THE MICIT!tAN DAILY sA T ]' s Y U R gtag If ltt l-t,, i tIll olitii liii GA H R Y U . Intercollegiate Notes. rqie ht1izihsalIesoe CORN ________ illm EA KLY Illiniiiunivit1y has a Sc aninii an th -Iet llvca a soiuti as Neis-k, 101)tin ti cor ( h-a eli arthi The Colege tank Chicag it iiieityhiii 0o cc1 Ihrig hels acde i Starndhir II ite~ e l)Cftri- the Pii lii i tii~eag a nt iiii -a eciaiid in gifts nearlyist 1i antic oat iii iete hardecn and Th tic tr rty ofi aiim5> I h na now C iols lgt dry it the wvork in eas, ff ;t scoiirse ine -pasT tr writinc toi better gather it wsithout is studeiiis. Y r_ furhe de .Fr the( irt tiii- lotaannireei-ii ca T IIs ( VA1 5 \ tnI TOW\\N. tnt ~ ~ ~ ot thre deasing dred ill re(gimeniii tlii oii ASK HOW o ths ca'1F P Stiivain pirseniii the noud filli 4vheC iago iia i te stnilti diiiti ,'C eno & t Gtltterg t ciii ii- it Chi- Soliig. Pt i I ioaii i- at Tory, ptuthe h5lit thet tini-itia press, cilltlc Ca t< i1te te C1 ri li ttse 'e s-elites ok yilohe L o ne the pas wel.Iy Vrn~ n iirih )ct, Bagins in W thT&Dtmns ie n > lei C : te- c i iiit ict t i f tieiii>c' c sfr-tt colg h C n iseeti ti null tinteIttaiiiniiitd.- i - Ann Atdetstine iss t.e M oney o ane tgi t>titnittittleit air e looig thir pat-h lres uew~~- Y.\c 1 h niliing ttisai $akti\-\ctitiitot ciii ec - Co1nty. On Oct______________ 3f. t urueti. ceera th on cr -it u it 1ia~ ri co ch onahe t1 alert f oH e A ty1 LIA[HI-Rc and fift lit hav tacle fit} h IrhkN o Th i -i~i fo n eri on- i . it c I t " por lii ii tlt \n i aili W atch h F o b Jewiieil rytii nail>e.II rae folii s Itwol tagits in Iac e ill m n sl_\cm sinececestac i en is Ii liii>c~c between iit Con l and1 Havrl ltk 111~ itens fm rtm Office ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tit ieiene31iiieryStiililii h toeanllokte gon Pr nn 25 or ceet gan I aeiiilir iii w ith i lll -iii 1c twi I '1 ALL BINES COFDETA solet Ag1t Ca-( nto>~el Soe JOSEPHi C. WATT sien Kin tiat b -,e hathnit the Count. JEWUIRY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rq STOuE 21.. S.hci ShwS i lt>e S e s111 i>tii (r3 >11.1 W ary eeyh - iiiillst tad th Kerec tion t~t 11f1 at liii' cae o h itt-ang in tbelin on the aler itr :\la Betel hitttat Petti Ivni di It lihi Co l tt li Es ~ ~ ~ ~ 1h errt aitid atac Atlei asoc Ptit et-e t aI isa onhi 5 a riuar .t i y ten ofi cnil ',I -t(I'm oI i e olr haceniad C atfin lit-it~~ c uniit}i ~ii liii,. Icata y thr Gce M ACK ( Co. W a t c h o b of till-ol-u 1t t ar teruiiiiiii- S,\1,1% OR REN -nttP Babrfhpsn Bath> Room cit rtotiu t Itiarr wai si ; O 1/ Eanti tePoo alf c t-a1~t o -- t 1111 (1111i oo % 11 1 dc Vc it -~It sl tta iiS Prgati o 2 i he t y intco uni et - t 11 tat~ ittit it nCiiia J .TO ANO K. Prp me vcn iiiii "n for a 11. DRINKiS IN K LIKE A CAMEL ro lad a ConkltiaFouint-ain lien, just dip Iit inay press 51he Crescent-f illes and see it till its own like a tmel slaikititsn thirst. Thatl's ill there oit ! n Noldropper--no nesn--nom bother. Doiiit ONKLIN'SFILLINGPE "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" ed instatntly N.-ithautthItinltast inconveniee. Yoe it with wshitelaid glons o sn swithout latn-;er ut Bestates its cutivetitonee, is the splenid avriths. i the Conirt-thoa perfectfeest. delnaers a tautat-the Coiun. Itftyous diiiestilt, orer s, ~3.00anup. nd aiuit one fandme ntewie-ictaloug. tin Pen Co., .310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio 3anlin &Fiegol listribtors z f men's weatittg apparel We spiecialize in College styles antd [tes tof College m11en who are always rthe latest prouductions. That we to selertin tof Cravene ttes ssary for us to tell yos thtat wselire r L. Adler Gros. & Co's fine linteitf )thing. If vou know clothing yout ,ight inl placinIgfithis eIlbratedl lines ing you need for a complete outfit. At MACK'S f MO0NARCH SIIIRI $1.00 nce Spring Styles, Attachedi andI De- -the Material., antistyles are an goodl trehiase---See themt. I malts St. it I atne5, t-:cia. idca, its M. C A. W. J. LOVRIM Specialts * We intvite }5urittetittolan tr Specials ill me's5suitiligs I See thlem in otr show widowssasoiexamine theml in or 3 store-Ness-iteas asadopteilby hle destesy leaders -Ask others whlat kitnd of clitlte s-atiake WAGNER & CO. Importing Tailors. State Street. Rowe's Laundry The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs THOMAS Rowe, Prop. Gas Study Lamrp&s 444 South State Street ats N. Fifth Ave. eit Ptnt 4; 11-ellIthintt457-L iiiware a steady, soft glow. Jesuns' Progre .m For His Disciples____________ A special lectture ly G. P. CotIgR SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY S Sunday Dec. 15, 12 to 1 :Mk; ioth tii C iCStret ______ i~soo Stta-d~. tOA. . ~-adEasylon the ;eyes. 730 P. M. fl'oderate in price. The Religious Eduncationi Of the t5 r iii lo Cheaper than oil or electricity. Child - WAI KING LOO A series of lectures hy G. P. CoMso Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant (* h etfo~telretasrmat Tuesdays, 7:10 P. M.!lttebatfo hlrgtasrmn. a hnei1t nu r Iitis5 A iii i ii a ti i~s itt All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are free. Students al>it tut.i tis. ut it ixslt-silrssfot and others are cordially invited. atdistnlti I getitt i-titan he A nn A rbor G as Co. ISmal U Stairs, n torS . Htstosn ro., 314 S. Stae St STUDIO-RENTSCULER, 319 East Huron Street