?HU MIHIAI DAILY Take Home Some Candy Wt' shalt have lots of fresh candy next week and will deliver free any where tn this city, New York Ci, Bosto or hicago. We also pack for ship- mntout xtotadicharge Hugler's, Lowney's and Allegrette's E. E. CALIKINS, Druggist. 24 Suth Stte Street. AMUSEMENTS lhc Majcstic lhcatrc SEATISALEI FOR IBelasco's "Girl of the Golden West" Will open Monday morning December th at McOnmber c Miner's Office 209 E. Huron Street PELRFORMANCE, Dee 19 1907 SPECIAL --AA the THEATORIUM 119 E, Liberty St. "THE CLOCK MAKER'S SECRET" Colored and full of Features Miss Ingalls, Soloist. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsrciptions takenby mail check, draft or motey order. PROO1PT COLLECTIONS AND QIKREURNS. Get stisfationEUGENE ESMITH TIDE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent WITTER.S' LAVNDKY Sadgh aw, Mhih. 0FtICL bit East William Street. Home Phone, 72 Black LAW BOOKS 36th year Dio*Ioatares 36th year loQuiz SBooks l;n Anen Arbor Legal miasllany Ants Arbor CALL.AGHAN ft CO. iCHICAG+O Arm Arbor Brarlaeb, state Streaet. Opposite Law Bis. CA~tNiAR. Detc, ii IPoflBrestr tiill lecture onl "SothilAmerica"in Srah Cawell Angell 11a1l, j0p. lce to--;Pecident Atgel addreses Ino rsi t womtenat 5pn. in Newt- aert Hall tDe to-Ilutrtiedt lecture ot "Sott Anmetrin Scene-.,Iby'Prof. J.I. IBret-- ster Sarah Catwll Angell Hall 8 p. .' Dec.t1 "la Vie a Mari," a talk tb IDr(Chrles P\Wagner, Tapan IHall Iteture room tit4 p. tt. Admti-sot ftee.c lm ,3t-Alpa \tu haquttet t Cnitota Sic 13-" ott t c th atttiqttt et t tti- sale." gieti toIercrete rattatittte rat- Iec t3Itrott Clarettee M. Alir f't °Grtes> o th Poclamtatittiof 173, intta luteIilitig.7 :30p.I Ie Se .1t---Barltiwe Ctitbtirandi, peel- iletiothIe Otaurio, IHitorica socity, will stek it til.l- ui ttltig. 2 p m Dec.t4--IIIha itatctuet. Te. ft-7---- TO iiesiahtl t t e IDtee 17- Ittitititlit (l ttecat lBa ttibtir UNIVERSITY NOTICES hrs lit imtetittg'talicati 4 t'clot- frpa tii iti i-a~ t 71 'itgy . 7 c itt g tel it trakcnites eetingth} rccii0f Wtermatt t viltoat 7:3t tnight.iiIi ltefttslimedi aetal cadida. iett-i gmtontigtt-att7:tile r l rte itie -tdt'o. Van uMeter, Mgr - Soptlt fotba-ll tetm mc-t.intrhattit- tilm, ttgtTlym, tltgt at1:5 s t-t-- I -tic-i" dItt- f o ttoto ilt etta iture.l at Sof titofthset~lltleromimtetttintror-. Proo for, oitim, titie;far the t.ttital Acll lJu'nioriefKit r rsiicsme WtTe tireDeeltai tid'vtt his W011is guit tmIthe -enioetrnal att ipe i1 iHuton Broe. nliignidtreootintidrie,I etigoetc aress.tPipaero bpidt frtwen attiveaed.r est. C12,r114.ti Iiiet if tt1uchianStit 4 pa ithiMedicalsi-etoiCllatdrstht- eitit tttvedty at tle ttplieteateriofthelad Altuae.ookSatrfoyevreniat-Fooer'. 14f -Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what t'e 5s Stein-Bloch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCIIMITI, APFEL & CO. The Great Neckwear [-ouse. I - ~O G SHome Supply Store C" Suit Cases from $1.00 up Trunks 4 $200 up Thl restt litni ofI ti it fre-ht holid t - goods evens placed ttn gale illti ct10e. L . . HOAG bb's For High GradeCade 1coi-i n, - i t iu I ces, 'tint 1 s i e - tt ld , Prozen Liquidl 1I it r orin ilI Iitotit i-. F IY ti ailkinsand IDoiliei Salted NutI t:s, Webb's Chocolates are unsurpassed. 109 S. Mali St. Flat -Clasp Garters -~ for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk1 FLT - ALL web. All metal parts heavy nickelr FLAT plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASP SILK all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., S718 Market Street Philadelphia tatirs f iotJ'ner Sin.id-rs I The clasases 1len danncin~g are now open zA GRANGER'S Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res- idence cnd Academy on Maynard Street. , Y r 'The lttest itt cigarettes, atad gooid ones. tooi-"liehigan Specials'" itliltno-t gtattt"M.l BIlLLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. '12 S. Slate - 3i1 Maynard MOE'S BARI3ER SHOP ?QS North Univeraity Ave. 0. A. MOE. The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Ahoiittli e tt'?/ tlllieel fit lieu ests ageit d efectIs. U. of M. Co-op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE f,, ; ALWAYS AllEAD IN STYLES MIL WARDB, ,'THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THIING IN TAILOR~ING