THE, IIDAN1ATLY yy/XYLY.HMYY =WUN IM4 '+Y-R 'k% .'. +' . w_' n6'w.OC'cww+ s- 'Y+wW Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifield ['06 & CO. EASTHURON ST. Do you want $2.70 worth of Y Call at our store and learn the particulars of the Sanitol Chemical Company's great introductory affer, tile great(est offer ever made in toilet pt pooh ns. Ten artiefrth y oe price of 4 BROWN'S DRUGC STORE 120 U. Libety St. ALARMI CLOCKS $1.00$1.50 $175 All h 0 tnm eI an tlyo I i~t ed MICHIGtAN PINS ANI) FOS 25c up to $5.00) FINE WATCH REFPAIRINi A SPECAT. 55 alaS Ipcorfor Iethe A. Arbor Rti ran 3. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN 5. Brach 3111S. StteSt. Golden Septure THE SMOKEL O COMFORT COOL AND MILD 3 Packages for - 25c R. E. JOLLY 30R ttttllt State ta oat- MRIS. J. R, TROJANOWSKI IfASHIONABLE HIAIRDRESSEV lair (Goods, lHairdesosing, Shampoig Manicrn, lac MssagesaSpcaily. 22 S. State St. (l:al>41 a. Bell Phone 3- BANKS TII[ FAMERIIS AND MCANICS BANK MAIN ANDHURiliON STRtEE~TS capital, 5,05, Surplus and Profits, $6,00 General Bakinig Busiest.. a peen-et pail asn'isae asdSainsaDiepsit. Safetyle posit Baes torentat V.0tadsutpwrsi t. pmpyr, Pes. W. C. SEtVNS. Vtae-Pr .H E~ECs..t.A ILAHAs Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bak aital stck, $50,000. Surplus, $2t0,ttt iResorces, $2,200,000 A General Banking Business Transated atrelcost Chas. E. -hiscck, Pes.; X. it Hlarriman, Vice Prs. A. J. FPetiCashie STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jos V. Shehans Wm .Arnaid D0.V C. Vaugan i. If. Wade E. .lls Jahn Ha re J'aao Karh raf. B. S. Carloart " HeryW. Daugia Christian Martin Dias P. Zaimmermn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN Annon, MICH. Prep. Vice-Pes. S. It". CLARCStON, Cashtier. ctipital, *iltoott. Surtplus anti Eatoita, 0004.000o0 t.;NIVE'RSI'lY O tINlIIANA USES PiRINCP'O)N PLAN Atar tial adoptition ofthe itaPrinceiato preceptorial plan istnowtsbinig advocated at teCUniversitvyatfItdiana. Dr. Rtob- ertJ. Ale. iteadottrfessor of mattit- matttics, tas intitiltiutdteanatwthtichi to ay Ia t~ it-c- iort-a -ari assae-s.rc- til ttti tat r or as awek itt ttere-gutlar intotverysm hll ttetirsan e~tthesiet It is- ProAti e'-s e.xper-iecth ltat att- tt-e atbje-rt bitre a latrge cassit.. Il atitali a-siaec tilt ttta tuets faa-Iretot (Yomito alttail cirotta-rrthe ttir traoitle- InIv liiel i o-. italbettttita itt alttndit Ftor p itaof tiat tsalttforaThePit-Giti If va tt t tt -Chitmtii asrt, .cali att Cttitttill tr l.rmC- .0 006S. ;ftte. tf FiNE CHitCt-IEN SUPPERS. Strcat attntitngiventlotptrivate ptarties ttae CiilIiftontHoas,Witmtore Lake. 'i artttcater tanrintg, yacihtittg. skating, iae-boiattaing, tttt suppeir-patiesa. Spriat chtikti a-ilwt ays lserivlidt-htettor- ditrrd ti I t~r tt etasiornt-ristciali patrtiesa ttlIr.11and1Mra. Ja-. . Burket Hiatdad omeread jewelry at Foster's. Alarm claocktat at rati bfr aone acar, $too. I l l is Jewltry Star, 2t6S. laiitstrel. rai Christmas ,SuggestIars Neckwvear Lotunging Robes Tel initg tt Suspendiers House Cotats Suit Claes H osiery Night Shirts Utuitra lits Shirts Pajamas hat Collars Mtufflers Glittea Scarf Pills fancy Vests llalka1-i- a ClifButtons Boys Ovrcotats loi- i Will COnitiliuc to give 20 per cent off ott tll at -tt a 10 itty, it topltoreI t aat-cit (-MRTit lOir \OINII(N I4irtai ltt - cio~ S-Ti)ftENT S CGROiWS YE 1. 'ltaitla t i t - \\t<-- T eices ofth ii a r ttver i-itt, a- l ol &t. C. traion sh wsa at-t ajitatitytaf tat a 11 dtti lone Vow tanincrease oflt. itelit.t Chtttty trt II :IllcpItlc c at tct lt.( S t u liar [I- (111101 - Suits, Overcoats and Raini Coos. ,V 110ild atnay SI~r~ebker olWue t O 1 I-: -ense It e.ithetat It / idet tilt taforr-Kllt rl ;filationsti-atichlaeigot sore s 'lia a tarto roll and i Izvll i. l 17111 it' 216 NiManitreet,111eod IWATER-PROOF COLLEGE SilO The '_ ill Il l i l l l't' :'ICIIII),,I. fi t l -l 'it11 1111 ,t1l1 «1tl II111till thilatltacII- \111 , f-i ll thela- IWalkoOverShoe L.AR(GEST QUICK REPAIR SHIOP IN CITY. )I1 It C ~s ITOMOttROWll It t\t1i-NtI. pT 5tilohttt.. t I il t l l al 7HartSehaffier & Marx 74IaI Iaol