TER MICHIGAN DAtLY HOT DRINKS Hot Chocolate with whipped creamn Hot Coffee Hot Vigoral Hot Beef Bouillon Hot Chicken Brothl c Hot Clam Broth10 Hot Lemonade Hot Malted Milk Hot Tomato Bouillon H-ot Egg Malted Milk Hot Egg Lemonade15 Hot Egg Chocolate Hot Egg Flip15 Hot Egg Phosphate IHam Sandwich 5c Chicken Sandwich ioc Friedcakes served with Coffee Wafers with all other Drinks Ei. Ei. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMIENTS lhc ajcsic lcatr 1 Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to K~law & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time. as to the advancement of the theatre. CALENDAR tDec. 7-,'iedical society receptioni atdt (ance, Barbour gymnasitta, Dec. 7--Y. M. C. A. tanquet. Decc. io--tlltstrateit lecture on 'Soutb' American Scenes, by Prof. J. H. Brew- ster, Sarab Caswell Angell Hall, 8 p. m. Dec. ia-Thu Vie a Madrid:' a talk; by Dr, Charles P. Wagner, Tappan Hall lecture room at 4 p. in. Adnaission free. tDec. 13--Alpha Nu banquet, at Union clubhouse. Decc. 13--"Soiree Dramatique et Musi- cale.' given by Cercle Dramatique Fran- cais, in Sarah C'aswell Angell halt at 8 1Dcc. 17---Juioc lit (lance at Barbour1 gymnasium. UNSIVERIT NTICES 'lhe regular monthly buminess meeting of the' Woman's l.eagtue swill be held today at p. im. at Baurbour gymnasium. All canelietates for 1910 engineering basiketbialt team report for practice at gyminasiumt Mondauy at 7 p. in. Bellamy. Meeting of the New England clb at Micttigan Uinion clubhtouse at 7 o'clock shartp tonight. FPiery "Yankee" out. There weitli e a regutar meeting of the Omega Pthi literary societe at r p.m., and~ all memblers are reiquested to beiog their tioes for absenceo. Mrs. A. B. Stevens witl speak at .Ne . betry Hull Sutday at (1:30 p. it., at thte unioniveting- for womtent, on "A Fa- .eiiu', Woiatiof the Bible." Alt University ginls -whtohavie neit re- ceivedinvmitations to the freshttant spreadl a rc reqfiesteid to call tip Miss Mirgaret Steglicti at t132, or Miss Alicent I tolt 781iJ. isihop NVilliais, if iDetroit, bishiop o f the eastern idiocese of Michigatn cf te f'.?piop vtictrchi, wilt stpeak Suntiay miorniing at 10:30 o'clockcint St. Andrtew's chuirchi, itider the autspices of the H obaurt G ttilIt. LOhSTl-Laurge gotd signet rintg it-1 itil .F.Bi. Fittder rettrnt to 723i S. 2tt. Reisarid. F0 0tRtN T--Finely appinijteid clib roonits, first liior, six large rootts, steamt lieaii, tioilet, etc. Just thte thitng fioe so- ciety ieeting,,, contventtionas aidtd cancittg piarties. Rettreasiinable. Inqire oi W. it. \urreay, over Gserian-Amiericant Savintgs tiaink. Biittphtines 538.fxi-63 If yiou wat a Chtristmtas presetnt, call at ('toting's Pharmnacy, 336 S. State. tf Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and cold, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand. strictly what .s % Stein-B loch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO.6 The Great Neckwear House. *-flT'f ome Supply Store _PE UI=U05 and 10c Stores M cM Suit Cases from $1.00 op Trunks " $200 up Tite largest line oif cleatn fresh holiday goods even ptlacedti Ol sale itn this city. E. ex. HOAG Web's For High GradeCade tie Cream, FrtiftIces, Puneches, Sheihets, Frozen L~iquid Farors for tilt Oeeasions. Fatneys'apkins and Doilies Salted Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main. St. The getup , .IrĀ° triglicato of the clsp = ae ttiofe is uiey iits prtye'silkw.~iei flfit-tteetttlyiiin - The patierns ace lutelyitlatela.pgareter' niw, exeiiiotce-vari- ois.'the ighitwi. Mitli- '3, ~'ely enough ito satisfy ois of eeuknoiw itis-biiy Y i evirytiody. All mtal paris iheni aind near them. Tbe wear are i;f heavy nickel-plteid brass. is there, anti they cost wnit ater If yoiur feater tin't supply yin, a a pair. Remember it,.pair ilt ho mtt ipoit receiptpricp e. POIRSSPENDER COR.7i8 ARKET So., Pot.O. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HANDSOME HOLIDAY BOXSS MAPKEER S of PlANEER SUSPENDERS SPECIAL ehi* the THEA'TORIUM 119 E. Liberty St. Mtauide Miller Bissell-Voie Placing. 6 'Tie Cuittiitg astbthioti0es 428. sat-tf "6THE CLOCK MAKER'S SECRET " Colored and full of Features, Miss lngalls, Soloist. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsrciptions takenby mail-check, draft or money order. PROIIPT COLLECTIONS AND Gc'tSatisfac iolf QUCK RETURNS. EUGENE SMITH THE S TUVD ENTS' L.AUNDRYMAN Agen~t WITTERS' LAVNDK.Y Saginaw. Mich. OFItCE 6tt East William Street. Borne Phone, 7.S Black LAW BOOKS 36t1% year- Ditionarie s j36th year EraQOu=SBOOkis J lo Ae Arbor Legal Mbisoellany jAnos Arbor CALLAGHAN tomCO. CHICAGiO AmSIXIArbor IBra1mob State Streat, Opposlte Law 1Bldg. Portrait frames at Fosters. Two dollars insures you against toss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Real Estate and Insurance, 216 Si Main street. GCENT1I,EME1N-Whien you want tiest hoise it is possibale iitinby-all4 oaun kttit, the kinidItat it--and correct shtaides, go to t'urfield's S Store, IiF9 S. Main St We sellI toe to 50c per pair ctteaper thaan furn intg gooids stores. 54-f Ostermoor 'Mattresses it all sizesl 0o1 haul for promapt delivery. MtI I taller's F'ur. Stiore, I i2, 114, i16it Liberty St. 37- LUNCHELS DELIIVERED YOUR ROOM. tPhoine : Bell c. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCH CIGARS, CANDIES. TOBACC s12 S. State 3 11 SAyl MoE's BARBER SHI 7011 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. I The elasses In dmacig are unow open s at GRANG ER'S Join ony Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock, Office, R~es- idence ond Academy on Maynard Street. I house 7 lobs- The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen a No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Absoltetjguarianteed for twogear namstohdefects. U. of M. Co-Op. D~AWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE * u ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING3