- -~ ~rHE MXcftt~AW ~A!t? GATIHER YOUR CORN EARLY If gathered before the frosts of negleut harden anid dry it the work is easy, better gather it without furithe..r delay. ASK HOW QUARRY'S Coner Stae; t. ndl N. Univ.Ave Money Loaned oraother personaill illry. Watches and Jewelry iepairi. Bargains in Watchies & Diamonds Office it residence 331 E. Liberty 4t. Ann Arbor. Hoars: deli1:30a.m In.,ito:a ndl7 to JOSEPH GC WATTS RJO3N t OMC)'TlE4IS (('oninacd ifeom Pageoaon.) rcorenider thr constition is still ad- ie of the athletic policy of the asso- ciationt,'tedunuder ite powers delegaicd to him be the hoaril of control, April iiz, iioi, still schedulesi all iiniercollcgiaic aitdiniterclass coiitcsts, employs and superviscs all trainers, coaches, aiii oilier offiucials, prepares lie athileiic budi- gel. apportions thccxpciiditircsof tic ulios epartm en ts of athletics, ap- 1p101es all expenditunresaprioposedl an111in- cturred lby stidnlet miantagcrs auniother offhicirs, appriovi-esaitd counitersoins all hilis hefore lieyate passed 1b' the athi- 1l'tic 1hoard , has yeneral chatrge and coil- trlof all giames ani lciutcrl-ainiiil "rin'lie Atletcic associain, has charge and care of all teaemstundier the managcemtictof the associaionu bothi at nine aindlabrtoad;I anidtno stuenit a g~a-i alloed tiiperformutduties swhichi ofitill any wi with the rightso duiesofthe graduatle idirectour. tue rotposed amndm ietltakcs awsax Elie pasiility if Ithe graidtate director irterfering in affaire s whichiarc stricly of stuiiecni inlcrest, nithout takuiiigtway uiiiNces incssary for hisi office. It :lakus it imiiiossibile for that iofficer to dictate- by hiisvoter who shall or xli ill ot 'epresreni tilestuident hoidy'oniili 11A hSKIF,'lIhI, I'1 Bakeb lllrati as tieCls do' n fur tiractice. Dirc~ their manager- ino s001n as"pissileilt factory' hour. ha' lwdfennilii s a weiek. T'P ha" not01 t bee MSN''eet lriilax ii ci soil lecture, fiomni Hallsecondiiloo1r.)1 fliluatell 3Mason tcc lie toaici Road to Dlox s lier or R33'mlvo 1'fte'lliiloon. 311( '1' 131Conklin's SelfFizFiticki1rni .-m t he"II t-#t rer olTe Coee.e Fountain Pe I' practice: two ev C '2- ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON 3 37TUIESDAYS AND SAPIARDA~YS IS l>>111tt t.Sold in Ann Arbor by 3111 1)t.oe'10 0 i 1 GE1O. WAHR'-O TWO BOOK STORES :0 t pi \ . 1 3,, ..AND... 1 1 11 3 SIIEEHi1N & COMPANY (iIt \ LII( 311 c 11 3333 3tt '33 rar. v f.11) 3 \\il111ert 111131o1took 31 I for1 a 111131 331 Nov. 13'. pl I o33)3d1and11t1u10to deprilve lie Inlemhiers'e ''11111 1331 'intro. THE LATEST LEATHER 'flthe associatlionl of thei r right' of ha -- ' ' r'pre'-eiiltioii. NO Cl'S. 1_' 1'S -t1i.33 WVatch rFob _,. I XII BAlDSOCht.32 Stlt S. 1IN'l AlS AN'I)BAX\QUETSP ii 111 Iii i30Morrboard i et3111 wi1 l l i itite____ Price 25 cents I it evv n emh1lllers a11131giveia a nIi 1111111 13 1hiAlFS Il 33133 3 '111 3,t loair 111o13o1'at lie Cult11i ''icaei' t'3 F, ootwer3-1113333I11 ii h-nuhl DARZLING 8& MALLEAUX e a" lollos1 1,'lr'vnig Tene i chern'.;it~oisld~ n 224n226m S. Stair St. C lar it , 'i'i'ie't Smualliey, 1.C11113rinll Ourli 330331 13 i f) gy'' )tll V{ feed. il liiiarcweiuty atl7k1331 llii I. our HILEURS JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Msain St. lalici lie loegmuiui uofthle elceiith ll) t 7(f iii'iiof its workla iithe C lnivcii33 Tiie Ii llice 113ttis" 11111113111 not13C13331 Pyrography gooids at Foster". 3f1 C'le ton dle 11!-: w l 3to 33m)mberis if ithe'assoiationi htt Cliean io3Ca13 MOOR'S NON " 3111111113 nllitee iiichargte 11111 t 'reulgd lell 31'li 3iiiI3I 1 0inC ta 13 " 1u) '1