1'HZ MICHIOAN DAILY ___________________ H O To t C h o c o la te wx ith w i p p e d x xc r e a m Hot Coxilee Hot Vigror ii Hot Bex-f Bouillonx Hot Chicken Broth Hot Clam Broth Hot Lemonade Hot Malted Milk Hot Tomato Bdouilon Hot Egg Malted M1ilk Hot Egg Lemonade '5 Hot Egg ChocolateI Hot Egg Flip Hot Egg Phosphate Hanm Sandwich 5c Chicken Sandwxichis oe Friedcakes served with Coffee Wafers xxith all other Drinks Ei. E. CALK INS, Druggist. 324 Snuth State Street. lhc Ma'%jcstc hcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the yeas and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. SPECIAL okt the THEATOIRV 1191E.LibertySt *'THE CLOCK MAKERS SECRET" Colored and full of .naturesa Miss Ingalls, Soloist. D ee. 7Med~icl society reception aid daneitarburgymnaixsiumii. lic. 7--Y. I. C. A. bxinquet. ID)c. is--Iliraied lectxure oin "Souath Nixiric .a Scenes, bip Prof. J. If. Brew- ir ciiCaswell Angell Hall, 8i p. m. lDec. ia -"La Vie a Madrid,' a talk by Dr IC)haries P" NNagier, Tappiain Hall lece roomxaiii'xxi.4i. xAdmission free. Dec. r3--Alixha \xt ianqaet, at Uiicn clubhouse Dix. 13-"Sxireel cxiiixtixixe et Pitsi- calic." gixvenliy Cerc l)rxaixixiique Pranx- ca;" inSara Ciswll An xxiilxxxialxixti8 UNIVERSITY NOTICES lJunior lxitx xl cilixall xpract ice Fidayixi, lxxi ix6,7 P.xm Nl ixxlxxlicnia e 'i xix ii lixsketblli team lxexiit'ae gixixixinightl ati7 :30. Al cxandi ix lxxxonip ixigixieecrixxsiei- ballitxxxiiirexortxxtgymxitoxiightx axx7. xxx' illcix' Ig Friayilight atxxiexl ubchouxsex'x. Nil mxmibxxxesxectexd toile preseit. 'leiifreshilit classesrcs bxieig ccl- xxtdb R .Nlxxx, NV. C..Richardls, NISx' , G.Stixixixextxalxxxii iss N. WNiilsoxx. Th rs nineers- ccldii t smolxxer toi tisteUioixnxclubhxouise xxi 8 O'(xxxix xickes lcan xiihad xofclxass Th Aiarori1-xchiofxxthe As- i1e11xix xx'ix xi thisix xx'ek Sxatucxday :tt 3 o ixlckxaxxth xxome o xic'. Joxrxxan, 2 3 Ui~ia W( 'cxx Pro. NV. ii. Il lis xi ixxxi liii- \N'xnixxlneings xof tilt xx.noncisxii."xi, x' icixc.netcs stig.1 etrnto 200 L~monlxxxiii VtxabrownleaderW Lti xx' NN_- 'isch lii i ni tils. G. T1rghrd lxiiTex'ciecrtPuixpies- lxwoimonixhxxl.Iii nquixir'e'710 iS. Sexvcxnii ti.,orSaer, xlain xill. c;8-;i) Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what ,*4 Stein-B loch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LIND1BNSCIIMITT, APFEL & CO., The Great Neckwear House. .. LIKE CUT, FOR C Good enough for anybody. Ovei fix-c thousand useftul articles at cot prices. Whly pay mortaehianttiiigs are wiorith Caxaxet tin and iHOlkAG7V. ' c and lOc Store. Wa x ngton. L ~1J~X Home Supply Store. Webb's Foriligh GradeCade roe C'reami,Fri~tle les, Puiesi, Siterbtxs, iFrozetn tiqieid tavxsecforit'all Oxcasitons. FanscNtikitix and Di~xxix s att Nsxi Ct-as.s Webb's Chocolates are U~nsurpassed. 109 S. Main.% St. r C. -M MlKNWMMMWffMMk-d F Porctcait fraames at Poster's. tfI the ONE BEST YET A free tip in oeorrow"' i'ssuLe, and its a suare winnmer.e YPSM-ANTI OPER A HOUSE Friday ]Dec. 6, 1907 THE SEVENTH AND MOST SUJCCESSF-UL SEASON OF IQUR Iom A STORV OF THE HARDSCRABBRE FOLKS By the Authors of THE OL.D HOMESTEAD WITH JOS[PN CONY[IRS AS'CON SIAO[[L It's a Comedy and it wl make you laugh until your sides ache Prices $1.00. 75c, 50c arnd 25c Advasce iSal 00A t. TIursdiiy. at Sptasi re's utex 1tn'txte Yp-iantit For Daily Advertising Rates... Ne xxiiiixcreiofliieIblock "I"in t w clxiceiii 'isecxtio, xciw cxncxxix'at xiii C('lxxiiStxixe. 57, 59, 61 'T'wox dollars insures you against all loss by fire. Ges. J. Hailer & Co.. Rexal Esiate and Itsurance, 216 South Maiti street. tf CIN'il'i,C.iEN NN-t'ixetxyou swanti tii basti hosie it is ipossiblex' txxbuy-all Gee- xxxiiiknxii,.thex'kiindxthatxitit-aanxithe cxoirectixhades. go xxx Pxcfeid's Slice 'Moexiii Sp . -lainx Si. We sell hose roi toi 5ox' iepxairchiexapecrIthan furcnishx- x1x lxxxiii sxs'ices. -54-61 ixixic ir itilcseinll iizses kept oni hixnxdifori prcmtiieriy. tMarlti l i liii's xur. Sitice, ita.i14, x1i6 Exst I ixici}- Si. 57-xis P iixxsetiioxixoxuxe"Simpx~lex" Bows knoxiwxwhatiiithis: 3iLLIARDS, BIOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. -12 S. State - 311I Mynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 745 Norih University Ave. 0. A. MOE. = / Flat Clasp Garters =." ,for solid comfort. The newest shades 1and designs of one piece, pure silk -web. All metal parts heavy nickel= CLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, C~aSP SILK all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDE1R CO., 718 Mlarkef Street Philadelphia Makers of ionrSix usi5xpnders I- Thae classes It.. daixnclrig 2 are riow open a~t GRAN GE11'R'S Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res. idence mnd Academy on Maynard Street. The WM.BOLLES "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No Ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Ahitieilitutsx ee(Ird itto year s ittjit defctix;. - U. of M. Co-Op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE o. 16 Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press BuildingI Subsreiptions takenby mail- check, draft or money order. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWA .D, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING