fW'R NTC!IUIAW OATL Y THE MlICH-IG.>AN DAILY. G. H. Wild COffpall aagn dtr-ALSc o DBITORS The Largest Stock . . .A. F. Ritchsie in tte City ts. .. . . . . . . .. of Athletics ..... David F. Stevenson t '.cltattgc .......1.jolts Wambotd M 'sc and Dranta . R..oy D. Welcit Exclusive Styles ill ttstcnt I Editor. . .. Louise Vat Voorhis WOOLENS For Gentlemenl's Wer F',verythtng requtred for Soitts, )\eots , ~aaney Vesttngoso d Issssectp so d of htgh class i hers 5andspecial styles. Full Dress Suits a] Specialty G, H. Wild Comfpanly 3t11 South State Street You Cakn Give Mic higa~n Calendars to vottr frtends attd be as- sured thtat thcy will }rove acteptale gifts. Tihe cal- ettdar all throtgh is a be-aut far altead of att,- before made. It come. strotslI~ oxetd at 50oc each AT Skehan & Co. Student Bookstores J c r 1 I J C I I I I C EDITORIAL STAFiF JW. McCandless Elmer C. Adams J1alho F.,\Vsrz NIGHT EDtTORS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymontd Visscher instruction in Indtlatta siniversity. While it is easy to see that a vs t expese svtstl Itheettailed by a gentecatlttse of thr method. it is een easier to prose that the expense wousid be mustch less; closec association of stdent and po pofessor is one of tse greatest seeds in atny schttotl. Andt shere instrttction ot coitmoonly fails is in teachitng too mttheb knosriedge, and not enoutgthabtotth te approvetd, easy wsay of gettitg swise. ManetttuppercltssmnsethIere at Ml'togtn are perfectly telpless before a tsk be- cause they (It not bcowos tot go abtot it. Thtat catt he lea~rnted toly bsy seeing thowsscholarsedIth teir swork. 1t cotttd he learited most qutickly Iby thse cltte 'aeeoeiatttot]tossible t inte preceptorialt svstert The chtitgcesintsh~e ssay tf cottucitng histttry clseses intthte Uni- sersity ttis year are in thse rigttdirec- tti. We hotpe toseeit tittttttIu thteter rt tiithe.tearfuststre, tiDAILY TOi)PRINt CFRIS'l'i\IAS I , tLTRARY SC utPt(MFN't A\ Christmst litterary supptlemtettt (0 Thle IDaily still be psiblieshesd Sday, I is E 1 f C C G T I I i "stPORMttS C. Reid A. L. Hainline Rn Lowell .J. Carr Dol Walter K. Totters Letts T.I .tniskert Ft 1"al(.r Sa(tt Otlo } ogel tFt Lee A White J. IH. Prescott )beet Mountsier said l,. Kitnney Lottis Kraft .lbert Morelandl tttel H. Morris resd F. Gostdingy BUtSINESS5 STAFF John F. Ware Carl H. Adam pubictiationt is te estdttofthescttt- Itarottt P. Goultd Itiedttlsronge of 'lse tait ttstttge- Address : MICHtGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,15mett anttthte rttetoticsdepartmsent. Thte Maynard Street. list tofecttributttrs wilt intclude a nm Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. tai. teenOffttrtter etditttrseof te tnlattter. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 1C-ntrisbts fotr ttettatper isay he 96o, sttbttittetd byeanttteconnttectedtowitte - I tt~Uiversityttt ttu t tethansded itt by '"Tutsdasy, Dec. to. Mantuscritsemost its signetd tnd sttddressedto ttLee \ACWhite )t.Noets 'Thasyer street. StNDiAYo, tDI(CC.MBCER 8, o -1907.____ se.corctt.'S OPeOntta-ttet. I iF tQt.T ISCI) BYTY. M1C. .. WVithlthItsapp~ontmnttoef tetttliticae- 1efrtftttttttttttt tee bIthelt-gathtering at I The ((tw(o I ehanoge itt te basis of te Uiiimyesterdlay. it isttttted tht Y . sA.resbersisip, swhereby toett a Iuc nee dedsi nsitent fetepsrilir ssihttasenost chttrcht temnbers mtay ie itt is dt isitels star tetd. The Studenst tkenttos:5 thessciatisossas sdefeatied P tttscil shouldt no taksse tsp te matter tita tt e tIcent:Wshington oentiison. sss