~UI ~i~A!~A*I~A~,~V ________ Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcihfield. [ o 10 6 & . EAST HURON ST. Do you want $2.7O worth of for $1.00? Call at our store and learn the particulars of the Sanicol Chemical Company's great introductory offer, the greatest offer ever made in toilet preparations. Teni articles for the price of 4 BROWN'S DILVO STOKE 120 E. Iberrty St. ALARnl CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 A11 the bet,talro andfully ,-uartte MICIIAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH' REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor Iailroad J. L. CHAPMAN 2016 5. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. Golden Septure THE SMOK[ OF COMFORT COOL AND MILD 3 Paakalies for - 23a R.. E. JOLLY '308 South State Street MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER flair Goods, Hlairdressing, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 3225S. State St. (t-I)s Stairs) Bell Phone 369 I,A\VS AND PIIARMICS AWVARDED) Nt'MERAI,i A cotmmittee' to atrratige for btuyitng sweaters attd caps tortlhe class football team wsas appointed Wednesday at a omectitig of thte ie.st-year lose class. t- oterals htave been aswarded .to Riley, Wbite, Shtav, Benetet, Hotdson, Pelter, Icee, Prebis,(tactics. Moon, \Watttsley', 1-esscl, WVattles antd Dill. Thacre 1itte store oct of tnttmerals to bte'swartled, to whiichi Filber. Millec, Career atttl.Mc- Phaeti.lsetcc oitbte equtally entitledl. Otte (if these itill proltaly le chtosett by Itit. At a mteetigof (lie liltetics ite folloswitigtmetmtlersoif the foiitbiall teatt terre awsardedt nttmeral': Fittk, Butt- tits, IHatonditi.Smtiit, Alwcardl, Den- ett, Fratme, Fox, Iteck, Geroiw, llgart, Vitn Selitl, Sngtet, Raif. Prof. \'anTi tytne eitertaiticilhis class i~i Ameirican hIistitry y esterdlay afterttoett inthe lephysics lecltrieroomcittt hiltatt iltis- tatedl lecttre. 'Tte stereoplticotn vies dalt seitlh tte cuetitastofileai it tas r lohatcedlsointg tttatts ottheltc ieis vitli their relaiitt ton tte'hiiorical tees tee' sott, exhtilbititng the topot- Srlqtticlil fealtutres.itftte coutrtty atti 'teir influence utpottntecarly settlers. ,Sitter1S88wse have made Watch Re- ft tiritigotte of our strotngest featutres. tlaller's jestelry Store, 2t6 S. Main s neet, end FINE CHI1CKEN SLIPPERS. Special attetiott iven to privte partties at thte Clittots Hottoc, Whtitmtore Lake. We, cater to datacing, yaclttittg, ostating, ice-boatingi, and slpper parti'es' Spring chticken alrays servedl whlen or- dered at regular tneals or tor" special parties. Mr. an totrbe. Jast E. Butrke, 'Proprietors, coil Celebrated Martiti-Matndolins atai Guitars are test: tor mtusical ceubs. Schbueberle & Sottzto. S. Kain St. eoil Allarmn clocks wearrated for one year, $i.oo. Haller's Jewelry Store, 2t6 S. :Haist street. cod Hand hammered jewelry at Posters. Itt ortlerts seceeplaccs ito]Itac R.IL. Ptolk & Co. sltdetnt directory toe t0ao7-8, all stuenett otrgattizatiottnsewtichttate ttot aleadlyedotte so, arc requetced to sette lists of officers, atddreso, etc., to C. T, I lttngeeford,.53IBrooklynt Ave., De- troit, col See ottr conaplete line of Micltigan pins, fobs attd soutvetnirs. Huller's Jewelry Store, 2t6 S. Malta street. rod FOR REN'TDR SALE-ttil-Ptre- tttee tor Rcutitgtet ypeswriters. Apptly afiternootns. SoI ota llutsottSt. 57-50 NOT'lICE, S''LIDTNT IS --If yoliiwat alittle easy tmonea fur Churistmas,- call at 326 S, Slate St. 75 See oar complete line of Michmigan puts, fobs and souvenirs. Holler's jewrelry Store, 21tS. ,Maitt street. rod AII late books fete rent at Foster's. tf 1IAIOIS-F atrea ttouctente latest. i fototwear--"'Attico(toots-itttte lat- tost lrototi sbade, attd also lack-at Pute- 'lil't tItm S. Ntaint St. 54-Cit Ottr oiotplay of itt Xalogatuy Ditnitig fEtitt Fultrttituttetheed~s stiecial rercitti- iion. A tewstptecinuens arc ttil titiii- lily, littt se' sotifl likelittr ate' ol ctutitt atil ndseeotlIl t'eodifferetlpattoetns thtat sit. tart'. 'Martint Haller's tFueti toure Stout', 112, 1t t tlt on t1o1astl, it erta St. _ " _._.__ 57-60 Pyrographay goods at Poster's. tf v'fR ,l)ItIS---at last---a weatertproof sheitt getttillteati Sltestsbttea' gilt the. leathler thaot is alwcasstoft. To be fI tttony ta' ot uiellol, t to S. Maita St. 54-it Oute talet ottl(leasstBedshavtinciteias- edol i stichtati extetidtat' s otoosekeep t ire assoteto tis class of gods in stock attot are site' tha twe cart satiate the tiost pticutitlair rctstottmerontthtis tuliject. iMatrtitn Ilollero l For. Stoire. i12 211t4, t t6PC L~tiberty'Si. 57-60o Dissolution of Partnership Sa.".j 'Tile fentbas done lusiness fot' se. ven'" years and .:Yas taccepted as its tmonttto: "Give ctustomers itonost metchan- disc and at otto price,"tand bare alwayo lined op to the ir yad vertise- mentswhen givitig a clearantce'!stile. On Nov. 9th the doors were opened on the greatest ligitnate sane of Men'siSoy's and Children's Clotiting, Hats and Furnislainge, ever bold in this section of the tountry. DJon'torget tesale cooes Nor.%130th, 11157. We htive a good stook of S Cting and Furnishings en hand swhich trill Ite sold as oaC Vertised. On esety diluylou tt sate 'f co~to antI on somte of last yers goods ytout tae ;ui s on 'evyfollito' the buitness soill be etarried itotta betore,ba'J.." trttmttbertlistis the 'Hotte tof fGood Cltothts."' ti ny tlin;;-is let its knuot,'but if f). K. till yiot' fientds. 'owtt co is ourtt'ubtt.' St, eb1erC( Wuerth Ann Arbomr. Mich. WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SHOE''S We have thettt, attd the kitnd especially made 'or sttch wear. Heavy double soles to heel, throusghly viscoliced witht rawhoide' middle sole abasoltutely swater tightt in Toat, BrowvtuantdlBlack Leathers. I A Pocket Barber Shop 'Tie onitytierfectly totiiurtory eta- tointeortit, preven,by One Millio stisfie se rs 12 WAFER BLADES j (24 Perient Edges) 'iTeilltti'eutbodies the flest reat ittttruteititetoi'iazosintere4m0 years. ]Eeit douttte-edtged titade oodat foranotttuetofulntuettt2 uperfect sesctitu atiytftce. A smoeoth daity seoe:oCian t. atwnek. Alsays Rtudy, Always Sharp. ' Tiplre Silvet-ptated Ott winth t2bladte, $5. StandadomubiatioSet withtShaving Brush, anid SopiTriplSilter. platdtHlers,as iltus' tated aovue,.$7.50. Etrta Blades. ltout5SC. SOLD ON 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL At QUARRY'S I I' Dress Poni ps ITe largest attd ftest assortttettt ever shtowinlt Ann Arbior. Cotte and try ott a pair that seill fi', our heels.. Camlete litte' it Walking Ties, Price $4.00. I Walk-Over Shoe Co. / LARGEST QUICK REPAIR SHOP IN CITY. Hart, Schaffner & Marx .- Full Dress Suits UT Z properly tailored $37.50 to $45.0h Cohir Full Dress Coats and Vests to Ret "". ; BANKS THU FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS tapital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Genoeral Bashing Bustness. 3 percent paidi us Time and Savings iDeposits. Safety Dr- pasits Baos is rent at lane0 and upwardis Ri. KEuco' Pros. W. C. STEVENSs. VicePres P. H. BESinoo. Cash. Hi. A. WIsLLIAS Asstt The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50,000. Surplus, $20t,000 A General Banking Business Transacted r tFIERS:ao Chas. E. tHiscocii, rst; W. It. Harriman. Vice Pret.:t J. I! i'ti Cattire STATE SAVINGS BANKI W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehams Wnm. Arsoid Dr. V. C. Vaughan has. H. Wade E. F. Mills{ John Haarer Jn. Kach Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Matic Dan F. 'Zimmermanmi FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANNo ARBOoR, MicH. Prs. Vlue-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Ctashier. Capital, $100,000. Surpluis anul P'rofits. M-50,00e. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A Nice Overcoat a, Spaulding Sweater a Pair of Gauntleit Gloves A full line of Suit Cases WADHAMS (a Co. Fashion Store " 121-123 S. Main St. it LOO K AT THEB Pal iais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For Latest HOLIDAY NOVELTIES ito Russiatn, Persiami a mn d Danmascms Hrasses. Choice of Italiant, Japa- mnese, Holland amid Etn- glish goods. Everything the very latest 'ma the nmarket. German American Savings BankO M ari FUNERAL ''"7 oaan a Conmrerl.l and 1 1 Sa~nsOffice 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone r98. I Patent Leather. Belts madtowtrioNet- R.Ecidencee302 S. 5th .Ave. Phone 314 nI tch your skirt or blouse, sac. Send as s At Tsttle a, 338 S. Stat. I piece Og the dress notis when ;sending ordem'. Cor. Mealn anad L~herty Streetas AMBULANCE ON CALL ITBE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON,. MASS. i S TUDIO-RE NTSCILER, 319 Last Huron Street