CO LL E GE S T YLE S CALENDAR, HENRY CO. D~cc y- ss basl~ndl givies sixth S. Where will you find style at its top-most L,. A. entertainment. T IOLSHg ls pitch' In the great universities, to he sure Dec. 9-Dr. James IR. Moore, proles- FURNISHERS Toliw Cl Merchandise The college youtth knows-fashion as the sor of sugryiteUildersit o Iin-B TTERSI i I Popular Prices . / n~~~~iesgta,ne meia bulig 8p. . small bioy knows the farthest corner of thetDec. to-Prof. ircws;ter will ecture Lts tlsRglSosSeOa 5Bo jai closet. in "South America," in Sarah UCsell Lts tlsRglS osSe0" 5So 'College Clothes' is a phrase which fals Angell H al, S ofL wR ldn trippingly from scores of tongues. Many Angetl addresesc Drcl ot fLwB2l~~ Unvriywiomen, at 5 . in, in Nes- 709-711 NORTH 'UNIVERSITY AVENUE tailors claim them-mighty few produtce Wberry Hal. thett. ecurc on "South We invite you to ''size''us up- your Amierican Scenes, y Prof. JI1I Besw- THE PICKWICK sier, Sarah Casseell Anigell 1I b i. ii a d nd B w ng P ro Autumtiatnd Winter woolens ready inbyDChreP.\aq TpanBl the freshest weaves and "classiest'' colorings. Perfect tailoring at leire rooim at 4 Admission free EvryhngD" ts-lhaXis banqut t Uiioversythtng of the betand the est for o. Fine line loertcerce-tats ur.of Pipes(Cigars Tobaccos and Utandies.Cttthe habit. moderat price-that' ours.cliibihiuiieFoirteen Isoing tickets hor $1.99. +, - Dcc 1ma SomreetDr ainatisise ct Mus- ctle"i ihvbCerle lDraniatique Cri- S. Kotteznstei ells, i SaisahiCasiselI ngel icall at S Merchant . - I Tailors p a i Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. DeI 3- rf Caene l.Avodo v hel t icsisity iof Illliois steas tn "Gtisso f l theP icliiatiioniof i763 118 E. Liberty t. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. i14lac bildiiiss7Ciic0er. icnlii a' a I W .Ii1 I1 itec.i 14-arl ow sirss C ioeIncoes t isill steak ini the tsla iiiuildiig, - t. in. lec. 14-Alphlil anut.siThe (HOme of C LOTINGI fSuits. Overcoats, A M UE M ET S lec. i6-17-"Thse Mssal' 'at fle IRaincoat high schoeoaunditoriuns. Good Clothes DR.1-Jno i actBrorancToutser Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor 1heMacst l hcatrc UNIVERSITY NOTICES 1k eijstic l suior itsoday t 4 W ebb's For High Gra3de Candies SEAT SALE FOR oclock ini Roioms C, Universits Hll.____________ aim itiet ct pgnsMosnday t 7:30 Gil-tle CeamtFutt cisPunches, herbetsIFroe Liquid its Mgr. favsor-cflo all OsccasionsIFanes Napkinis and Doles Sashed Bejasco' Ssiiior etgieer Ibasketbll 1caniidiates Ntutses recpicit irpractice ci at Ii \liion 1ay at ~TT4P~ 7 p. ""i.T3-1lee "Girl of the Golden West Candcidtes lice reshlt 1skt sctill Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. teamitmetetact s m sMonday at 7:30 Riharlcon, Nlgr. freslh lit mieetng clled at 4 o' clock Tuesdlay, Roomt C, UniterstsIllt; it Will open Monday morning December 9th at sori f clon comsisitee. MeOmber & Miner's Office "209 E. Hluron Street 'l Ciiversiiv girls whohe snsot ri- Carriage and Baggage cicectinvitationsito cithe fcceisnsreaidoeciCopei uttrs urto re eutested ti cacll sp Alss Mtaitgasrci before 12i cleoctk $1.50, after 1? co l 5tcgch,452 orMis AlientHol, 7lJ'$2.00. PERFORMANCE, Dee. 19 1907' tgil,42 rMs lcn c t7i ____________ For eacih Trunk to oe rorts tor, the 'The sale f sets for he "Messiahs"to IsADErtc eitibe 25 Cents, It carrisditoci ARCADE~cfrnt np-stairs. le price witt ho be it en tchsie Choral ULionisic . c6 sAN 5 en. __________________and 17.iwill Ibegins iMonday lDe.c it fircarr a ^ Z]Daissguae ansd baggag rqi etscletrsr lti Seich ol sf NMsic anti st Brownsa CLUPECO SRUNK URRSZEw iccs iv it drug store. CO LLAR..wusAtIN&CO 18CS Es Ane;2 aR2 EN TrS WATTLiS' LIVEtRY. CLUETT. PEAETACOt. MAKRS O LT SATSs ________________ SPECI.A.L ekt the Portrait frames at Foster's. tii- T HE T® V Since 1888 we have made Watch Re- pair nema of our strongest features E L E C T R IC IT Y 119 E. Liberty St. Italer'. Jewelry Sore, 216 S. MainW "THE CLOCK MAKER'S SECRET"f!sred,. eod Colored and full of Features. Miss Ingalls, Solost. Celebrated Martin Mandolis and Suspplied to College Men tend Guitars are best for nmusica clubs. women for All Pxxrposes.VW Sesaeberle & Son, ito S MaimsISc coild________________________ Fo al A v riin e.. Two dollars inures you against all W S TN W LG T&'O E O Por Daily~uvertising Rates... oss by fire. Geo.. J. Haler & Co., WA H E W LI T &PO R C . AdresBuins Mnae, o.8 Pes uidigReat Estate and Insurance, 26 South 200E&.s wshigtozn Street AdrssBsnesMaae, o S rssBiligMain street tf Subrciptions takenby mail-check, draft or moley order. All late books foc rent at Fosteros. tf [OR DAILY ADV[RTISING RAES KEEP YOVR DATES GENTLFMEN-When you wamt the Adres Buiiess Manaer No. lieyerryitng ascopy f the MItCHIOGAN ose itiPosblrobyal e-'ess Buildinig HANDBlOOKt in your pocet. Space for en- be-a esit i osbeoby aloranda alendar, special erents,Uniersity PROflPT COLLECTIONS AND mainaitul, the ind that fit- andithuehecardar in this i60 page bso. Given away T QIK RETURNS. correct shades, go to Purfield's 'Shoe Sbsctriptions taken byt iil, crtik. raft or to students at the Unversity V. M. C. A. Mc- G Ic1L1)1iLfLc tJ1 EUGNE SMITH Store, mmq S. Mai St. We sell hose money odrr Millnl.. toe to 50c per pair cheaper than furnish- T HE S TUVDE N TS' LAUVN D R YMA N sng giotds stores. 54-61t Agent WITTER' LAVNVDR.Y Sa.ginsaw. Mich. I tOFFICE it East William Street. Honme Phone, 72 B~lak'Contimnuous" alleys arc -s built rigt in the boslitmpeLA CAS GRTR rooma; are solid and last- FA LS ATR tog aidleelis slttud eiteott t are woes annually on 4000,000 legs-the mossoular arters fr mE '' 0 senas wear. The patented flat clasp bings comfort- -he secret is in table. We ave no "se- I its on-binding, non-irritating hold. It's as fat as a theen of paper and to a ttiallys. holds te sock as smoothashe kin. Made of pure silkelsaiie webbing. tional"All metal parts of heavy shkel plated bras. 25 cents "Bair, all dealers LA W OO KSor by mail prepaid. For those who prefer a cord grter, we offer 360h year Dictionaries 360hyear I BIGTN GATR I- Qixla ook. lIn ILL IA RDSSO WLI NO. LUNClt, RIHTNiARER Ann rbo Le l Mscalane AnnArbr CGARS C N D1 ES , OBACO.The neatest, easiet and most comfortable cord garter made. The Amo Aror Le~1 Mscllay mosArbr IOAS.CANIES TBACOrubberdamodhods wihavice-like griphat will never slip. Will .=r2 S. Stat . E11 may"na otiinjre he finest hse. The smallest, smoothest flattest grip ever CALLAGHAN 0.t CO. used ott a cod garter. Firiest quality webbing. Metal parts heavy CINICG.O OVS BRBER SHOP nickel iatedbeaas. ENc aad 50c apair, all dealers orbymail prepaid. CHIAG MO'SBARERpIONcER SUSPEND-R C O., 7108 Maret St., Philadephia. uAssArborranosh. StatesStreet. Opposite LwBld.u 75North Umverslty Ave. 2teaofPimser Suispder. O. A. MO.___________________________ AL WAYS AHEAD IN ~I~ T ~ ' A lA THE BEST OF EVERY STYLES IWILJWARtIITIJ, JUL LOT~IING I N TAILORNG