YHZ ~e~ttSAt I5I1~ -~ --_ If IT'S FROM CAL(INS' IT'S 60OD Har. Wte Sop, - 0e Tooth Brushes Hard aterSoapl~c Every brush that we sell Common soaps don't lather at ?i~e to 40c is warranted well with city water. not to shed. Sanitol pB Twel 'lake the Sanitol ofler,12. 70 Rub -dry B t ow l worth for $1, and you can use all the prseparations. Nto other cotton towel is as Ask us. good. 35 cents up. Register Here So that your friends can Wash Rags, 5c and 14c. find you--and get a calen- dar. E3. 3. CAL KINS, Druggist. 324 South State Str-eet. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Firs-year girls will report at once for mteasurement for gymnasitum soils, t0 to 12 every morning, at Barbeur rTe( 'test getneral meeting of the Deuttsclter Verrin is cailledI for Tuestday tinBRnote C, C. If. All msemiters arc utrgeti to be presenl as mtatters of irm- potneare scheduled. FOBRERlNT-IDesirable frot sttite' wth ittalltotderntcoinveientces. 503 14., \Madlisont, stie bllctkfruits aistpis. 5-6 lPleasanst 'sttite at 54T Chusreh street; site btlttk east tof enginseering btuildling. y-6 11)51'-Lutictit tf keys, Satait'sIseatd seal sit rittg, isetweets West fll ande N. un'iftersity. Rettit to DAsttYs tfflce. Pyroigraphly gtosstlast Foster". if FfO11 RENT-large house suiiable for a frateritts sr sorority. See IH. J. lurks', LaweeeBllosek, corner Annssansd Iltssrtft streets. I-6 Youts essae at'afess'disses iby cuminsg to siefis a \Michifgatn pennsaiss. Lynsdons 70N. I is ersisi aveisue. S FOR11RENT-Six-rssiisscettage very ch ts' usiissminteesfromsiscamipus. In- us1ie l054 Chusrchlistreet. 3-6 XNNOUNCEMEfNT. We wi sheltoiainnossiice lie all studients dsriui statiinery, that see are the sole agens'of thecerlebsraiteidBrowsn, Eager C I ill Cu., ofi'Toledos, Ohio, anidl have sit tasse a lite assortmieint of the latest dsigns (f 'liiciigais stationery. Give us a call 'isisWe vi' ll1 sitsour lest to pleseoeut. \Ve are als in a iositions to fusrnish fraiteriities wsiths their fraternsity lisper, haig sislisissd aifillsheel of(tiles iii every raetritiy.excelledl fy no iens in, else counitry. As stissensi wee solicit stirr tradle ansilwounldlbe glasd Ioliner yits rail isis is utu loosk our stock uver for y'isrelf. Typteswritinog asnd srisstisig netesly situ correcty dne. Jislliffe 8 llitusiflter. seer Co-opi~. Boisthipsones. coil Ousr sees fail Sphisnx $2.00 hate are in andis awitiysour cominsg. Correct styles. Fred W. Griess, curlier Liberty and Fouirits aveue. cod 1-6 Our Best, Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand 'strictly what .Ai~ Stein-.Bloch Tail oringd alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCHMITI, APFEL & CO.9 The O reat Neckwear House. LIKE CUT, FOR75 Good enough for anybody. Over five thousand useful articles at cut prices. Why pay more titan things are worth? Corncr Main and 'j" Aj' S _1c and I Oc Store. Washington. H -.J~Xb. -ome' Supply Store. Webb's For High" GradeCade Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Lilies Salted Nut Cases. .. AMUSEMENT S The Majestic Theatre Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. ; r mu Webb's Chocolates are Uinsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. 'z; i, 119 E. LIBERTY ST. T'lhoatoriuff Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre. NEW SEA SHELL PRO Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 P. M. JOE GI LLARD, Pi'p. The isiass whois knosbusys clothes of Grises, scorner lilsertyundlFousrilhsire- sit1e. el 1-6 CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR TEYrGIVEsBEsSSRVIsCrE2FR25C. CLUETT,'PEcABODY a nO.,MAKERS Carriage and Baggage For each Coupe to arid frosm parties, the price will he $2.00. For each Trent to or from deer, tht peter' wiltlIbe 25 Cents. If earried to' ofmar arep-stairs, the price will he soc a noor Drivers are required to collect east fois carriage arid baggageeserv'ice. WALKhER'S LIVERY RIOBINSON & CiO. We.it. STAIR WA'TTLES & CO. a OL F36tLAW BOOKS 3h yawr~ Dictionmaries 36th yes.. ts& Quiz Books lri AesAro e jtL.al Miscellaniy Anae Arbor Sosft ishl a specialty' at te Studsents' lhtiiisrv oit SosstlsUniversity, oitcor- tier sofChutrchs. If 0. 1Ii. u, Alarm Clicks, $s.on. 205' East '\W'shsingtoni. * f ilosgy, tistsslogy, hacteriology-pall- ulugical andsisisecting instrusmenrts at Giusilecaras Drug Sioe. t-t2 LATEST OPERA SUCE SSES- "'T'he Merry Widow," "The Girl Ques- ilts,' "Flowver of the Ranchs," "Girl Beindslthe Couniter," "Mies Hook of I-Tllanssd," "'Te Talk of New York," tutu tthers, at Root's. tf, Ylounsg'oshate (stone helter made) on sale bsy Alless, tse Clothier, Mlaits street. 1-h FRESH-MEN ! Start right - boy "Fisefield's" shsoes-thesn you will alwvays lie its style andl mosney ahead. 119 S. Mkainss ci cu-. s-a ".Fuse tobaccos, kept fise,"' sinsrimoto. sMost studsln smsoke, asnilse ivite you to * smosei wituts.ie Special at- tensisons given to large oriders Huston Bros. 3 312 5. State St. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. '4 I GRANGER'S Classes in dancing begins lessons October 7 and io. Ladies and gentlemsen, Tuesday arid Thusrday even- SCHOOL OF ings. 7 to 8 o'clock. Chilidrerrs claas fornming, heginr lessons in Novenmber. D AN C IN GDRADLEY GRANGER. Instructor. S1 The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen No ink under -cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. y No leaking.5 Abisolutely pun fortoIwo yours aspot sdefects. U.: of -M. Co-Op. DAWSON BROS.'S, DRUG STORE . ~ v CALLAGHAN f. CO. CHICAGO Araen Arbor Srarseh, State Street. Opasoette Law 81d¢. MICHIGAN .PENNANT PHOTO NETS Decorate yooureom withi one. In 'the center of every net theretos a Mtah5laan Porasrstf(iaiii.) The netting is made or the Highest Beside of Sea-Island Twine. Sloe end ft., x$1.00, hat ft., t5e. Otter nets without pennants, aye, t0e end t5e. Attenets et postpaid. Pennants or alt colleges wade to order. 1. S. LINIDQUIST, OBEsRLrN, 01s1oBOX 14. -I I 1 6 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAIW, THE T AiOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING