I GAT HER YOUR P l 11T1 S 1,1) 5 hIIIRhR I() SRI) II)I11)" II.SNQII'1FIA NDI)'IISII I CORN EARLY If gathered before the hf~osts of sreqcoit harden arid dry it the work is easy, het~er' gather it without furthiei delay. ASK HON IQUARRY'S C1 iiornr l '71 t.an N i dv.in Money Loaned On Watchesaods, 'Law 1ooks or other persoal 1property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches,& Diamonds Office at residence 131 RLiberty St Ann Arber flours: 8 1130 a. Li, 1toe4:30 a d 7to JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST L EATHER-I Watch Fob (Cmitinccdftom tageOnec.) N ow rwhat isotposedI to bh on101a1 o1)it it' First: etke eway the note. o1 the g1'01h71717e direct or ont purer- student nt-t ters, hecaute ltie islabusig it; hut rote htimt tlltte totter ta tnof personttlity ttt exorci-e ottlte toatrttItt lint of dttperior knowledotge, Itcrsttili itttd he- guietbl. 'Iicotwil.let tihe 7students1 eott trtli tith thte hb iiett of full iitfetrmtititi. political plety of these stutt(Imem-ct i far fromittbeingte oite caustt of7 poitca 711110 iti lltt e I til t 71711 171os.11717 tis till el Smeand oter ll--. for tii 11Ito 11707111)s 1171le t e c essity> 71 ofI tem llt.ind tirtol e neceity'1of01tre ame11enlatIlready propoled001 on711the t vote I t1117171117i711ress1--i llage :Ailer. 1We lcoe~ll'-Leona 1'Belser. R sl ns -I l 71177111 M 7117117117 711111 C11 171 171717lea or itt11'111 11711 T h h-hiiasWas INiIc). '7171 11771 " 7 At in ,1 i i 1711 711 711171 Acaem wllme tilve1}'T111sa11an 7171717171 ils can 1 on1-1171'' 711111dur 7111 trtl".w t "l1 esn . Ih l vet 711171 - const71 itt e onli ter m.1th I111 717t71o71 1,0S1 ;z- ink~,11 ; I cll, :1tIllilt (tl lR~ar~i 12 0 l1-1111 l I DRINIS.INK. LIKE A CAMEL To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just clip it in any i nk, ipres the Crescent-Fitter 'tnt sec it lill 171s own The College tankc like a camel staking its thirst. That's alt there Standard is to it! No dropper--no mess--no bother. D)o i nwhr- ny ie CONKL IN'S FIL LING PE;N "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" can he filled instantly swithout the least inconven10017.Tinu could fi11 it with white Rid gloves on w~ithiot dange-r of coiling. Betsides its c:-osenience, is the spilenitid wtit ing qua lilies iof the (Conkliin-thle pefect feed. Leadtieg dealers haottle he Ckian. 1717110ou 71111177111not,0rder dirct). Pic-s,$300 a n p dat at oni efoirhanom17lle 0ne1711171717171 The Conklin Pen Co., 110 Manhattan Bldg'., Toledo, Ohio Theniiw fall line of college nods i now, complete with ftle, cholicest and most variedii iew thilngseer shtown. RRt i',, C(-,jtIS & T Fttr, draw'youtr partictilar -attention toithefir suerh 11)117 .of tew designs fin Manhattan Shirts. Men's New [Call Gloves sot all leading makes Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear A lull variety of inew styles of these world -fanotis hIt s to seleet fi-om1. Stetson. Carlton, Howards. M\en s Fall Caps, pi ices fromi 7171 tip. Keule, Cordlin 76(010 'Fiegel. At MACK'S $1.00 IflE MONARCH SNIRIT$1.00 Ini the Adv-ance Spring Styles, Attached aiid De- tached Ctiffs-the Materialis aiid styles arc as good as $1.5(0 xili purchase-set themn. MACK fti Co. Maim St. [E ONDIIOn Watclos, 1)i rmonds, )c 1111ti-p 07171711171 High Class( laitel aiid ('715110,e1'l-ee 1z t 'I I It) it-I Ii til Ittl711111 tut e io-1 12,1 a1 071111t.r 1)(1-? s i- u11 1' tun 1l I 71'II leo St rW 1 17 1 St. ;- - ti t tt l ' 71-ec al c~ 1p -- l ll re i itl I..a lO l 1111171Itiit. 1111171 iI) 11 . 1It1 dil W , ts _ih- Py rography) goodss at Fostcr' tfi I(1t 12 '17117111-S<3. !t>> ll1 _1 1 )7 1 1 Sih Ills t--a w'l711rprll 7 'Ill-il te> -ai 717 V ft. 'lo lo 11') ti.711u17 54-171 1 ed 171, such an ,111171) thatNvcn 1710p Do you appreciate the fact that there is a difference between the merchandise we sell and the goods kept in the average men's furnishing store? Many old graduates testify to it every time they return to Ann Arbor, our customers know it, we know it, Trade with us and you will know it. Men's Furnishings / 0-0 S tt t Men's Hats o 3335 .Sat t Men's Shoes W a gQ s ig of the big white Shoe. TheAnnArbr BbleChars Rowe's Laundry The nn rbor Bibe Chirs THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 444 South State StreetI 32 NPFifthAs-c, G S tudy L am ps Jesuas' Farewell Talks to His Disciples INre°s'11) 711 t 130a '''°"F''- In isisx-e a steady, soft flaw. A special lecture by G P. Coiiic 'SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY, Sunday Dec. 8, 12 to 1 711)71 th tate Stre)et _______CiassaSatursday, 10 A. M. wind Easyon theeys. 730 P. M. M'oderat in price. The Religious Education of the Owsemhyqt~lltty0)711, Cheaper than oil or electricity. Child ------ iS LO A series of lectures by G. P. COLlE'Chines Chop-NeyRsauat 1.00on~te a'ot sotr~it Tuesdays, 7:iO P. M. Cineaseop- OSut' etat urat GoihebstllI-thsOi~stasoto: All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are free. Students al kin0d. 1e1t11117hi1 fT-lic17171ss Ti and others are cordially invited, clie e andntl lac-theiAwn A-b-lbG asCo. Up Slirs, lne dor S. Huis tBrs~ 314 S Stae St STUDIO-RENTSCULER, 319 East' Huron Street