?WR WICWRtCAN !OATLV __________ - !THE MICHIGAN DAILY. . I Widom-ipally Exclusive Styles in 01 eneue's Wear 1xii I tings aii-. Full Dress Suis a Specialty M0 d.H. Wild , Comipally 31 Sothitateo Street Mlanaging IEditor-PAUL .SCOe T MWloxtx. Busineso Manager-C. E. WINSoTA. lt ... ..........A. V. Rithtic lititetict.....DydIF. Steesoco I xctiaiigc.... . t. Jono Wattitol .Atnic andt trama.,.Ro tD. Witch V Ot'itix tiiittr.totixc vati \xrohtcix EITOIAL STAFF T. W. McCndess Elmer C Adoms IlxiiiF A iii NIHTiVD ISTORS Iirant SColy George H. Hobart Chattrteey Boteler B. G. R. Williams Rat'snd iti \ixctix RrPORTR~S L,. C. Reid ee A White A. L. H-ainline Robert Mountsier Loxwel J. Carr tDoaldi L. itney \Vaxiit lx K. 1iitv-c Ixiik Kcaft lci 'I'. Kntit, xciiRttert Morelatnt PauliGreer Satrtel It. xAfris Ol t' toEngetutued . Giodig BUINESS5 STAFF Johit F. Wire Carl H. Adam Ha,-rolxl 1'. (Gituld Atddress: MICHICAN DTY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Managers l-orxs: - s.in., -8 p. m. daily, ecept Sunday. Both photes 96" li.ixaxirarxult,- itto xi icIt he ti mpi r isttlel t tto ile xcic aioi li la i Q in-i rout ah~t . ttlxil i llui l 'it it xi. mten xxiniri ot ltted to 1 t''S"'se t an" 'nd t tix r Itix i itt itt lin - S. o s tof \I-cililic C IIIII xl re tesethe ixexixixi if isieidet: itia Iw id o rsn te tlelolloxc- ito f netcessiityHv ersne xxx litxacliue itrsocl atled ig' I: ixitI thiisttx er eet ox-linlt xi ;I " h atht udent xiihioxiii , orits itutu elec,°dr -p itiuxxiNths xxel ith hi qty-xs luxixof ipol til mt od,.i'liii .xx If i the conixst itun o h eit .th leitc asicia - i io heals to hetteviselet thxxxix e liittnix'clxof ithiexxxiudentaint t theii lxx liiihirt; tutunly cittitititti-x' thin- S x xl iiiCoxncilxe citudeti rxpixseti- way",It posihl ita bttermentii xii lit- iiit piioliiit llff irx. Th li'coinstitutioatxl rciionit xcmtsteet ita mere iit li diussexiby tiliintot xii. andxaccclxiiomiwaxxixfinaxlyagricid upo xattotdescxcriig xofx-x-cixxtcxxt- to . ''ll(i, ibxardl xof ildicitsi s i ntt boud o p.inftiislxCommititeelifiiiit Thereciisi.noxonixtoxxthIstitixi pti t~ xx' 1}iiin ixak ncti and- -x xiixitixof studetl in i tiie lxiii xcix v Anivrisityc Men'siuixxt 0 xxxiii hel latiek xi a tlitas.x it ii n iiiilttiBllxiripieseiti ngx ove ei iiitt i- iii i ittit Iandi colleges, werex present. l ve of t o tiii gs-txxile xxxi ii s ixoitita itationadteoinlgo 1 W h lxItagIi I tixtti l- eI x xx.. l- I xxi"dogeat io xi maysoonC 1 nt general iseh raoni ,......_ . _ _.... _ ..__ ._n , _._ _.. _._._ ..__ .. _ .. . _ . _ w_____ . . , i SlCHOL ,()RIISC'N)AI, At tixirgulaxrc itiixiiiixx itctitig xf iiie Wxomain's xl hialix yestcilat, lxxwo pariies aiidiaxxforcthcominig drxxaiaic ciet I innidisciuxsed, thouxighx xtomiewhlat indeiiteilx.Te ul tiiianxiuccdrcsx patxill b-1hldilx l uainiixx. antheixre willasohi l eapear a nht xx icc forxlii flty. itix "xuciilxxix"Schl for itcan-it dl"il xxiiei' gien by M's. Willixamx IIf- ma lixtndr t uspiceixi f thelIiixgti' } isom itiedingx. the iter. Onei o I li tl ix OF x xI xxttxIxxIt.. ti -c i te lti ri-t t of _litxxxii- aii lxxxc axspi lxetueioi srgryillth Ca xiile' ii , iittleIt iii w lg tra p ttle 'hi5 01';xi lxtothxS - lx, l"C HNxICALtiixii-ii0x Ixl i5 lC>il xy ion ti out Ifromu 7i t ll( x xtimleite xxix. Iur it he of gook itt lxlxxiexcelpt- lx iii-xxiy.atixi xx ii AIt io xi ilixilto i sous;)xx i't thxexiii lxg'h liiwhoii. lhad [I) wix t i t li i.t \CI, V11INI COC -'PUIS xl xiitat colleibu iixcsi-iti xbeginin (If itilgroui)ithat wilt givi ailwwxiii li of ]i( t tb iildi tpl ong tixit it i Gil is Itigin an tt cei h,\ol' VY rkiforix titii descrptiveofitw lxxii lix lid av ben tui ilt to I ii- publ of i-Ai r iona t iti New M('xiico, ii NN-01it m xtre of spllxx tx-c esi.l coti-i- iii xxxi bitt-it etfurni-tut e andx in- teior ittingxix xiii. outithxe1 raianio as xfll- it f ),; ill, i Ittx ii Sxy ixing (c--txeix o xtoxiia;toth sysemif ivc ho liiiysxpiii lItliti ll i tticwho xxiiiktsixtIday tst. i i iit-tx cixiii liin oImpial mit- xix-i.i ui--d itxor tso cas. ibtwen o i n1i- tutu , Iii tiittl it I tixtititx andi lx tr il whxichteatoitk hr ittixi xiexiii)n(, must tno t b:dc ild, ie itp-it thexi rapxid rwt n aurli- ix xx x hruh-ng tt-itt lxx ix xxi liot j Ilrr Ietil" aso harpy c iti ies xxh xiii ittcc sekestheeisi ' no lac xtk. lIhi i t ue ar no ln e flnt l ill the biling ofchrctr cit ther bl"i xi i aboutb ii vliii le t iltane asmoe:ipotatthni i r ut-isias tobte h iriscittCg niitiin xlndibe cxxill Crxii t xitcism iofGerm l i iteirsiti ' rtors toleyrtgooispinFoster's. ncf Visiting Cards Evr one iuses some visiting cards. Why not get the best, illis as cheap as the ordinary printed cards. We engrave new plate and too cards for $1.25. If yon lave your owen plate, 75c per toes cards. We do Stat ioniery Staniping, Wedding An- nouncements and Mono- grain Work. G et o ur estimsates. WAHR' S Bookstores C. [.1Sl r ARMII S[[e Law and Medical Books Treves Anatomy, New Edition, (just received.) Stimnsoi's Fracturesand DIrhloxtatios, New Edit- ios. Morris Anotony, 3rd Ed. all leather, $2.50, hta ll iorocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-li or exclsasge your Law, Medical asnd lDental Books. C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Sate St. Largest collection of ordinary atsd the oily collection of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Qualityx Best - Price Right ichixgan anid Frat Sisses WM. ARNOLD, Jewler ,S2 S aitiStt ecan &Co.4 A. G. ,K>.- & BROS. - Tfhe argeI M vanuaausers in the W'srld ol-isus Athletic Supplies Base')tallIloot Ball, Golf, Lawn lexi a,.xikt Ball, Hiockey Oxorx iixiiiooTack ad FieldSpots Itolo xix o xSports. Spalding' sadisomey td ' t :of al1liisports isontainosixu- .tt ao .tx x Sandforxit. -t'sixree, 5i. 1,Ii AtstN6 &A BROS. -. tut, x ii '). Wit;.ii utswati raii' ii, )Wi i xt lts~tii Chwxxi axti,-. tii- xi i - ii. s Ciie. Clevieland, rxx ii iix t .x iot ux uat.(xxCaada. I dI~ iI~ -H Im s xbr mm EA\BuLuu 1J0E U. OF- M.0 J= S JOE OKI F'lusic I I~I Cbe ztubents' 9lecturekasociation Seasaon of 1907-8 Every day one bears people say Il I were ins college again, I would do umore ino tie liuc of cusl- tune. I wosild learts souse- sling about mstic so as to appreciate goutt iiliss i c when I hear it." Stuodents of today cer- tainly have splenidid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of ninsic are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Msynard Stre-et i Johniss'IFelnple Gtlares Dn. lBratidehr Miattlienvs Lelasid T. Poweers Opie Read Oruatorical Contest Open Nisuber- The open number will probably be filled by Hion. Wmn. H.Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays 121 ashIngaton IF. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pak Props. P'hone 598