TRZ MICHIIGAN DAILY COLLEGE STYLES Where will you find style at its top-most pitch? In the great uuiversities, to he sure 9 . The college youth knows fashion as the small hoy knows the farthest corner ofth jam closet. "College Clothes" is a phrase which falls trippingly from scores of tongues. Many' tailors claim them-mighty few produce them. We invite you to 'size" us up-your judgment will do the rest. Autumn and Winter woolens ready inj the freshest weaves and "classiest" colorings. Perfect tailoring at moderate prices-that's ours. Merchants- 'Tailors 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop.I AMUSEMENTS Thc Majcsic lhcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Kaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as' to the advancement of the theatre. / 119 E. LIBERTY ST. o ffl Ann Arbor's Pioer Miing Picture Thatr Thea oriu New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Save your money boys for THE ONE BEST YET At THE CASINO By request of many of our patrons we will show The Big Foot Ball Game Mich. vs. Penusy, Tuesday and Wednesday Dec. 3rd and 4th, a good reproduction of the Original Game with a good Vaudiville act in connection. The est entertainment in the City for 5c. Open afternoons from 2:30 to 5. Evenings 6:30 to 10. CASINO 339 S. Main St. YPSILANTI OPERA H1OUSE Friday Dec. 6,1907 THE SEVENTH AND MOST SUCCESSFUL SEASON OF A STORY OF THE HARDSCRABBRE FOLKS By the Authors of THnE OLD HOMESTEAD WITH JOSEPH CONY[RS AS TECONSTAB~L[ It's a Comedy and it will make you laugh until your sides ache Prices $1.00, 75c 50c and 25c Advance Sal 900 A M. Thursday at Spaisrya Drg Str, Phone Ypsiasti 8t CALECNDAR. Dec. 4-Illustrated lecture, "' Art Francaic." by Prof. Morit Levi, in Sarah Cawell Angetl hal, at 8 p. mn. Admission free. Dec. 7-Medical society reception and dunmce, Barbotr gymnasium. Dec. 7-. M. C. A. banqtet. Dec. 12-lha Vie a Madrid," a talk by tDr. Charles P. \Wager, 'Tappa Hll lecture room at 4 p. mn. Admission free. D~ec. 13-Alpha Notbanqut, at Union clubihoase. 1Dc. 13-"'Soiree Dramatiqu et Musi- cut." gven by Cerce Dramaiqu Fran- ciin Sarah Caswel Angell all at 8 tDec. 17--Juiiir lit dace' at Barour gymnasium. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Altnmanaers o cluss basketball re- porl at gym today. Sotch lit class meetig i Room C, Uiviersity hall,Thursday at 4:15. There will le a meeting of the Soci- ogy clbiin Tappai Halt lecture room today. Mici'nia r earsa tonight at 7 sharp lease le prompt. Rehearsal will last tbt an our. RaliiFrankintoll'Temple BehEll l, Iti (it will se aatte reguar nmen's meetieg,6:30Sunoday, hIcMilan IHall. :Metiogof lihe \icligaiensiaii oar ofco .ntrol1 tonight at 7 o'clock, in the 'tcitigatnt sin office Shiersiti, Chair- "Sniregineier haseal temmt te i ~trophy oonm ittgymt today at , to decdettontnumerals and elect captain. iblely in illustratee lecture on "L' Art Fatcais'cwitl e gient by Prf. Mtoritz lci ii Sarahl Cawell Atgel halt at 8 this eenitig. Nitadmcissiontiwill tic charged. Xlectig of Taft tetubilianc cliin Nichols all this eveninug at 7 o'clock sart. Commi~ttttees wiltle apoitel All relubllicasateies nitel ttattend. J. A. Wagner, lPres. Seen'tarp Smttihtiof the Stets' Chrtitiani acociationicwishes it t1be clearly titderstootd that ll mcin mai coe itoteianualitittassoitoi baquete Satuttrday eeninig, cwheter mteimbers tie nio. 'fTe Rt. Rev. Charles D. Wilaims, 1.1D., LL.D., bishop of Michiga, will preachlini St. Anrew's church, Stiteay 1Dc. 8, at 10:30 a. mi. The bishop cones undter the auspicec of the Hobart Guild of the University of Michigan, and wit steak especialy tt universit sttdents. Prof. NI. I. Cooley will give an ad- ress Iefore lthe Sigma Xi society to- mcorrow evening at 8 o'clock, itc the west amiphcliteater ofte iew nmeicathtilt- tug. 'fTic sblject of Prof. Cooley's ad- dress is "Some Street Raiway Prob- lus." This is an opei meeting of the society and all are corditdly invited to atten. GENTLEMN-Whein you want the est hose it is possible to buy-all Ge- mtatn knit1the lkicd that fit-and the. correct shades, go to Purfeld's Shoe Store, t19 S. Main St. We sell hose toe to 5oe per pair cheaper than furnish- ipg goods stores.546 Ostermnoor Mattresses in alt sizes kept oti htand for poimpt delivery. Martin H-ater's Fur. Store, 112, 114, 116 E at Liberty St. 57-o A Studceits are awayis welcome, at ourm stores. Retti the pa- pers, use phonces, smokce, meect your frieinds. WVe try to treat poit right. Si1LLIAROS. BOWLING, LUNCHES, CItGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. A!2 S. State 311itMaynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. Latest Styles-Regal Shoes--See Oizsr $5 Boot IDir-ectly North of Law Btuildixg '70J9-711 ' NORTH U NIVERSITY AVENUE. THE PICKWICK Billiard and Bowling Parlor Everything of the best and the best for ynn.IFinn tine of Pipeo, Cigars, Tobuecoc and Candies. (Get the hahit. Ftiorteen howling tiekets for $1,00, S. Rwottelmsteiri Bell Phone M 7. 707 N. University Ave. The Home of Suits, Overcoats, Good Clothes 1 u Raincoats and Trousers IEriRY 184, CO. TAILORtS r10MC FURNTISHERS HATTERS High Class Merchandlise Popular Prices Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. Ann xArbor eb's For High Grade ade (e ICteam, F'ruit tes, Punectes, Sherbtets, trceen Liquid Furors for tilt Oceasion'. lanex' Napikins and Dailies Salted Nut ('aces. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main. St. AN RROW CLUPECO SHRUNK COLLAR Quarter Sizes, i5c each, 2 for 25C. CLU£TT, PEABODY & CO., Mskers of 4luett aid Mcrarch S1:irt.s. 1. mm Carriage and Baggage Ftir iehitCtiple itai ncaromiarties. berfotre i12iotcleck $1.50, after r1tietchc $2.00. FotrrehTruntotior from dooitr, the prc ibe25 Cools. If carrieditoi sir frouip-stairs, teprice witl be 50 Cents. Dirivers are required to eotlect casth fir carriae tind itaggagecarrice. WALKER'S 'LItVERY ROBItNSON & CiO. WP. II. STARK~ WATTLES' LIVERY. Szpplied to College Mden ern~d Women for All PXrPoseS! WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 20O East Washington Street FOR DAILY ADVERTISING RATES KEE]p YOVR DATES Addrrss Bies ana ger Nit. 8 lip etrrying a eapy if the MItCHIGtAN tPress Buiding IItA NtiiD OOiin ynur pocet=. Spaieformen _______ nrantda, ealenar. special eveitsc, 'niversity Calendtiar ini tis 150 pogebhot. Olsen away Suhoeriptiors rtan ity nail, chreck, draft icr tosatudents at the University Y. M. C. A. Mc- murry order. Milian Hail. VISIT THE International Liver--- Stock Exposition CHICAGO Nov. 30 to Dec. 7, 1907, Inc. Attractions Greater, Facilities Belter and Eiitris More Numer- otis than Ever. The Greatest Edticational Institti- lion1 of its kinid. A tdirect tine to Chicago a hut _________________________________________ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIWRTHE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORINO