Spadin's Handnmely
Iltsirated Caloue o all sports sutains n-
imeoxsgsionos Seddfor it.Itsre.
Nix txxxl..(Ati *axo. St. Lutis.San trnisco,
lbi xxxct xxx t, iie . ittittfa, Syrc e, its
burxila d hiixxxxxia, oton~tt, Cninnatt. Salti-
xxor, Vxtltxixi. t asaxCity, Cleveland,
Nowc Otrlxeanx,Dtoixt,lMotral, Canada.
THE MICHiIGAN DAILY.xoix lxxithemin floor- xxivixtixti. lrxobalty
fasitined. Thex xi- iirxfor t lrxxtxuand
trxxyc ix xxixsuppxxliexd xhixxughx aix aper-
Altanagsssg Edtor-Psox ,SCOTe Mowioxit. thire, if cxxxi lxputlthatitogetlher, xxbxxut
BsnessMasagr-C. I-. VSxtAr. o thlreifetisquaixre. ix xibse rver xxhoe
htistxrical imaxxginaxxion lidi xxxipervert.
Nexex. . . .. X. F. Ritcthix his cotiioit xsensei. ouldl reservx hix
.Atltiox.s.....David F. Stcveitxon iorvxxr at te lahi olb of Calocuttax
fxxr ax iearer ixixi ixore tortixy oliject.
..ixisic xandtDraioxx ... Royft. Wielch \ekoohetoits siln hc
\Womn'siix Editor.. . .Looiixe xxii \oxxrhis tt xi~ixIoeiixi lx xi e i
thxllxc annitxbexchaxrgedl lxxtxhecmxx-
EDITORIAL. STAFF axgviivxx xxr the iUshers. \Whenevexra
J. WV. MeCandless Elmer C. Adaoms ixtit ismadiili toxin x troducexaxe x vivcuicl
JaxxhixF. Vnrxi leetxof freair xi, thexcit laixesitx]
IGT rD.IITORStho anitladyixc like genitlementoinievxi thi
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart xwindxoxxxvc owil a ipiotest. Thle\, xrxix
Chatuncey Boucher B. G. R. Weillias their sialsxtabouti thii mx and. sxivciierlttu
tRavmxollilVisscheor xf xixhr xix xxxxovrlhis ixsign. x.And
L. C. Reid Lee A Wshite there untxii hlxiistxxpefxiithxxthe i iax-
A1. 13 McI ughl J.1. P rescott eo i xiv
A. L. Hainline ,- Robert Mountoler 1Ilirctioiviifoxk ixexxv liv xx xxxixrx
L~owell J. Carr Dosiald L. Kinney xxecxl ixxxeh lie lxxi 0t x xiexosed. Ther
\Vxlter 1. xliowers Lotuis Kraft xxvv ividoxsxonxboxhix sidesiatctheec. xi
tjvLewis .T. Kniixkevix Robert IMxxrelaxsxlfxxheli ilxdinxg..cL xxxnxvr theiniixxx
- . il i recxii.tli. \\iiy a lxxl xxhey lxxx xfl
BUSINESS STAFFtIVtedi viie It woxuldxielpvai goad
John F. XWurz Carl H. Adam.casexxxxv.r ltxvixl xx igt1.x
I Ixivoixi I.tGouild t(xx ix_"c xi xiexxir r ~dlSo Le mixi~t x
Adr :MICnHIGAN DAIL, ,Press Bldg., soxvvixican e llieridfro iith xxtox
Maynard Street. '~e ant tp n.adterr'
xxiair irhvitxlhxlvbottomi swexepis.ax lxrge
Manager's Hours : I-2 p. m, 7-8 p. m. Tediy xetSna.Bt hnsfr ~ o h rteixox e Iliheicage:xv;i!
daily, except Sunday.comp Bothicpbooan
'xrIt f, alixledv 1 ix Oclveiipixleit.,xx
__________ - cax lx ODetixilx i vsxiin, xxniixlivNivxxxlx
I INESI I X. IDICIOX l *R xit)o7. xxxixxxixruxtiix; lull blastxxe liWhXitilei
- - . . -- - - . xxearig compllletxii, xandi tlie \lxacijxi
Thei.xxvact xi teCounixci l xightlst:lx hat apxxx tic re vgardvfor lxxxiii c
is vencouxrxaging xalikei toxthose ixhlxxxteiivi f xxich x eviiexxx xxvxxx
tox secixx iixpxi th'tibdydo iomthinig wxxiir-th____'
xviiniv to i thoselixiv ixixhoxpe for xxxi vf- !:UN I \EIxSITY ll;x N JOI O1 l
fetive solution xof ltxlivproblemax of pivtyp iS l>TINE ixi;( RI; xi NI/ 1'.;
pxoliticxv xx lii xIxvthxlxe.txiixvsitx isxo.srgg ig hthrtese i 17wUieri bnoluIasen
shallii xiiscrut xinixan i vxnoist xrttxiix vvxevlxxiiivx IxxSoimaxvyhicellentixplyelxis
is tlie:isuggestionxiiichiil i ixii sindtoxxx lithaxxxxMichixliig exxxalt . agai cxxxit xx
re ihvte cot of thix xing lno xaimatterI haxvex xxcxxeditalxeiclubi.
'It wxi. lxowexvxi, r.xviexas ax vrp effe- xxnivOfxithex fvaturs xxfthe xxxia so
xi.e Stxring poxinit for other xsuggeionsli latiiiiixxi h.ioncnetbtixtx.xt . tamoixi;xtle
and axxxxxixl lanlxiarxoundxtvlxisssixxx ixaxirs fl ixiot, xxi lxxiiifourxxearsxago xli
mayi xxxix resuxlt. Thati xx deciisinoflitty- clixxubxwsx isibxandied .,XxAlxixexent l
valuevwhteier lxxixbevarrixed it, it i is iclivix ivyare rehvxrvingitaxixxmbertxvof
xexxxixi. it. thxiat i ihe slolfthe CLtiii- 1xxx iec s and, ixilsxxii rxix r e tih elii iixxixrta
vi-lxixy xiiixxoxx honesxt thiikiiig Aloig ig xits xscxxiiiasx.xixxomeiewxmuic arrivesx
line suoxixthat xani activex camxituixipixi.lxi ii xxxiixi
in nxxavxbe arousedxvi; xatndtsecotnt, that r lac' text ixiehii wxi lxbexheldx itolx
lipr makie hixste to tranxiixxithe esulti.sixihixxxtvllxigihx7ixxv
of theirtinklinxg eithein iiforimxof ex- \inpone'xiiixi iitrxxiiixioldreor
ter: orvblipeIxronlatsuggextionis, to teiivvv.
Councixil whtivb representsth tetiandxxii - -
xxic livstryxiniig xtovik:this thing xxiiit i I'h txxlrxxxrxtCrimsxvxx. texlxyxipxapier
tox theiir csatisfxxaitin. It lxxitis e revog- xl thxat iniitihOlh. ixxxlxvx nxxivproiiti
lixeoncelxxi.for all t.ixlreoxrmxixis xot lof;5otillerxxannum.
the xxxvxiixi xlx lxiiiio xfe utofl xi.-
if liliC ERI l fi OFFE.
1i xlx ix 1sax folvxxxS
i."ore Dtranxtixite t Musoi-
cale, IFrxdaxevening. Dc. 13.
z.'llutrantedlILetre, ?M,. 'Mal-
Iiti, Fcdltiar. -
3: Illttalex lecture. 7I. Lvi-
xi.au MardI ti 21.
4. 1 iittiPlay -I'\vxr," ie-
act comnxdtlbyhi. iiiver. Mayvt.
Ih livI. tlt uoffers toeentire series
txo ttith xtx 5oPextts: lto ters. $Si
X reserived seat tvx the 1laly it -
cud.xxi As. X siige admxissioi )tte
Soiree is in conts, every suivenitix
attenxdance xill receive ax ticket cx-
xxititlx to le entile veir x Jxrx-
'Tickets ixxxx xiiisalt at \Xxrs
alsox t thxe lxoor Fridlax eveninig.
Wliit xxi lxxxi.exliegeatxsxmrcn
rat llvxxx vlotingixsxoreixThuxrdayxD. l
12. atxuxa. mx.. witheix entxiir tock xf
fi cliniig, haxtx, andxi liihiiiigx xiii
hex throwxnx xonxthli maxxretxtolxbexdisposedix
ofx it xxi amaigyxlxw txirs. AXixtraxx
forcivofxxhlxislevigxgedito ixak ldown
thv xxxicki axix prviare Ixr thxlxxi. Ixait
forx the ivx xxxtsainig xxvin, xxhichvibxegisx
xxix l~t x. t2 xx-It 9 xa. 111.
liltl (I .uxN 15IN t\ OWN.
\1 Sx R5tiixaix Ceresein thexg
O'Cnno &xxxx x Golbervg BItxxhii, ofxCi (x
lxxxtrllbeat t xxCook}lusei, 'ns
xlix. xxi xiiixixc xi a l Thurda,c. xv0h,
of x xxxiii xxllxcp xshoesx'forie;-llxviteg
mm o ixieixixxixl li
Matt xix lctxxixixx -justi. VWxpnxir
& ,i..:Sxxxtv S. xx-66i
].lani atitmered jewery at osters.
Celebratdi Miartinix Oxlxoloiiix anxd
Guitiars are bet for :mxiixl clubs.
Selmxel e & Soni 10S. MlxxSi. exxd
Ai IR lxxiii ili xxwImpexricxixal Smyrp-
lxivtChrixlxmxxxxgill. Iliepcanxieil lxi
iixie lfr ~lxsi lxxilxixldxiniig
lxxiii, xr xix axtxxxix Ixami xsxire or
at ix rpecxxixxxx titiI Ixxlexx lirni-
xx4, xtiF.. libeyS. xx62-1
Nxxv lnxe of iwaitooctx xxsireeiei.
S'xgxov x&iCxx.. SxtateS. Opieievei-
lFxR)t ~i,EDlOR IZF\NI- Smitihi re-,
vier xndIReingtoinxtvpexx itersxiixxapxlytt
atxroos ihxiiii.pi iTitlxixh S, 6--.-(4!
SeO oiir Comxplte lixe of Mlioligaix
is. ois anxd soxvenir. Halers
Jexverv Store, x26 S. Maistreet od
Pyrography godx at. Fosters. t
If youi are n doubt
about what to give yor
friesnd for Christmnas btuy
a copy of our Michigan
Calendar. It contains
originals drawings ant ux
sepia printing. Its thj
best ever pubishesinil
Ann Arbor.
Price only 25c
The Souvenir of Ann
Arbor atnd the University
recently published by us
is now on sale.
Price 50c
Sitxilx'Streetx MxuisiSret
A New Msichgatn
Scrap Book
Larger an ttteter, 40
leves guaranteed nil
to rome lose
With an s x to picture
(f Pres. Angell, also a
Specisl Piture rate
with Book
It you fail t keep a
Scrall Book of College
tDays, you will regret it
xll your life.
College Pictures, Kodaka and
Photo Supplies.
Amateur Enishing etc.
sporting O~ooN*
Largest collection of orditary
and the otly collection of fine
Michigan Pins
Qutality Best - Prices Right
Michigan atid Fra. Stines.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
2i .:0 St1ats Bt.
cedilulthe guests. of theo S. L. . Thue
alleheSiiixxx oxiuxee nr tnxsiof wlix
lowieredxabxitxoiaxfoot. hue oilier gallery
iinxowsxNvxre eclxised, andilexery xwindowi
Ctixtinig ixife xis t xexpopulxarplaceiorlxx
ladie 1and gentliemienx. Pivaxterxoxomx.)
iui-tox-dte, fir,,lasxsixc eicc. Spiecdihal
ofxlst ilr5.fishi, frog legs.dchps, stexiks.,
chickensiaxxix hetxr ihetiexiiex. Exxui-
ixigs aftiee tieiix6thNewv manixxgetixext.
()3" i5, Ix7 1. F. liii cxxi, 7ugr._
/ 5N LENUS 0
Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more ini the line of cul-
ture. 1 would learn some-
thing abotut mxusic so as to
appreciate good ini u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given -by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Mtay nard Sirxens
i,\*be Ztubents' lecture A sc io
Season of 1907-8
JoxhntTemptlle (Graxes
D~r. Brander Matthies
Leland T. Powers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Opetn Numbher
The open number will probably be filled by
lHon. Win. H. Taft
DUCED -TO - - $2.00
Treasutrer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays
121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randal & Pack, Props.
Phone 508